Animal Dream Themes

Animal Dream Symbols

When you see animals in your dream, it can mean that you have things in your life that you want or things that you are not able to fulfill. Dreaming of an animal can reveal a lot about what you are feeling in your life.


If you dream of an alligator, it can mean you are being deceived or you are deceiving other people in your life. This is a warning that you need to look closer at the situation that is happening in your life.

This can also mean that you have a bond between what is happening in your physical life and what is happening in your mental life and that you need to heal or have stronger powers in what is going on. An alligator can also mean that you have thick skin and you do not get your feelings hurt easily or you hurt the feelings of others easily.

If you are running from an alligator, it can mean that you are not going to confront things that have happened to you because it is painful, and you do not want to face it. This can mean that you have strong emotions that you are not facing, and you need to take time to understand them.

Dreaming of being raped by an alligator can mean you feel that someone or something is taking advantage of you, or it can mean you are insensitive to others or that someone has a hold on you, and you are not able to break free from the relationship no matter how hard you try. Dreaming of a baby alligator can mean you have not learned from things that you have done in your past.


Seeing animals in your dream can mean that you are sexual in nature, but different animals can mean different things. This can mean that if you are fighting with an animal that you are rejecting the things that you have learned in your life because it is hard to face it but if you are being abused by the animal it can mean you have strong desires, but you are keeping them hidden.

Dreaming of an animal can mean that you are not able to express your feelings or show people who you are, or it can mean you feel that there is no hope in your present situation. Dreaming of being able to talk to animals can mean you are wise but if you are saving the life of an animal, it can mean that you are able to face your emotions and feelings without being too overwhelmed about it.

Setting an animal free in our dream can mean you are able to get rid of things in your life that are hard or if you see animals in a lab, it can mean you feel that your thoughts and your life are repressed, and you wish that you could express who you were without being afraid of what others would say.


An anteater in a dream can mean you are cautious about starting new things.


If you see an antelope in your dream, it can mean you want to reach high goals and that you will do what you can to be dedicated to reach these goals. This can also mean that you will be successful. Seeing an antelope can also mean you need to hide from a situation that you are in, or it can mean you are the reason that people broke up from their relationships.


Seeing apes in your dream can mean that you are deceptive, or you are being fake and not showing people who you really are, or it can mean you have a sexual nature.


An armadillo in your dream can mean you are putting up barriers because you do not want to tell people who you really are. This also can mean that you let other people take advantage of you often.


Seeing an asp in your dream can mean you are not respected, and you feel angry towards people in your life.


An ass in your dream can mean that you are annoyed by life or that you are around someone that is always rude to you. If you see an ass carrying heavy things, it can mean you are working hard and being patient and you will go far in your life.


A baboon in your dream can mean you are not able to express how you feel to others and you need to learn to be more direct with them. This can also mean you are not able to express how you feel without being inappropriate or rude, but a white baboon can mean you have no emotions at all.


Seeing a badger in your dream can mean you are going to be victorious against those that are against you, or it can mean someone high in power is giving you a hard time in your life.


Bats in your dream can mean you have demons or that something is annoying you. This can also mean that you need to let go of bad habits in your life or reach for new goals. This can mean you are needing to pay more attention to the facts and stop listening to things people tell you.

Seeing bats can mean you are feeling crazy but if you see a white bat, it can mean someone in your family has died but a black bat can mean you will see disaster. A vampire bat can mean you are losing your confidence. Some Chinese folklore say that five bats in a dream can mean you are happy and wealthy.


A bear in your dream can mean you are independent, and you want to start a new cycle in your life. If you are going through a time where you are looking inside, this can mean that you are looking for someone that can dominate in your life or lead you.

This dream can also mean that you leave everything open, and you do not hide how you feel but you choose to face it but seeing a polar bear can mean you will awaken in your spirit again.


Seeing a beaver in your dream can mean you are productive, and you work hard to get what you want.


A boar in your dream can mean that you have secrets or that you find your life unproductive and boring.


Dreaming of a buffalo can mean that you are powerful or that you are able to reach your goals and fulfill wishes that you have in your life, but if the buffalo is dead, it can mean you need to think carefully before you choose to start a new project. A herd of buffalo can mean you are happy and at peace.


A bull in your dream can mean that you are powerful, but you are also strong willed. This means you are assertive and that you are prosperous in your life. You might need to learn to give in sometimes in situations where you are stubborn.

Bulls can also mean that you have sexual desires or that you are fertile but if the bull is out of control, it can mean someone that is passionate or a sign of the Taurus. Bathing in bull’s blood can mean you want to live forever.


A calf in your dream can mean you are immature.


Seeing a camel in your dream can mean you are needing to be conservative in your actions and that you are doing too many things and keeping too much to yourself to accomplish. This can also mean you are not able to express your feelings and you need to learn to forgive those that have hurt you or upset you.

A camel can mean you are strong and if you are petting a camel, it can mean you need to let go of some of your responsibilities and learn to let things go.


A cat in your dream can mean that you are feminine or that you are going to have bad luck. This can also mean that you are someone that is deceiving someone or that someone is trying to deceive you. A cat can mean that out are out to get others but if the cat has no tail, it can mean you are going to lose your freedom.

If you are searching for your cat in your dream and you cannot find it, it can mean you are not allowing yourself to have freedom and you need to stop letting things hold you back but if the cat is biting you it can mean you are taking advantage of other people and you are fearful of things that are not working out how you hoped.

Saving a cat in your dream can mean you are getting your power back but if the cat is scratching you, it can mean you are being threatened.

A black cat in your dream can mean you are given a psychic gift and you should use it, but it can also mean evil or that you are being attacked. Seeing a cat kill a spider can mean you are seductive but if the cat is playing it can mean you are playful and fun.

A cat with green spikes can mean you are going into relationships that are important or that you need to distance yourself from certain relationships and if the cat has no body or legs, it can mean you are not able to go places in your life.


Seeing cattle in your dream can mean you should move forward in your relationship but pay attention to make sure it is the right move but if you see a herd of cattle, it can mean you want to be an individual instead of seen as a group. A stampede of cattle can mean your life is not in control.


A chinchilla in your dream can mean you are emotionally happy, and you are someone that needs a lot of attention because you are spoiled.


Dreaming of a chipmunk can mean you are not letting go of the past.


A cow in your dream can mean that you are good at following directions and being obedient. This can also mean you are desiring someone to care for you or that you are fertile and love motherhood.

Seeing a skeleton of a cow can mean you have a mother in your life that does not have emotions and you feel that she does not care for your needs but if you are milking a cow, it can mean you will see your hard work pay off.


A coyote in your dream can mean you are being selfish, and you are weak.


Seeing a crab in your dream can mean you are being clingy in your relationship, and you should let some of that go. It can also mean you are in a relationship that has no hope or that you are avoiding issues that are coming to you in your life.


A crocodile in your dream means that there is danger that you are not aware of or that someone is giving you advice that will hurt you. Since a crocodile lives in water and on land this can symbolize that you are dealing with your connection of the physical and mental state and that you are becoming more aware of who you are.

This can also mean you have a bad attitude, and you are sharing your emotions too much or that life has disappointed you.


Seeing a deer in your dream can mean you are compassionate, or you are full of internal beauty. This can also mean that you are alert to what is going on around you or that you have someone in your life that is important to you.

A black deer can mean you are not accepting how feminine you are but if you kill a deer, it can mean you are hiding qualities about yourself from others.


A dinosaur in your dream can mean you have an attitude that is old school, and you need to get rid of this way of thinking. If you are being chased by a dinosaur it can mean that you are afraid that you are not useful to others or that you have issues that are coming back to upset, you.


A dog in your dream can mean you have strong intuition, and you need to listen more to your gut feeling. This can also mean you have good intentions, and you are successful. If the dog is in your dream, it can mean someone in your life has ignored you but if the dog is mad and growling, it can mean that you are upset with yourself or that someone has betrayed you in your life.

A dead dog can mean you have lost a good friend or a relationship but if the dog bites you, it can mean you have not been able to do both work and play and you need to learn to balance your life better. A happy dog can mean that you are having fun and you have a good social circle, but a mad dog can mean that you are in a controlling situation, or you are trying to control others.

A dog chasing its tail can mean you are not handling something in your life very well but if you are buying a dog, it can mean that you are wanting to do things for your friends or you buy things for them so they will do things for you, this can also mean you need a companion.

Dreaming that you are giving your dog away can mean you are making choices in your life that people do not understand or that you are being rejected. If you are dressing your dog up, it can mean you are wanting to hide your habits and if the dog is black, it can mean you are thinking of a friend or you are hiding something deep inside of yourself.

Dreaming of stepping on a dog can mean that you are taking advantage of people but if you dream that a dog eats a snake can mean you are about to make a bad decision. A dog that is being killed can mean that you are bitter or that you are betraying a friend.

Seeing a dog with two heads can mean you are needing to be aware of the life around you or if you hear the word dog, it can mean you feel mistreated.


A dolphin in your dream can mean you are trusting or that someone is encouraging you to move forward in your life. This can also mean you are able to communicate with all things in your life but if the dolphin is being ridden, it can mean you are happy. A dying dolphin can mean you are disconnected to the world and to other people.


A donkey in your dream can mean you are stubborn or that you are never willing to compromise with other people. A donkey that is dead can mean you are immoral or that you are stressed out in your life. This can also mean that you have strong feelings about democrats.

Dreaming of being thrown off of a donkey can mean you are not able to face love but if you are kicked by the donkey, it can mean you are doing things that you feel guilty about. Leading a donkey can mean that you are a good leader.


A dragon in your dream can mean that you are passionate or that you are dealing with your enemies, and you need to learn to be more in control. Some donkey dreams can mean that you will have good luck but if the dragon has fire, it can mean that you are upset or angry.


Seeing a dromedary in your dream can mean you want to be honored or you need someone to help you, or you want to help others.


An eel in your dream can mean you have a problem committing to things or that you are holding too tightly to things. This can also mean you are irresponsible or that you are sexual.


An elephant in your dream can mean that you are not being patient and you need to learn to be. This can also mean you have a memory or a past that is keeping you from moving on. An elephant can mean power or that you are an introvert, or you are seeking to be royal.

If you are riding an elephant, it can mean you were scared of something, but you faced it but if you are afraid of the elephant, it can mean you need to learn to express yourself or you have conservative views.


A fawn in your dream can mean you have good friends, and you are loyal.


Dreaming of a ferret can mean that you do not trust others or that you are searching for something or have trust issues.


A fish swimming in your dream can mean there are things you have hidden that are coming to the surface or if you are a woman, it can mean conception. This can also mean that you feel like things are not real or that you are worried about issues in your relationships.

If you are eating fish, it can mean you have good luck or if you are cooking fish, it can mean you understand who you are spiritually. Cleaning a fish can mean you are changing the way that you express your emotions but if you see fish bones it can mean you have things that you have already learned the truth about. A fish attacking a bigger fish can mean you need to not judge someone based on their size.


Seeing a foal in your dream can mean you are energetic, and you are taking on more responsibilities.


A fox in your dream can mean that you are cleaver and that you are needing to be kind and more caring. This can also mean that you need to keep some things hidden instead of sharing everything or that you are being sneaky about something.

A fox can also mean you are lonely or that you need to take time to think over things that you are going through but if the fox is flying in your window, it can mean you need to be careful who you put your trust in.


A frog in your dream can mean that you will see change come or that there are people that are not really who they say that they are. A frog that is jumping can mean you are not able to commit to others or that you go from one thing to the other without finishing one thing. This can also mean you are reaching your goals.

If you catch a frog, it can mean that you are not taking care of your health but if you are eating a frog, it can mean you have something that you are not able to accept in your life and you are better not to talk about it.


A giraffe in your dream can mean that you are needing to look at things from a different perspective but if you are riding the giraffe, it can mean you stand out when you are around others. This can also mean you need attention or if the giraffe is running it can mean you are not seeking the truth.


Dreaming of a goat can mean that you are not able to judge things correctly or that you are being gullible when it comes to people. This can also mean that you are blaming other people for things that you have done. If the goat butts, you it can mean you are lying.


A goldfish in your dream can mean you are wealthy or that you have emotional things you need to handle.


Seeing a gorilla in your dream can mean you are stiff and hard to get along with or that you do wild things without thinking it over.


Seeing a greyhound in your dream can mean you have strong friendships.


A hare in your dream can mean you are sacrificing things in order to make others happy or that you are cleaver in what you do.


Seeing a hippo in your dream can mean you are aggressive, or you have talents that you have hidden from others. This can also mean you have power that you did not realize that you have or that you are around someone that is always overstepping their ways when they are around you. This can also mean you need to relax.


Dreaming of a horse can mean you are powerful or that you need to take time to stop playing and being more serious. This can also mean you are arrogant or that you are confused about what is going on in your life, but if the horse is black, it can mean that you are doing things secretively or you are mysterious.

A white horse can mean you have good fortunes or that you are facing intimacy problems. A dead horse can mean you have no more strength but if the horses are wild, it can mean that you want to have freedom or that your emotions are not controlled, and you are acting out.

A horse that has armor can mean that you are powerful or that you are always confronting people, or you are passionate. If you are bathing a horse, it can mean that you are getting strong and having more energies than you are used to.

If the horse is talking it can mean that you need to listen to what the horse is saying because your unconscious mind is trying to tell you a message. A blue horse can mean you are sad or that someone needs your help.


Seeing a hyena in your dream can mean you are greedy or that you are stressed because of all of the responsibilities that you have. This can also mean you have someone that is relying on you too much or someone that is fun to be around and is laughing at you.


A jaguar in your dream can mean you are powerful and fast.


Seeing a kangaroo in your dream can mean you want to protect others or that you are mothering to people. This can also mean you are overprotective. A hopping kangaroo can mean you go from one thing to the other and you are not able to finish things. If a kangaroo attacks, it can mean that your reputation is being questioned.


A kid in your dream can mean you are not able to judge things adequately or if you see a kid in the meadow, it can mean you want to spend too much time on pleasure instead of important things like work.


If you see a kitten in your dream, it means you want to be more independent, and you are choosing to go out and see what kind of things that life has for you. This can also mean that you are pure and that you are innocent or if you kill a kitten, it can mean you are having a hard time saying what you are feeling in your relationships, and it is causing you to be frustrated.

Seeing a kitten turn into a puppy can mean you are seeing your life transform and you are caring more about others than yourself or it can mean you want to have a partner or a friend.

If you rescue a kitten, it can mean you are going the wrong way in life and you need to change paths.


A koala in your dream can mean that you are wanting to be spiritually enlightened or that you are secure, and you feel protected. This also can mean you want to get rid of your daily routine and learn to have more fun.


If you dream of a lamb, it can mean you are deceived or deceiving someone, or it can mean you are gentle and kind.


A leopard in your dream can mean that you work hard to overcome problems that you have to face but if the leopard is seen in a cage, it can mean that you will have an easy time overcoming problems. If you dream of a leopard, it can mean you are being who you are, and you are not hiding things from others.

If a leopard attacks you in a dream, it can mean you are confident, and you believe that you will be successful even if you have to struggle along the way.


Seeing a lion in your dream can mean you are powerful, or you are aggressive. This can also mean you will overcome some problem in your life. The lion can mean you are a great leader or that you are prideful but that you are influential when you are in a job or with your friends.

A lion can also mean that you need to keep yourself social but not be overly controlling when you are in a social circle, but you should continue to be a leader, but if the lion attacks you, it can mean you are doing things that are going to cause you to mess up.

This can mean that you will be self-destructive, and you need to fix these problems before they go any further. A white lion can mean you are aware of your power, or it can also mean you are majestic in what you do.


Seeing a lizard in your dream can mean you are overly excited about things such as food or sex or that these things make you feel stressed. This can also mean that you are fearful or that you are thick skinned, and you don’t care what other people say, but on the other hand, it can also mean you are creative, or you are seeking to be grounded and whole.

Mad Dog

Dreaming of a mad dog can mean that you are being mistreated by people that you thought were your friends or that you can get over what people are saying about you.


A manatee in your dream can mean you are passive, and you are lazy.


Seeing a mare in your dream can mean you are full of intuition, and you should listen more to your gut so you can be more creative and fulfilled in life.


To see mice in your dream can mean you are thinking that small things in your life are too significant, and they are not, and you need to stop worrying about things. If you are feeding mice, it can mean you are around someone that is trying to hurt, you or pull you down.


Seeing a mole in your dream can mean you are in some kind of danger or that you are working to hurt someone that is against you. This can also mean that you know people or are close to people that are not really your friends, and they have another agenda.

A mole can mean that things are undercover, and you are not sure what is going on. If you see a mole on your own body, it can mean that you have low self-esteem, and you want others to accept you.


A monkey in your dream can mean you are being deceived or you are deceiving someone else. This can also mean that you are immature, or you have a fun personality. If a monkey is swinging in a tree, it can mean you feel stressed over something going on in your life.

If the monkey attacks you, it can mean that you are being betrayed by someone that you thought cared and loved you. If you are feeding a monkey in your dream, it can mean you are procrastinating in your job or your relationships and you need to work harder.


Seeing a moose in your dream can mean that you are going to live a long life and you need to care about the people around you that are your elders. This can also mean you are powerful but kind and loving and that you only show your power when it has to be done.

Mountain Lion

Dreaming of a mountain lion can mean that you are in danger or that you have a bad attitude.


A mouse in your dream can mean that you are meek and that you are not feeling like you are accepted around other people. This can also mean that you are wanting to be like someone else instead of being who you are. A mouse can mean you are aggravated by small things or that you are letting small things get in the way of your happiness.

A dead mouse in your dream can mean you are letting small things bother you and you are being fearful which is causing you not to reach your goals. This can also mean that you are ignoring problems around you.

If you are eating a mouse, it can mean you have something that you need to express because it is holding you back and causing you stress and if the mouse is chasing you, it means you are not standing up for who you are and you are letting people push you around.


A mule in your dream can mean that you are stubborn or rebellious and you do not work well with other people. This can also mean you work hard, and you are feeling stressed about all you have to do.

Dreaming of riding a mule can mean that you are doing a lot of things that you are responsible for, and it is causing you to be stressed but if the mule kicks you, it can mean you are guilty of doing something wrong or hurting someone.


If you see an octopus in your dream, it can mean you are facing hard times and you are not able to make good decisions. This can also mean you are being too clingy.


Dreaming of an orangutan can mean you are being manipulated.


An orca in your dream can mean you do not trust the motives of others.


An otter in your dream can mean you are happy and good things will happen to you. You face your emotions happily.


Seeing an ox in your dream can mean you are balanced in your feminine and masculine qualities or that you work hard and are strong.


An oyster in your dream can mean you are sexual or that you are wealthy and wise. This can also mean you are keeping yourself closed off or that you are frustrated with other people.


A panda in your dream can mean you are having a hard time compromising with people or that you are needing to learn to find a middle agreement when you deal with others. This can also mean you are being childish.


Dreaming of a panther can mean you are in danger, and you have an enemy that is causing you problems. This can also mean you are beautiful.


A pony in your dream can mean you are fun, and you love life.


Seeing a pig can mean you are greedy or selfish or that you are indulging in too much such as food or habits. This can also mean you are rude and prideful. Dreaming that pigs are cute can mean you are not understanding what is going on and you see things as real that are false and as false that are real.

If a pig is in your dream, it can represent a male figure in your life and mean that your relationship is not good or that it is not what you thought it should be. If you are cooking a pig, it can mean you are changing and getting rid of negativity.


A puppy in your dream can mean you are fun and playful and that you have good friends. This can also mean that people can trust you and depend on. Newborn puppies can men you are having an idea that is new and you want to see it work.


Dreaming of rabbits can mean that you are lucky and that you have a happy life. This can also mean you are loving sex, and you want to make sure your needs are met. The dream can also mean you love to celebrate Easter.

A white rabbit in your dream can mean you are loving and loyal or it can mean you are going the right way in life but if the rabbit is black, it can mean you are afraid of getting close to someone.

If the rabbit bites you in the dream, it can mean you need to notice your relationship more and make sure that you are paying attention to it and not going the wrong way.


Dreaming of a raccoon can mean you are stealing from others, or you are being dishonest in a situation. This can also mean you have things that are hidden, or you are keeping secrets.


Seeing a ram in your dream can mean you are full of energy, and you are reaching out to do a goal that should be looked at with more facts. This can also mean you have a good friend that is very influential to you.

If the ram is chasing you, it can mean something bad is about to happen or that you are having to focus too much on a situation.


A rat in your dream can mean you are guilty or that you are hiding things that you want to share with others. This can also mean you have done something that you feel guilty for or that you feel dirty for something you did.  Maybe you have even been betrayed by a “rat.”

A black rat can mean that you are deceitful or that you are hiding things but a rat biting you can mean that you are always in a hurry to get things done. If you catch a rat with your hands, it means you are jealous or that you are letting negative feelings inside of you.


Seeing a reindeer in your dream can mean you are facing hard times, but you are loyal regardless. This can also mean you love to celebrate.


Dreaming of a reptile can mean that you are needing to meet your own needs better.


Dreaming of a rhino can mean that you are moving forward in what you want to do in your life, and you will not let things stand in your way.


A seal in your dream can mean you are playful and fun or that you will have good luck. This can also mean you are loyal, and you are able to handle emotional issues that come to you.


Dreaming of a serpent can mean that you are powerful, and you know the difference between both good and evil but if you see the serpent with wings, it can mean you are overcoming negativity in your life.


A shark in your dream can mean you are angry or that you are emotional. This can also mean you are having a hard time feeling like your own person. A shark can be someone in your life that is greedy, and they will do whatever they have to so that they can get whatever they want, even if it means to hurt others.


A sheep in your life can mean you are creative, but you tend to be a follower. This can also mean that you are compassionate and that you may have done something wrong, so you are feeling shy.

Seeing a black sheep can mean that you are tempted or that you are being shunned by your family.


A skunk in your dream can mean that you are making people go away from you because you are angry, and you refuse to allow others to disagree with you without throwing a fit. This also can mean you don’t show your real feelings on things.


Dreaming of a snake can mean you are hiding the fear that you have, or it can mean something is about to happen in your life that has not come yet. This can also mean something dangerous is happening and if the snake is on your bed, it can mean that you have a fear of being close to someone you love.

If you are afraid of the snake in your dream it can mean you are afraid of something or you are around someone you cannot trust but if you like the snake, it can mean you are passionate in what you do.

Seeing the skin of a snake can mean you are being protected from an illness but if you see a snake with two heads, it can mean you are being pulled in different directions and it is causing you undue stress.

The dream can mean you are in a love triangle or that you want to have children, or it can also mean that you are blindsided by things that are dangerous, and you are not confronting it or facing it but ignoring it.

Eating a snake alive can mean you are not getting what you want in your relationship but if you throw the snake up it can mean you are trying to make up for things that you do not have in your life or that you are hurrying to do something.

If the snake is eating people, it can mean you are dealing with someone in your life that is unkind and that is mean to other people.


Dreaming of a squid can mean that you are threatened or that you are judging things incorrectly. This can also mean you are not being clear in your thinking or that you are being greedy and not caring about others. If you are eating a squid, it can mean that you care too much what other people see you as or that you have no self-esteem.


A squirrel in your dream can mean you are holding on to things in your past and you need to learn to let these things go and focus your energy on other things. This can also mean that you are going after things that will not pay off in the end. A squirrel can mean you are doing projects that you will not benefit from, and you are trying to get others to conform to you and accept you.

If you are running over a squirrel, it can mean you are trying to change your beliefs so that you can be like other people but if you are feeding the squirrel, it can mean you are comfortable with the hard work that you do.


A stallion in your dream can mean you are full of courage, and you are strong.


A tadpole in your dream can mean that you are working towards your full potential, or it can mean you want to be pregnant if you are a lady.


Dreaming of a tiger can mean that you are able to show power in your life or that you are a leader. This can also mean you are aggressive. If a tiger attacks you, it can mean you are hiding emotions that make you fearful but if you see a tiger in a cage, it can mean that you are hiding your emotions. Seeing a tiger skinned rug can mean you like to have the finer things in life.


Seeing a tortoise in your dream can mean you are willing to take changes in your life or that you are determined and can take opportunities that will come into your life. This can also mean you shelter others from problems.


Dreaming of a turtle can mean you are wise, and you are loyal to others. This can also mean that you take things slow, and you take time to figure things out without rushing. A turtle can also mean that you want to escape your reality or that you do not let people see how soft hearted you really are and so you stay to yourself.

If a turtle is chasing you, it can mean you are hiding behind things instead of facing them when there is a problem.


A unicorn can mean that you are hopeful and that you are gentle, and you see things only from your own point of view.


A walrus in your dream can mean that you are dominating in your friendships or that you are protective, and you don’t let others hurt your feelings.


A weasel in your dream can mean you do not trust others, or you feel that you are being deceived by people in your life.


A whale in your dream can mean you have strong intuition, and you need to trust your gut feeling and it can mean you are spiritually connected. This can also mean that you are in a situation that is too hard to handle such as work or relationships or you want to cry about something.


Seeing a wolf in your dream means you are confident and prideful, and you are able to deal with any situation without getting stressed. This can also mean you like to be alone and that you are sometimes aggressive or sneaky. If a wolf attacks you, it can mean you are in a situation that you feel is taking over your life and it is causing you to fall into it such as an addiction or an abusive relationship.

Seeing a white wolf can mean you are victorious, and you are able to make it through dark things or that you are a shadow of who you used to be, and you need to focus more on yourself. Killing a wolf can mean someone has betrayed you but if the wolf is chasing you, it can mean you are refusing to face a problem that is impacting you and you are running from it.

A howling wolf means that you need help or a wolf that turns into you means you want to be left alone so you can deal with your own problems but if the wolf turns into a puppy, it can mean you are loving and kind. Dreaming of a wolf protecting you can mean that you need someone to help you or support you and it might be someone you never expected.


A wolverine in your dream can mean you are strong, and you don’t realize how important your abilities are or if you dream of the Wolverine from the X-men it can mean that you can deal with things even when you have setbacks and you won’t let things hold you back.


A wombat in your dream can mean you need to be grounded and to face reality.


A zebra in your dream can mean you are a balanced and that you are spending too much time on things that are not important. If the zebra is running it can mean you need to get out of a relationship that is dangerous for you.


  1. This analysis of animal dreams gives a detailed insight into our subconscious mind. I find it interesting how specific animals are tied to particular emotions and situations in our waking life.

    • I agree. The connection between our dreams and conscious experiences is quite profound. It’s intriguing to consider how our subconscious mind processes and reflects our emotions through these symbols.

  2. This article provides an intriguing perspective on dream interpretation, particularly with how various animals symbolize different emotional and psychological states. It makes me wonder about the subconscious connections we all experience.

  3. The richness of this guide on animal dreams is quite compelling. The detailed explanations for each animal offer a lot of food for thought, especially about how dreams can reflect our inner struggles and desires.

  4. The article offers a comprehensive overview of animal symbolism in dreams. Understanding these symbols can be a helpful tool for self-reflection and emotional awareness, even if the interpretations can vary greatly.

  5. It’s fascinating how cultural elements, like Chinese folklore mentioned with the bats, integrate with psychological interpretations in dream analysis. This multifaceted approach provides a broader understanding of our subconscious mind.


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