Dream Dictionary Letter F

Dream Dictionary


When you see the letter “F” in your dreams it can mean that you are concentrating of failure or it can mean something derogatory such as “F You.”


Dreaming of a fable means that you have romantic ideas or that you need to listen to something and learn a lesson.


If you dream of fabric it can mean you are creative, and you want to make your own destiny.


Dreaming of your own face can mean that the world does not want to see who you really are or if you dream your face is flawed it can mean that your emotions are about to explode or that you are about to suffer a personality or reputation attack.

Dreaming you have someone else’s’ face can mean that you are around someone that is not worthy or is being two faced to you.

If you dream of a blurry face it can mean you do not know who you really are.

Face Paint

Dreaming of face paint can mean that you need to learn to verbalize what you are feeling or that you are needing to show your moods.


If you dream that you are on Facebook it can mean you want to increase your social circle.


Dreaming of someone that is faceless can mean that you are trying to find your real self.


If you dream you get a facelift it can mean you want to be someone else or have a new identity.


Dreaming you get a facial can mean that you are guilty about something or that you are putting on a fake face around people.


If you work at a factory in your dream it can mean that you have an old way that you do things and you are needing to change your habits or if it is an old or run down factory it can mean that you have changed routines and are leaving meaningless things behind.


If you dream of a fade it can mean you need inspiration.


Dreaming of failure can mean that you do not feel good enough or that you are not a good manager.


If you dream that you faint it can mean you are not able to control issues or feelings that you have or if it is a family person it means that you will hear some bad news.


Dreaming that you are at the fair can mean that you are needing to go back to your childhood, and you need to make fair decisions.


If you dream of a fairy, it can mean that you want to find answers to your problems, or your n eyed to admit that you have a situation that needs solved.

Fairy Tale

Dreaming of a fairy tale can mean that you want to be rescued or to find romance.


Dreaming of a fajita means you need energy and want passion.


If you dream something is fake it can mean you are being someone you aren’t and putting up a front. If you dream you are faking your death it can mean you want change in your life.


Seeing a fakir in your dream means you will have a big change in your life.


A falcon in your dream can mean you are focused on your goals.


Dreaming of falling can mean you are not afraid, and you will get rid of problems easily or if you fall backwards it can mean that you are stopping yourself from making bad decisions.

If you are free falling it can mean you are stressed by your emotions or if you dream of the season of fall it can mean something new is coming or starting.

False Teeth

Dreaming of false teeth can mean you are being dishonest or if someone else is wearing them then they are fake.


Dreaming that you are famous can mean you have failed in things you wanted to do, and you want to be looked up to.


If you see your family in your dream it means you are secure and that you love your relationship with your family, if you dream of someone else’s family it can mean that people will come and go out of your life.

Family Guy

Dreaming of Family Guy cartoon can mean that you can handle anything that comes at you.


If you dream of a famine it can mean that you will have negative things in your business or your health or if you see famine for others it can mean you feel bad for them.


Dreaming of a fan can mean that you want change in your life or if you are fanning yourself it can mean you have no self-confidence.


Dreaming that things are fancy can mean you are hiding who you are.


If you dream of fangs it can mean that you have said something that hurt someone.

Fanny Pack

When you dream of wearing a fanny pack it can mean you feel out of place where you are.


Dreaming of fantasy can mean that things are normal and that you are good at using your imagination.


To see something far away in your dream can mean you are feeling distant from people in your life.


If you dream of paying a fare can mean you will have to pay a big price to be successful.


Dreaming of saying goodbye to someone can mean that you are about to end a relationship in your life.


When you dream of a farm it can mean you need to develop who you are and grow.


If you dream you are a farmer, it can mean you are needing to see if you are living your best life.

Farmer’s Market

Dreaming of going to the farmer’s market means you want to have better spiritual enlightenment.


Being farsighted in your dream suggests you are looking at things wrong and you are distracted.


If you dream you are farting it means you are being passive aggressive or if you smell a fart it means someone is not telling you how they feel.


If you dream you are in fashion it can mean you care too much about your looks.

Fast Food

Dreaming of fast food can mean you are not caring about your emotions.

Fast Forward

Dreaming of going in fast forward can mean that you are living life too fast and you need to slow down.


Dreaming that you are fat can mean that you are about to get money in your life or if someone else is fat it can mean that you or they are prosperous.


If you dream about fate it can mean you are not responsible for what you do, and you blame everyone else for your actions.


Dreaming of your father means you are protected or if you dream, he is dead it can mean that you need to be careful in a business deal.

If you dream you hit your father it can mean that you need to be closer to him or if you dream he is angry it can mean you are doing something that you do not approve of.

Seeing your father in bandages can mean you are not accepting his authority or if you dream, he has a girlfriend it can mean you are disconnected with him. If he commits a crime it can mean you are rejecting his rules.


Dreaming of a father in law can mean you are rational.


A faucet in your dream can mean that you need to be in control of your emotions and learn to express yourself.


Dreaming of a fawn can mean that you are in mischief or you are careless.

Fax Machine

A fax machine in your dream can mean that you are getting a message from your subconscious mind.


To dream of the FBI can mean you are guilty of something or that you have a lot of integrity.


If you dream of being afraid it can mean you are not being successful or that you are resisting change.


Dreaming of a feast can mean you have a sexual need or an emotional need. It can also mean that you are bothered by something.


A feather in your dream can mean that you have financial gain and that you are comfortable. If you see a feather it can also mean warmth or if you see a chicken feather it can mean you are annoyed, or an eagle feather can mean goals. A peacock or ostrich feather can mean you want to move up in your job and that you will face failure.

Feather Duster

A feather duster can mean that you are hiding your real talent.


Dreaming of February can mean that you are sad, or you are ill.


Dreaming of feces can mean that you are dirty or negative or that you are refusing to let go of bad emotions.  Freud believes that this means shame or pride.

Dreaming of animal feces can mean you are full of sexual desires and you are hiding it.


If you dream of a fedora it can mean you do not have stress or pressure that you cannot handle.


If you dream you are feeble it can mean that you are stressed.


To dream you are feeding it can mean that you need love and to be accepted.


Dreaming of feet can mean you have a good foundation, or it can mean that you need to be more practical.

If you dream you are washing your feet, it can mean that you are letting people take advantage of you. If your feet are smelly it can mean you need to be careful where you go in your life.


Dreaming of a fence can mean you have an obstacle in your way or if you are climbing a fence it can mean you are successful.

If you dream of building a fence it can mean you are on a solid foundation or if you fall from the fence it can mean that you are dealing with a project. A fence in water means you have a barrier over your relationships.


To dream you are fencing can mean that you are fighting with someone.


If you dream of a fender it can mean that you are attacked in your character.

Feng Shui

Dreaming of Feng Shui can mean that you want to be balanced in your spirit.


If you dream of fennel it can mean that you are seeing things clearly.


Dreaming of things being fermented means you want a spiritual transformation.


Dreaming of ferrets can mean that you do not trust others.


If you dream of a ferry it can mean that you are going through a change in your life or if you are waiting on it can mean that you are facing something that will stop your desires.

Ferris Wheel

Dreaming of a Ferris wheel can mean that you are going in circles and you aren’t going anywhere.


If you dream of fertilizer it can mean that you are needing to grow.


A festival in your dream can mean you want to celebrate and be happy or you are trying to escape something.


Dreaming of fetishes can mean that you are immature.


If you dream of a fetus it can mean that you want a new relationship.


Dreaming of a feud can mean that you are facing conflict.


If you dream you have a fever it can mean you are mad at someone and you need to express this.


Dreaming of wearing a fez can mean you need to relax.


If you have a fiancé in your dream it can mean that you are thinking of your relationship and you need to express your emotions.

Fictional Character

Dreaming of a fictional character can mean you need to escape your reality and you need to understand this in yourself.


If you play a fiddle in your dream it can mean your home is happy.


Seeing a field in your dream can mean you have happiness and freedom and if it is freshly plowed it can mean fortune and honor.

Field Trip

Going on a field trip in your dream means you need to learn something from what you experienced in your life.


A fiend in your life means that you have demons and a bad past.


If you dream of a fife it can mean that you need to defend who you are.

Fig Leaf

A fig leaf can mean that you have loss your innocence.

Fighter Jet

Dreaming of a fighter jet can mean that you are in a fast project.


Fighting can mean that you have inner emotions or that you are fighting to acknowledge something in your life. It can also mean that you need to understand your own problems or the turmoil that you have.

If you are fighting in your dream it can mean that you have no self-esteem.


Dreaming of figs means you are going to see positive things come your way.


If you dream of a figure it can mean that you are confused about some things in your life.


Dreaming of a figurehead can mean that you are wanting to be protected and that you need to look at your emotional wellbeing.


If you dream of figurines it can mean that you do not know what kind of abilities, you have.

Filbert Nut

Dreaming of Filbert Nut can mean that you want peace and harmony and you want to find real friends.


A file in your dream can mean that you are needing to have more order in your life, and you have a lot of responsibilities.

File Cabinet

A file cabinet in your life can mean that you need to get your facts straight or that you need to be more open with what is going on.

If the file cabinet is locked it can mean that you want to know what you reveal and that you are close-minded to new ideas.

File Cart

A file care can mean that you need to be more responsible with your stuff.


A filer can mean that you are needing to smooth things out in your life including who you are and your relationships


Filling something can mean that you are needing to have more energy and need to relax.


Dreaming about being on film can mean that you want to see things from your own way, and you want to accept your past.

If you dream you are exposing the film it can mean that you are in a situation that needs to come out or that you are working hard and you are waiting to see the benefits of your work.


Dreaming of a filter can mean that you are needing to be more cautious in what you say.


If you dream of your finances, it can mean that money is tight.


Dreaming of a finch can mean that you are not being understood and people are looking down on your size or judging you before they know you.


If you find something it can mean that you are coming in contact with something that you repressed in the past.

It can also mean that you need change and you want to find your identity and that you want to make new relationships and take them to a new level.


Dreaming of fingernails can mean that you are being cautious and that you are reaching out to others, but you are keeping your own interests in mind.

If you break a fingernail in your dream it can mean you need to avoid a certain situation and you need to focus on your self-image.

Chewing on your nails can indicate that you are in a problem that is hard to handle or if you have long fingernails that are red it can mean you are sensitive.


Dreaming of fingerprints can mean that you are suspicious of someone in your life.


If you dream of fingers it can mean that you are manipulated and that you are not well at communicating and if your fingers fall off it can mean that you are being dominated by someone. Crossing your fingers can mean you are going to have good luck.

If your fingers are hurt, it can mean that you are anxious about something or if you are pointing in your dream it can mean you re guilty of something. Showing off your pinkie can mean that you are remembering things and that you are able to communicate well.

If you dream of your ring finger it can mean you are creative and popular.


When you dream of finishing something it can mean you need to think of things higher than you are now.

Finish Line

Reaching the finish line in your dream can mean that you are putting your goals on hold and you need to reach higher for your goals.


A fir tree in your dream can mean that you want to be clear in a situation and you are seeing something newcomer.


Dreaming of fire can mean that you are going to see destruction or it can mean passion., It can also mean your life is going to change and transform and that you are going to bond with someone special in your life.

If you get burned by a fire it can mean that you are letting your anger get out of control or if the house is on fire it can mean that you are transforming into something else and you are going to see change.

If you put the fire out it can mean that you are working through hard things in your life and you want to see yourself expressed more or it can mean that you overreact.

If you are invisible in the fire it can mean that you are being cleaned and restored.

Seeing a bird near the fire can mean that you are overtaken by your passions or if you dream of fire and water together it a mean that you are conflicted in your emotions.

Fire Drill

A fire drill can mean that you are needing to pay more attention to things and take action.

Fire Eater

A fire eater in a dream can mean that you need to keep your anger in control.

Fire Truck

Dreaming of a fire truck can mean that you are overthinking what you need, and you are needing to trust that things will be okay.

Fire Escape

If you dream of going down a fire escape it can mean you want to get away from something that is harmful to you.

Fire Extinguisher

Dreaming of a fire extinguisher can mean that you need to let go of anger that is holding you back.


A fire ball can mean that you are destructing who you are.


Seeing a firebrand can mean that you are passionate, or you are angry, and you need to let it out.


A firecracker can mean that you are angry, and you are about to break out and let it go.


If you are fired in your dream it can mean that you want to end a relationship that is no good.


A firefighter in a dream can mean that you need to reach yourself and see who you are.


Seeing a firefly in your dream can mean that you are coming up with new ideas that will help you do better.

Fireman Pole

A fireman pole in a dream can mean that you need to be secure.


Seeing a fireplace in your dream can mean that you want to be warm and comfortable or it can mean that you want to meet your desires. It an also mean that you do not have your heart in something.

Fireplace Damper

A fireplace damper can mean that you want to have good friendships or that you are hiding your negative emotions.


Fireworks in a dream can mean that you are talented and that you need to not make a spectacle of yourself and just be who you are.

First class

Dreaming of being on first class in a plane can mean that you are seeing your success and you want to live a high life.

First Lady

If you dream that you are seeing the first lady it can mean that you are wanting to have the same qualities that she has and that you need to build your confidence and be stronger.


Seeing a swimming fish means that you want to have something come out that you are keeping secret. It can also mean that you are lucky or that you have spiritual beliefs. If you dream of cooking a fish it can mean that you are expressing your emotions and you are not taking time to say what you are feeling.

Dreaming of fish bones can mean that you have new ideas or if it is a small fish attacking a big fish it can mean that you are seeing someone based on their size or that you feel insignificant.

Dreaming of a huge fish can mean that you are being attacked or you have emotional feelings that you are suppressing or if you dream of a giant fish trying to eat you it can mean that you are out of your comfort zone.


A fisheye in your dream means that you need to see things form a different perspective and that you are not accepting that your view is distorted.

Fish Market

Going to a fish market can mean that you are happy or that you are hiding your unhappiness.

Fish Tank

A fish tank in your dream can mean that you are in control of your emotions or it can mean that you are not going anywhere good in your life.

Living in a fish tank can mean that you are withdrawn from people and that you feel that you are being judged and you are always feeling criticized.


If there is a fisherman, it can mean that you are trying to get an answer to your problems or make a decision.


Fishhooks in your dream can mean that you need to get an idea and you are hooked on something that you believe in.

If you dream of having a fishhook in your head, it can mean you need to get over a past relationship and learn that it is not working out. It can also mean you are influential in decision making.


When you fish in your dream it can mean that you are confronting your issues and that you are not accepting that you have bad feelings form something. It can also mean that you are needing to relax, or you want to be complimented.

Fishing Rod

Fishing rods in our dream can mean that you need to confront your emotions or deal with an issue.

Fishnet Stockings

Fishnet stockings can mean that you are feeling sexy or that you are needing to be more daring in your life.


If you see a fishpond it can mean that you are feeling that you need to hide yourself or you need to see reality better.


Making a fist in your dream can mean that you are anger and you are defending who you are.


If you have a fit in your dream it can mean you have lost your job, or it can mean that you are being cold to people that are in your life.


If you need to fix something in your dream it vain mean that you need to evaluate your life and your relationships.


A flag in your dream can mean you have peace and you are prosperous or that you have feelings that are strong in politics.

If you see a flag waving in your dream it can mean that you are facing issues and you need to surrender to them or that you are going to give up.

It can also mean that you are in danger or that you are needing to stop doing something that you are doing. If you are mourning, you might see the flag at half-mast.


Seeing a flagpole in your dream means you have stability and you can get support from others.


Seeing a flame in your dream can mean that you are pure or that you are having an argument, or it can mean that you have someone in your past that you want to see.

To dream that you are fighting a flame can mean that you need to be more successful.


A flamenco in your dream can mean that you love life.


If you see a flamingo in your dream it can mean you love your community and that you are concerned with how you look.


Wearing flannel in your dream can mean you are warm and comfortable in your life.


If there are flashers in your life it can mean you are frustrated in a relationship or with your sex life.


A flashlight in your dream can mean that you are certain about yourself or that you are in deep thought and you need to figure out your feelings. It can also mean that you love sex and you are seeking sexual activities.

Flash mob

A flash mob means that you want to have a mass movement.


If you taste a different flavor it can mean that you need to have different things in your life and accept variety.


Flax in your dream means you are getting riches.

Flea Market

If you go to a flea market in your dream it means you do not feel that people appreciate you and you are selling who you are short.


Fleas in your dream can mean that you are angry, and people are manipulating you. It can also mean people are starting rumors about you.


Fleece in your dream can mean that you are secure.


If you see that your flesh is a different color it can mean you have desires, you are not reaching.


Fleets in your dream can mean you need to get into business.

Fleur De Lis

To see a fleur de lis can mean that you are in control of your life.


If you see a fly in your dream it can mean dirtiness or that you have emotional problems. It can also mean you are guilty or that you are sick or irritated with someone in your life. It can represent someone that does not mind their own business.

If you dream that you kill flies it can mean you need honor or you need grace or if you catch a fly it can mean death such as death in your life or needing change.


Taking a flight in your dream can mean that you are not prepared and if the flight is late it can mean you are not able to do a project that you are working on.

If you miss your flight it can mean that you are not free, and you are trapped and that you are disconnected in your life.

Flight Attendant

If you are a flight attendant it can mean you want to travel or that you need help with a project. It can also mean you have a project that you need to take care of.


Seeing flint in your dream can mean you are lively, and you are needing a spark in your life.


If you flip in your life it can mean you are excited, or you are regretful about something.


Wearing a flipper in your dream means that you are ready to let go of the past and move on into the future or that you are ready to commit to a relationship.

Flip Flops

If you are wearing flip flops in your dream it can mean that you are relaxed or it can mean that you are not able to commit to something and you are not able to make a decision.


Flirting with someone can mean that you are wanting intimacy or that you are being serious in your relationship.

Dreaming that your spouse is flirting with you can mean that you need to be more committed and that you are not feeling committed in the relationship.


To float in your dream means that you are doing what everyone else wants to do and if you are riding on a float in a parade it can mean that you have a path in life that you are going on.

If you see a parade float it can mean you are distracted and cannot meet your goals, or you are afraid.


Floating in a dream can mean that you are happy, and you can accept your problems and rise above them. It can also mean you are overwhelmed, and you are having a hard time handling a situation. It can mean you are wandering through life and you are afraid to move forward, or you are questioning yourself.


Seeing a flock of birds can mean that you have a hard time making decisions.


If a flood happens in your dream it can mean you have desires and that you have emotions that are raging in your life and you need to stop being stressed all the time. It can also mean you have strong opinions or that you need a new start.

If you see a small flood it can mean that your worries are being swept away but if your house floods it can mean you are overwhelmed with strong emotions and you are not comfortable with who you are.


Seeing a floodlight can mean that you will open up to your life and that you are being kept in the dark in some issues.


A floor in your dream can mean that you need more security and that you have a foundation of people that you can count on. It can also mean that you are surprised about something or that you are being caught off guard.

Seeing a waxed floor can mean that you are suppressing your feelings or if it is slanted it can mean that you are not reaching your goals.

Dreaming of building floors can mean that you do not know how successful you are and that you want to accomplish more in your life. If you dream that the floor is rubber it can mean that you are forgiving or that you are wanting to be around people that accept you when you make mistakes.

Dreaming of things pealing away on the floor can mean that you want to have more freedoms and you are forgiving of others.


A floorboard can mean that you are protective or that you are guarding your heart form something that is in your subconscious mind.


Floss in a dream can mean that you are trying to figure things out or that you are showing off.


Seeing a flounder in your dream can mean that you are not able to commit to people.


Flour in your dream can mean that you are living a happy life and you work hard.


Flowers in your dream can mean you are kind and gentle and happy. It can also mean that you have talents in your life that you did not know about. If the flower is white it can mean that you are sad or if it is dead, it can mean that you are gloomy.

Dreaming of a bouquet of flowers can mean that you are admiring others or if the flowers are blooming on stale soil it can mean you can overcome your grief and move on in life.


A flowerpot in your dream can mean that you need to be protected and you are not able to be creative.


If something is fluffy in your dream it can mean you want peace and comfort or that you are having a hard time reaching goals because they are unrealistic.


A flute in your dream can mean that you have harmony or that you are longing for something. It can also mean that you have a big range of emotions and you need to keep them in check.

Fly Paper

Fly paper can mean that you are in a bad situation.

Fly Trap

A fly trap can mean that you have a plan against you that is going to hurt you or that you are embarrassed about something.


When you dream you are flying it can mean that you are limited and if you see a fly with black wings it can mean you are bitter or disappointed.

Flying under water can mean that you need to control your emotions better.


Foam in your dream can mean you have pleasure and you are happy.


Seeing fog in your dream can mean you have troubles and you are worried about something. It can also mean you have no direction in your life.

Fog Machine

A fog machine can mean that you are trying to hide something and take the attention off of yourself.


Foil can mean that you are wanting to hide yourself form realities and you are angry about things and you hate listening to other people’s points.


Folding something in your dream means that you need to organize your thoughts better and you need to stop being so structured in how you think.


If you have a folder in your dream it means you have issues or trauma that you are not facing.


Dreaming of fondue can mean that you are whole, and you lack qualities of freshness.

Foo Dog

Seeing a foo dog in your dream means that you want balance and you need to guard your heart.


Eating food in your dream means you need to take care of your emotions and if it is fruit it means you are sensual. Eating meat means you are animalistic and frozen foods can mean you are cold.

If you dream of eating specific foods, it can mean you love other cultures and that you are wanting comfort in the wrong places.

If you are hiding food, it can mean that you are deprived or that you do not trust things or if you see stale food it can mean that you are sluggish and drained.

Eating bad tasting food can mean that you are resentful and if you eat burnt food it can mean that you are intense and exhausted.

Plastic food can mean that you are not supported in your emotions. Eating fried foods can mean that you are angry and that you are suppressing issues.

Food Court

Being in the food court can mean you are needing to express your feelings.

Food Fight

If you have a food fight it can mean you have conflict in your life, or you need to take care of your emotions.

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning can mean that you are around something that is hurting you in your body or your emotions.

Food Processor

Seeing a food processor in your dream means that you need to understand your emotions.

Food Truck

If you see a food truck it can mean that you are not taking time to care for your emotions.


Dreaming of foosball can mean that you are needing to respond to a situation, or you want to reach your goals.


To dream of a foot can, mean that you are not free, and you are lacking progress. It can also mean you are going the wrong way, or you are working towards a goal.


Dreaming of football can mean that you are satisfied in what you do or that you are aggressive. It can also mean that you are competitive with others or you are not supported. It can mean you have challenges that are demanding.

If you dream you are mowing a field, it can mean that you are passionate, and you need to tone down your emotions.


Seeing a footprint in your life means you are proud of who you are and that you are missing something or someone that you have not seen for a while.


Hearing footsteps in your dream means that you are worried about something.


A footstool in your dream can mean that you need to get help and you need to move forward in life.


Dreaming of being forced means that you have negative feelings and that you are full of anger or hate.


When your house is foreclosed in your dream it can mean that you are unsettled or that you are seeing something good end.


A smooth forehead in your dream can mean that you are able to judge situations well and if you have a wrinkled forehead it can mean that you are burdened.

Dreaming that you have a forehead and you feel it can mean that you are sincere.

Foreign Land

A foreign land means that you want to change your life and you are afraid of losing something. It can also mean that you don’t want to face changes or that you need to be clearer with others.

It can also mean that you have a problem that you are not able to resolve.

Foreign Language

Speaking a foreign language can mean that you are not understanding things and you are not able to be clear about others.

It can also mean that you are being approached or conflicted with something.


Seeing a foreigner in your dream means you are not familiar with things and things are sometimes strange to you. It can also mean you feel neglected or you are ignoring your talents.


Dreaming of foreplay can mean you have desires you are not meeting.


A forest in your dream can mean that you are going through changes or that you want to escape to a simpler life.

It can also mean that you are searching for something and that you do not want to deal with hardships. It can mean you are angry, and your anger is not being controlled well.


Dreaming of being a forger means that you are trying to lie or cover something up.

Forget Me Not

Forget Me Nots in a dream can mean that you are neglecting things and that you are feeling overlooked. It can also mean that your relationship does not have open communication or that you are forgetting something you should remember.


To forget something in your dream means that you are facing anxieties and you are stressed out. It can also mean that you want to leave something behind, or you are being reminded of something that you forgot to do such as an appointment.

If you forget someone it can mean that you are changing and you are not proud of who you are becoming or it can mean that you are feeling insignificant and you are not important.

It can also mean that you don’t want to go home because you have to face responsibilities or an argument.


Dreaming of forgiving someone means that you have suppressed feelings and you are not taking time to forgive people that need to be forgiven. It can also mean that you are a very forgiving person and that you are seeking to better your life.

If someone is refusing to forgive you it can mean that you have negative feeling sand if you are being forgiven it can mean you have accepted things in your life you cannot control.


A fork can mean that you are trying to reach something or meet a goal that you are trying to meet. If you dream you are stabbed with a fork it can mean you are being too picky or eating with a fork can mean that you are worried about things or need to help your friends.

Fork in the Road

A fork in the road can mean that you need to make better choices and you have a situation that is holding you back. It can mean you want to be with someone that is different than you.


A forklift can mean that you need to change your ideas and figure out how to solve problems.


Being at a formal can mean that you need to behave better or that you are being pretentious.


Dreaming of formaldehyde can mean that you are holding on to things and you need to let go of old emotions.


A formula in your dream means you have solutions to problems, and you need to pay attention of things and figure out what you want in your life.


A fort in your dream can mean that you are being attacked in your emotions.


A fortress can symbolize that you want to be protected or you are shutting down in your feelings.


If you are needing to have a fortune in your dream it can mean that you need more money or that you are hiding your talents.

Fortune Cookie

A fortune cookie can mean that you are putting your life in someone else’s hands and you need to be careful.

Fortune Telling

Telling the future in your dream can mean that you are anxious about what the future holds.


Seeing fossils in your dream can mean you are wise and that you are stuck with old thinking.


Seeing foundation can mean that you are prepared to face things that are coming before you or that you are changing your thoughts on things.


A fountain can mean you have joy or that you are positive about things in life. It can also mean you have sexual aggression. If the fountain is dry it can mean you are passionate about your relationships.


Fowls in a dream can mean that you are worried and disagreeing with people.


A fox can represent that you are clever in a dream or that you are needing more qualities that are strong. It can also mean you are hiding your thoughts or isolating yourself and you are feeling lonely. Take time to reflect on what you are feeling.

A flying fox can men that you need to be careful who you are trusting.


A foxglove in your dream means that you are hiding something, or you are being cold to someone.


If you see a foyer in your dream it means you need to announce something important.


To see a fraction in your dream means that you are looking for closure.


Fractures in your dream means that you are threatened, and your health is at stake.


If you are fragile in your dream it can mean that you are having issues you cannot handle, and you need to be gentle with yourself and your life.


A frame can represent that you are limited when you dream about it or it can mean you are vain. Dreaming of a picture frame can mean you want a relationship to stay how it is or that you are guilty of something.


If you dream you are framed for something it can mean you are guilty, and you need to take responsibility for your action and stop pretending to be a victim.


Frankenstein in your dream can mean you feel rejected by society.


If you are in a fraternity it can mean that you need to have more relationships with others and that you need to grow. It can mean you feel that your relationships are not significant.


If you commit fraud in your dream it can mean you need to figure out what kind of person you are and that you are guilty of something.

If fraud has been committed against you it can mean you trust people too much.


Freckles in a dream can mean that you are unique in who you are.


Dreaming of freedom can mean that you are wanting to break way from something that is holding you back in life and you feel that you are not independent anymore.


A freemason in your dream can men that you want to be exclusive and you want to have a better future. It can also mean you feel accepted.


Dreaming you are on the freeway can mean you feel free and that you are not letting things get in the way of meeting your goals.

If it is under construction, it can mean that you are getting a setback and you need to think about the situation more.


A freezer in your dream can mean that you are cold towards others and your ideas are not good.


Seeing a freight in your dream can mean that you have a lot of things on your mind and you are carrying some kind of burden.


A fighter in your dream can mean that you are holding on to baggage that you need to let go of.


Dreaming of speaking French can mean that you are wanting to be romantic and that you are not understanding things that are going on in your life. It can also mean you need to pay attention to your love life.

French Fries

French Fries in a dream can mean that you are not to overlook the small things in life.

French Kiss

French kissing someone can mean that you are needing to be honest with how you feel or if you see people French kissing it can mean that you are in some kind of tangled relationship.

French Toast

Eating French toast in your dream can mean that you are happy with your life.


If you dream it is Friday it can mean that you want to deal with a task that is hard so you can get over it. It can also be a day that is meaningful to you and you want to have this personal bond with someone.

Fried Food

Fried food in a dream can mean that you are wanting to deal with issues of anger and that you want to be comforted.


Meeting a friend in your dream can mean that you are accepting who you really are, and you are wanting to find a friend that accepts you.

Having sex with your friend can mean that you want to be close to someone while meeting a new best friend can mean that you need to work on things inside of yourself and who you are.

If you dream of your childhood friend, it can mean you want to go back when things were easy and that you have stresses as an adult.

A friend from your past can mean that you are desiring to connect with someone and that you have lost touch with someone that you want to connect with or if you dream of a friends’ friend it can men that you are losing your friend and who you are but you are still getting to know other people.


When you are scared in your dream it can mean that you are hiding from worries that are only temporary.


Seeing a fringe means that you are torn up inside over something and you don’t know how to express this. It can also mean rain if you are Native American or mean crying tears.


Seeing a frisbee in your dream can mean you have an easy attitude to get along with and you are able to give and take in life.


Getting frisked in your dream can mean that you are emotional or that something has let you down. It can also mean you are not guarding yourself and that you are not able to trust others.


Dreaming of a frog can mean that you are needing change, but it will be unexpected. It can mean that you will have a new life or that you will face opportunities that you have waited for.

A leaping frog can mean that you are not committed to things and that you need to take a step towards this. If you hear a frog it can mean that you are not accomplishing your goals and eating a frog can represent that you have a task to do that you hate.


If you put on a front it can mean that you are avoiding issues and that you are wanting to keep a distance from others. It can also mean that someone is about to face you and that you are letting things come to your mind that are from the past.


Living on a frontier in your dream can mean that you are seeing changes take place and you will experience new things.


Frosting a cake or eating frosting in your dream can mean that you are sure of yourself and that you are superficial, and you need to look deeper inside.


Being frozen in your dream means that you are feeling rejected or that your dreams have left you feeling bitter.


Dreaming of fruit can mean that you are growing or that you are going to get better finances. It can also mean that you want to reach your goals or that you are ready to have a baby.

Seeing a rotting fruit can mean that you are regretting an opportunity that you missed or if you buy the fruit it can mean you are wasting time on something that will never work out.


If you are frustrated in a dream it can mean that you are coping with things in your life and life is not going how you expected it to.

Frying Pan

Dreaming of a frying pan can mean that you are in love or that you need to accept things you have done.


If you dream of fudge it can mean that you are enjoying your life and that you need to be careful not to indulge too much.


Fuel in a dream can mean that you are needing more energy and that you need vitamins or have a health issue.


A fugitive in your dream can mean that you are not accepting responsibility for what you are doing, and you are running away from things instead of facing them. It can also mean that you are not standing up for what you believe.


Dreaming of a function can mean that you are wanting to celebrate something in your life, and you want to see things that do good for you.


A funeral can mean that you are hiding your feeling and that you need to understand yourself more or confront a situation that you are having.

Dreaming you are at someone’s funeral can mean that you are getting over the past and that you need to live your life and separate yourself from others. This can also mean that you need to be independent.

Dreaming someone that you don’t know died can mean that you need to let go of something that you have been holding on to.


Fungus in a dream can mean that you are having negative emotions and that you are out of control and you need to do something good in your life.


A funhouse can mean that you are wanting to get over fears and that you are wanting to have a better image of who you are.


A funnel in your dream can mean that you need to clear your emotions and build your present relationships.

Funnel Cloud

Dreaming of a funnel cloud can mean that you are holding something back, but you need to share it.


A Furby in your dream can mean that you are clear on what you are expressing or that someone else is misunderstanding you.


Furnaces in your dream can mean that you are needing to have more energy and that you are wanting to deny the power you have.


Furniture in a dream can mean that you are moving or going out of your way to try to make others happy.  Old furniture can mean that you are dreaming of things from the past or you have an old way of thinking.

Furniture can also mean that you have a relationship in your life that fits in well with who you are.


Feeling furry in a dream can mean that you are emotional and that you are complete.


Dreaming of furs can mean that you are in a life of luxury or that you are protected from poverty. It an also mean that you are animalistic or that you are proud, and you are thinking that you are less than you are even though you should be proud of yourself.


Dreaming of a fuse can mean that you are seeing something that is breaking in your life because you are stressed out and you can’t keep your temper in check for long.


If you dream of the future it can mean that you are hoping for things or you are afraid of something.


To dream of something being fuzzy means that you are not seeing the issues that are in front of you and someone is trying to keep a secret from you.


  1. The comprehensive list of dream interpretations offered here is quite compelling. It makes one consider how much our subconscious mind might be trying to communicate through dreams, though the interpretations can be diverse.

  2. This article presents an intriguing look at the symbolism in dreams. Understanding these symbols can provide insight into one’s inner thoughts and emotions, though it’s always beneficial to approach such interpretations with an open and critical mind.

  3. I find the explanations provided in the article interesting, especially the distinction made between different types of dreams involving the concept of ‘face.’ It’s fascinating how dreams can reflect our internal struggles and self-perceptions.

  4. The given interpretations of dreams seem quite extensive and cover a wide array of scenarios. It’s intriguing to note how various elements like ‘fabric’ or ‘failure’ in dreams might symbolize deeper subconscious thoughts and feelings.

  5. The article provides a thought-provoking perspective on dream symbolism. However, it’s worth mentioning that the meaning of dreams is highly subjective and can vary significantly from person to person.


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