Children And Dreaming

Children And Dreaming

Research that was done in Virginia found that children dream more about animals than adults do. This can be due to the fact that children are more interested in animals, and they spend a lot of time watching television and reading about animals in their life.

Scary Animals

Animals that are scary to children such as snakes or crocodiles are more often to be in children’s dreams than animals that are not scary such as cats, dogs or birds. Children use animals as a way to show what they wish for and a way to show what they are afraid of.

Aggressive Dreaming

Children that dream will sometimes dream more about aggressive things than adults do. This might happen because children have not yet learned to control the impulses that they have, and they might not know how to really live in our society because they are so young. They are trying to learn how to live and face the things around them.

Girls and Boys

Research shows that girls seem to have longer dreams than boys do and that their dreams have more people and clothes in them and that boys dream about things such as shapes, tools and other objects.


When a child has a nightmare, they are often dreamed because they have been disciplined by their parents and so it causes them to have bad dreams. They also might have nightmares if they have a bad family life or if they are sick.

Final Words

The dreams that adults and children have are important. If you have a child that dreams a lot, chances are that you need to listen to what is going on in your child’s life and listen to their dreams. Some dreams show their fears while other dreams can be their desires.

Some children will dream because they have a psychic gifting, and they are getting messages from the spirit world.


  1. The gender differences in dream content are noteworthy. It would be interesting to dive deeper into why girls dream more about people and clothes, while boys focus on shapes and tools.

    • Indeed, these differences might be influenced by societal norms and gender expectations that are ingrained from a young age. Further research could provide more insights.

  2. The differences in dream content between children and adults are quite fascinating. It’s interesting to consider how developmental stages affect our subconscious mind.

  3. The correlation between nightmares and disciplinary actions or family life is compelling. It underscores the importance of a nurturing environment for children.

  4. Understanding what children dream about can be a useful tool for parents and educators. It can offer a glimpse into their fears and desires, which can help in addressing their emotional needs.

  5. The idea that some children might have psychic gifts and receive messages in their dreams is intriguing. It introduces a different dimension to the study of dreams and their meanings.


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