Babies and Dreams

Babies and Dreams

Research shows that babies spend more than 60% of their time sleeping and in REM sleep. That means that they can dream a lot because adults only average at around 20% of time sleeping in their day and in the dreaming stage.

Research has shown that there is a connection between the brain developing and REM sleep and that is why the fetus spends such as huge amount of time sleeping when it is in the womb. When a baby is at 30 weeks in the mother’s womb, the fetus spends almost 24 hours in the REM state.

Babies and REM Sleeping

Babies that are premature will spend up to 80% of their sleep in REM sleep. When the babies get older and mature, they stop spending so much time in the REM stage and by the time that they are one year old, it drops all the way down to around 35%.

REM and Brain Development

This shows that REM sleep has to be important for the brain development of babies and dreaming can be considered a way that the mind works and exercises to get strong. When a baby gets older, he or she will be able to get brain stimulation by their environment and by the people they live with and will not need to spend as much time in REM sleep.

Toddlers and Babies

Research has shown that most babies will have dreams but will not have vivid dreams until they are around two years of age. This is when the brain will keep developing and this is a time where the babies might start to have nightmares.

It will be even later before a baby is able to retain their dreams and to let someone know exactly what they are dreaming about.

Final Thoughts

It is hard to really know what a baby dreams about since they are not able to tell us. They probably have dreams that are about the people that they see and where they live. When babies get older, they will have more sounds and images in their dreams.