Having Prophetic Dreams

Dreams can Match the Future

A prophetic dream can help you to see into the future. You will see that a prophetic dream can be confirmed after the thing that you have dreamed about takes place. This is one way that we can hear stories about how people can use prophetic dreams to know the future.

What Do Scientists Say?

Some prophetic dreams just seem to happen by coincidence, but scientists do not believe that there are psychic powers, and they believe that dreams come true because they are part of your conscious mind making you aware of things in your life and this causes you to dream.

Dreams can Match the Future

Other people believe that when you dream, you can change the dream so that it matches the outcome of your future. Since dreams can be forgotten so quickly, the dream that you had may be different than what you remember because you might forget important parts of the dream.

Dreams and Information

Still, others believe that when you dream, your mind is putting information together faster than your conscious mind is able to and the dreams show you what you believe will happen based on the information that you have in your mind.

Dreams and Psychic Powers

There are some people that still do believe in psychic powers and that dreams help to tell the future. People that believe in prophetic dreams realize that dreams can be linked to things such as natural disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes, assassinations, wars, accidents such as car accidents or plane crashes and even winning lottery numbers.

Dreams and Crimes

Many people that believe in psychic dreams believe that dreams can help to solve crimes. Even Abraham Lincoln is said to have dreamed of a coffin before he was killed. Another famous person, John Dunne claims that he dreamt of a volcano erupting in France and then later it happened.

When you have a prophetic dream, it can mean that you are having stress in your life that has to do with your future. Look at your dreams and allow them to lead you on the right path in your life.


  1. The concept of prophetic dreams is fascinating, but it is essential to approach it with a critical mind. Scientific explanations, such as the brain processing information, seem more plausible than attributing these phenomena to psychic powers.

  2. While the idea of prophetic dreams is compelling, I find the scientific perspective more convincing. Our brains are complex, and the way they process and reconsolidate memories could easily account for dreams that appear to predict the future.

  3. The historical examples of prophetic dreams are noteworthy, but they should be taken with a grain of saplt. Often, these stories are retroactively fitted to match outcomes, which can skew our perception of their predictive validity.

  4. The article raises interesting points about how dreams can reflect our subconscious processing of information. The phenomenon where dreams align with future events might be more about coincidence and selective memory than actual prophetic abilities.

  5. It’s intriguing to think that our subconscious mind can put together information faster than our conscious mind. This might explain why some dreams seem prophetic. However, without concrete scientific evidence, it’s difficult to draw definitive conclusions.


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