Dream Dictionary Letter P

Dream Interpretation

Letter P

To see the letter P in your dream can mean you need to express your emotions better.


If you dream of pacman it can mean that you are needing to get rid of a behavior that you are practicing in your life.


To dream of sucking on a pacifier can mean you are needing someone to care for your emotions and you are needing to be more responsible in your life.


If someone is pacifying, you in your dream it can mean you need to be calm and think of others when they need your help.


To dream of getting a package means that you will have changes come to your life or it can mean you are carrying something that is hard for you. If you are packing something it can mean that you are full of chaos and that you are carrying things that are hurtful that you need to figure out.


Dreaming of paddleball can mean you are pursuing things you want in life.


If you dream of being a pagan can mean you are not directing things right or you are needing to get a message from the spirit world.


Seeing a page in your dream can mean that you want to understand your life and what life has for you. It can also mean that you are in a relationship that you do not understand, and you want to move forward.


Dreaming of being in a parent can mean you are insecure, and you do not feel that others like you.


If you see a pager in your dream it means you are trying to communicate with others, and you are not good at it.


Seeing a pail in your dream can mean you need to make a situation better and love others better.


If you experience pain in your dream it can mean that you are out of control of your life and that you need to understand your own health.


Seeing paint in your dream can mean that you are needing to figure out how you are feeling and express yourself better.


If you see yourself doing paintball it can mean that you are fun, and you like to compete with others. It can also mean that there are dangers that are coming to you that you need to be aware of.


Dreaming of a paintbrush can mean that you are creative and fun.


If you are painting in your dream it can mean that you have a project that you are wanting to take on and you are hiding something from others. It can also mean that you are offended easily, and you need to learn to express yourself instead of holding it in.


Seeing pairs inform dream can mean you want to be balanced in your life.


If you are wearing pajamas in your dream it can mean that you are not aware of things that are in front of you and how important that they are.


Dreaming of being in a palace can mean that you are wealthy and that you have success in front of you if you reach for it.


If you are pale in your dream it can mean you are afraid, or you are sick.


Seeing pall in your dream can mean you are emotional, and you are not ready to confront your life.


Dreaming of a pallbearer can mean that you are needing to keep your temper in mind and not be so angry.


If you dream of a pallet it can mean you are doing labor and you are working hard.


Dreaming of your palm can mean that you are hiding something, and you are not able to keep power.

Palm Tree

If you dream of a palm tree it can mean you have hopes and dreams and you need to relax more.


If you see a pan in your dream it can mean that you are in a situation that is causing you to be angry and that you are being critical of others. It can also mean you are in a situation that you are not able to work out of.


Pancake’s in your dream can mean you want to be comforted and you are wanting to have pleasure in your life.


A panda in your dream can mean that you need to find middle ground or that you are like a child.


Dreaming of a pangolin can mean that you are needing to protect yourself and you are being reckless.


If you are a pansy in your dream it can mean that you are remembering things and that you need to stand up for yourself.


If you are wearing panties in your dream it can mean that you have strong feelings and that you are a female.


Opening a pantry in your dream can mean that you are not showing emotions and that you are feeling void.


Dreaming of wearing pants can mean that you are in a role that means you need to be more giving.

Pap Smear

If you dream of having a pap smear it can mean that you are insecure.


Dreaming of eating a papaya can mean that you have a strong sex drive.


If you dream of paper it can mean that you want to start a new thing in life and that you want to learn to express yourself. If you dream of a red piece of paper it can mean that you will communicate with others and you need to stop being so angry.

Paper Bag

Dreaming of a paper bag can mean that you have secrets that you are hiding and that you need to consider things that are inside of you.

Paper Plane

Dreaming of folding a paper plane can mean that you are wasting your time and you are getting nowhere in your ideas.

Paper Plates

Paper plates in your dream can mean that you will get rewarded for things you have done, and this will not take forever before you see the rewards of your sowing.

Paper Towels

Seeing paper towels in your dream can mean that you feel that something in your life is a mess and you need to clean it up so that you can feel better.


Seeing a paperclip in your dream can mean that you are trying to be organized and do better in your life.


Seeing the paparazzi in your dream can mean that you have lost yourself and you no longer know who you are.



A parachute in your dream can mean that you are secure and that you are needing to get rid of bad habits in your life. If the parachute does not open it can mean that people have let you down and you are struggling with this.



To dream of parakeets can mean that you are needing to be more spontaneous and not doing what everyone else wants you to do all the time.


Seeing a parallel line in a dream can mean that you hate confronting people and you do not want to have conflict in your life. It can also mean that you regret things you have done in your past.


If you are paralyzed inform dream it can mean that you are stressed, and you are not getting enough sleep no matter how hard you try or what you do. It can also mean that you feel that you are helpless in life and nothing you can do can help this.


Being paranoid in your dream can mean that you do not want to embrace a relationship or friendship that you have because you are suspicious of who they really are and you do not trust them.


Dreaming of a parasite can mean that you feel that you are losing things and that you are not able to give back to people that have helped you.


To dream of a parchment can, mean that you are seeing words and writing them, and you need to listen to what you are writing so that you will know the message.


If you see your parents in your dream it can mean you are worried about your mom and dad or if you dream that your parents die it can mean that you are reaching a new era in your life.


If you dream of going to Paris it can mean that you are full of romance and you want to know more about the country.


If you are at the park in your dream it can mean that you need to meditate and figure out your spiritual being. It can also mean that you have conflict with someone or if you are lost at the park it can mean that you feel that you do not fit into society.

Dreaming that you are parking a car can mean that you are reaching your goals and you are happy in your life or if you parked in a non-parking zone it can mean you do not belong where you are trying to be.

Parking Attendant

Dreaming of a parking attendant can mean you lack getting directions and you always want to help people to do better and to see their goals come to life.

Parking Meter

Seeing a parking meter in your dream can mean that you are being carefree but that this will end, and you will have to work hard.

Parking Structure

If you dream that you see a parking structure it can mean that your life is going around and around, and you are never getting anywhere. It can also mean that you are getting lost in your goals and being distracted so that you are not able to meet them.


A parkour in your life can mean that something is causing you not to reach your goals and you are learning to adapt to things in your life.


Dreaming of being on parole can mean that you know what you did was wrong, and you have to face a higher spiritual power for it.


If you see a parrot in your dream it can mean that you have a message that is repeating itself and that you are obnoxious and aggravating people.


Seeing a partner in your dream means that you need to help other people so that you can both reach your goals and get where you want to get. You might need to work on a relationship that you have.


A partridge in your dream can mean that you are tempting others.


If you dream of going to a party, it can mean that you need to enjoy who you are, and you need to take time to love life. If you are at a party that was not fun, it can mean that you do not know what kind of skills that you have but if you are at your own party it can mean that you are afraid of what life is doing and where it is taking you.

When you plan a party in your dream it can mean that you are needing to let things go and you are stressed out about life or if you are dreaming that there is only one sex at a party it can mean that you are afraid that you do not fit in and you are trying to stand out and be someone better.

Party Horn

A party horn in your dream can mean that you are expressing who you are, and you are not hiding yourself from others.


Dreaming of a passenger can mean that you are out of control and you are not taking time to reflect on your life and to do things that better you but you are spending too much time trying to make other people better instead.

Passion Fruit

Eating passion fruit in your dream can mean that you want to be more spiritual inclined and you want to listen to what the spirit world is telling you.


Seeing a passport in your dream can mean that you are making it through hard situations, and you are happy of the freedom that you have found. It can also mean that you are taking time to figure out who you are but if you lose your passport it can mean that you are trying to find yourself again.

Dreaming that your passport is getting stamped can mean that you want people to approve of you and accept you.


Dreaming of your past can mean that you are not able to let things go and you need to let your past go so that you can move on to the future.


If you are making pasta in your dream it can mean that you are seeing things in a new light and you are ready to face whatever life has and focus on who you are.


Dreaming of a pastor can mean that you are feeling guilty of something that you have done.


Eating a pastry in your dream can mean you love to enjoy good things in life, and you are happy.


If you get a patent in your dream it can mean you are successful in what you do.


Walking through a path in your dream can mean you are peaceful, and you are together in your life. If your path is blocked thought it can mean that you need to focus on you and see if you are taking the right path or if you need to change direction in what you choose.


Dreaming of being a patient can mean that you are going through things and you need healing.


Dreaming of a patio means that you are open in your mind and you are accepting life.


If you dream of committing patricide it can mean you are not accepting of authority and you don’t like to be told what to do.


If you see a pattern in your dream it can mean that you are free from your routine and you need to figure out your own identity.

Patty Cake

Playing patty cake in your dream can mean that you are not spending time on things that are good for you.


Dreaming of a pauper can mean that you do not believe that you are worthy of things.


If you see pavement in your dream it can mean that you are understanding of things and that you are reaching your goals.


Seeing an animal paw in your dream can mean that you trust your gut feeling and you know which direction to take in life but if the paw is bloody it can mean you have desires that are animalistic.


Seeing a pawnshop in your dream can mean you are using resources that can help you with things that you are doing or it can mean that you are not dealing with the problems that you have in life.


Seeing a paycheck in your dream can mean that you feel that you need to be paid back for all the hard work that you have done and that you want to be motivated to do more but you are on a downward hill. This can also mean that you feel that people do not value you and that you have no self-esteem at all.


Speaking on a payphone can mean that you are living life, but you are paying for the bad things that you have done.


If you dream of doing PE in class, it can mean that you feel that you need to be healthy or it can mean that you are experiencing what you did in the past. It can also mean that you feel that life needs to have a strong start so that you can win at things you want to do.


If you have peace in your dream it can mean that you do not have inner conflicts and that you need to be calm and you need to deal with things before, they come.


Dreaming of a peacock can mean that you are curious about things or that you saw something that you should never have seen.

Peanut Butter

Dreaming of peanut butter can mean that things are wrong and that you are not understanding things that are happening to you.


If you dream of a pear it can mean that you are looking for new opportunities.


If you see a pearl in your dream it can mean you have a beautiful sole or that you are pure, if the pearls are in a string it can mean you are comfortable or that you like to do things the same.

Wearing the pearls in a dream means that you have advice that someone has given you and you should follow it but if you have a pearl ring it can mean you want to be in love whereas a black pearl means bad luck.


Dreaming of peas can mean that you have things that are annoying you.


If you see a pebble in your dream it can mean you are dealing with things that are hard but not too hard in your life.


If you have a pedestal in your dream can mean that you are inflated or that you are looking up to others in your life.


If you get a pedicure in your dream it can mean you are moving in life confidently and you are going the right direction. It will also mean that someone is going to notice the hard work that you have done and recognize you.


Peeling things in your dream can mean you are getting rid of bad habits.


If you are looking through a peephole it can mean that you are getting information so that you can get the upper hand in a situation.


Seeing Pegasus in your dream can mean you are brave.


If you are seeing pelicans in your dream it can mean that you care for other people more than you care for yourself.


A pelvis in your dream can mean that you are dealing with issues and you want to be more creative.


Seeing a pen in your dream can mean you need to express your thoughts and feelings more with others.


If you see a pencil in your dream it can mean you are dealing with a situation that is only lasting for a little while and that you are able to make it through it without being stuck.


Seeing a pendant in your dream can mean you are connected to someone and you are emotional.


Dreaming of a pendulum can mean you are anxious, and you have to make a decision that will be hard.


If you dream of a penguin it can mean that you are not serious in life and you are about having fun without dealing with your emotions.


Seeing a penis in your dream can mean you need to have sexual energy and that you are well rounded in things.

If your penis breaks it can mean you have no power and if you see someone with a very large penis it can mean you have strong sex desires.


Dreaming of a penny can mean that you are getting lucky and that you are hiding your talents.


If you see the pentagon in your dream it can mean that you want to be protected from things in your life or that you have strong political views.


Dreaming of a pentagram can mean that you are wanting to connect with the spiritual world or if you see a pentagram that is pointing downward it can mean you have aggression in your life.


If you dream of the penthouse it can mean that you are creative and that you need to see things in a different light.


Dreaming of seeing people can mean that you are not being who you are meant to be or it can mean that you are blocking those around you from helping you make it better in life.


Seeing pepper in your dream means that you need to be happier in life and stop letting things get you down. You need to learn to find our happiness and stop dealing with some past problems that are holding you back.


Smelling peppermint in your dream can mean that you are having a hard time in your life and you are figuring out how to make it through your life without so many difficulties.


Eating pepperoni in your dream can mean you want to have more excitement in your life or that you want to feel more complete.


If you see something is perfect in your dream it can mean you are living an unrealistic life and you have goals you will never reach.


If you see peridot in your dream it can mean you will have long relationships.


Seeing a period in your dream means you will end something soon.

Periodic Table

A periodic table in your dream can mean that you are helping others and you want to get to know people on a better level. It also means you want to see the truth in others.


If you get a perm in your dream it can mean you are changing the way that you think about things and you are wanting to be happy.


Getting a permit in your dream can mean you are wanting to move past your anger and learn to accept things and move towards your goals.


Asking someone for permission in your dream means that you want to have the approval of others. It can also mean that you want to be free or that you are always questioning the decisions that you make.

If you are being asked for your opinion it can mean you are in high authority and you are powerful in your work or relationships.

Perpetual Motion

Dreaming of perpetual motion means that you are nervous.


Dreaming of persimmon means that you are happy.


Personal Trainer

If you have a personal trainer in your dream it means that things are not easy, but you are always wanting to find a way to do things easier.


Dreaming of a changing perspective can mean that you need to look at the view and ideas of others and not be selfish in your thinking. You are being too self-absorbed, and you need to work on that.


If you dream of seeing a pervert, it can mean you are needing to be distanced from someone before they hurt you.

Pet Store

A pet sore in your dream can mean you are responsible or that you have animal qualities in your life because you are searching for someone to love you.

If you steal an animal, it can mean you are not feeling worthy.


Seeing petals in your dream means your friendship is going to be broken because you did something that makes you feel guilty and you need to talk about it.

Peter Pan

Seeing Peter Pan in your dream can mean you are trying to escape the way life is and you want to get rid of your responsibilities and stop having to live on deadlines., It can also mean that you need to see things from a different perspective.


If you dream of signing a petition it can mean you are ready for change in your life.


Seeing petroleum in your dream can mean your life is full of problems and you are about to explode in your emotions.


Seeing pets in your dream means you have a strong temper and you are accepting of love. Dreaming the pet is dead means that you are facing something difficult and you will not be able to move past it easily.


If you are wearing a petticoat in your dream it can mean that you are about to tell something about yourself that no one else knows about and you have desires that you are about to face.


Sitting in a pew in your dream can mean that you need to take time to accept the mistakes you made and move forward.


If you see a phantom in your dream it can mean that you have a message that you need to tell someone.


Dreaming of going to the pharmacy can mean that you need to change your way of thinking and find ways to solve problems on your own instead of always depending on everyone else to save you.


If you see a pheasant in your dream it can mean you are nurturing to others.


When you dream that you have a phobia it can mean that there are things in your life that you need to face and that you are afraid of. This I can also mean that you need to figure out what is going on and learn to accept yourself.


Seeing a phoenix in your dream means that something is bothering you and you need to move forward.

Phone Booth

Seeing a phone booth in your dream can mean that you are shutting out people that are important to you.

Phone Number

A phone number in your dream can mean you need to reach out to someone that is in need of your help but if you cannot remember the number it can mean you need to be more responsible with who you are.

If you cannot dial the phone it can mean that you are having a hard time with someone or you are trying to tell them something and they are refusing to listen.

Dreaming of giving someone your number can mean that you need to take time to care about other people.

Photo Album

Seeing a photo album can mean that you are living in the past and you need to move forward.

Photo Booth

Dreaming of a photo booth can mean that you re wanting to be private but people are being nosy in your life.

Photo Shoot

Photo shoots in your dream means that you are appearing to be someone that you are not.


A photographer in your dream means that you are in a time in your life where you can move forward.


A pion in your dream can mean that you have harmony in your life and that you are voicing your opinion and saying what you believe in your life.


Using a pickaxe in your dream can mean you are aggressive and angry, and you need to calm down before it gets out of control.


A pickle in your dream means that you are dealing with a hard situation and you are hiding things that you need to work on.


Dreaming of a picnic can mean that you are happy or that you are taking opportunities to move forward.


Seeing a picture in your dream can mean you are doing something that you cannot change and the things that you have done to others cannot be reversed but if you are taking the picture it can mean you have goals that you want to reach and that you are not paying attention to the situation.

Seeing blurry pictures can mean that you are holding on to your past and you are not accepting what the future holds for you.

Picture Frame

Dreaming of a picture frame can mean that you have things working against you and that you need to understand what things are important in your life.


If you eat pie in your dream it can mean that you are reaching beyond what you are doing and trying to be someone that you are not.


Dreaming of piecrust can mean that you are dealing with someone that is not honest.


Seeing a pier in your dream can mean that you need to look inside, and you need to connect with your spiritual being.


If you get a piercing in your dream it can mean that you are hurt by something someone has said to you and you are trying to figure out how to get over it.


Seeing a pieta can mean that you love your mom or your child or you are sad about a loss or a death that has happened recently.


A pig in your dream can mean that you are selfish and that you spend too much money or if you think pigs are cute it can mean that you are not accepting things how they really are and you need to figure out your life and your relationships.

Seeing a big pig can mean that you are making changes in your life and you are not letting negative things get you down.


A pigeon in your dream can mean that people are always blaming you for things and that people are gossiping and are hurting you and putting you down.


If you are giving someone a piggyback ride it can mean you are a very supportive person and you care about what is happening in the lives of others. This can also mean you are responsible, and you are able to be depended on.

Riding piggyback can mean that you are not in control or that you are dependent and not standing up for yourself.


Dreaming of a piglet can mean that you have flaws that are in your life that you have accepted but you need to work to change them or it can mean that you want to have children.


If your place is a pigsty in your dream it can mean that you need to figure out how to organize situations in your life and not get yourself in such a mess.


Seeing a pile of something can mean that you are overworked and stressed out about life. This can be your responsibilities that you are not able to meet or solve and can be parts of your life that you do not want to face.


If you take a pill in your dream it can mean you are harmonious, and you have negative thinking that you need to overcome.


Seeing a pillar in your dream means you are strong and that you have support of the people around you in your life.


Seeing a pillow can mean that you are easy to get along with us but if you are lazy, it can mean that you need to stop being lazy and do something in your life. If the pillow is lumpy it can mean you have things in your life that are not settling.

Dreaming of lying on a pillow can mean you need to work on your mental state and make sure you are stable.


Dreaming of a pin can mean that you are in a situation that feels like it is stressful and falling a part and you need to get out of it because it makes you feel that you are trapped.

Pin Cushion

If you dream of a pin cushion it can mean you are manipulated in your life and you are letting people that have negative influences to take over your life.


Dreaming of a pinata can mean that you feel that you need to celebrate something or it can mean that you have a self-esteem problem and you feel that you are not strong in the things that you do.

If insects come out of the pinata it can mean that you are feeling that good things are happening, and you are unsure as to why you are so lucky.


A pinwheel in your dream can mean you are being successful, and you have good creative energy or that you want to go back to childhood ways.


If you see pincers in your dream it can mean that you are trying to get your hands on something that is not yours and you are using bad methods to do it. If a pincher grabs you thought it can mean something is holding you back.

Pine Tree

A pine tree in your dream can symbolize that you are fertile or that you need someone to raise you up and care for you.


A pineapple in your dream means that you are confident in yourself and that you love to help other people and take care of them.


If you see a pinecone in your dream it can mean you are fertile or that you are wealthy.

Ping Pong

Playing ping pong in your dream can mean that you have choices that you are trying to make, and you cannot seem to come to a decision.


A pipe in your dream can mean you are open to new things and you want to see the light in your life shine.


A piranha in your dream can mean that you are hiding something, and it is hurting you to keep it in.


If you dream of a pirate it can mean you have chaos and confusion in your life, and it can also mean you are free and that you want to take new risks and adventures.

If you are a pirate it can mean you are being used by people in your life and they are taking from you.


A pirouette in your dream can mean you are able to balance your fun and your work, and you do this well.


A Pisces in your dream can mean you are sensitive, and you have compassion and you are willing to do things such as sacrifice yourself for others.


A pistachio in your dream can mean that you want to explore new things and that you have things that are hard to deal with, but they are still bringing you joy and happiness.


Carrying a pistol in your dream can mean that you are wanting to reach a certain goal or that you are angry, and you be afraid.


If you have fallen in a pit it can mean that you have a situation that makes you feel that you cannot get out of it or if you are in a bottomless pit it can mean you cannot recover from all of the things that you are facing but you will keep trying.

Pit bull

Seeing a pit bull can mean that you are aggressive and angry, or it can mean that you are being protected by people.


People eating pita in a dream can mean they are whole, and they have made strong sacrifices in their life.


A pitcher in your dream can mean that you are willing to get knowledge and you always want to learn new things. If you see a baseball pitcher it can mean you are in control of what is going on and you are needing to change the things that you do.


A pitchfork in your dream can mean you are learning new things about who you are, and you are trying to find the easier things in life.


Seeing a pixel in your dream can mean that you are not sure about what is going on in your life and you need things to be clearer for you.


A pixie in your dream can mean you are acting like a child and you are doing things, so you are not able to reach your potential because of your actions.


Eating pizza in a dream can mean that you have different choices and you like good things in your life. It can also mean a circle or going around and around.


Placentas in a dream can mean that you are relying too much on other people and you need to reach into yourself and learn to take care of yourself.


Places in a dream can mean that you need to find a place to go or you have memories of a certain place that you have visited.


A plague in your dream means that there are issues that you have not faced, and you are facing hardships but if you don’t change you will eventually face the consequences of your actions.


Dreaming of plaid can mean you are liberal, and you do not like to live life on the wild side.


Seeing plains can mean that you are facing good times and life is easy.


Seeing yourself make a plan in your life means that you need to make better decisions and you need to work out problems in your life.

You can solve some problems that you are stuck in when you dream if you pay attention to what is going on or it can also mean you are committed to what is going on in your world.


A plane in your dream can mean that you want to travel the world and you want to find new places to go.


Seeing a planet can mean that you are creative and if you dream that you are discovering a new planet it can mean that you have figured out part of yourself that you did not realize that you had inside of you.


Walking on a plank can mean you are vulnerable, and it can mean that you have emotions that are strong. A wooden plank can mean you need to use your resources and make sure that nothing holds you back.


Planting things can mean that you are full of faith and you want to be more spiritual.


Plants in your dream can mean you are loving and kind but if it is a plant inside it can mean you are not able to do things that you want to do. Seeing dead plants can mean you are not strong and if you are seeing plants growing it can mean that you are seeing time go by too fast.


Seeing plaster in your dream means that you are sticking to your dreams, but it also means that you are relying too much on your past and not able to move forward.

Plastic Bag

Using a plastic bag in your dream means that you need to be in control of your life and it also means that you need to make sure that your life is strong because you will face things on the way.


Plates in your dream means you are excited in life and that you are able to figure out what you are trying to do and reach a higher place.


Reaching a plateau in your life can mean that you feel stuck and that you are not able to move on to who you want to be in your life.


If you see platinum in your dream it means you are successful, and you need to be more determined to make it through life.


A platypus in your dream can mean you are focusing too much on your emotions and you are hiding what you are feeling but they are slowly leaking out.

Play Doh

Playing with play doh in your life can mean you need to be more creative. It can also mean you are strong in your mind.


Dreaming of a playpen can mean that you need to take time to have fun and do great things in your life.


If you are using pliers in your dream it can mean you love to have fun, but you are often immature, and you are needing to find maturity.


Plowing in your dream can mean you want to start new and you are wanting to grow and to change.


Seeing something plugged in can mean you have energy that you need to let out and you need to have more information so that you know what to do in your life.


Eating a  plum in your dream can mean that you have a strong self-esteem life and you feel good about who you are or it can mean you feel too fat and you feel that people are making fun of you.


To see plumage in your dream means you feel that you need to be protected form things and you need to have more power.


Plumbing in your dream can mean that you are not expressing your emotions and they want to come out.


Dreaming of plunging into something means you do not know what you are doing in your life and you are having a hard time moving forward because you feel that you are full of truth but you are not listening to others.


If you see a plunger it can mean that you are facing hard things in your life and that you need to move forward in order to reach your goals. To dream of plunging can mean that you are not telling the truth.


A pocket in your dream can mean you have abilities that are not developed or you have things inside of your pocket that can help you but you are hiding yourself away and not taking care of things.

Pocket Watch

A pocket watch in your dream can mean that you are being held back by things that are not helping you move forward in your life and you need to get your life together.


Seeing poetry in your dream can mean that you have views about things, but you need to learn to open up more so that you can share your ideas and communicate better with the world.

Pogo Stick

Playing pogo stick can mean that you are not in control of what you are doing, and you are needing to work on your emotions.

Pregnancy Test

Dreaming of doing a pregnancy test can mean that you are starting something new in your life such as a job or a new relationship.


If it is prehistoric in your dream, then you feel that you are believing things that are not up to date or that people see your thinking as outdated.


Having a premonition in your dream can mean that you are changing in your life and moving to a new place inside of yourself.


Dreaming of being in preschool can mean that you are moving forward in life and you feel that you are stressed or feeling separated from people.


Filling a prescription in your dream can mean you need to see a situation more clearly.


If you get a present in your dream it can mean that you are needing to move forward and not to live in the past.


To dream of giving a presentation can mean that you want to figure out who you are and show others what kind of person you really are.


Dreaming that you see the president can mean that you want to be in control, or it can mean you have strong political views. If you are running for president, it can mean you want to have power and you are setting goals for yourself that will be hard to reach.

Dreaming that you are the president can mean you are confident in what you do, and you are enjoying being in charge of things.


Seeing the press in your dream can mean that you need to pay attention to what is going on in your life and not be absorbed with yourself but pay attention to others.

Press Conference

Going to a press conference in your dream can mean that you are trying to tell people something and you are having a hard time getting the message out.


If you feel pressured in your dream it can mean that you are working too hard and you need to take time to relax.


Dreaming of being pretty means that you are concerned about how people see you.


A pretzel in your dream means that you are happy with your life and you are seeking to be rewarded when you do something or accomplish things.


If you see a price tag on something it can mean that you value who you are.


Seeing or touching a prickerbush can mean you are facing problems in your life and you are feeling like people are rude.


If you are prideful it can mean you need to stand up for who you are more, and you need people to support you.

Prime Meridian

Dreaming of the prime meridian can mean that you are separating your feelings from your ideas and you are being more rational.

Prime Minister

Seeing the prime minister of a country can mean that you are in control and you are taking control of your dreams.

Prime Rib

If you are eating prime rib in your dream it can mean that you love fine things in your life.


Seeing a primrose can mean you are pure, and you feel young.


A prince in your dream can mean you feel that you are needed or that you feel that you can accomplish anything that you want to do.


Seeing a princess in your dream can mean that you are developing yourself or you are acting spoiled.  This an also mean that you are being a good woman to people.

Princess Diana

Princess Diana in your dream means that you need to be caring to others and you need to be compassionate.


If you dream of a principal or that you are in the office of the principal it can mean that you are afraid of people finding out what you are doing and you getting into some kind of trouble.


Printing in your dream can mean you are keeping things hidden that you are ready to share.

Printing Press

Seeing a printing press in your dream can mean you want to communicate openly and that you have learned a lot from the mistakes you made in the past.


A prism in your dream can mean that you want to be more spiritual.


If you go to prison in your dream it can mean you are not being creative, and you are limiting yourself and not speaking freely.


If you dream you have no privacy it cans mean that you are hiding something such as your emotions and you are afraid if you show them that people will not like you.

Private School

Dreaming of going to a private school can mean that you are privileged, and you see others as less than you.


If you win a prize in your dream it can mean you have reached your goals.

Pro Shop

Going to a pro shop can mean that you have the things you need to reach your goals.


Seeing a procession can mean that you stand strong on what you believe, and you don’t let people sway your mind.



Seeing profits in your dream means you are reaching your goals.



Going to prom in your dream can mean that you are ending something and something new is about to happen in your life.


Promissory Note

Signing a promissory note can mean that you are letting yourself to be free.


Propane Tank

Seeing a propane tank in your dream can mean that you are stressed out and you need to calm down.



If you talk to a prophet in your dream it will mean that you are anxious about your life and you are needing guidance.


Prostate Exam

Getting a prostate exam in your dream can mean that you are worried about your health or that you are not understanding what you are going through, and you are nervous.



Dreaming of a prostitute can mean you want to be free in your sexuality or you want to be able to explore things without people putting you down. Seeing a prostitute can mean that you are wanting a simple relationship.



Protesting in your dream can mean you are willing to speak up for what you think is right and you will not let others walk all over you.



If you eat a prune in your dream it means you are moving forward and stop living in the past.



Seeing a psychic in your dream can mean that you want to know things that you have never seen before. This can also mean you are sensitive and intuitive.



Dreaming of a psychologist can mean that you are smart, and you understand things easily.



If you dream of a pterodactyl it can mean that you are wanting to go to new levels in your life and be rational about things.


Pubic Hair

Seeing pubic hair in your dream can mean you are sexual, and you have strong feelings.

Public Speaking

Speaking publicly can mean you are able to express what you are feeling, or it can mean you are worried about a speech you have to give in the future.

If you dream no one is listening it can mean that you are feeling ignored or you feel that no one is there for you or if you hear someone speaking it can mean that you feel people are egotistical.



Seeing a puddle in your dream means that you feel that people do not respect you or see you for who you are.

Puffer Fish


A puffin in your dream can mean that you need to look at who you are and learn from things in your life. It can also mean you need to solve a situation or get rid of a bad habit and start doing new things in your life.


Pull Ups

Doing pull ups in your dream can mean that you have strong willpower and you will look more to the future.



If you are pulling something in your dream it can mean that you are needing to let, go of some of the things you are responsible for and move forward in your life.



To dream that you puke can mean you are feeling sick or something in life has made you have a bad taste in your mouth.



Seeing a pump in your dream can mean you have health issues and that you are being setback.



A pumpkin in your dream can mean you are open to new ideas and to do new things.


Punching Bag

Punching a bag in your dream can mean you are strong, and you feel safe expressing your ideas and what frustrates you.


If you feel punished in your dreams it can mean you feel that you have let people down and you are guilty for what you are doing. It can also mean you are trying to repress things from your past.


Seeing a punk in your dream can mean you are rebellious, or you are making a choice to be free.


If you see pupils in, you dream it can mean people are against you or something evil is coming your way.


Seeing a puppet in your dream can mean you are letting people control you and do things to you that you do not want to do.


If you are the puppeteer, it can mean that someone is controlling you and manipulating you.


A puppy in your dream can mean that you love your friends and you take care of others. It can also mean that you are spending time taking care of others and you want to live a happy life.


Hearing purring in your dream can mean that you live a good life and you are happy.


If you carry a purse in your dream it can mean you are doing things you desire, and you are dreaming of losing control and you will no longer be powerful. If the purse is empty it can mean you are not secure, and you need to have a good lookout in life.


If you are in pursuit of something in your dream it can mean that you are willing to see things from a different point of view.


To see puss in your dream can mean that you have a hard time expressing your emotions when you are feeling negative, but you need to release these feelings.


If you are pushing something in your dream it can mean you are motivated, and you want to succeed in your life.

Push Ups

Doing pushups in your dream can mean you are assertive, and you want to exert yourself in life and do better.


Using pushpins in your life can mean you are not paying attention to things that are right in front of you.


Playing with putty in your dream can mean that you are able to influence people.


If you are solving a puzzle in your dream it can mean you are solving problems in your life or if you are missing pieces it can mean you need to make a decision about things.

Seeing a crossword puzzle can mean you are looking to face someone in a challenge or if you lock a puzzle it can mean things are clear or you are taking risks.


Seeing a pyramid means you are successful, and you are changing over time but if you are climbing the pyramid it can mean you are fulfilling things in your life.


Pyrite in your dream means that things are good and that things are not always the same.


Seeing a python in your dream can mean that you are confined, and you feel that your life is not working out well. It can also mean that you are determined to do better or that you are feeling stressed and anxious about life.


  1. The interpretations provided for different symbols in dreams are quite intriguing, especially the notion of seeing a palm tree as a symbol for having hopes and dreams. I wonder how these interpretations are derived.

  2. This article offers a broad spectrum of dream interpretations. I find it interesting how common objects like paper towels and paintbrushes have vastly different symbolic meanings.

  3. The idea that dreaming of a paper plane symbolizes wasting time is thought-provoking. It makes me consider how our subconscious processes daily frustrations and inefficiencies.

  4. Dreaming of a palette representing hard work seems fitting, considering the physical effort involved in manual labor. It’s intriguing how physical sensations translate into symbolic meanings in dreams.

  5. The interpretation of dreaming about a pacifier, indicating an emotional need for care and responsibility, resonates deeply. It aligns well with the psychological theories of dream analysis.


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