Dream Dictionary Letter S

Dream Interpretation

Letter S

Dreaming of the letter S can mean that you need to focus your attention more on yourself than others.


Dreaming that you have been sabotaged can mean that you are feeling that people are not paying attention to you or that they are ignoring who you are.

If you are sabotaging someone in your dream it can mean you are stressed and that you are being conflicted in your life.


If you dream of a sack it can mean that you are secure and that you are able to take on more responsibilities than you thought you could.


If you dream of a sackcloth it can mean that you are humble and kind.


Dreaming of something sacred can mean that you are seeing value in things and the things that you have done in your life are now paying off.


If you make a sacrifice in your dream it can mean that you are not feeling like other people like you or appreciate the things that you do or it can mean that you are making sacrifices to that you can reap the rewards later.


Feeling sad in your dream can mean that you are disappointed about where your life has gone but if you see someone else is sad it can mean that you are hiding your feelings and not facing them.


To dream of a saddle can, mean that you are ready to reach your goals and you are not going to let other people keep you from that.


Dreaming of sadism can mean you are angry, and you are hiding it and it has come from when you were a child.


If you dream someone is a Sagittarius it can mean that they are outspoken, and they love to have adventure, but they do not like to break the routine they are used to.


Dreaming of going on a safari can mean that you need to take a break from rules, and you need to stop following what society says to follow.


A safe in your dream can mean you do not feel that you are worthy or that you are not feeling safe in your life.

Safe Haven

Dreaming of being in a safe haven means you have positive thoughts in your life, and you are allowing things to work themselves out.

Safety Pin

Seeing a safety pin in your dream can mean that you are humble and kind.


Using saffron in your dream can mean that you are humble and kind.


Smelling sage, I your dream can mean you are wise, and you make good decisions.


Riding on a sailboat in your dream means you are emotional, and you are able to change when situations come.


Dreaming of going sailing can mean you are handling the problems in your life and you are in control of who you are.


A sailor in your dream can mean you want to be free or you want to explore your life more.


Seeing a saint in your dream can mean that you have a good spirit or that you are in need.

Saint Bernard

If you see a Saint Bernard in your dream it can mean that you feel that you need to be rescued.


Eating salad in your dream can mean you know how to express your feelings and that you are needing to grow as to who you are.

Salad Dressing

Eating salad dressing can mean you need to add excitement to your life.


Seeing a salamander in your dream means you are able to survive hard things when they come to your life.


Eating salami in your dream can mean you are having a hard time with who you are, and you are not able to deal with your relationship problems.


Dreaming about having a salary means that you are hard-working, and you are confident in your abilities.


If something is on sale in your dream it can mean things are ready to you or that you are not living up to your full potential.


Dreaming of being a salesperson can mean you need to do what is best for you and stop listening to what other people tell you to do.


Seeing saliva in your dream means that you are creative or that you are losing control of your life.


Some salmon in your dream can men you are determined to do something in your life, and you are balanced.


Dreaming of being at a salon means that you have a hard time impressing other and you want to start your life new.


If you go to the saloon in your dream it can mean you are trying to live your life without being stressed and you are in conflict that you need to solve fast.


Eating salsa in your dream can mean you need to be outspoken about how you feel about things or you need to be more sensual towards your partner.


Tasting salt in your dream can mean you want to have better things in your life but if you are salting meat it can mean you are going to live a long life and you are wanting to preserve something that is good.


Seeing a saltpeter can mean you are grieving over things in your life.


Tasting saltwater in your dream can mean you have experienced pain and you are crying about things that have hurt you.


Saluting someone in your dream means you are in control of things and you are respectful of others.


If you put salve on yourself in your dream it can mean you are fighting your battles and you are overcoming.


Seeing a sample of things in your dream can mean that things are not serious, and you need to commit to others more.


A samurai in your dream can mean you are loyal to others and you need to keep pushing forward to do what you need to do.


A sanctuary in your dream can mean you are wanting peace in your life.


Seeing sand in your dream can mean you have a good attitude and that you are balancing your life so that you can make sense of things.


Dreaming of a sandcastle can mean you are wanting to be more successful.

Sand Dollar

A sand dollar in your dream can mean you are emotional, and you do not think your feelings are important.

Sand Dunes

A sand dune inform dream can mean you are bitter, or you are hiding the things that you want in your life.


Wearing sandals in your dream can mean you are walking around people lightly because you think you will offend them if you say too much but if your sandals are broken it can mean you need to go slower when you do things in your life.


A sandbag in your dream can mean that something is weighing you down or holding you down and you are refusing to face these things.


Playing in a sandbox in your dream can mean you are being too serious in your life and you need to have some fun.


Using sandpaper in your dream can mean you are being serious, and you need to learn to love your life and to relax.


A sandstorm in your dream can mean that you feel like you are trapped and that you are having things work against you.


If you eat a sandwich in your dream it can mean that you are stressed out and you are wanting to be calmer or you need to have a spiritual awakening.

Sandwich Bag

A sandwich bag in your dream can mean you need to save your energy and you can tell more about your dream by what is in the bag.

Santa Claus

If you see Santa Claus in your dream it can mean you should be giving to others and you need to forgive better. It can also mean that you are thinking about the things that you have done.

If you are dressed as Santa, it can mean you need to treat people the way that you wish others would treat you but if you are taking a picture with Santa it can mean you miss Christmas and love to celebrate.


Seeing a sanyasi in your dream can mean you want to free yourself from things that are making you held back and you want to be more spiritual.


Seeing sap in your dream can mean you are sensitive, and you love nostalgia.


Seeing sapphire in your dream means you need to be protected from something hard or it can mean that you are born in September.


If you are sarcastic in your dream it can mean you have imperfections and you are afraid to realize that you have flaws.


Wearing a Sari can mean that you are simple.


Smelling or eating sardines in your dream can mean that you feel that people are invading your life and not giving you space that you need.


A sash in your dream can mean you are not letting others see who you really are.


Dreaming of Satan can mean you are doing things wrong in your life.


A satellite in your dream can mean you are depending too much on other people.

Satellite Dish

If you see a satellite dish in your dream it can mean you understand the world better than you used to.


Wearing satin in your dream can mean you are moving through life easily.


Dreaming of Saturn can mean you are limited in the things that you do, and you want to learn about different ways of life. This can also mean you want to start something new or be reborn.


Dreaming that it is Saturday can mean you are up for new things and you want to take a new path in your life.


Seeing a satyr in your dream can mean you need to look at different aspects of your mind and learn to be less stressed and more carefree.


Tasting sauce in your dream can mean you are wise, and you need to be more direct.


Eating sauerkraut in your dream can mean you will live a long life and have good health.


Being in a sauna in your dream means you need to be more open to people and you need to get rid of negative thoughts that you are having.


Eating sausage in your dream can mean you are too dependent on material things.


If you are in a savanna in your dream it can mean you need to be able to handle different situations in your life and move forward.


If you are saving things in your dream it can mean you have money issues and you are needing to be more saving with your money.

Savings Bonds

Dreaming of savings bonds can mean you are able to commit to things easily.


If you see or use a saw in your dream it can mean you have things in your life that you need to get out of your life or it can mean you need to figure out what is causing your problem.


Seeing sawdust in your dream can mean you are wounded in your emotions and you need to open up to them.


Playing a saxophone in your dream can mean you need to heal, or you need to let things be the way that they are.


If you have a scab in your dream it can mean that you are healing from things that have hurt, you in the past.


If you dream of being on a scaffolding it can mean you have things in your life that will only be there for a short while and you need to raise yourself up and be free.


If you get scalded in your dream it can mean you are not able to handle your emotions correctly and you are reacting out of control when people give you advice.


Getting on a scale in your dream can mean you are looking for solutions to a problem in your life and you are considering what kind of problems you have. This can also mean you are worried about how you look and how much you weigh.

If you see a fish scale it can mean you are defensive, and you fight with people too much.

Scales of Justice

Scales of Justice in your dream can mean that you want life to be balanced and you want to be treated well. This can also signify a Libra sign.


Seeing a scallop can mean you are feminine.


Seeing a scalp in your dream can mean that you have to get rid of a thought that you keep thinking about in your mind.


If you dream of being involved in a scandal it can mean you are worried about what other people say and you need to pay more attention to what is going on in your life instead of worrying so much about others.


Seeing a computer scanner in your dream can mean you are not original, and you copy others in what they do.


Seeing scantron in your dream can mean you are limited by the things that you want to do, and this stresses you out.


If you see a scapegoat in your dream it can mean you feel like you are a victim and you are not being responsible for things you do.


Seeing a scar in your dream can mean you are letting the past influence your life too much and you need to reach to the future and let things work themselves out.


Seeing a scarab in your dream can mean you will survive changes that are happening in your life.


If you are scared in your dream it can mean you are not sure about what you are doing and you are thinking about a decision you made and deciding if you should consider a different path.


A scarf in your dream can mean you are restricting the things that you are doing and that your ideas are being ignored.

Scavenger Hunt

Going on a scavenger hunt in your dream can mean you are wanting to fulfill your life and you are trying to find what you are looking for.


A scepter in your dream can mean that you are an individual and you do not depend on others to make decisions.


Seeing a schedule in your dream can mean you are organized, and you want to reach your goals.


Schematics in your dream can mean you are going to reach your goals and that you need to look at your life from a different perspective.


If you are schizophrenic in your dream it can mean you are not willing to be responsible for what you are doing in your life and you are relying on your own growth instead of accepting things how they are. This can also mean you want to resolve something, but you don’t know how.


A schnauzer in your dream can mean that you are loyal.


Seeing a school in your dream can mean you are stressed about something or stressed about deciding what to do but if you are in a school it can mean you want to be spiritually awakened or if you are looking for a school it can mean you are smart and you want to learn more.

School Bus

Riding on a school bus in your dream can mean that you want to go on a different journey in your life so that you can grow and learn new things.


Dreaming that you are a scientist can mean that you are thinking about things from a different point of view and you are being objective.


Using scissors in your dream can mean you need to get something out of your life or your mind so that you can be happy and that you are not focusing on things correctly.


If you are being scolded in your dream it can mean you are not able to express your emotions and you are feeling others are confronting you when you make a choice.


A scooter in your dream can mean you are in a position that gives you power. It can also mean you are free of your feelings.


Making a score in a game can mean you are successful, or you are failing, depending on if you make the score or not.


A scoreboard in your dream can mean you are trying to compare who you are to others instead of focusing on yourself.


A Scorpio in your dream can mean you have good control over your life, and you are able to figure things out from the core of things. This can also mean you are healing, and you are looking to change things in your life.


A scorpion on your dream can mean you are hurt by someone or someone has said something that has hurt your feelings. This can also mean that you are needing to get rid of something that is holding you down.


If you are playing scrabble in your dream it can mean that you need to work through your emotions and learn to use words that can help you express yourself better.


Seeing a scrapbook in your dream can mean you have strong feelings and you are thinking a lot on the past.


Scratching yourself can mean you are frustrated about things or if you see a scratch it can mean you need to start something new.


Screaming in your dream can mean that you are fearful of something in your life or you are keeping your emotions hidden from others.


A window screen in your dream can mean you are excited about the future and if you see a blank movie screen it can mean you are emotional.


Watching a movie in your dream can mean you are watching your life go by and you feel that you are not doing things objectively.


Screwing something in your dream can mean you are at a point where you feel like people are taking advantage of you and using you.


Seeing a screwdriver in your dream can mean you are holding on to relationships that are not working out or you have messed up and hurt someone.


If you read a script in your dream it can mean you are in control of your own life.


A scroll in your dream can mean you have a lot of knowledge.


Wearing scrubs in your dream can mean you are supportive or that you are moving forward in your life.

Scuba Diving

To dream you are scuba diving can mean you are feeling like you are not able to say what you are thinking for fear of being made fun of or put down.


Seeing a sculpture in your dream can mean you are not wanting to accept things the way they are, and you want to change things for the better.


A sculpture in your dream can mean you are not accepting things the way that they are, and you are wanting to change things you cannot change.


Using a scythe in your dream can mean you are doing things in your life that are not important or it can mean you are ending something and starting something new.


The sea in your dream can mean that you are not able to see things in a good view. It can also mean you are positive or that you have problems that you need to face.

Sea Creature

A sea creature in your dream can mean you are emotional or that you are fighting with other people or it can mean you are facing relationship problems.

Sea Horse

A sea horse in your dream can mean you need to look at things in your life from a different point of view and recognize things that are not working well.

Sea Turtle

A sea turtle in your dream can mean you are having a problem expressing emotions.

Sea Urchin

Seeing a sea urchin can mean you are weak.


Eating seafood in your dream can mean you are aware of who you are or that you want to increase your spiritual being.


Seagulls in your dream can mean you want to get rid of your problems and that you have skills that you are not utilizing. It can also mean you are not being treated right.


Seeing a seal in your dream can mean you are going to have good things happen to you or that you are able to make it through any situation in your life.


A seam in your dream can mean you are wanting to have unity with others.


Seeing a seamstress can mean you are creative.


Searching for something in your dream can mean you are missing things that you need in your life.


If you see seashells in your dream it can mean that you feel that you need to be protected or you are closed off to your emotions and you don’t want to express them to others.


Being seasick in your dream can mean you have emotions that are causing you to feel bad or that you are regretting things that you have done in your life.


Dreaming of a season can mean that you are ending something and starting new things in your life.


Seeing a seatbelt in your dream can mean that you are not allowing your emotions to control your situations in life, and you are not worried about what will come.


If you dream of seaweed it can mean that you are untrusting of what is inside of you.


If you dream someone is keeping a secret from you it can mean you have something in your subconscious mind that you need to admit or get out or that you might be exposed for something you have done.

Secret Admirer

If you dream you are a secret admirer can mean that you are needing to be more aware of what is going on around you.

Secret Santa

Dreaming of a secret Santa can mean you are giving to others.


Dreaming of being a secretary means that you are not afraid to ask other people to help you.


If you dream of security, it can mean you are not feeling secure in your life.

Security Bars

Security bars in your dream can mean that you are not trusting of others.

Security Camera

A security camera in your dream can mean that you feel that you are being unfairly judged by others.

Security Guard

Seeing security guard in your dream can mean that you feel insecure and that you are wanting to see something valuable in your life.


Being seduced in your dream can mean you are passionate of others and that you are caring, and you need to let go of some of your power.


Seeing seeds in your dream can mean you want to live your life to the fullest or you want to see a new thing.


Seeing a seepage in your dream can mean that you are still living in your past and you need to move forward in your life.


Dreaming of a seesaw can mean you are going back to your childhood or you are remembering things in your past.


Dreaming of seizures can mean that you are not in control of your own destiny.


Self-harm in your dream means that you need someone to give you attention or that you have an unhealthy relationship.


Dreaming of a selfie can mean that you are focusing on what you look like and you are not taking responsibility for how you are acting.


A semi-truck in your dream can mean you are feeling like people are taking advantage of you.


Being senile in your dream can mean you are needing to put effort in your relationships so that they will work out for you.

Senior Home

Dreaming of a senior home can mean that you are depending too much on others or that you need to reconnect with things in your life. If you volunteer at a senior home, it can mean that you love those that are older than you are.


Dreaming of your senses can mean you are being overly sensitive.


Sentencing in your dream can mean that you are feeling bad about something and that you are not understanding how important things in your life are.


Sepia in your dream can mean you are feeling undeveloped and that your life is out of control.


Dreaming of September can mean that you are angry and that you are fearful of what is happening. It can also mean you are ready to let go of stress in your life.


If someone serenades you in your dream it can mean you are spiritually awakened or that you love your life.

Serial Killer

Dreaming that you are a serial killer in your dream can mean that you are ending something in your life that has been hard. If you are killing members of your family, it can mean that your family is cut off from you because you are angry with them.


If someone is serious in your dream it can mean you are letting your feelings get in the way of your happiness.


A sermon in your dream can mean that you need to get spiritual advice, or you want to have a spiritual awakening.


Having a servant in your dream can mean you are wanting others to be under you but if you are a servant it can mean you are passive or submissive in situations.


Service in your dream can mean you are breaking down your life and that you want to help others.


To settle in your dream can mean that you are allowing yourself to be free from responsibilities that you have, and you want to have more fun.


If you dream of the Seventies it can mean that you want to escape your present life and you want to adapt to what is going on around you.


If you smell sewer in your dream it can mean that you need to change something in your life fast because it gets completely out of control.

Sewing Machine

Dreaming of a sewing machine can mean that you are figuring out how to make it out of hard things that have come your way.


If you dream of sex it can mean that you are not feeling that you are complete in your emotions or it can mean that you want to make love with someone. This can also mean that you are passionate or that you feel that the act of sex is wrong and you are not going to have sex or your body is telling you that you want to have sex. It can also mean that you want to have a relationship come back to life that you are in or that you are not happy with the physical part of your relationship and you need to take a break from it for a while.

If you have sex with a stranger, it can mean that you want to experiment in your life, and you want to detach your feelings. If you dream of having sex with a friend it can mean that you are too close to someone that you are friends with but if you are a heterosexual and having homosexual relationships it can mean that you are feeling a desire or that you are wanting to be successful or recognized in what you do.

Sex Toy

Dreaming of a sex toy can mean that you are void of something in your life and you feel that you are lacking at something that you want.


If you see sextuplets in your dream it can mean that you are using too much energy and you need to relax more.


Dreaming of wearing shackles can mean you are in a place where you feel stuck.


If you see shade in your dream it can mean that you want to hide things from others.


Dreaming of shadows can mean that things are negative and that you are being overlooked in life.


Dreaming of shaking can mean that you are full of wisdom, but you are using your energy in a negative way.


If you are feeling shame in your dream it can mean you are failing with your relationships and with who you are.


A shamrock in your dream can mean you need to feel like you are protected.


If you see shapes in your dream it can mean you are understanding things or that you are keeping things in your mind but you are being one sided and you are not listening to others.


Seeing a shark in your dream can mean that you are angry and that you are in relationships that make you feel greedy or that you are not getting what you want in your life.


If you are shaving in your dream it can mean you have things coming in your life that will cause you to have to make a big decision. It can also mean that you want to be independent and you are lacking in self-esteem.

If you see someone shaving it can mean that you are confused with what you are feeling in your life and it can mean that you do not feel safe.

Shaving Cream

Shaving cream in your dream means that you do not care who you are, and you have no self-esteem.


A shawl in your dream means you feel protected.


If you see sheep in your dream it can mean you re creative.

Sheet Music

Reading sheet music in your dream can mean you are wanting to be unified in your relationships.


Seeing a shelf in your dream can mean you need to stop with your ideas and live the life that you have neglected.


A shell in your dream can mean you need to be protected from problems that you are facing.


A shepherd in your dream can mean that you are needing guidance.


If you see something shiny in your dream it can mean you are not living up to your full life and you are hiding your skills.


If you are in a shipwreck in your dream it can mean that you are emotional, and you are facing conflict you need to handle.


Wearing a shirt in your dream can mean you are emotional and that you are needing to be more aggressive when it comes to your life and reaching your goals.


Shiver in your dream can mean you are fearful of what your emotions are giving you or how you are acting.


Seeing a shoebox in your dream can mean you want to experience new things in your life, or you want to go a different direction in your life.


If you see a shoelace in your dream it can mean you are not prepared for what life brings you and you need to focus on what is happening now and not the past or the future.


If you are a shoemaker in your dream it means you are about to see something come that used to be in your life but went away for a while.


Wearing shoes in your dream can mean you are grounded and you are easy to get along with but if the shoes are old it can mean you will be successful because of the hard work you do.

Seeing new shoes in your dream can mean that you are too confident and you are having a hard time reaching your goals because of it but finding shoes can mean you have regained your confidence and you are making good choices.

If you have on shoes that are not good for the occasion it can mean that you are going the wrong way but if the shoes are missing it can mean you have no self-confidence and do not like yourself for who you are. Baby shoes can mean that you are vulnerable.


A shooting in your dream can mean you have goals in your life but you are not able to reach them and you feel that you are aggressive but you have hidden these feelings but if someone shoots you it can mean you are confronting things that are problems in your life.

Shooting Range

Seeing a shooting range in your life can mean you are frustrated about where you are going in your life and you are not reaching your goals.


If you are shoplifting in your dream it can mean you are not feeling loved and you are shutting people out of your life.


Shopping in your dream can mean you have needs that you feel are not being met and you are dreaming to have a better life.

Shopping Cart

Pushing a shopping cart in your dream can mean that you work hard and you want to find a way to rest more but if the cart is empty it can mean you have plans that you are not fulfilling.


Seeing a shore in your dream can mean you are wanting to explore new things in your life.


Taking a shortcut in your dream can mean you want to be successful, but you don’t want to have to work hard to be successful.


Wearing shorts in your dream can mean you are playful and fun.


If you are being shot in your dream it can mean you are doing things that you are not happy about and you are ashamed and hoping no one will find out.


A shovel in your dream can mean you want to be wiser in your life and you will work hard to be so.


Taking a shower in your dream can mean you are forgiving of others that have hurt you or you love someone.

Shower Cap

Wearing a shower cap in your dream can mean you want to keep yourself hidden from your emotions so that you do not show others how you really feel.

Shower Curtain

A shower curtain in your dream can mean you are hiding things from other people and you are not being who you really are.


Using a shredder in your dream can mean you are denying things in your life and hiding things from others.


Eating shrimp in your dream means you feel that you are not important to others.


Seeing something shrink in your dream can mean you feel shy about yourself and you have no good self-esteem or confidence about who you are.


If you dream of being shunned it can mean that you have things in your life that you will not face or that you feel that others are not paying you any attention.


Window shutters in your dream can mean you are shutting out parts of your life that you need to face.

Siamese Twins

Siamese Twins in your dream can mean you are needing to figure out a new direction to take in your life and what you are doing is affecting others.


Dreaming of your siblings can mean you have issues in your life, and you are wanting to be more open with your family.

Sibling Rivalry

Dreaming of sibling rivalry can mean you are not feeling loved.


Getting sick in your dream can mean you have a health problem you need to look at or it can mean that you have a problem you need to face.


If you have sideburns in your dream it can mean you have problems that you are ignoring because you didn’t think they were serious.


Riding in a sidecar in your dream can mean you want to be independent and free.


If you are walking on a sidewalk it can mean you are ready to face your problems and solve them.


A sieve in your dream can mean you are making good decisions.


If you hear someone sigh in your dream it can mean you are stressed by your life.


A sign in your dream can mean you need to change directions in your life or pay attention to signs around you.


Seeing your signature in your dream can mean you are accepting the life you have, and you are happy with it.


Wearing silk in your dream can mean you are soft and that you are living the high life and are happy.


A silo in your dream can mean you need to save more money and stop spending so much.


Silverware in your dream can mean you need to take directions better and go with the flow of things.

The Simpsons

Dreaming of the Simpsons can mean you are handling a situation in an untraditional way.


Dreaming of sinning can mean you are ashamed of something that you have done in your life.


If you are a singer in your dream it can mean you are influenced by other people around you.


If you sing in your dream it can mean you are happy, and you have a good attitude.


Being single in your dream can mean you are depending on others too much and you need to rely more on who you are.


Seeing a sink in your dream can mean you are not in control of your emotions and you need to let go of things in the past.


If you are sinking in your dream it can mean you are emotional, and your relationship is not working out for you.

Sippy Cup

Using a sippy cup in your dream can mean you are starting a new relationship.


If you hear a siren in your dream it can mean you need to pay attention to a problem, you are facing and fix it now.


To dream of your sister can mean that you love her, and you are protective of her.

Sister in Law

Dreaming of your sister in law can mean you want to be more like her and have good characteristics.


If you are sitting in your dream it can mean you are wasting away and not doing anything important with your life.


To dream about size can mean that you are powerful and that you want to plan your own life or it can mean that you are judging others by how they look instead of how they are treating you.


Dreaming of a skateboard can mean that you are graceful, and you deal with hard situations in your life.


If you dream you are skating it can mean that you are on a path to healing and you want to take time to set up boundaries for yourself.


Dreaming of Skeeball can mean that you are not letting others decide if you are successful


Dreaming of a skeleton can mean that you are seeing a situation that you need to make it through, and you have to figure out how to deal with your relationships better.


Drawing a sketch in your dream can mean that you are not accepting of who you are.

Ski Jump

If you are ski jumping in your dream it can mean that you are successful and you are being humble but that you need to slow down in life and figure out where you want to go.

Ski Mask

Dreaming of a ski mask can mean that you are hiding who you really are.


If you dream of skin it can mean that you need to set up boundaries so that you are not around people that cause you to feel bad for who you are.


If you are skinning something in your dream, it can mean that you are trying to get rid of things that are holding you back or things in your life that you do not like about yourself.


Skipping school in your dream can mean you have a problem with authority, and you need to be able to stand up for what you believe.


Dreaming of a skull can represent that you think you are right about things or it can mean you want to have a spiritual awakening.


Dreaming of the sky can represent that you are open to possibilities and that you want to be able to express how you feel without others telling you what you should say but if the sky is green, it can mean you have hopes that you are paying attention to and you know your future looks good.

If you see a red sky it can mean you are having strong desires or you want to have romance with someone that you love but if the sky falls, it can mean you are afraid of what is going to come in your future.


A skylight in your dream can mean you are getting guidance from your spiritual guides.


A skyscraper in your dream can mean you are creative, and you want to achieve more things than you ever have before.


Skywriting in your dream can mean you are in connection with the earth or your spiritual beings and you want them to reassure you.


If you get slapped in your dream it can mean you feel that you are being betrayed by someone you love or if you slap someone it can mean you are not solving issues that you are having problems with in your life.


Seeing a slate in your dream can mean you are open to new ideas and you accept the opinions of others.


A slaughterhouse in your dream can mean you need to be more compromising in situations so that you can get ahead in life.


Seeing a slave in your dream can mean that you feel that you are out of control in your life and you need to take time to get things together, this can also mean you are submissive when you have sex and you need to be more in control.

If you free slaves in your dream it can mean that you are not expressing how you really feel.


Dreaming about slavery can mean you are putting your authority at the top and you are not allowing others to help you make important decisions.

Sleep Talking

If you are sleep talking in your dream it can mean you are needing to break down barriers around you that you have made to keep others out.


If you are sleeping in your dream it can mean that you are not noticing what is going on around you and you are not accepting the negative behaviors that you are allowing yourself to show. This can also mean you want to have a new beginning.

If you see someone else sleeping, it can mean you are needing to alert them of a problem that they are about to face or that you are ignoring the problems in front of you like they do not exist.

Sleeping Pill

Taking a sleeping pill in your dream can mean you are choosing to ignore things in your life that are negative, and you are not taking responsibilities for what is going on.


If you have a sleepover in your dream it can mean you are not alert to what is going on around you and you are needing to be more observant.


Sleeves in your dream can mean you need to be protected from problems that are coming to your life or that you work hard.


Seeing a slide in your dream can mean you are not stable, and you do not have control in your life.


Feeling slime in your dream can mean that you are not able to trust other people.


If you slip in your dream it can mean that you are doing something that is not pleasing to you and you are figuring out things about yourself that you do not know anything about.


Wearing slippers in your dream can mean you have no security and that you need to take time to relax.

Slot Machine

Playing a slot machine in your dream can mean you need to save your money more and you have an addiction that you need to get rid of.


Dreaming of a sloth can mean you are not taking things seriously or you are being lazy.

Slow Motion

If you are in slow motion in your dream it can mean you are upset about your life and you are stressed out.


Living in the slums in your dream can mean you are feeling bad for who you are and what you have achieved in life or it can mean you do not believe in yourself much.


If you dream you are small, it can mean that you feel that you are not worthy or that you feel that you are being taught a lesson or being overlooked by important people.


If you dream you are smart, it can mean you are able to make good choices and you are able to use your mind to get rid of the things that make you feel insecure.


Dreaming of talking on a smartphone means you are connected to those around you and you are feeling like you have a strong sense of socialness around you or that you are not careful about what you say to others and you are hurting them with your words.

Smelling salts

Dreaming of smelling salts can mean you need to focus on something that is important in your life before it slips away.


Smiling in your dream can mean you are happy with the things that you have done and that you have made good decisions in your life that have made you proud.


A smiley face in your dream can mean you want others to approve of who you are, and it causes you to feel stressed and not good enough.


Smoke in your dream can mean that something is going to come in your life that is going to cause you trouble but if the smoke is black, you need to look at your problems more carefully or if you breathe the smoke, it can mean you are ignorant to what is happening around you in your life.

Smoke Detector

Hearing a smoke detector going off can mean you need to make a quick decision or that you need to react before you have to face the consequences of your actions.


Seeing smokestacks in your dream can mean you are aware of what is going on in your life and that you work hard to meet your needs and the needs of others.


Smoking in your dream can mean that you are hiding your emotions and you are refusing to let others in. If you see someone else smoking it can mean you are rebellious in your thoughts.


Smuggling something in your dream can mean that someone is trying to take something from you that is yours or it can mean you are denying something that you are doing wrong.


Seeing snails in your dream can mean you feel that you are not able to reach your desires and that you are not very energetic or fun.


Snakes in your dream can mean that you have something in your life that is going to cause you trouble, but you are not aware of it yet. If the snake gets tangled it can mean that you have a problem that has fixed itself but if the snake is multi colored it can mean that you are being warned that something bad is coming in your life.

A baby snake can mean that you are about to face a threatening situation or if the snake has a head on both ends, it can mean you are being pulled in different directions and you need to figure out which way you want to go. A snake without eyes can mean you are refusing to admit that you are in a terrible situation but if the snake gets its head cut off it can mean you are not facing issues that you have because you are afraid.

If you are eating a snake that is alive, you are looking to be close to someone and you are doing things to overcompensate for who you are or what you are lacking but if the snake is eating another snake, it can mean that you will do whatever it takes to reach your goals.

A snake that is eating you in your dreams can mean you are dealing with someone that refuses to be merciful but if you dream of finding a snake in a hotel, it can mean you are taking risks in your life.


Sneaking around in your dream can mean that you are embarrassed of things that you have done, or you are not taking responsibility for what you are doing. This can also mean you are insecure.


Sneezing in your dream can mean you are happy in your life.


If you sniffle in your dream it can mean you have not dealt with things in your life that are lacking.


A snob in your dream can mean that you are treating others badly.


Snoozing in your dream means you are not aware of what is going on in your life and you judge things wrongly.


Snorkeling in your dream can mean that you need to figure out your emotions and why you feel the way that you do.


If you dream about snot it can mean you are trying to make yourself more comfortable or if you are stuffy it can mean you are not being true to who you are.


Seeing snow in your dream can mean you are cold in your emotions and you are not able to express what you are feeling but if the snow is dirty, it can mean you are not clean or that you have things in your life that you are guilty of.

Watching snow fall can mean you want to start your life new but if you are playing in the snow it can mean that you need to relax and have fun.

Finding a treasure in the snow can mean you have talents that you have hidden for a long time, but they are ready to come out.

Snow Fox

A snow fox in your dream can mean you are lonely and sad.

Snow Globe

Seeing a snow globe can mean you are wanting to be at peace but if you are in the snow glove it can mean you are stuck and you feel like you are not able to get out of a situation or you are overly emotional.


A snowflake in your dream can mean you are unique in who you are.


Riding a snowmobile in your dream can mean that you have things coming in your life that will open up your world to new opportunities.


Wearing a snowsuit in your dreams can mean you are hiding yourself from hurt that you don’t want to face in your life.


Using soap in your dream can mean you want to get rid of the dirty things in your life or in your past that are holding you back or that you feel guilty for something that you have done.

Soap Opera

A soap opera in your dream can mean you are able to identify with someone else’s life and you wish it were your own.


If you are soaring in your dream it can mean you want to be free from a situation that is holding you back.


Playing soccer in your dream can mean you are aggressive, but you want to be accepted by society.


Wearing socks in your dream can mean that you care about what others care about but if you only have on one sock it can mean you are going to be surprised about some kind of news.


Seeing sod in your dream means that you work hard, and you will reap the good things that come from it.


Dreaming of drinking soda can mean you need to be livelier and more fun.


Playing softball in your dream can mean you need to stop overdoing what you do and stop limiting your fun times.


If you feel something soft in your dream it can mean you need to be kinder and sweeter to others.

Solar System

Seeing the solar system in your dream can mean you want to take your life on a different path, and you will do what you can to get there.


A soldier in your dream can mean you are structured or that you have a strong attitude.


Solstice in your dream can mean that you are fertile or that you have things that have bothered you lately.


Sommelier in your dream means you are giving your thoughts and ideas of others and you are helping them make good decisions in their life.


Dreaming of your son can mean you are full of hope or you are youthful.


Hearing a song in your dream can mean you are needing to see things from a different spiritual view.


A sonogram in your dream can mean that you want to have new relationships or that you are pregnant, and you are wanting to have your child.


Seeing soot in your dream can mean you are afraid or ashamed of something in your life.


If you have sores in your dream it can mean that you have negative feelings that you need to express so you can get over them.


Dreaming that you are in a sorority can mean that you are growing as the person that you are, and your social circle is changing. This can also mean you want to be closer to people and have a strong relationship with other people.


Dreaming of your soul can mean that you are lost in your spiritual being and you need to figure out who you are but if your soul is leaving your body it can mean  you are not standing up for what you believe and you are letting others control your thoughts.

If you switch souls, it can mean that you don’t like who you are but if you save the soul of someone it can mean you are willing to do whatever it takes to have a sound relationship with someone you love.

Sound waves

Sound waves in your dream can mean you care about the feelings of others.


Eating soup in your dream can mean you are facing emotional issues and you need to work through them.


Something sour in your dream can mean you are resentful of your life.

South Pole

Going to the south pole in your dream can mean that you have faced hard things, but you have been able to work through all of it.


If you are sowing a seed in your dream, it can mean you are doing something positive or you are facing something symbolic in your life that you will want to remember.


Eating a soybean in your dream can mean you need to be healthier or that you need to make a good decision about your life.


Going to the spa in your dream can mean that you need to take time out to love yourself and to give yourself more attention.


Seeing space in your dream can mean you think on your own and you do not let others make decisions for you.

Space Shuttle

Going on a space shuttle in your dream can mean you are looking at your life and you are not sure what you are seeing. This can mean you are facing unknown things.


A spaceship in your dream can mean you want to be awakened in your spirit or if the spaceship is crashing it can mean you are not able to reach your goals.


To dream of spaghetti means that you have things that you need in life and you are happy.


If you dream you are planking someone it means you have tantrums and you have rage like a child.


Seeing a spark in your dream can mean you are wanting a new beginning in your life.


If something sparkles in your dream it can mean that you’re not who you say you are or that you see others differently than who they are.


Seeing a spartan in your dream means you have conflicts that you need to face.


If you see a spatula in your dream it can mean that you are very manipulative to others and you are going back and forth when you make a decision.


Dreaming of a spear can mean that you are committed and strong in your relationships.


Seeing a speculum in your dream can mean you are open about your sexual feelings.


If you give a speech in your dream it can mean you are able to share what you are feeling and if it is urgent you can spread it immediately, but if no one is listening to you it can mean you are not being seen for what you are doing and people are ignoring you.


Speeding in your dream can mean you are doing something dangerous in your life and you need to slow down.

Speeding Ticket

Getting a speeding ticket in your dream can mean that you are making unhealthy choices and you are rushing into meeting new people that may not be good for you.


A spell in your dream can mean that someone has a strong power hold over you and you are deep in the relationship or if you are casting a spell it can mean you are manipulating a situation to work out better for you.

If you dream of a broken spell it can mean you are not letting others think for you or if you are protecting a spell it can mean you need to be cautious about who you hang out with.


Something being spelled in your dream can mean that you are having problems with something in your life and you cannot really put your finger on it.


Seeing sperm in your dream means you are masculine, and you are fertile and want to see your life grow.


Seeing s sphinx in your dream can mean you are cold hearted.


Smelling spice in your dream means you need to look at things from a different point of view.


A spider in your dream can mean you need to stay away from someone that has come into your life, or this can mean you have someone in your life that is trying to control you like a mother that is powerful. Killing a spider can mean you are defending yourself or you will have bad luck.

If you see a colorful spider it can mean you should avoid something that you are about to do in your life or if the spider is spinning a web, it can mean you are about to be recognized for something good that you have done.

A climbing spider can mean that you are will see your desires but if the spider is coming down it can mean you are not able to get out of a bad relationship.

Seeing spider eggs can mean you are seeing what kind of talents you have but if you get bitten by the spider it can mean you are having problems in your family such as with your mother and you feel trapped.

Eating a spider can mean you are in control of a situation in your life but if you see the spider multiply, it can mean you are full of intuition and you need to listen to it.


Spilling something means you feel careless in your life.

Spin the Bottle

Playing spin, the bottle in your dream can mean that you need to love someone that has come in your life and not be afraid.


If you eat spinach in your dream it can mean you need to be healthier or that you need to eat better.


Seeing a spine in your dream can mean that you are needing to have a better support system and find people that will help you through your difficult times.


Spinning something in your dream can mean that you are out of control in your life but if it is your car that is spinning then you are not going to reach your goals if you keep doing what you are doing.

Spinning Wheel

A spinning wheel can mean you are out of control and you are not looking at your life fully.


A spiral in your dream can mean you are out of control in your life or you are very creative.


Seeing a spire in your dream can mean you are successful.


Seeing spirits in your dream can mean that your spirit guides are trying to help you through issues or problems that you are having.


To dream of being splashed can mean you are able to express what you are feeling but if you splash someone it can mean you want to share good news with someone in your life.

Splash Mountain

Going to Splash mountain in your dream means you are emotional, and you are having a hard time expressing yourself.

Split Ends

Split ends in your dream can mean that you are having a problem and you need to cut it out of your life.


If you smell somethings piled in your dream it means you are not meeting your own needs.


Using a sponge in your dream can mean you are wanting to have more wisdom and knowledge in your life.

Sport Utility Vehicle

Driving an SUV can mean that you are upset by the things that are happening in your life and you feel like you are out of control.


If you are playing sports in your dream it can mean that you are reaching your goals and showing off your talents but if you are watching sports, it can mean you are conflicted in a problem that you are having in your life.


Being in the spotlight in your dream can mean you need to be noticed by others in your world.


Dreaming of spring can mean you want to have a new beginning or that you are creative.


Sprinklers in your dream can mean you need to cleanse your life and get rid of emotional hurt that you have faced.


Sprinkling something in your dream can mean you are waiting for an idea to be shared with others.


If you are a spy in your dream it can mean you are in people’s business and you need to keep your nose out of everyone else’s life and worry about your own but if someone is spying on you it can mean you are doing things that are unhealthy for yourself.


Seeing a square in your dream can mean you are afraid to express what you are feeling.


Playing squash in your dream can mean you are aggressive.


Squeezing something in your dream means you need to let other things in your life and get rid of past emotions that are holding you back.


Squinting in your dream can mean you need to look at the situation in your life closer and you need to make sure you are making a good decision.


A squirrel in your dream can mean you are needing to let go of things but if you run over the squirrel it can mean you want to change your ideas so you can conform to what others think.

Dreaming of feeing a squirrel can mean that you work hard, and you will succeed.


A stable in your dream can mean you are in control of your energies and you need to work on your own life and not be so dominating to others.


If you stab someone in your dream it can mean you feel like you have to defend yourself.


Seeing a stadium in your dream can mean you need to be more active and healthier.


If you see a staff in your dream it can mean you need to make a decision and you are hoping that people will support your choice but if you are part of a staff at work, it can mean you are needing to interact more and be a team player.


A stage in your dream can mean that you are manipulative to others and you are not showing who you really are or you are dealing with people that are not telling the truth of who they are. This can also mean you are an introvert.

Stage Diving

Stage diving can mean you are taking chances and you choose to trust people around you.


A stagecoach in your dream can mean that you have burdens and you feel like you need to get rid of some of them.


A stain in your dream can mean you are living a life that is fake and materialistic.

Stained Glass

Stained glass in your dream can mean you need guidance from your spiritual guides.


Seeing a staircase in your dream can mean you want to change and transform your life.


A stairlift in your dream can mean you feel that you need others to support your decisions.


Seeing stairs in your dream can mean you are trying to reach a higher level in your life and you want to learn more things but if you are walking down stairs, it can mean you are hiding what you are thinking and it is causing you not to be able to move forward.

If you are slipping down the stairs it can mean you have no confidence and you are always afraid of messing up but if the steps are spiral it can mean you are growing in who you are.


A stallion in your dream can mean you are courageous.


Stalking someone in your dream can mean you are negative and you are doing things you shouldn’t do but if you are being stalked, it can mean you are ignoring things in your life and they are not going to go away.


Stamps in your dream can mean you are needing to communicate better, or it can mean you need to be more confident in what you do.


Standing in your dream can mean you have feelings that you should be proud of and you need to show them off.

Star Fruit

A star fruit in your dream can mean you are making decisions that are taking you the right path in life.


If you are staring at someone in your dream it can mean you are needing to look at your relationship closely but if you are staring at someone, it can mean you are criticizing others or that you are prideful.

Star of David

Seeing the Star of Davide can mean you want to have love and be unified with the earth or that you are creative.


Seeing stars in your dream can mean you have new ideas and you want to be more idealistic instead of realistic. It can also mean you want to make good decisions.

If the stars are upside down it can mean you face conflicts that are negative, and you are guilty about something you have done.


Dreaming of being starving can mean that you are avoiding your family for a reason or it can mean you have an eating disorder.

State Capital

Dreaming of the capital can mean you love your state, or it can mean you have financial issues.


Seeing statistics in your dream can mean you are making a hard decision and you need to weigh out your options.

Station Wagon

Riding in a station wagon in your dream can mean you love your family and you are willing to protect them at any cost.


A statue in your dream can mean you are not communicating with people that you need to talk to or that you are admiring someone and that is why they are a statue in your dream.

Statue of Liberty

Dreaming of the Statue of Liberty can mean you love freedom and where you live.


If you are eating steak in your dream it can mean that you are needing to trust your gut feeling and learn to go with it.


If you are stealing something in your dream it can mean you are doing things that are not good and if someone is stealing from you it can mean that you feel like you are at a loss in something that you feel is missing or not fair.

Stealth Bomb

A stealth bomber in your dream can mean you are in danger.


Seeing steam in your dream can mean that you are in a strong emotional state and you don’t know how to move forward.


Steel in your dream can mean that you are strong, and you have a strong will.


If you are steering something in your dream it can mean you are strong or that you are going the right way in your life.

Steering Wheel

Seeing a steering wheel in your dream can mean you are taking control of your own life.


A stem in your dream can mean you are supported in things you do, and you appreciate that.


Seeing your step daughter in your dream can mean you are setting boundaries in your life so that you don’t upset anyone or if you have a stepdaughter, it can mean you want to have a better relationship with her.


Seeing a stepfather in your dream can mean you are wanting to be more like him, and you want to have protection.


A stepmother in your dream can mean you want to have a mother figure in your life that is not smothering you or trying to take over your life. This can also mean you appreciate people in your life that have cared for you.


Dreaming of a stepsister in your life can mean that you feel threatened or if you have a stepsister, it can mean you want a better relationship with her.


A steppingstone in your dream can mean you want to reach your goals.


Dreaming of a stepson can mean that you are setting boundaries so you don’t overstep someone or if you have a stepson it can mean you want a better relationship with him.


Listening to a stereo in your dream can mean that you are aware of what is going on in your life.


Sterilizing something in your dream can mean you need to be cleansed in your spirit.


Being on steroids in your dream can mean you are able to reach your goals easily.


Making a stew in your dream can mean you are joined with other people and together you are able to work through anything.


A stick in your dream can mean you have a strong feeling about sex, or it can mean you need to stick up for yourself.

Stick Figure

Seeing a stick figure in your dream can mean you are simple, and you have small desires or that you have many failures or shortcomings.


A stigma in your dream can mean you are dealing with pain, but you are now healing, and you will be stronger in the end.


If you are stiff in your dream it can mean you are stressed about your life.


Wearing stiletto heels in your dream can mean you are feminine, or you dominate the room.


Dreaming of a stillborn can mean you have lost something, or you no longer trust someone you were close to.


Wearing stilts in your dream can mean you feel insecure in your life.


If something stings in your dream it can mean someone has hurt, you with something they have done or said, or it can mean you are in love.


If you smell something stinky in your dream it can mean you are feeling down about the friends that you have in your life and you feel like you need new relationships.


A stitch in your dream can mean that you are keeping things together at your job or in your relationship or if you are stitching something it can mean you are taking care of something and making something special.


Wearing stockings in your dream can mean that you are not able to reach your goals because you keep being distracted.


If something is stolen from you in your dream it can mean you are not able to know who you are, and you need to figure out your identity.


Dreaming of your stomach can mean you are going to see changes in your life that are hard but you have to accept them and move forward, this can mean in your job or your relationships, but if you touch someone’s stomach, it can mean you are trying to connect with someone.

If you have a stock in your stomach, it can mean you are not sticking up for yourself for listening to your gut feelings.


Seeing Stonehenge in your dream can mean you want to be enlightened in your spiritual being.


Stones in your dream can mean that you want to be unified with people you love, or you want to identify more with who you are. This can also mean you are sacred in your thoughts or that things have a special meaning to you.

If you are carrying stones, it can mean you are strong in yourself but if you turn the stone around, it means you are doing things that you feel that you have to but not things that you want to do.

Dreaming of different stones can mean you are believing in different cultures or religious ideas.


Stoning in your dream can mean you are angry or you are aggressive and you have problems in your relationship but if you are being stoned it can mean you are tired of not living up to the standards of others.

Seeing someone stoned to death can mean you will have to face the consequences of the actions you have taken in your life.


Sitting on a stool in your dream can mean you are needing to think over what you are doing and make sure that you are cautious in what you do.

Stop sign

A stop sign in your dream can mean you need to stop and think about your actions or you need to move forward but be aware of what is going on around you.

Stop Light

A stop light in your dream can mean you are moving forward but someone is controlling the things that you do, but if the color is green, it can mean you should keep doing what you are doing and move on with the decisions that you have made.

If you run a stop light it can mean you are doing things that others are telling you not to do so that they can warn you before you make a mistake.


A stopwatch in your dream can mean you are needing to manager your time better.


Seeing a store in your dream can mean you are wanting to share your ideas with others but if there are no customers, it can mean that you are alone in what you are thinking and you need to find a new idea.


To dream of a stork can mean that you are loving and you are motherly or it can mean you want to have another child or that you want to bring a new child into your life.


A storm in your dream can mean you have lost something and you are angry because of your loss or if you dream of a storm coming, it can mean you have a problem coming that you will have to face.


Hearing a story in your dream can mean you need to communicate with others more.


If you are a storyteller in your dream it can mean you want to share your past with others as they can learn new traditions.


Seeing a stove in your dream can mean you are neglecting people in your life and you have put them in the back of your mind.


A stowaway in your dream can mean you are doing things that are not good in your life.


To straddle something in your dream can mean you are not able to make a choice about a decision in your life.


Using a strainer in your dream can mean you are not able to keep your emotions to yourself and you are fast to share them.

Strait Jacket

Dreaming of being in a strait jacket means that you feel you are not allowed to do what you want to do.


If you dream you are stranded, it can mean you are lonely.


Dreaming of something strange can mean you will have changes come in your life that are strange to you.


A stranger in your dream can mean you are hiding things from yourself because you don’t want to face them.


To strangle someone in your dream means you are hiding your feelings and refusing to express yourself.


Straw in your dream can mean you are strong, and you have bonds with people that are important.


Eating a strawberry in your dream can mean you are happy and tempted easily.


Seeing a stray in your dream can mean you feel lost or that no one cares about you.


If you are streaking in your dream it can mean you are wild, and you want freedom to do what you want.


A stream in your dream can mean you are emotional, and you have new ideas.


If you see a street in your dream it can mean you are in control of all things in your life.

Street Sweeper

Seeing a street sweeper can mean you need to get rid of some things that are holding you back.


If you are strong in your dream it means you feel powerful.


Dreaming of being stressed means you are facing hard times in your life and you need to learn to relax and rest.

Stretch Marks

If you dream of stretch marks it can mean you are not taking care of yourself.


A stretcher in your dream can mean you feel the need to be rescued from a hard situation.


Stretching something in your dreams can mean you need to relax more.


If you strike something in your dream it can mean you feel that no one cares or appreciates what you do.


A string in your dream can mean you are worried about your relationships staying strong.

String lights

String lights in your dream can mean you are willing to give in on things.

Strip Club

If you go to a strip club in your dream it can mean you have ideas that you want to share with others.


Seeing stripes in your dream can mean you are willing to take a chance and be straight with people you talk to.


If you are a stripper in your dream it can mean you are sexually aware of what you want.

Stripper Pole

A stripper pole in your dream can mean you are comfortable with who you are.


If you are stripping in your dream it can mean you are wanting to express yourself more.

Strobe Light

A strobe light in your dream can mean you are in a world of chaos and trouble.


If you dream of having a stroke it can mean you want to be accepted in the social circle, but you are afraid to show who you are.


Seeing a structure in your dream can mean you are having feelings you don’t understand.


Struggling in your dream can mean you have a conflict that you need to solve.


If you see stubble in your dream it means you need to not get involved in something someone is trying to involve you in.


A stucco in your dream can mean you are emotional but you put up a wall so others cannot see it.


Being stuck in your dream can mean you need to get rid of the stress in your life.


If you are dreaming of being a student, it means you want to be more knowledgeable.


Studying in your dream means you are smart, and you are wealthy.

Stuffed Animal

A stuffed animal in your dream can mean you need to relax and let your body be more comfortable and not worry so much about things in your life.


If you stumble in your dream it means you need to get your life in better control.


A stump in your dream can mean you are not able to move forward to reach your goals.

Stun Gun

Seeing a stun gun in your dream can mean you need to be more energetic.


If you do a stunt in your dream it means you want to express what you are feeling.


Stuttering in your dream can mean you have a hard time saying what you are meaning or what you feel.


Seeing Styrofoam in your dream can mean you are moving to a new level in your life.


A sub in your dream can mean you want to explore yourself more.


Seeing subtitles in your dream can mean you are trying to pay attention and understand the message that your subconscious is trying to show you.


Dreaming of suburbia can mean you want to reach your fullest potential and grow in your life.


Dreaming of being on the subway can mean you are reaching your goals and you are figuring out what talents you have that are just showing up.


Being successful in your dream can mean you are wanting to be successful in your life and you will do what it takes to get there.


A succubus in your dream can mean you want to be wiser and get knowledge.


Dreaming of succulents can mean you are believing in things that are old and you need a new way of thinking.


Sucking on something in your dream can mean you need someone to comfort you and love you and you need to get away from all of the responsibilities that you have each day.

Suction Cup

Dreaming of a suction cup can mean you are wanting to fix a problem fast that has taken a long time to come.


Playing sudoku in your dream can mean you are facing a problem in your mind and you need to work it out or that you are worried about your finances.


Wearing suede in your dream can mean you have tough skin, but you are kindhearted.


If you feel that you are suffocating in your dream it can mean that you have a problem that is holding you back from reaching your goals.


Dreaming of eating sugar can mean you love your life and you love the small things life gives you.

Sugar Cane

Eating sugar cane can mean you are healthy and rich.


Dreaming of suicide can mean you want to escape from the things in your life and you are aggressive because of it but if you are saying goodbye to someone that is committing suicide it can mean that you feel that you need to get rid of something inside of you that you don’t like.


Wearing a suit in your dream can mean you want people to know how strong and powerful you are.


Carrying a suitcase in your dream can mean you have a good hold on your life.


If you smell sulfur in your dream it can mean you are needing to trust your gut feeling more and be more rational.


Dreaming of a sultan can mean that you are needing authority in your life or that you have a father figure that is trying to control you.


If you dream it is summer, it means you are becoming more mature and you are hopeful of good things.


Seeing a summit in your dream can mean you want to reach your goals and you are willing to work hard for it.


A sumo wrestler in your dream means you are pushing yourself on others and using your power to be controlling.


The sun in your dream can mean you are happy, and you will get good insight from others.


A sunbird in your dream can mean you worry that people don’t take you seriously because you are smaller in size.


Eating a sundae in your dream can mean you love to be happy and together with others.


Dreaming it is Sunday can mean you want to be enlightened in your spiritual being.


A sundial in your dream can mean you feel that that you have unrealistic goals.


Seeing a sunflower in your dream can mean you are warm, and you are facing times in your life that are hard.


Wearing sunglasses in your dream can mean you are seeing things from a negative point of view.


To see the sunrise in your dream can mean you are reaching your goals and are happy.


A sunroof in your dream can mean you are wanting to connect with your spiritual being.


A sunroom in your dream can mean you want to have an awakening in your spirit.


Putting sunscreen on in your dream can mean you are hiding the truth and you want it to come out.


Getting a suntan in your dream can mean you are working hard, and you know you have many responsibilities.

Super Soaker

Seeing a super soaker in your dream can mean you are aggressive and angry with someone that you are shooting in your dream.


Dreaming of a super car means that you are moving forward in your life and you are reaching your goals on your own terms.


A superhero in your dream can mean you feel that you have more talents than people are noticing, and you wish people would see it.


Seeing superman in your dream can mean you are powerful.


If you have a superpower in your dream it can mean you have something great and you are full of energies and you want to do things above and beyond what your life allows you.


A supervillain in your dream can mean you have negative things in your life that are showing.

The Supremes

Dreaming of the Supremes can mean you are able to handle the things in your life that are hard.


Riding on a surfboard in your dream means that you are taking life slow and you need to take more care in what you are doing.


If you are surfing in your dream it can mean that you feel stressed out.


Getting surgery in your dream can mean you need to heal, and you need to heal in your body or emotions.


Getting a good surprise in your dream can mean you are confronting things about yourself that you used to hide.


Dreaming of being a surrogate means you care about other people or you feel life is missing something.

Surveillance Camera

A surveillance camera in your dream can mean you are needing to look more at what you are doing, or you feel that the public is watching you to see if you mess up.


If you take a survey in your dream it can mean you want to reach your goals.


Dreaming that you survive something means you are able to overtake a problem that has come in your life.


Eating sushi in your dream can mean you are not expressing your emotions and you are hiding them.


If you get suspended in your dream it means you are questioning who you really are.


Wearing suspenders in a dream can mean you are living up to your life and doing the best you can.


If you have suspicion in your dream it can mean you are insecure, or you need to listen to your gut feelings.


Seeing a SWAT team in your dream can mean you have a problem that you need to handle calmly.


Swaddling someone in your dream can mean you are wanting to be secure and you need to feel like you are protected.


If you see yourself swallow something in your dream it can mean you are being too prideful.


Living in a swamp in your dream can mean you feel burdened and overly emotional.


A white swan in your dream can mean you are powerful and wealthy.

Swap Meet

If you go to a swap meet in your dream it can mean that you are not taking yourself seriously or you want to change something in your life.


A swastika in your dream can mean you are dealing with hatred or you are mean to others.


If you are swearing in your dream it can mean you feel that you are being harassed by others.


Sweating in your dream can mean you are nervous about something.


If you are wearing a sweatshirt in your dream it can mean that you need to take a vacation and relax.


Dreaming that you are in a sweatshop means you are unhappy in your life.


If you are wearing a sweater in your dream it means you have love and kindness, or you are immature.


If you dream you are sweeping things it can mean that you need to get rid of emotions that are causing you problems.


Tasting something sweet in your dream can mean that you have a good life and you are happy.

Sweet Potato

Eating a sweet potato in your dream can mean that you are sexual or that you want to be comfortable.


Eating sweets in your dream can mean you are not giving yourself joyful times and you are needing to reward yourself for the good things you do.


Swelling in your dream can mean that you are in a problem you need to face.


If you are swimming in your dream it can mean you are needing someone to support, you through your problems.

Swimming Gear

Wearing swimming gear can mean you are ready to face things in your life that are hard to face.

Swimming Pool

Being in a swimming pool in your dream can mean you need to take a break from life and relax.


If you dream you are wearing a swimsuit it can mean you are being vulnerable, and you are not comfortable with who you are.


If you are swinging in your dream it can mean you are happy and free in your life.


Eating swiss cheese in your dream can mean you are not thinking things through right and you need to reconsider your thoughts and feelings.

Swiss Army Knife

A swiss army knife in your dream can mean you are not able to do what skills you have so you can reach a task.


To switch something in your dream can mean you are wanting to change who you are.


Using a switchblade in your dream can mean you are about to be in a dangerous situation that you are ignoring, and you need to make a fast decision.


A sword in your dream can mean you are strong, and you want to reach your goals.


Eating a swordfish in your dream can mean you are emotional, and you are afraid to show others who you are.


Seeing a sycamore in your dream can mean you want to be who you are.


A symbol in your dream can mean you need to stop being confused about a situation and pay more attention.


Having sympathy for someone in your dream can mean that you are kind and you are loving but if you have no sympathy it can mean you are cold hearted.


Hearing a symphony in your dream can mean you are in a relationship for the long run.


A synthesizer in your dream can mean you want to be full of harmony and unity.


A syringe in your dream can mean you are facing an illness, or you have a bad habit like drug use that you need to get rid of.


Going to a synagogue in your dream can mean you want to have spiritual enlightenment.


Dreaming so syrup means you are in a situation that is sticky, and you need to get out of it.


  1. The dream interpretations related to the letter S are intriguing. They provide insight into our subconscious minds and how specific symbols can relate to our real-life emotions and situations.

  2. The depth of these dream interpretations is remarkable. Each word starting with ‘S’ is broken down to provide a range of possible meanings and associations. Very enlightening for those interested in the psychology of dreams.

  3. This examination of dreams featuring the letter S offers a very detailed analysis. It’s compelling to see how each word can represent different aspects of our inner thoughts and feelings. The variety of interpretations provides plenty of food for thought.

  4. This article on the symbolism of dreams that involve words starting with ‘S’ is a fascinating read. It covers a wide range of scenarios and offers potential meanings for them. It’s quite thought-provoking to consider how our subconscious might communicate with us.

  5. The interpretation of dreams about the letter S seems quite comprehensive. Each term seems to delve into various emotional states and personal experiences. It offers an interesting perspective on how our subconscious processes our day-to-day lives.


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