Vanity Dream Themes

Vanity Dream Themes

When you dream about your looks it can mean that you worry about how you see yourself or how others see you. This can mean you have self-esteem issues, or you are insecure.


If you have an abscess in your dream it can mean that you need to get things out in the open.

Acrylic Nails

When you dream you are wearing fake nails it can mean that you want to reach out to others, but you are not doing it because you care about them but because you will get something out of it.


If you dream that you are a different age it can mean you are worried about getting older or you have failures to face.

If you dream you are older than you might want more wisdom and be more sensible, but if you dream you are younger it can mean that you need to live a little. Dreaming that you are child can mean that you wish you were in the past.


Dreaming of an appearance can mean you are having self-esteem issues.


Dreaming that you are bald can mean that you have no self-esteem.


A beard in your dream can mean old age and wisdom.


Dreaming that you are beautiful means that you want people to admire you.


When you dream of getting Botox it means you worry about your emotions, and you want to hide them.

Breast Implants

When you dream of breast implants it means you have problems with your body.

Cold Sore

Dreaming of cold sores can mean that you have said hurtful things.


If you dream of a completion, it is reparenting how others see you.


Dreaming that you have dandruff can mean you are not having the energy you need, and you feel stressed and neglected. You need to rethink how you are doing things in your life and do more for yourself.


If you are wearing dentures in your dream it can mean you are not who you say you are, or you are with someone who is lying about who they are.


Dreaming that you are disfigured can mean that you are in a bad relationship or that you are scarred from your past life.


If you dream you are exfoliating can mean you are letting your shields down and figuring out who you really are.

Eye Mask

Dreaming of an eye mask can mean that you are ignorant to the things around you.

Eye Patch

If you dream of wearing an eye patch it can mean you see things only from your view.

Eye Shadow

Wearing eye shadow in your dream means you are being mysterious.


Dreaming of eyeliner can mean that you are needing to focus on something.


Dreaming of your own face can mean that the world does not want to see who you really are or if you dream your face is flawed it can mean that your emotions are about to explode or that you are about to suffer a personality or reputation attack.

Dreaming you have someone else’s’ face can mean that you are around someone that is not worthy or is being two faced to you.

If you dream of a blurry face, it can mean you do not know who you really are.


If you dream you get a facelift it can mean you want to be someone else or have a new identity.


Dreaming you get a facial can mean that you are guilty about something or that you are putting on a fake face around people.


Dreaming of a haircut can mean that you are losing power or being criticized.


Dreaming that you are a hairdresser can mean you want to share your opinions with others or if you are at the hairdresser, it can mean you need to change how you see things.


A hairnet can mean that you need to control your feelings.


Dreaming of wearing a hairpiece can mean that you are being deceptive or if you lose your hairpiece, it can mean you are losing your peace of mind.


Hairspray in your dream means that you are concerned how you look.


Dreaming of highlights in your hair can mean that you are wanting to see things from a different view.


Dreaming of liposuction can mean that you are out of shape and that you are taking strong measures to get rid of things in your past that are causing you to be stressed.


If you dream of wearing lipstick it can mean that you are not saying things that are true.


Wearing makeup in your dream means you are trying to cover up and hide things about yourself or it can mean that you are trying to look your best for something so that you can have better confidence. This can also mean that you are being unforgiving but if you wear too much makeup it means you care too much about what the outside looks like.


If you get a manicure in your dream, it can mean that you are wanting to be pretty and that you are expressing beauty in what you do to yourself.


Putting on mascara in a dream can mean that you need to open up your eyes to your relationship or it can also mean that people are starting rumors about you.


A mirror in your dream can mean that you want to know how others see you and you are wanting to decide if you need to change things about you.

If you look in a mirror and you do not see your reflection it can mean that you are not able to figure out your identity and people do not know who you are.

If you are looking at a mirror that goes two ways, it can mean you are facing things in your life that you have chosen not to face before now or if you see images in the mirror, it can mean you are ready to confront life head on.

Being watched in a mirror can mean you feel that people are criticizing things you do and if the mirror is about a good person or friend that you know it can mean that you want to know the truth.

Breaking a mirror in your dream can mean that you have a bad self-image of yourself or if the mirror is fogged it can mean that you are confused about the goals you have in your life.


If you get a pedicure in your dream, it can mean you are moving in life confidently and you are going the right direction. It will also mean that someone is going to notice the hard work that you have done and recognize you.


Pimples in your dream can mean you have a low self-esteem issue, and you feel that you are out of place in all of your relationships but if you are popping a pimple, it can mean you are letting your emotions control you.

Plastic Surgery

Getting plastic surgery in your dream can mean you need to improve who you are and have a better image of yourself.


Dreaming of powered can mean you are trying to cover up a mistake that you have made in your life, or you are trying to hide something.


Dreaming of being pretty means that you are concerned about how people see you.


If you wear rouge in your dream it can mean you are trying to trick others as to who you are but if you see others wearing it, it can mean you are being manipulated by these people.


Seeing a scar in your dream can mean you are letting the past influence your life too much and you need to reach to the future and let things work themselves out.


If you dream of skin, it can mean that you need to set up boundaries so that you are not around people that cause you to feel bad for who you are.

Split Ends

Split ends in your dream can mean that you are having a problem and you need to cut it out of your life.

Stretch Marks

If you dream of stretch marks it can mean you are not taking care of yourself.

Tan Lines

Tan lines can mean that you are positive and negative at the same time, and you need to focus more on positive things.


Dreaming about teeth can mean that you are doing things that you shouldn’t do and if they are rotten, it can mean something bad is coming back to your life. If you dream your teeth are clean it can mean you are reaching your achievements.

Dreaming of brushing your teeth can mean you are confident or aggressive and you look out for your own interests.

If you dream of losing your teeth it can mean that you are embarrassed by something or that you have people looking at your faults.


Seeing tweezers in your dream can mean you need to look at things more closely and you need to be more accurate in what you do.


A unibrow in your dream can mean you do not like the way that you look, and you feel that you are hiding these emotions from the world.


  1. The detailed descriptions in this article allow for a deeper understanding of how dreams can represent our inner thoughts and feelings about ourselves and our relationships.

  2. This article provides a comprehensive overview of dream symbolism related to physical appearance and self-esteem. It underscores the importance of understanding our subconscious concerns.

  3. The interpretations of these dreams seem to focus heavily on self-perception and societal validation. It’s intriguing how various elements like makeup or age can signify deeper psychological issues.

  4. It is fascinating how dreams can reflect our insecurities and hidden desires. This list shows how even minor details in our dreams can have significant meanings.

  5. This article offers a fascinating look at how dreams can reflect personal insecurities and societal pressures regarding appearance. It’s intriguing how specific items like acrylic nails or lipstick can symbolize underlying psychological issues.

  6. The interpretations of dreams related to physical appearance and self-esteem present an interesting psychological perspective. It provides insight into the subconscious mind and how our insecurities manifest in dreams.

  7. The breadth of dream symbols related to appearance and their meanings is impressive. The linkage between these symbols and various self-esteem issues provides a unique lens through which to analyze one’s dreams.

  8. The detailed analysis of each dream symbol related to appearance provides a comprehensive guide for individuals looking to understand their subconscious thoughts. It emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and addressing personal insecurities.

  9. The interpretations provided in this article can serve as a valuable tool for self-awareness. The connection between dreaming about appearance and underlying emotional states is particularly thought-provoking and aligns with psychological theories on self-perception.

  10. The interpretation of dreams presented here emphasizes the connection between our dream imagery and our real-life emotional and psychological states. It highlights how dreams can be indicators of our mental well-being.


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