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Dying in Your Dreams and What it Means

Dying in Your Dreams and What it Means

Dreaming about death can be scary and if you have these kinds of dreams, you might wonder what they mean. The dreams probably mean that you will die someday but the truth is that is just because you will die at least once.

What do dreams about dying really mean? When you don’t die when you are dreaming, why do you have these kinds of dreams, even after having a good day? Could these dreams about dying mean that you are afraid of death?

Can Dreams Make You Die?

There are many dreams that we have all had where we die but we don’t actually die. Many believe that you cannot actually die in your dream and that this can be a loss of other kinds such as your ego or a loss of job or relationships.

According to a study, if you died in your dream, you would not die in your sleep. People have dreamed that they have fallen and hit the bottom and they still are alive. These are just images that can happen in your dreams.

Dreaming of Your Death

There are so many dream interpretations that it is almost impossible to say what dying in a dream is all about, but many believe that this is a sign that things are about to change in your life.

Some psychologists believe that you will be changing relationships or jobs or that some other change will happen inside of you.

The dream of dying can mean that you are trying to figure out who you are, and you want to know what you want in life. This can mean that you are about to go into your awakening or that you are dreading what is going on around you.

Dreaming of death can mean big changes or a new beginning and so it can be a positive thing if you need to get out of negative events.

Nightmare and Death

We sometimes dream about death because we are afraid of it. This can be a nightmare that makes you want to have peace, but it turns into something scary. When you dream of your own death, you might need to make some adjustments in your life and try to have peace with dying.

Dreaming of Dying Soon

If you dream that you are going to die soon of cancer or other things, this can be a good dream as well. Dreaming that you are going to die can mean that you are letting go of the pressure of having to make a hard decision. It can also mean that you are going to have an adventure in your life.

For example, if you are moving and you are dreaming about death, it can mean that you are worried about telling your landlord that you are leaving.

Waking Up Before Dying in a Dream

Some people will wake up before they die in a dream because the dream about death is something that will end after you hit the ground. Our mind doesn’t have enough understanding to complete the dream and that is why you wake up before the death actually happens.

Dreaming of Other People Dying

If you dream of someone else dying, it can be because you feel that you and your friend or loved one are not close and you feel that you need to bond with them.

This can mean that you are lacking something in the relationship and that you need to do whatever you can to make this better. Dreaming of your parents or grandparents dying can mean that you need to resolve some kind of issue that you have with them.

Dreaming of Your Own Funeral

When you dream of being at your own funeral, it can mean that you are ending something in your life that you have been hiding. Maybe you have hid your emotions or feelings instead of facing them and now you are ready to deal with them.

Dreaming of a funeral can mean you are anxious about your own death, as well.

Dreaming of Someone Else’s Funeral

When you dream that you are at someone else’s funeral, it can mean that you are letting go of old ties and relationships and you are ready to stop living in the past. This means you can forgive and stop being angry with someone.

Dreaming of attending a funeral of someone that is still alive means that you need to take a step into finding out what is wrong in the relationship and fixing it.

Is Dreaming a Bad Sign?

You cannot predict when you are going to die and even if you are having dreams like this, it can be just because you are anxious or overwhelmed with things in your life.

If you are confused about death and you are dreaming about it, learn to embrace it and figure out what is scaring you about it.

Do not be afraid of your dreams and if you dream of death, know that it can actually be a good thing for you and help you to embrace changes.

What is the Bad Wish Theory and Why Know It?

Bad Wish Theory

Most people have heard the phrase “be careful what you wish for” and witches know that there is more to this than just a saying. When someone makes a wish, this is a way that they are using magic, but this doesn’t mean that it will get the result that they hope so. There are many forms of wishing that have been put into the universe and they are different depending on what culture you are from.

Magical thinking is not something that is often looked at as magic, but this was once a way that people would interact with the world. This was a way to send out magic and it was a way to get a solution that was needed to be solved. Magic is something that should be respected and should be looked at as something that can be good or harmful.

Once you understand magic, you learn to figure out the magical forces around you and the natural forces that decide what is going on in your life. Once you are able to get rid of problems and you are able to make magic to change the nature around you, you can learn to understand how respectful you need to treat it.

Not Being Specific

People often wonder about folklore and about superstitions and wonder if they are even real. The truth is these things were often built around the idea of magic and they were there to teach you a lesson of truth. This was to show you about the world that you lived in and how it applies to your life.

When you aren’t being specific about your magic, it can cause you a lot of harm. If you do a weight loss spell, for example but you aren’t specific about how you want to lose the weight, chances are that something bad can happen such as stomach flu or food poisoning to cause you to lose weight but not in the way that you hoped. This is something that can help you to reach your goals, but it is not the way that you would want to achieve these exact results.

Doing a money spell is the same thing. If you want to bring money into your life, you need to make sure that you are going to be specific. Manifesting money can mean that everywhere you go you find pennies on the ground, but it will take forever to get where you need to in order to make your finances strong. This kind of money will never make the difference that you need but you weren’t specific, and this is what you get.

Casting vague spells can cause you to have results that you don’t want. Remember that spells will go where there is the least resistance and when you do not set boundaries, it will find the way that is the easiest to make happen. This can mean that you will get what you want but that the solution will be slow and will not be what you were hoping for. When you are casting a spell, you need to make sure that you are being specific.

You don’t want to have something harmful happen to someone such as if you don’t want someone in your life and they end up killed or you want to spend time with your partner, and they end up home for weeks with some kind of injury. Spells are things that work, and you need to make sure that the outcomes are what you are really wanting.

Pros and Cons of Being Specific

In all things you will not want to have to be specific. A spell will most likely not harm someone but if you are not specific when you do magic then it can stop you from getting the magic to work. This is why you cannot always look at folklore and believe it to be true. Sometimes folklore is there to give you warnings and to make you think about how dangerous something can be. How can you find out a good wish from a bad wish and how do you say things that you want without causing other people harm?

When you are casting things, such as love spells, you might not want to be specific because this could hurt someone. You never want to do a spell that makes someone fall in love if they don’t want to. This kind of spell can backfire on you. When someone wants to be in a relationship, they need to do it right or it can lead to something that is very hurtful and unhealthy. This kind of spell will have things happen that you will not want to happen.

You don’t want to be specific when you do a love spell, or it can cause them to lose their free will. A relationship will be much happier if the relationship comes from someone that is willing and wanting to be in a relationship. This can cause a trap and when someone is in a relationship with someone that they don’t really love, it will lead to things that are not deserving. You might get a relationship with someone that you want but that doesn’t mean that you get the relationship that is best for you.

This kind of specificity can cause a person to lose their free will. It is best to make sure that you do love spells that are more open. Do not cast a love spell on someone that wants to get back with an ex or is looking to make a specific person love them. You need to make sure that you are not being specific, and this can change things and make things actually work out well.

Never be too specific when you have a great need. You don’t want to make a spell work to do a specific job when you are needing money. You are better to do a generic job spell so that you can get work fast and so that you can meet your financial needs right away. Focus more on a less specific spell in this circumstance.

Being Too Specific but Not Enough

How do you know when to be specific or when to not be so specific? There are things that you need to do to judge how you are going to handle a certain situation.

Does it Take Away Free Will?

The first thing that you have to ask yourself is if the spell you are doing is trying to take away the free will of someone. If it does, then this is something that you should not be casting. But sometimes you will have to override someone’s free will in order to make the outcome work for you such as when you need to have a certain job and you have to override the interviewers free will to hire someone else. That doesn’t make harm to someone, and it is up to how comfortable or okay you are with this kind of spell.

Sometimes taking away someone’s free will is going to end up as a disaster. Just like love spells, if you are trying to force someone into a relationship then you will see that this will not end well, and it will cause you to face consequences. This will be a relationship that you never imagined it to be, and it will be full of negativity such as anger, hate and resentment. This can cause a magical trap that can eventually make the relationship end anyways in a very bad way.

Energy of the Spell

You need to look at the spell and find out how much energy this will take for you to make the spell work the way that you want it to. When the spell is not as specific, it will take less energy to make it happen. Magic will always go the way that there is the smallest amount of resistance and when you can get the desires of your spell to work without there being any problems then it will make your magic easier for you. If there is a way to solve the problem easily then you will not have to use so much effort to make the magic work.

Magic is not always going to be something easy and sometimes when you do magic it is going to have to have a lot of energy to make it work. You might need to have a lot of energy to get the result that you need, and this often happens when you do specific spells. It can be necessary sometimes for you to have to do this and these kinds of spells just use a lot more energy and you have to figure out a way to get that energy so that you can make the spell work.

If there is any way that you can make a spell that is not as specific and still get the results that you want, it will be way easier to make your spell work. If you are not able to do that, use a specific spell and find a way to get the power that you need to make the spell work for you.

Is it Dangerous?

Find out if the spell that you are doing can be dangerous or can cause you or someone else harm. Is the intention that you are setting for this spell one that will have a good effect or one that can go wrong? Think of the things that could go wrong on the spell and see if it is going to be worth doing. Remember that the magic will use the path that has the least resistance in it and that path might not be a good path. Your spell will most likely not go out of the way to make bad things happen but if you think that the spell could do this then you might want to change the idea of the spell or not do it at all.

Can This Cause me to Get Something I don’t Want?

Another way that you can look at your spell is to find out if you are not specific if you can still get what you want. You might do a spell and get something totally different than what you wanted. Maybe you are doing a money spell and instead of being specific about how much money you need; you just ask for more money, and you might get money that is only a little here or a little there.

This is not an outcome that is dangerous, per say, but it is something that will never get you the amount of money that you need. If you think that your spell is too generic to get what you want, then you need to be more specific.

Remember that you don’t have to look at every detail of your spell with a fine-toothed comb and that you can find different ways to get your spell to work. Look at the things that you are using and who is involved in your spell casting. Find out what kind of processes you are going to do and see if you need to be more specific or if you can be less specific and have little or no concerns. You can probably find spells that you can use that are not very specific that will work perfectly for you.

As you learn more about your practice, you will see that it will be easier for you to do spells that take less time and effort. You will learn how magic responds to you and how specific or not so specific that you need to be to get what you are trying to get. You will see what kind of magic takes less energy and less thought.

You don’t have to think about every detail of your magic because just because you do a spell with or without specifics doesn’t likely mean that you are going to have a problem or a disaster. Most of the time you will have a spell that works out for you regardless of what you do. The path that has the least resistance is not always going to hurt you and it can just be a process that is boring.

Remember to have peace when you do your spells and make sure that you use knowledge anytime that you are going to do magic. Magic is part of your life, and you need to have knowledge so that you can have power.

Using Dreams to Find Lost Objects

Dreams to Find Your Lost Objects

People lose things that they love, or they care about and sometimes it causes them to be upset about the item. If this happens to you, there are ways that you can find that item again and ways that you can regain your memory of where you left it.

If you lost an item that you were wanting to find, you can use your dreams to help you to find that lost item. In order for this to work out for you, you have to focus on what you lost, right before you go to bed.

Imagine yourself:

  • Finding the object.
  • What it will feel like when you find it.
  • Smiling and loving the object.
  • Being thankful for the object being found.

Imagine Your Thoughts and Feelings

You have to learn to focus on what you will feel when you find that item in your dream. Imagine how your heart will beat faster and imagine that you are calling your friend to tell them that you found what you were looking for.

Imagine texting people in your life to let them know that the lost item has been found. Imagine how good they will feel for you and what they will say to you. Be very detailed in your thoughts so that you can really manifest that item.

You can increase the vibrations of this item by having the joy that you will have once you find that item. Imagine what it will be like when you find this lost item. Imagine how much love and peace you will have.

Imagine yourself holding the item and smiling and feeling joyous because your lost object has been returned. What does the lost object feel like? What does it smell like? What kind of feelings are you having because you have your object in your hands?

The only thing that you need to focus on, not how to find the item, but what you will feel like once you have the item in your hand. Thank your guides for helping you. Always be patient and know that the object will find its way to you as soon as it is time.

Try to Manifest the Item to You

Even if you have spent a lot of time looking for the item and you realized that you have looked everywhere, you might need to try a new method. Take time to figure out what you will feel and to help yourself to dream of the object that you have lost.

You can use this method to find any objects that are missing. When you center your mind around the things that you miss and the things that you want to have, you will see that you can use this method to know that your item will turn up.

Using This Method to Remember Addresses and Names

You can even use this method if you want to remember someone’s name or the name of some place you used to go to. Manifest what you want and ask the guides to show you where your missing item or thought is. When they do, be thankful for it and be happy just like you imagined.

What Do Dreams Really Mean?

Chasing Dreams

We all know that dreams can be wild and amazing but what happens when you have a nightmare that you are being chased? You might dream that you are hiding and hoping not to be caught. Do these kinds of dreams leave you feeling fearful and worried?

Many people have dreams of being chased. This means that you are dreaming that someone is after you and you want to get away. You might be the one chasing or someone might be chasing you. Sometimes you don’t even know who it is, but you can feel that they are there. When you have dreams like this, it can leave you feeling fearful and worried.

  • Chasing Dreams

Many people have dreams of different things such as love, fear, death and more. No one can have all the answers about what a dream means but sometimes you can use the clues around the dream to find out what they mean.

You need to be the person that uses your intuition to find out what your dreams mean to you and what you are going through. People that claim to be dream experts might not really always know what they are talking about because dreams can be subjective to your life.

We know that dreams are part of your active imagination and that Carl Jung talked about how dreams are part of the unconscious mind.

When you dream about being chased, you might find out what the dream means by looking at the symbols that are surrounding the dream. A person that dreams about being chased might be fearful of something. This can mean that the fear is directed to something that you are worried about.

If you have needs that are not being met, you might have bad dreams, and this can be dreams of being chased. Some experts believe that it is important to know who is chasing you but when people dream, sometimes they don’t even know who is chasing them, but they just feel something there.

Some people will see red eyes or other people will see someone that has gold eyes that is after them. The more you have dreams about being chased, the more you need to observe what the dream is trying to tell you.

  • Hiding in Dreams

Sometimes a person will dream that they are being chased by something and they find somewhere to hide. You might be in the woods or in a building.

You might be in a place that you have fear of from something in your life but you hide there until the thing that is chasing you goes past you. This can mean that you are fearful of something in your life, and you are hiding it from yourself.

The fear can symbolize that you need to feel protected. Maybe you have a secret that someone has told you and you are trying to keep that secret safe.

So instead of hiding yourself, you are really symbolically protecting someone or some kind of information. This is something that can be represented in your dream as a material thing. Another reason that people hide in a dream is because they have something to be exposed such as:

  • Some kind of fraud.
  • Something they are being fake about.
  • A topic they are not very knowing about.
  • Something they feel weak about.

Most people that have these dreams have the “imposter syndrome” which means that there is a part of themselves that they are not able to accept.

When you look at this syndrome you can see that there are many leaders that have these feelings. They believe that they are confident, but they are also faking who they are. These dreams can come in college students that are trying to work through exams or people that are afraid of failing.

Learning About Your Dreams

Once you are open minded about what you are dreaming of, you can find out what is going on inside of you that is causing you to dream.

Find out what is causing you pain and what is giving you stress. Just because you are sleeping doesn’t mean that the stresses of life go away.

Some people with mental illnesses will have many nightmares because they are depressed, and they are struggling. A bad dream doesn’t mean you have a mental illness, but it can mean you are struggling.

  • Will You Die if Caught in a Dream

Getting caught in your dream does not mean you will die. This is a myth, and the truth is that you will wake up.

  • Chased Dreams

You probably are going through internal conflict but a dream like this can have to do with the medicine you are taking. Look at what you are taking before you go to sleep because some substances can change the way that you dream.

Dreaming of Portals

You need to look at what kind of dreams you are having and know that different cultures will have different dreams. You might dream of communicating with another realm and this can mean that you have went to a different time and space. Native Americans believe that spirit animals will come in your dreams and give you messages.

Dream Interpretation

There is so much information that you can find online, and it can encourage you to know what your dreams mean. Keep a dream journal so that you can keep up with the different dreams you have and interpret them based on the symbols and images of the dream.

Look back often at your dream journal and try to analyze your dreams. If you need help, look online, and find out what you can learn about your dreams.

The Symbolism of Snakes in Dreams

Snakes in Dreams

Dreaming about snakes can be unsettling and even a bit frightening. You may be left wondering what the snakes in your dreams mean. Snakes are common elements in dreams. They often represent a person in real life who’s “poisonous” or toxic. But snakes in dreams can also symbolize issues related to well-being, healing, or health.

Because dreams are so symbolic in nature, there’s not a simple, one-size-fits-all answer to what snakes represent. Factors such as what the snake was doing in the dream, and what the dreamer is dealing with in life at the time will have an effect on the interpretation.

Here are three questions you can answer to help begin an interpretation:

  1. Is the Snake Scary or Charming?

Your feelings toward actual snakes are significant when it comes to teasing out the meaning of snakes in your dreams. Snakes often are perceived as things to be feared. So, if they terrify you when you’re awake, it’s likely they have a negative meaning in your dreams. But if you find snakes appealing, their presence in your dreams could mean something more positive.

  1. What Kind of Snake Is It?

When discerning the meaning of a snake in your dreams, consider researching the type of snake it was that you saw. What a snake means in your dream may parallel the way they act in real life. As an example, a boa constrictor could symbolize a thing or a person that won’t release you and is preventing you from taking action. Poisonous snakes, such as vipers, adders, and rattlesnakes, may symbolize something evil or toxic. A cobra may represent somebody who’s trying to entice you with their charisma, while the common garter snake could be something that initially scares you but turns out not to be dangerous. If the snake is just a hatchling, you may be minimizing a challenge you’re facing. A dead snake or a snake you killed in your dream may represent a challenge you’ve overcome.

  1. What Color Is the Snake?

If you can’t figure out what kind of snake appeared in your dream, its color can be significant when interpreting what the snake represents. In nature, vivid colors like yellow and red often convey that something is toxic or poisonous. Dreaming about a yellow or red snake may be a warning to proceed with caution, and possibly to stay away from something altogether. A green snake may be an indication that there’s nothing to fear.

Here’s a general overview of some of the possible symbolism of snakes in your dreams.

  • Something You Fear

The presence of a snake may make your dream feel more like a nightmare. Snakes could represent things that you’re anxious about and fear when you’re awake. Snakes could also symbolize something you perceive as a threat, particularly if the snake in your dream is biting you or chasing you. Often, the appearance of a snake is a signal that it’s finally time to face your fears.

  • Something Tempting You

In the biblical account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, a snake tempts Eve with fruit she and Adam were forbidden to eat. A snake in your dream may symbolize your struggle with a specific temptation. Or, it could represent a specific person who’s trying to tempt you.

  • A Type of Person

Although snakes feel dry and fairly smooth when touched, they’re widely believed to feel rough and slimy. This belief, though untrue, is important when it comes to deciphering the significance of a snake in a dream, as the snake may symbolize a person who seems untrustworthy and “slimy” to you.

  • Your Health

It may surprise you that snakes often appear in icons related to health and medicine. Snakes appear coiled on a staff in the Caduceus, the insignia of military and governmental health organizations, and on the Rod of Asclepius, an ancient Greek symbol related to medicine. So, your dream may relate to these familiar images, portraying a snake to represent your health or a medical doctor.

  • A Personal Revival

Since snakes shed their skins two to four times each year, a snake in your dreams could represent revival and rejuvenation in your life. A new opportunity may be heading in your direction, or you may be experiencing a period of personal renewal. Similarly, the snake may represent your ambitions to build something new, or a surge in your creative energy.

  • Wisdom

In many Indigenous American and Asian and cultures, snakes often represent wisdom. Therefore, a snake in your dream may imply that you’ll soon acquire the wisdom to settle a difficult issue that’s recently been challenging you.

  • Spiritual Awakening

In early Eastern religions, dreaming of a snake (especially a white one) represented a type of spiritual awakening. As the snake uncoils from the base of your spine, divine energy flows through your body, and you’re transformed through spiritual growth. Your choice is to either accept the process or avoid it.

Seeking Help Deciphering Dreams

It’s often difficult to decipher the messages and images in our dreams on our own. From animals to fire to flying, it can be challenging to interpret the meaning behind elements in your dreams. The best way is to reach out to a psychic who specializes in dream interpretation. An outside voice is invaluable, and a psychic can help you find the answers you seek.

A psychic can work with angels and your spirit guides to help you discern the meaning of your dreams. For some people, dreams are the main method their subconscious and superconscious minds convey information to them. A psychic can help optimize this rare resource. To fully prepare yourself, do some research regarding what you should expect before you chat with a psychic regarding dream interpretation.

Dream Interpretation Basics

Dream Interpretation Basics

Dream interpretation is often overlooked in mysticism. We know little about dreams and while the mind is often called humanity’s unexplored frontier, dreams are the gateway to exploring this aspect. Determining the meaning of a dream can be tricky. It is a truly abstract and ambiguous process that has little confirmation or denial as far as feedback. The meaning of a dram often depends on the dreamer as each dream is a personal message from the universe.

Freud’s Theory

The majority of modern dream interpretation is based on Sigmund Freud who theorized that the day’s events that preceded a dream were vital to what would be created in a dream. Freud said that dreams were made of day residue, traces of memories, and psychic systems that had been committed to the brain during a waking state. The day’s residue was then used to form material that the dream could draw on and utilize. Freud thought that dreams were also the fulfillment of repressed desires, most of which we are probably not even aware of in our waking state. He suggested that all we experience in the dream uses the day’s residue to show us out innate emotions and needs that are typically buried deep inside.

What We Know

It is not always possible to explain a dream because we often lack the skill or comprehension to translate what has been experienced. At times, the actual dream is not really trying to communicate anything, but at this time we do know a few things. These are shared below:

  • Dreams are not literal as they tend to be symbolic and require translation
  • Dreams are not prophetic, but can tell you about yourself and your current situations
  • Dreams have access to all information about you at all points, even the stuff the conscious cannot access
  • Dream symbols are tailored to each person so symbols can mean different things to different people
  • Dreams will often use word play which is consistent with other forms of spiritual communication.

Even when a dream is not trying to tell us something specific, we can still learn and gain insight into ourselves. Psychologists claim that examining approximately 100 dreams of any individual will provide an accurate psychological profile.

As with other forms of psychic readings, there is much disagreement about dream interpretations. The truth is there is no one correct answer, everyone will have a different opinion. However, there are some constants across the board. These are common symbols that occur within dreams and have been agreed upon to hold significant meaning through consensus or psychological assessment. Though these are widely available in books and online, a few of the basics are shared below for beginners.

  • Falling – This common dream trope has been experienced by almost all people at some point. Experts agree that falling indicates a loss of control or support during your waking state. It could mean you are facing a struggle and feel that you cannot handle the task.
  • Failure – Most people dream of failure at some point, but the way this happens is open ended. Common dreams may include failing a test, losing a race, or bombing an assessment. Dreaming of failure tends to dignify low self-esteem and a fear of inadequacy. Someone who often dreams of failure may not be applying themselves or feel burdened to succeed.
  • Unpreparedness – This is the most common dream, at least according to the media. The classic scenario is that a student has arrived for a test, but is completely unprepared. In addition, many times in the dream the person is in their underwear only. When unprepared in a dream, this represents a sense of anxiousness and lacking confidence in your waking life. The dreamer may feel unable to meet the expectations placed on them.

Dream interpretation is far from an exact science. Dreams can sometimes be taken literally or totally dismissed. There is little consensus between those that do try to interpret dreams, but it can still be interesting and help you learn about yourself.

Dreams of Someone You’ve Not Met

Dreaming About Someone You Have Never Met

Dreams can be strange. Sometimes you will have great dreams and sometimes you will have nightmares. You might have dreams where someone is chasing you or where you are chasing them. Trying to understand your dreams can be hard and even though dreams can come from your subconscious mind, you might not always know why.

When you have strange dreams, you might want to know why you are dreaming the way that you are. People often question their dreams and what is going on with them. When they are attacked in the dream, they might wonder what it means but they also wonder what it means when they meet a stranger that is tall, dark, and handsome.

Finding Mr. Right

One of the biggest reasons why you don’t know who Mr. Right is in your dreams is because you don’t know who you want to date in real life. You might want to be with someone and have them in your mind but if you don’t have a man by your side, your subconscious might be making you dream about him.

Maybe you are dreaming about a stranger that might come along and become your real Mr. Right.

Wanting Something

Some women will dream about a man in their dream that they don’t know because they want to be in a different relationship than they are. Even though they are loyal, the stranger represents what is going on in the relationship they are in now. If you have been dating that person for a long time and you feel that you need something to be better, that might be the cause of your dream.

Sometimes your mind will try to tell you something is missing in your life. Maybe you cannot get your partner to pay attention to you and you feel that you need something else. This might mean that you are upset or angry about your relationship and so you are dreaming about the stranger.

When you are mad at your partner, chances are that you can dream about a stranger in your dreams. Your mind is looking for someone to help you not to be stressed and is trying to give you peace while you sleep.

Soulmate Dreams

People wonder if they are dreaming of their soulmate when they have stranger dreams, but this is just a myth. People sometimes believe that they will meet the person of their dreams, but this is unlikely true. There is little chances that this is your soulmate or that the person even really exists.

You may run into the person that you have dreamed of but not because you can tell the future. This can happen because you have found a memory of that person in your mind. Even if you don’t remember seeing him, chances are that you ran into him at the mall or on the street and you just don’t know him. Your mind will recall things like this.

There is a good chances that the person that you dreamed of is real and that you will see him sometimes in your life, but it is probably not someone that you are going to date.  Remember that your soulmate is someone that will come up but not likely in your dreams.

If you still wonder why you dreamed about this person that you have never met, think about your dream, and try to figure out what happened in your life that might have caused you to remember or think of this person. Do you have things in your life that you want to change? Look at your dream and see what is happening in your life that might have triggered this kind of stranger dream.

5 Clear Indications You Are Intuitive

Clear Indications You Are Intuitive

People with a logical mindset can think intuition is just bunk.  They don’t see the need of trusting their gut when they can list out the pros or cons.  However, at times people can feel pulled to a certain choice without any basis in reason.  We have listed five signals to notice if you want to identify if you are intuitive person.

  1. You pick up vibes:  Engaging with anything new produces either a negative or positive sensation.  Having positive vibes makes you desire having more intentions, whereas a negative vibe will have to calling bullshit on a person’s façade.
  2. Empathic abilities: You can pick up on anyone’s emotions.  You may also struggle to process the feelings and energies of people you encounter since they rub off onto you so easily.
  3. You see signs:  Intuition will send you messages and directions at every turn.  It seems like the Universe is always trying to communicate with you!
  4. Vivid dreams: You have extremely detailed dreams that you frequently retain after waking up.  You have the sense that your dreams have a foundation in your future adventures.
  5. Nature speaks to you: You feel most attune with yourself when you are outdoors.  Any time you are at one with nature, you feel sparks of joy, creativity and peace.

Dream Meanings

Dream Meanings

For centuries, people have wondered about the meaning of dreams. The early civilizations thought dreams were a medium for communication between humans and the gods and some were certain that dreams predicted the future. Since then, many new theories about dreams have been formed. In this article, we will look at what happens as we dream and if they really have significance.

What Happens When We Dream?

Dreams are basically stories we play out when we sleep. They may follow a linear format or be highly abstract in nature. Scientists estimate that most people have three to six dreams each night with up to 95 percent being forgotten shortly after waking up. Dreaming happens during REM sleep. REM stands for rapid eye movement when our eyes move in different directions very quickly. REM sleep usually occurs within 90 minutes after falling asleep and since the brain is much more active during this time, the dreams are most intense.

One dream analyst described dreams as a thinking process based on the thoughts we have during the day. The waking thoughts get incorporated into dreams as symbols and metaphors. When we enter REM, the brain works differently from when we are awake. This is because the prefrontal cortex, which controls rational thought, becomes dormant, but the amygdala, which controls emotions, becomes increasingly active. Dreams tend to be more emotional and focused then thoughts when we are awake.

Do Dreams Have Meaning?

It can be fun to recall dreams the next morning, but it can also be important to decipher if there is any significance to our dreams. There are different theories when it comes to looking for meaning. One theory is the activation-synthesis hypothesis as proposed by John Allen Hobson and Robert McCarley, psychiatrists from Harvard. This theory states that dreams are meaningless and are just random thoughts and imagery pulled from memories when the brain has electrical impulses. The theory goes further to suggest that humans construct dream stories when they wake up to try to make sense of the imagery.

By contrast, Freud believed dreams uncovered the repressed unconscious of our wishes and conflicts. Freud believed dreams are imagery of what has been repressed. Freud studied dreams to gain understanding of the unconscious mind. Yet another theory known as the threat simulation theory, described dreams as a form of defense mechanism. This allows us to face our fears in a safe way. If this theory is to be believed, we should assume that when in a state of fear or overly anxious, we dream more. It can be impossible to choose one theory, but people are more open to trying to search for meaning from dreams.

Interpreting Dream Meanings

Dream interpretation allows people to learn from their dreams that seem to be revealing something. There are some things you can do to understand your dream meanings. Pay attention to the dream content in comparison to your waking life. You may start noticing connections. While we know little about dream meanings, the benefits of dreaming are well known. The REM stage allows us to commit things to memory and helping with the cognitive processes. Dreams also provide emotional benefits. Many dreams can aid in creativity, serving as the basis for songs, painting, and much more.

What Does it Mean to be Chased in a Dream?

Being Chased in Dreams

Being chased is one of the most terrifying actions that can occur in a dream.  The act of fleeing a predator triggers a fight or flight response as a natural defense strategy to avoid physical danger.  Any time you have a dream in which you were being chased by someone or something, take some time to analyze its meaning.  Your subconscious may be warning your conscious mind about something you have been running away from in your daily life.

Specifical Chase Dream Meanings

  • The act for being chased is a common dream scenario.  It signals you have been worried about an issue in your life and now is the time to stop avoiding the problem and confront the issue head-on.  You must own your responsibilities for yourself and others, to provide the best quality of life for your family possible.
  • A person dreaming of being chase by another person can indicate feeling of being trapped or obsessed by someone.  The proximity between you and the chaser reflects the time you have remaining to deal with your concerns.  If the chaser is immediately behind you, then your problems are about to come to fruition soon.  If you are caught and attacked, this given credence to your situation and can feel quite scary.
  • Frequent dreams of being chase signifies a need for you to address the importance of the dreams.  This pattern will continue until you successful deal with your anxieties.  This could involve any aspect of your life including work, relationships, or personal concerns.  It may also signal you have a lot of work to do in order to obtain your goals.
  • If you have criminals chasing you, then this signals you must protect yourself from people looking to take advantage of you in the future.  If swearing or uttering curses are involved while they are chasing you, then your subconscious is telling you that you feel anger about this issue in your life.  Be careful with this anger and stay silent to avoid losing your temper or major implications will occur.
  • Monsters changing you indicates something will end soon.  If you turn back and notice that no one is there, then you possess the ability to overcome obstacles in your life.  Large animals looming behind you, represents new opportunities have been delayed.  Conversely, if you laugh while being chased mean you can laugh off even the most trying of issues.
  • Notice if you are rooted to a spot, an inability to flee signifies a need to take responsibility.  Your worries are coming to you.  Without taking ownership of the situation, you may get consume by your anxiety.  Colleagues chasing you reflect coworkers believing you don’t work as hard as you should.
  • A slow-motion chase in dreams is a call to reflect deeply on the people and relationships in your life.  You may need to do hard work to improve your dynamic.  If you cannot see who or what is chasing you, then it is time to explore your innermost feelings.  Shadows chasing you can indicate denying yourself something you crave and perhaps it is now time to treat yourself.
  • Being chased in the streets is sure sign of money woes.  Hiding from or losing what chases you reflects ways to rectify the problem in your daily life.  Being caught or pinned signifies you feel inadequate about something or that you feel trapped.
  • Bulls chasing you highlights troubles at work, which may be of a competitive nature such as colleagues or suppliers competing for a position.  Dogs chasing you reflects you will be busy in all facets of your life soon.  If these dogs are hunting animals, then be prepared for trouble with your close relationships and you must be savvy with your communication patterns to avoid drama.  Sharks chasing you reflect unavoidable hardships ahead.  If you are attacked in clear water and escape, then your resourcefulness may be questioned.
  • Bats chasing you indicate impending, but minor sickness.  Snakes reflects gratitude from your loved ones for your efforts.  Should the snake bite and kill you, then you will win over your foes and overcome any challenge.  Bees swarming over you may signal major trouble brewing.  If you are stung then be prepare for physical limitations, but if you catch it then be on the lookout for a fair-weather friend.  Being chased by zombies or a mob heralds relationships woes that must be fixed as you are running from social pressure and duties, but if they fail to catch you then it is a positive omen.

Identify What You Have Been Avoiding

You are playing defensive in a chase dream, trying not to get caught.  This is your subconscious alert you to an issue or being that you have been avoiding.  Who or what is chasing you is vitally important to processing your dream.  If you know the person, then you may fear the individual will share something unflattering to others or yourself.  Keep in mind being chased by a person can reflect key aspects or traits of your personality.

Feelings of fear, anger, anxiety, jealousy, and loathing frequent manifests as dream-state threats.  A figure in your dream may also signal an aspect of yourself you have chosen to reject but must be addressed.  Chase dreams can also signal you trying to avoid a painful or anxious situation as these real-world emotions commonly filter down into dreams.  If you have chase dreams you must also look into what you have been running away from in reality.

Distance is Key

The space between you and the chaser can be significant in understand your dream.  If the pursuer is gaining in on you, then your root issue will not abate until you confront it.  Yet, if you outrun the threat then your issue may natural resolve itself with time.  At times people who have chase dreams and navigating real-life threats.  This is especially true of assault survivors.  To resolve this pattern, consider processing your fears and ask yourself if they are warranted.  Frequently people develop irrational fear due to overexposure to news and negative media images.

What if I’m the Chaser?

If you are the pursuer in a chase dream, then you may be driven to seek out a specific goal or person.  If you are chasing an object, then you might be feeling delaying in your life and trying to obtain your goal before it eludes you.

Whenever you have a chase dream, make you notate it in your dream journal.  Find the time to analyze the root of the dream and identify areas of meaning.  Although certain dreams feel more impactful than others, not all dreams have equal importance.  Ensure you create the time to research the specific symbols in your dream to begin gaining the full picture of understanding of what your subconscious is trying to tell you.