Importance of Dreaming

Importance of Dreaming

People sometimes ask the question, “Do you dream so you can sleep, or do you sleep so you can dream?” The truth is that this is a question that is often a debate. Some research shows that there is a real reason for dreaming.

REM Sleep Brings Happiness

Research shows that people that do not get into the REM stage will have symptoms of unhappiness. They can be anxious and will be stressed. People that do not get REM sleep will be full of trouble.

Waking in REM Sleep Can Cause Emotions

One dream study that was given was when volunteers were woken up while they were in their dream state, but they were allowed to fall back asleep. Right when they went back into REM sleep, they were woken up again. Even though they got the same amount of sleep that other people do, when they got up the next day, they were sad, disoriented, had a fowl temper and they were not able to do their daily activities.

Some of the volunteers were seen to eat more and become angry easier than those that were able to sleep through their REM. The study lasted for many nights and the volunteers became moodier and over sensitive. They had a problem concentrating and memory loss.

Why Dreaming is Important

The study showed that dreaming is important to your overall health, and some believe that dreams happen so that we can have less stress. Dreaming helps us to revitalize our life and to rest and have a strong body.

If you are having a hard time getting into REM sleep and getting the healthy amount of sleep that you need, you need to come up with a better sleeping schedule that can get you on track. Studies show that REM sleep is important for both your mental and physical health.

Find a way that you can get better sleep. Put away your electronics, turn out the lights, deep breathe, close your eyes and concentrate on something that will make you sleepy. If you are someone that has a sleeping disorder, talk to a professional.


  1. The correlation between REM sleep and emotional stability is compelling. It would be intriguing to see if similar results are observed in different demographic groups or cultures.

    • I agree, Frances. It would also be interesting to see if lifestyle factors, such as diet or exercise, significantly influence REM sleep patterns.

    • Both of you bring up good points. Additionally, understanding how dreams themselves—whether positive or negative—affect our waking life could add another layer to this discussion.

  2. The study mentioned highlights the importance of REM sleep, but it seems there is a need for more in-depth research to understand the complexities of dreaming and its impact on our daily lives.

  3. This piece underscores the critical role sleep, particularly REM sleep, plays in our overall health. Further insights into how these findings could be applied in medical practices would be valuable.

  4. The article suggests practical steps to improve REM sleep, which are helpful. However, it would be useful to have more concrete evidence or additional strategies for those struggling with chronic sleep disorders.

  5. The article raises an interesting point about the relationship between REM sleep and emotional well-being. It would be beneficial to explore further how the quality of dreams affects mental health.


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