Dream Dictionary Letter A

Dream Dictionary


When you see the letter “A” in your dream, it can represent a new start. If you are moving into something new, you might dream about this letter. This letter can also be a letter that shows authority.


Seeing an aardvark means that you are very cautious about the business you are in.


When you see an abacus in your dream it means that you are old fashioned.


Seeing an abalone or eating one in your dream means that you are transitioning to a new thing in your life and you might feel lonely.


Dreaming of abandonment means that you need to leave your past behind you because it is holding you back. It can also mean that you are worried about being betrayed by someone that you love. This feeling can come when you have lost someone, or you are in the process of losing someone or you were not protected when you were a child.

If you abandon people in your dream it can mean that you are trying to make a hard decision in your life.


Dreaming of an abbey in your life means that you are at peace and have no anxiety.


When you dream of an abbot it can mean that someone is in control of you and you are doing things that you do not want to have to do.


Abbreviations in your dream can mean the initials of someone that is in your life or it can spell out a special meaning. You can use this to find out if your spirit guides are trying to send you a message.


Dreaming of your abdomen means that you are hiding your emotions because they are hard to deal with. If you dream your abdomen is exposed it can mean you do not trust others, or you are working on new projects.


If you dream that you are abducted it means that someone is manipulating you in your life and you need to be in more control, it can also mean you feel helpless.


When you dream that you abhor someone in your dream, you are hiding feelings of resentment that you have for them, and if someone abhors you in your dream it can mean that you are forcing your ideas on other people.


Dreaming that something is abnormal can mean that you have problems that you are not facing.


When you see an Aborigine in your dream it can mean that you are pure and innocent and that you are in tuned with your intuition giftings or that you are overly emotional.


When you dream you have an abortion it can mean something is stopping you from growing and that you be afraid or pressure in your life. It can also mean that you have had a real abortion and you are healing from it.

If you dream someone else has had an abortion it can mean that your relationship with that person is not growing or if they have an unsafe abortion, it can mean that you want things to always stay the same.


Seeing something above you in your dream means you need to aim higher in your goal setting.

Abraham Lincoln

To dream of Abraham Lincoln can mean that you have a great character or that you need to tell the truth about something.


To dream that you go abroad it can mean that you have chaos in your life or that you need to change where you are right now.


If you dream something is missing, then you expect to find whatever you are looking for.


If you have an abscess in your dream it can mean that you need to get things out in the open.


Dreaming that you have absconded with something can mean that you have failed and that you are insecure about what you have done.


If you are absorbed in your dream, then it can mean that you need to focus on things but stop pushing other people away from you.


Dreaming about abstinence means that you are being too confident, and you need to take things slower in your life.


If you dream of abundance, then you need to make sure that you take care of the things that you have right now and that you look for ways to fulfill what you are lacking.


To dream that you are abusing a person can mean that something in your past is going to come back to you and that you might regret it or be sorry for it. If you dream you are being abused it can mean that you feel that you are victim in some situation or if you dream of an animal being abused it can mean that you are not expressing who you are.

When you dream about children being abused it can mean that your inner child is lacking, and you miss your childhood.


Dreaming of the abyss means that you have tasks in your life that are very stressful, and you need to overcome them. If you fall into an abyss in your dream it can mean that you are afraid of things about yourself and you have hidden fears.


Seeing an acacia tree can men that you have a different view of death.


Dreaming of an academy can mean you want to have new friendships.

Academy Awards

If you dream of winning an Academy Award it can mean you want to add excitement to your life.


Dreaming of an accelerator can mean that you want to do your own thing to reach your goals and you need to slow down so you can.


If you speak with an accent in your dreams it can mean that you have a hard time telling people how you feel. If you seem to have a negative standing in your dream it can mean you are insecure or if you meet someone speaking in an accent it can mean you do not understand the message.


Dreaming of acceptance can mean you have self-esteem problems and you have a hard time with people accepting you.


If you dream that you are accessorizing your wardrobe it can mean you feel something is missing in your life.


Dreaming of an accident can mean you are guilty about something and you are punishing yourself or you are not proud of something that you did. It can also mean that you have made a mistake and that you are afraid of it and nervous about people finding out.

When you dream of an accident it can also be a warning not to go somewhere or that you need to slow down so that you do not get into some kind of disaster. If you dream someone you love is in an accident it can mean that your relationship with that person is dead or that you are being reckless with people in your life.


When you dream that you are an accomplice to a crime it can mean that you have someone in your life that is a negative influence on you or that you are guilty of something that you did.


Dreaming of an accordion means that you are needing to focus more on positive things and work to reach your goals.


An accountant dream can mean that you are thinking objectively and considering the facts of things in your life.


If you dream of a bank account, it can mean you are worried about money.


Accusing someone in your dream can mean that you are having a disagreement with people in your life and if they are accusing you it can mean you feel guilty about something or you are doubtful about your choices.


Seeing an ace in a deck of cards can mean that you want to clarify things and that you need to stay away from scandals. If the ace is a diamond it can mean that you are worried about your reputation and if it is a club then you are in legal matters, a heart can mean you are in some love affair and the spaces can mean that you area bout to get into trouble.


Dreaming that you have some kind of ache can mean you are hesitant about your goals.


When you dream you achieve something, it can mean that you are happy with how things have come out of your life so far.


Dreaming of acid can mean that you are full of anger and that you have low integrity. It can also mean that you are being manipulated and that you have something that is worrying you.

If you dream you drink acid, it can mean that you need to figure out how to better express yourself or that you are wanting to get revenge.


When you dream of an acorn it can mean you are strong and that you have a lot of potential to grow. It can also mean that you love the benefits of working hard and that you are influential to others.


If you see someone that you are an acquaintance with in your dream it can mean you are trying to figure out who you are or it can mean that you are rejecting yourself and refuse to accept who you are.


When you dream that you are acquitted of a crime it can mean that you learned a hard lesson, or it can mean that you need to balance your work and your fun.


Seeing acrobats in your dream can mean that you need to balance your life and you need to face your fears that are stopping you from moving on in your life.

Acrylic Nails

When you dream you are wearing fake nails it can mean that you want to reach out to others but you are not doing it because you care about them but because you will get something out of it.


Dreaming that you are acting can mean that you are trying to be someone that you are not.

Action Figure

Seeing an action figure in your dream can mean someone is trying to manipulate you and that people expect too much out of you.


If you see an actor or actress in your dream it can mean that you want to have pleasure in your life and that you want to have better characteristics. You can also dream that you are an actor which means that you work hard or that you care too much about how you look. It can also mean you are putting on a fake front.

If you dream that you are a supporting actor or actress, it can mean that you need people to support you and you need to support others more.


To dream of acupuncture can mean that you need healing and you need to have better energy so that you can live a happier life.

Adam and Eve

Dreaming of Adam and Eve can mean that you are ignoring your feminine or masculine qualities and that you are losing hope of being successful.


If you dream you are adamant, it can mean you have a strong desire in your life.


Dreaming of an adder can mean that you are sly and that you know someone that is not trustworthy.


Dreaming that you are an addict can mean that you have a situation in your life that you cannot control, and you have self-esteem issues.


If you dream you are in active addiction it can mean you are obsessive about something or that you have a hard time dealing with the world. It can also mean that you are confused or in chaos.


Dreaming of adding something or addition can mean that you need to be more straightforward with what is going on in your life and you need to not read so much into the problem.


When you dream of an old address it can mean that you need to learn from your past and not try to change it.

If you are addressing an envelope it can mean that you need to look for new opportunities and make sure you consider things before you make a final decision.


Dreaming of an admiral means that you can face life’s problems and that you are authoritative.


To dream that you admire someone can mean that you want to have better self-qualities. If you dream that you are admiring who you are, it can mean that you need people to affirm you.


If you see an adobe it can mean that you need protected or that you are lacking something in your life.


Dreaming that you adopt a child can mean you want to have new opportunities or that you are missing something that would make you happy. It can also mean that you wish you had a child.

When you dream of adopting a pet, it can mean you need someone to be loyal to you.


Dreaming of adulation means that you are arrogant, and you want honor.


Dreaming that you are an adult when you are a kid, or a teenager can mean that you want to be mature and you have growing up to do.


Dreaming that you are cheating on your partner means that you have hidden desires or that you have self-betrayal. It can also mean that you are afraid of being abandoned or that you feel people are taking advantage of you.


To dream that you are advancing can mean that you have success and that your heart is important, and you need to stop comparing yourself to other people.


If you dream you are an adventurer, it can mean that you are lacking fun things in your life and you are too busy with your work.


Dreaming of an adversary means that you are afraid of facing conflict or you are afraid of being rejected.


If you dream you are looking at an ad it can mean that you have a problem that you need to make a decision on.


If you dream that you need advice it can mean that you need to follow your gut feeling.


Dreaming that you are an advocate can mean that you are faithful and loyal.


When you dream of doing aerobics it can mean that you need to be more active.


Dreaming of aerosol can mean that you are pressured by something.


If you dream you are giving people affection it can mean you are happy in your relationship or it can mean that you need to be more loving to other people in your life.


Dreaming of your afterlife can mean that you are disconnected from society.


If you dream it is afternoon it can mean that you need to learn from your past and you need to think clearly on things.


Dreaming of affliction means that you might have disaster in the future or that you might have misfortunes.


If you dream of affluent in your life it can mean you are looking to be rewarded.


Dreaming that you are affronted means someone is against you and they will take advantage of you.


To dream of Africa can mean you want to find out your roots or your heritage or you might be anticipating a trip to Africa.

African American

If you see an African American in your dream it can mean you want to find out who you are.


Dreaming of an afro means you are creative.


To see a black agate in your dream means courage, a red one means health.


If you dream that you are a different age it can mean you are worried about getting older or you have failures to face.

If you dream you are older then you might want more wisdom and be more sensible, but if you dream you are younger it can mean that you need to live a little. Dreaming that you are child can mean that you wish you were in the past.


Dreaming that you are aggressive means that you have sexual needs.


If you dream that you are in agony it can mean a problem is bothering, you.


Dreaming of agoraphobia means that you are afraid of being the center of attention.


Dreaming that you are in agreement can mean that you have a conflict that you need to work out.


If you dream that you are with an ague it can warn you that you have a psychical disorder.


Dreaming that you have AIDS can mean you are being attacked as a person or that you are weak. If you dream your partner has AIDS, it can mean that you are in an unhealthy relationship or that you are sympathetic to others.


If you dream you are aiming for something it can mean you have strong energies.


Dreaming that you are in the air can mean that you have a clouded mindset, but if it I feel cold it can mean you have a setback in your business. Dreaming of hot air can mean you have evil around you, or it can also mean that you are carefree.

Air Conditioner

Dreaming the air conditioner is not working means you can be free, or you are worried about something.

Air Gun

If you dream of an air gun it can mean you feel threatened by someone.

Air Freshener

Dreaming that you smell air freshener can mean that you have good memories, or you are seeking pleasure.

Air Force

If you dream that you are in the air force it can mean that you need to be spiritually disciplined.

Air Hockey

If you are playing air hockey in your dream it can mean you need to act quickly before someone else does.

Air Horn

Dreaming of this can mean that you are not taking things seriously or you need to pay attention.

Air Raid

If you dream of an air ride it can mean that you are worried or overwhelmed in life.

Air Show

Dreaming of ana air show can mean that you want others to see your accomplishments.


Seeing an airbag in your vehicle can mean that you will face problems and you need to slow down and take your time.

Aircraft Carrier

If you dream of an aircraft carrier it can mean that you are confronting your emotions.


Dreaming of an airplane can mean you are overcoming obstacles and that you want to experience more freedom. You might want to have a better understanding, or you may feel that you need to escape from something, and you are not in control.

If you dream you are flying the airplane it can mean you are in control of your life or you are in a transitional period and taking new directions.

Dreaming of missing a flight can mean you are trapped and being held back by something. If the plane crashes in your dream it can mean that you are setting goals that are unrealistic and that you are not able to meet them.


If you see an airport in your dream it can mean birth or death. If the airport is busy it can mean you need more freedom and hope. It can also mean that your goals are put on hold for a while.


Dreaming you are walking down an aisle can mean you need to move forward in your life and not be in the middle of things.


IF you dream of alabaster it can mean you are successful in your love and relationships.


If you dream of Aladdin, you are wanting to reach your goals.


If you pull an alarm in your dream it can mean you have conflict in your relationships, and you are questioning a decision you made.

Alarm Clock

If you see an alarm clock it can mean you are fixated on a time that something happened, and you do not have enough time to reach your deadline.


Dreaming of an albatross can mean you have more freedom and that you are often vulnerable.


If you dream of an albino it can mean you have a pure life and you are accepting of others.


Dreaming of an album can mean you have real friends in your life, and you need to let go of the past.


If you dream of alchemy it can mean you are dealing with pain and self-renewal and you are trying to reach perfection.


Dreaming of alcohol can mean that you are satisfied with your life or if you drink alcohol it can mean that you are worried and fearful of who you are. If you dream your friend is an alcoholic it can mean you need to be an outlet for them and let them express who they are.


Dreaming of an alder tree means happiness.

Alfred E. Neuman

Dreaming of Alfred E. Newman can mean you are self-conscious and afraid of being made fun of.


Seeing algae in your dream means you are emotional over something.

Alice in Wonderland

Dreaming of Alice can mean you have a bad self-image.


Dreaming of aliens means you need to discover who you are and if you are abducted in your dream you are afraid of changing your life or surroundings.


Dreaming of paying alimony can mean you are paying for things you did wrong.


If you dream you have an allergy it can mean you are sensitive.


Dreaming you are in an alley means you have limited options on what you are doing, and you need to open your mind more and stop thinking that you only have one choice. It can also mean that you feel that you are missing out on opportunities.


Dreaming of an alligator can mean that you are deceitful and that you need to see things from a different perspective. It can also mean that you have good qualities and are powerful or that you are insensitive.

If you dream of running form an alligator it can mean you do not want to face things from your past or it can mean that you have felt violated and that you want to be free of unhealthy relationships.


Dreaming that you get an allowance can mean that you want to be rewarded for what you do.


If you dream of alloy it can mean you need to experience more things in life.


Dreaming of an almanac can mean you have ups and downs in your life and finances.


If you dream of almonds it can mean you have riches.


Dreaming you are giving alms can mean you are a giving person.


When you dream of using aloe it can mean you need to heal from your emotional problems and learn to forgive.


If you are alone in your dream it can mean you don’t feel understood.


Dreaming of an alter means that you are making sacrifices and you are worried about your spiritual being. It can also mean that you are not in harmony and that you are guilty of something, but you won’t admit it.

Alter Boy

If you dream of an altar boy, you are innocent and pure.


Dreaming of an alum can mean you have plans and you are frustrated by them.


When you dream of aluminum it can mean things are valuable to you and that you are happy with the things you have.

Alzheimer’s Disease

If you dream of someone having Alzheimer’s Disease, it can mean that you are afraid of letting go of the past and that you are worried that you will forget something important coming up.


If you dream you are an ambassador, it can mean that you need to be more understanding.


If you see amber in your dream it can mean you have positive power and healing power in your life. It can also mean that you are learning from your past so that your future can be better.


Dreaming of an ambulance can mean that you are carefree or that you have problems that are complicated. It can also mean you are afraid of catching disease or that you are feeling wounded and afraid of letting go.

Ambulances can also represent fear and emotional problems or that you are hanging around the wrong people.


Dreaming of an ambush can mean danger is close to you.


If you are from America it can mean that you are happy for your freedom and that you are dreaming of abundance.


When you dream of an amethyst it can mean that you are satisfied in your professional and personal life.


Dreaming of Amish can mean that you need to focus on things in life that are not material things.


If you dream of ammonia it can mean that you have things in your life that are offensive, and you need to face them.


Seeing ammunition in your dream can mean that you are not using your power to help yourself for that you are being destructive.


If you dream you have amnesia it can mean you are being rejected or you are negative about yourself.


Dreaming of an amoeba can mean that you need to adapt to changes better.


If you dream you are amorous it can mean you are facing temptations or that you are doing things that will get you in trouble. If you dream others are amorous it can mean you are being persuaded by people and you are about to get rid of your own morality.

If you see amorous animals, it can mean you have animalistic desires.


Dreaming of an Amphisbaena can mean you are being pulled in different directions and you do not know which way to go or that you desire having children.


Dreaming of an amphitheater can mean you are wanting knowledge.


If you see an amplifier in your dream it means you want to be heard.


If you have a limb amputated in your dream it can mean that things are permanent, and you have a big loss or a crisis that you have to face.


Dreaming of an amulet means that you are feeling protected.

Amusement Park

If you dream you are at an amusement park it means you need to relax and enjoy life and if you are at an abandoned amusement park it can mean you need to be more open to fun. Dreaming you are on a ride can mean that something is going as not expected or if it is closed it can mean you are denying yourself fun.


Dreaming of an anaconda can mean that you have a lot of potential.

Anal Sex

Dreaming of anal sex can mean you want to be submissive


If you dream that you are an analyst, it can mean you need to look at your actions.


Dreaming of an anarchy can mean that you need to be more restrained in your thoughts.


Dreaming about your ancestors can mean that you want to know what traits you inherited.


If you dream of an anchor it can mean you are looking to have a better foundation or if you are holding an anchor it can mean freedom.


Dreaming that you are in ancient times can mean you want to be grounded and to learn from your past.


Seeing andirons in your dream can mean that you need support from your family.


Dreaming of being androgynous can mean that you want to bring together different views.


If you dream of an android it can mean you are lively.


Reading an anecdote in your dream can mean you are learning a lesson.


If you see an anemone in your dream it can mean death or mistrust.


If you are under anesthesia in a dream it can mean you are hiding your emotions and you are lying.


If you dream you have an aneurysm it can mean that you are under a lot of stress.


Seeing an angel in your dream means goodness and protection or if you dream that you are an angel it means you did something good.

If you see angels in your dream it can mean you are having a spiritual dream or if your angel has a scroll it can mean you are moving closer to your future.

Seeing a death angel can mean that something will come to an end.


If you dream you are angry then you are frustrated about something or if you are expressing anger it can mean that you are needing to let your emotions out.


If you are angling in your dream it can mean good fortune.


Dreaming of an animal can mean that you are desiring something or that you are rejecting something in your subconsciousness.

If you dream an animal is abused, it can mean you are desired to find out who you are.

Dreaming the animal is talking can mean that you are wanting to have wisdom or if you are saving an animal it can mean that you are having feelings so that you can express yourself.

If you see an animal in your dream that is in a lab it can mean you are repressing what you feel, and you are afraid of your ideas.

Animal Shelter

If you dream of an animal shelter it can mean that you are shut out of your own relationship.


Dreaming of animation can mean that you want to find humor in things.


If you dream of anime it can mean you have a carefree spirit, or it can mean you need to express yourself more.


If you feel animosity when you dream it can mean you need to rethink your moral life.


Dreaming of ankh can mean you want to have more knowledge and power.


If you dream you have an ankle it can mean you are going the right direction but if you dream you sprain your ankle it can mean that you are having difficulties in moving forward.

If your ankle is swollen it can mean that you are going down the wrong path.

Ankle Monitor

An ankle monitor in your dream can mean that you are feeling that people are putting you down for your decisions.


Dreaming of an anklet can mean that you are seeing how life is taking you and you have passions and lustful feelings.


If you dream of an anniversary it can mean that you appreciate yourself.


An announcer in your dream can mean that someone is watching you or it can mean that your subconscious is trying to give you a message.


Dreaming that your getting an annulment can mean that you are in denial.


If you dream you are anorexic it can mean you are not accepting who you are, and you need to learn to love yourself.

Answering Machine

An answering machine in your dream can mean that you are not accepting a message someone is trying to give you.


Dreaming of Antarctica can mean that you are seeing hardships that you need to endure.


An anteater in your dreams can mean that you need to go with caution.


An antelope in your dream can represent that you are ambitious or that you are dedicated to something.


An antenna in your dream can mean you are communicating with your environment and you want to share your ideas.

Ant Hill

An ant hill can mean that you are feeling lazy and you don’t want to work hard.


Antibiotics in your dream can mean that you are negative, and you are trying to protect yourself from negativity as well.


Finding an antidote can mean you want balance in your life.


Antifreeze in a dream can mean that you are emotionally dead, and you need to be warmer inside to others.


An antique in your dream can mean you are honored or that you need to embrace things that are valuable.


Antiseptic in your dream can mean that you need healing or cleansed.


Being antisocial in your dream can mean hta you are not getting enough alone time and you need to do this.


Seeing antlers in your dream can mean that you are assertive.


Ants in your dream can mean you are not satisfied in your life and that little things bother you. It can also mean that you work hard and that you need to increase your business activities.


Seeing Anubis in your dream can mean you are wanting clarity in your life.


An anus in your dream can mean negative feelings that lead to guilt.


An anvil in your dream can mean that you have power and that you need to take opportunities before they pass you by.


Feeling anxiety in your dream can mean you are repressing your thoughts and you are hostile.


If you dream about an apartment it can mean you need better finances or that you are going in the right direction.


Dreaming of apes can mean that you are being deceived or that you are needing to calm down.


Dreaming of an apocalypse can mean that you are waiting for something dramatic to happen.


Dreaming of Apollo can mean that you are growing or that you want to be enlightened.


If you are apologizing with someone in your dream it can mean you need truth and harmony, or you feel guilty about something you did. It can also mean you are mistreated or that you have been betrayed.


Seeing an apparition in your dream means that you have someone in your life that is not there for you.


If something appears in your dream it can mean you are being creative and objects in your dream are powerful.


Dreaming of an appearance can mean you are having self-esteem issues.


If you dream of an appendix it means you have an issue you are overlooking or I, you dream of appendicitis it means your feelings are bottled up.


Dreaming of an appetite can mean that you are unfulfilled or lustful.


Hearing applause in your dream can mean that you want to be recognized or that you need praise.

Apple Tree

An apple tree in your dream can mean you are feeling good in life.


If you dream of an apple it can mean that you are wise and that you are prosperous. If you dream you are eating an apple it can mean you are having harmony or if you eat a green apple it can mean pleasure and if you dream of a rotten apple it can mean you are not fulfilling your goals.


Applesauce in a dream can mean that you are needing to be accepted.


If you dream of fixing an appliance it means you need to work on your relationships.


Dreaming that you are filling out an application means that you are considering significant changes.


Dreaming of an appointment can mean that you are lacking things in your life or that you need to apply yourself more.


If you dream you are an apprentice, it can mean you need to prove who you are so you can be accepted.


If you dream that you are looking to be approved, it means you are dependent on things and that you need to make good choices.


An apricot in your dream can mean that you will see something misfortunate.


When you dream about April it can mean that you will have profits coming to you.


Seeing an apron can mean that you are committed to work or that you need nurturing.


Dreaming of an aquamarine can mean that you have creativity and are open to communication.


An aquarium in your dream can mean that you have emotions that you have not confronted.


Dreaming of an Aquarius can mean that you have new ideas and that you are innovative.


An aqueduct can symbolize that you are on a spiritual path.


An arbiter can mean that you need to have power over matters or that you feel powerless.


An arc in your dream can imply that you have goals that are setting you back.


An arcade in your dream can mean you need to escape from your reality.


If you dream of an arch it can mean that you are needing support, or you are reaching new opportunities in your life.


Dreaming of archaeology can mean that you are discovering more about yourself.


An archeologist can mean that you are living and learning from your past.


An archbishop in your dream can mean that you are around someone that has power over you, and you have obstacles that are holding you back.


If you dream of archery it can mean that you are setting goals and you are reaching a new direction.


A dream about architect can mean that you are creative, and you want to do a new creative project.


Dreaming of the Arctic can mean you are in a cold emotional state.


To see an arena in your dream means that you want to express yourself or that you have a problem with self-expression.


Dreaming of an argument means that you need to solve internal conflicts or that you need to reflect on your life. It can also mean that you are overlooked in your ideas and you feel that you are not important.


To see an argyle in your dream can mean that you are analytical and that you are following too much of a routine.


If you dream someone is an Aries, it can mean that you need to grow or that you want to be a leader. It can also mean that you need to figure out your emotions and see things head on.


Dreaming of math can mean that you want to evaluate yourself or that you are rational. This also means that you do not act on your emotions or that you are confused about problems in your life.


An ark in your dream can mean that you are starting something new.

Ark of the Covenant

Seeing the Ark of the Covenant can mean you have a strong faith.


If you see an arm in your dream it can mean that you are nurturing or that you are struggling with challenges in your life.

If your arm is hurt in your dream it can mean you do not care for yourself and you are helpless or if you rip off someone’s arm it can mean that you are upset with someone and you are feeling restricted or not free.

If someone has more than two arms in your dream it can mean that you are open minded.

Arm Wrestling

When you dream of arm wrestling it can mean that you need to work more hands on.


Dreaming of an armadillo means that you need to form boundaries and you need to be more assertive.


Dreaming about Armageddon can mean that you feel that you have no control or that you are stressed about life.


When you see an armchair in your dream it can mean that you are secure and that you want to be respected.


Dreaming about armor can mean that you are defensive or that you want to protect yourself from being hurt. It can also mean that you feel that you are invincible. Seeing armor can also mean that you are worried about your life.

Armored Car

If you dream of an armored car it can mean that you are insecure and that you are not feeling like you are measuring up to what people want from you. This can mean that you are spending a lot and you need to be more careful about your finances.


Dreaming of an armpit can mean that you are making changes in your character or if you see someone else’s armpit it can mean that you have strong social connections. Dreaming of shaving someone’s armpit can mean that you are making others believe what you believe.


If you see an army when you dream it can mean that you feel pressured and you are dealing with situations that are hard to deal with or if you join the army in your dream it can mean that you feel you are better than others.


Dreaming of an aroma or smelling something in your dream can mean that you are worried about your past life. If it is sweet smelling it can mean you are full of joy.

Arranged Marriage

If you dream of being in an arranged marriage it can mean you have to do things you don’t want to do or that you are moving towards a new stage in your life. This can also mean that you feel that you have no voice.


Dreaming that you are arrested can mean that you need to retrain yourself or that you are not fully developed, or you are guilty of something.


If you dream of an arrow it can mean that you are wanting to reach your goals, or a broken arrow can mean that you are losing an important relationship. A two headed arrow can mean you have certain views and that you need to consider other views beyond your own.

Freud believes that an arrow means that you want to penetrate something.


An arrowhead means that you want to plan and be successful and that you want to have goals. A broken arrowhead a mean that you are failing in life or if an arrowhead is found it can mean that you are not reaching your goals and that you are overlooking your dreams.


Dreaming of an arson can mean that you have anger and you are being destructive.

Art Class

When you dream about being in an art class it means you need to be more creative.

Art Gallery

An art gallery in your dream can mean that you need to understand how much your past impacts you and you need to preserve the moment.

Art Supply

Seeing art supplies in your dream can mean that you are creative and that you use your imagination well.


Dreaming of arteries can mean that you need to reach out to others more and that you still have things that you need to learn in your life.


When you dream that you have arthritis it can mean that you are having a hard time reaching your goals or that you need to have more motivation.


If you eat an artichoke in your dream it can mean that you need to be more creative and that you are not expressing yourself well.


Dreaming of artifacts can mean that you need to let go of your past and you need to let yourself grow.


If you dream of being an artist, it can mean that you are seeing your situation and that you need to use your intuition.


Dreaming of buying artwork can mean that you are having a hard time following direction and that you are not able to be a leader. If you are selling art, it can mean that you need to express yourself.


If you dream that you are exposed to asbestos it can mean that you have anger or that you have a threat that you are not seeing but you are learning the truth on things.


To see something ascend when you dream can mean that you have a different look on life and that you need to not let the situation get you down.

Ash Tree

Seeing an ash tree in your dream can mean that you need protection or that you have past issues.


Dreaming of ashes can mean that you are regretting things in life and that you have failed in your business. It can also mean that you live in the past and you need to move forward.

Dreaming that you see clean ashes can mean that you are not happy with your life and you are trapped by what you do each day.


If you see an ashram in your dream it can mean that you need to relax and replenish your energies.


An ashtray in your dream can mean that you need to get rid of your memories and stop doing bad habits in your life. It can also mean you are anxious and that you are trying to quit something such as smoking.


Dreaming of Asia can mean that you need to adjust your life or if you are thinking of traveling to Asia it can mean you are excited. Seeing an Asian can mean that you are looking at your own life or if you are elderly it can mean that you are seeking wisdom.


If you dream of asking someone out on a date it can mean you are anxious about that person or that you are needing to move forward and ask them out.


Seeing an asp in your dream can mean respect with your friends.


If you dream of asparagus, it can mean you need to be prosperous or that you have actions that will give you an outcome that is not good.


Seeing an aspen in your dream can mean that you are lonely.


Dreaming of asphyxiation means that you feel that you are suffocating because you are in a bad situation or relationship. It can also mean that you have no air or that you feel trapped.


Dreaming of an ass in your dream can mean that you are being annoyed by someone that is bothering you or if you are seeing an ass it can mean that you are holding on to burdens in your professional life.


An assassin in your dream can mean that you have a situation happening that you need to pay attention to or if you witness an assassination it can mean that you are overlooking things in your life.

Dreaming that you are an assassin can mean that you are trying to kill parts of yourself or you need to stop bad habits.


Dreaming that you have been assaulted can mean that you are vulnerable or that something in your life is out of your control.


If you dream of an assembly, it can mean you need to accept things in your life and that you need to discuss something important with someone.


If you dream that you are helping someone it can mean that you are going to support people physically and emotionally.


Dreaming of an asteroid can mean that you are getting a message that is spiritual or you are being enlightened.


Dreaming of asters can mean you have hopes and dreams.


When you dream that you have asthma it can mean that you are insecure or that you are facing fears in your life.

Astral Projection

Dreaming of astral projection can mean that you are seeing things in a new way or that you are disconnected emotionally.


Dreaming of astrology can mean that you are getting an important message.


When you dream of an astronaut it can mean that you have information, or it can mean you are ambitious or that you have problems communicating.


Dreaming of an astronomer means that you are reaching your goals slowly.


If you see an aswang when you dream it can mean you don’t trust others and you don’t know who your friends or enemies are or it can mean that you are deceived or that you are taking advantage of people.


Dreaming that you are in an asylum can mean that you feel mental strain and that you want to help others or be noticed for being kind.


If you dream that you are an athlete it can mean that you are limited to your abilities and that you are needing to make sure that you do not do more than you should.

Athletic Field

If you dream of being on an athletic field, it can mean you have challenges that you are facing. This can also mean that you are a competitive person.


Dreaming of an ATM machine can mean that you need to have more financial security or that you are spending too much money. This can also mean that you are depleting your resources and that you need to put more energy in your projects.

Dreaming that you are given money from an ATM means that you have money that is due to you or if the AMT is spitting out money it can mean that something is coming that will be worth your time.


Dreaming of an atom can mean that you have potential, or it can symbolize the name Adam.


Dreaming of an attack can mean you are angry and that you need to express your feelings more.

If you dream you are being attacked it can mean that your character is on the line or that you are stressed.

Dreaming of being attacked by an animal can mean that you need to pay attention to your relationships and that you need to make sure that you are not vulnerable to things. It can also mean that you need to follow your gut feelings.


If you dream of an attic it can mean that you have a past that is in your mind or that you want to be more spiritually connected. It can also mean you are struggling with something or that you are needing to organize your thoughts and feelings.


Dreaming of an attorney can mean that you need to have guidance in your life.


If you dream of being on an ATV can mean that you want to get off the path that you are on and find a new way in life.


Dreaming that you are having an auction can mean that you are evaluating something or that you are learning things form your past that you did not realize.

If you are outbid in your dream it can mean that you are being denied an award or reward that you earned or if you dream no one is bidding it can mean you are not appreciated.


If you dream of an audience, it can mean that you are paying attention to what you are doing or that you have private thoughts that you need to share.

If you have no audience, it can mean that you have fears and that you have discovered who you are. It can also mean that you are being noticed for what you have done.


If you dream that you are auditioning for something it can mean you are insecure.


Dreaming of an auditorium can mean that you need to pay attention to more things.


Dreaming of an auger can mean that you work hard.


Dreaming of August means that you have a problem with a relationship or in a business.


Dreaming of your aunt can mean that you need connected or that you dislike something. It can also mean that you want her to be a mother figure to you.


If you dream of an aura it can mean that you need to have information revealed to you and you need to pay attention to what is being said.

Aurora Borealis

If you see Aurora Borealis in your dream it can mean you have energy and that you have positive energies in your life. It can also mean that you are being lazy, and you are afraid of doing too many things.


Dreaming of Australia can mean that you are pulled in different directions and that you need to express yourself more. It can also mean that you have thoughts that are in your subconscious mind.


Seeing an author in your dream can mean that you are occupied with a report you are working on. It can also mean that you need to express your feelings better.


Dreaming that someone has autism can mean that you are having problems communicating with others and it can mean that you are coping with autism or you are stressed with life.


Dreaming you are asking for an autograph means that you want to be like that person you are asking or that you need to be approved but if you dream someone wants your autograph it can mean you need to be approved by others.


Dreaming of autumn can mean that you are about to end something, and you are going to start something new. It can also mean you are hospitable and that you will get a reward for what you have worked on.


Dreaming of an autopsy can mean that you are disconnected of your emotions.


If you dream of an avalanche it can mean that you are holding back your emotions.


Dreaming of an avatar can mean that you are being true to who you are.


If you dream of an aviary it can mean you want to be free.


If you eat an avocado in your dream it can mean you are fertile and that you want to indulge in your life. It can also mean that you need to reach a goal.


Dreaming of avoiding something means that you need to recognize yourself or avoid who you think you are.


To awaken in your dream means that you want to be more spiritual.


Dreaming of an awakening can mean you have new ideas and you want to see new things happen in your life.


Dreaming of an ax can mean that you are controlling, or you are frustrated in your life. It can also mean that you are needing to make your problems smaller and have more strength to fight things that come against you.


Dreaming of an axel can mean that you need to focus on your life and what is important or if it is broken it can mean that you are no longer independent, and you are being vulnerable.


  1. This article provides a comprehensive overview of various dream symbols. The breadth of topics, from ‘Aardvark’ to ‘Accountant’, is impressive, though some interpretations seem a bit subjective.

  2. The interpretations presented in this article are quite extensive. It appears that every minor detail in a dream can be associated with a significant meaning. I wonder how much of this is universally applicable.

  3. The connection between dream symbols and their meanings is intriguing. However, I’m curious about the methodologies used to derive these interpretations. Are these based on psychological studies or cultural beliefs?

  4. The explanations provided for each dream symbol seem to cover a wide range of emotions and situations. It would be interesting to see the empirical data supporting these interpretations.

  5. The dream interpretations in this article are detailed and cover many different aspects of life. It would be beneficial to have some real-life examples or case studies to understand the practical implications of these meanings.


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