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Is Lucid Dreaming Dangerous?

Dream Monster

Lucid dreaming is something that has been researched for many years. Some research has shown that there can be a connection between dying and lucid dreaming.

Understanding Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is when someone is dreaming, and they know that they are dreaming. Some believe that this is an out of body experience. Lucid dreaming is like taking a trip and it can be exciting but when someone isn’t able to wake up from their dream, it can get scary.

Maybe you have been dreaming and you get up out of bed to get your day started. You keep doing what you do each morning but then you realize something isn’t right. You realize that you aren’t really awake. This can be scary, and you will see that if you don’t wake up then you aren’t going to be able to make it to your job on time.

As you dream, you see that you are screaming at yourself to wake up, but nothing is happening. This can be frustrating, and you might feel that this is a never-ending dream. The thing is though, lucid dreaming can be great, and it can inspire people to be more creative. The culture that a person is part of can play a role in what kind of lucid dreams that someone might have.

Dream Monster

Lucid dreaming might not bring a murderer to your dreams like it did in the movie Freddy Krueger, but sometimes lucid dreaming can bring about sleep paralysis. This can be something that is scary, and it has been seen in movies.

There were once people in Asia during the 70’s and 80’s where people were healthy, and they were dying in their sleep. This was termed “Asian Death Syndrome”, or “Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death Sundrum” and they found that these were happening in Philippines and Japan. These were Hmong men and those that lived through this often talked about having sleep paralysis. Others that died suffocated in their sleep and they found that congenital heart conditions and stress caused the death, but it was thought to be dreaming.

SUNDS was renamed Bragada Syndrome in the 90’s and was researched by Shelley Adler who studied the people that were involved and the stress on the cultures. These were people that were said to be scaring themselves to death which would cause their heart to stop, and it was said that lucid dreaming might have played a role.

Dying and Lucid Dreaming

Even though it seemed like a stretch to say that the Hmong were dying from dreaming, Further research found that people that were in hospice might lucid dream more than people that are healthy. These dreams can be good and comforting when someone is dying rather than being scary or tormenting.

Dream Journaling Matters

Dream journaling

Dreams are an important thing in y our life. You might find that your dreams can help you to understand your goals and your thoughts better. Dreams can guide you and help you to reach your spiritual goals. People that want to learn more about their dreams will often get a dream journal to help them.

Journaling and Sleeping

You shouldn’t just journal your dreams after you sleep but you should learn to pay attention to what you are feeling before you even go to bed.

  • Focusing on Your Dreams

There are many people that don’t remember their dreams. Some will wake up and will have no memory that they even dreamed. If you are someone that doesn’t remember dreaming at all, you need to think about how important dreaming is and learn to appreciate the value of dreaming. Focus on remembering and trying to dream.

You can also try dreaming techniques before you go to bed. Do this in the hours that you are sleeping. You can find books on dreaming online and you can even find books that can help to interpret your dreams.

Journaling Tools

When you decide to do a dream journal, get you a notebook or something you can record on. It can be hard to talk about your dreams and describe them if you choose to record but some people do this.

It can be harder to fall back asleep if you have to verbally journal and speak your dreams which can cause you to miss out on more dreaming if this happens in the middle of the night. This is why journaling your dream by writing them can be more helpful.

If you have your dreams written down, you can look at it later on and this can help you to grow. Use a booklight in case you need to write something down in the middle of the night.

Dream Intentions

One thing that you can do is to set dream intentions before you go to sleep. Say that you want to dream and what you want to dream about. Do this a few times each night before you go to sleep. You might get dreams in stages, and this can give you important symbols or messages. You need to try and recall these things.

Focusing On the Dream

Focus on your dream and what it means for you. Before you go to sleep, write down your intention and what you need your dream to show you. This can help you grow.

Set an Alarm

Set an alarm about three hours after you go to bed. This can help you to wake up out of a dream if you are having one. This might feel hard, but this can help you to write down your dream and sometimes you can go back into the dream.

When You Wake Up

When you wake up, you need to write down all the details of your dream in your dream journal. Here is how:

  • Details

Write down as much detail as you can about the dream. Whatever you can remember, big or small, can be significant. Write down everything that you remember. Even if you can only remember parts of it, write those parts down.

  • Feelings and Emotions

Use your dream journal to write about your feelings and emotions that the dream makes you have. This can give you insight on what the dream means. If the dream makes you feel scared or worried, this can be for a reason. These clues can help you to understand your dreams.

  • Interpreting Your Dreams

There are different ways that you can interpret your dreams. Find a psychic or read a book about dream analysis and you can get the interpretation of your dream and find out what your dreams are telling you.

Think about how your dream made you feel when you wake up. Think about the actions that took place in your dreams and the people that you saw. No matter what impressions you had, see if this can help you to understand the dream better.

What is going on in your life right now? Journaling your dreams can help you to understand what is happening in your own life.

Dream Journaling

Dream journaling can help you to understand your dream and will help you to get the meaning of your dream. By doing this, you can understand what is going on in your life.

Using Lucid Dreaming to Manifest

Lucid Dreaming to Manifest

People have been manifesting things for years but what if lucid dreaming can help you to get what you want? There are different psychic laws that people can use in order to get things such as the Law of Attraction that says that whatever someone puts into the universe will come back to them. Lucid dreaming is another thing that plays a role in the psychic world.

Lucid Dreaming and Manifesting

There is no scientific evidence that lucid dreaming can manifest things into the world, but it does allow people to be able to communicate with their subconscious mind and this can help them to bring changes that are needed.

Manifestation is a skill that people use to get over issues that they face like emotional issues, but it also can help people to be more positive so that they can get what they want in life.

Manifesting with Dreams

Lucid dreaming is when you are able to dream and know that you are dreaming while controlling your dreams. Here are some things that lucid dreaming can do:

  • Help you to visualize and manifest things that you desire.
  • Manifest changes in the world.
  • Just be a dream without changing the physical world.

Not everyone believes that lucid dreaming can actually bring physical changes while others believe that it can manifest real changes. Some believe that lucid dreaming can help to manifest things in real life if it is done correctly.

Some have experienced lucid dreaming and have found that lucid dreaming can affect the reality that you live in. It can help to bring the changes needed to get things that you want.

What is Manifestation?

Manifestation is when you are able to change your thoughts and your attitude to get things that you want. This is a way that you can attract real things to your life. This works by changing your mindset and using visualization techniques.

Even though there is no scientific evidence, many believe that using lucid dreaming can help to manifest things because how you think is as important as what you do. If you believe in something strong enough, some believe you can make it happen.

Visualization is a point of view that can help you to get what you want. It can help you to start taking actions that are needed in order to see changes that come. If you want to win at something, you will start acting like a winner by training, changing your mindset and reaching your goals.

This doesn’t bring the winning to you, but it brings you to the winning. Visualization allows you to have the things that you need in order to attract the things that you want. Using visualization helps you to train your mind and body to get what you want in your life.

Manifesting helps you to improve your skills and this will help you to have healing in your mind, body, and soul. Lucid dreaming can help with this as well.

Lucid Dreaming

People that lucid dream are able to visualize things better. They are able to see things that they want and when they dream, they can look at their body for changes and they can use the dreaming and the visualization together in order to see what changes need to be made.

Communicating in Dreams

Lucid dreaming allows you to communicate in your dreams with your subconscious mind. It allows you to reach the deep parts of yourself that you might not be able to reach when you are awake. This is a way that you can find answers and get guidance that you need.

Your mind can give you answers and help you to create a character in your dreams. When you communicate with your mind, you are able to work on issues, past traumas and other things that have held you back from getting what you want.

As you communicate with your mind, you will be able to manifest things and believe in yourself even more.

How to Get Your Wishes to Come True

Here are some things that you can do by using lucid dreaming:

  • Program new habits.
  • Set goals that you can reach.
  • Allow your mind to create a room where you can be in control of your lucid dreams.
  • Get information that shows you what you need to manifest the things that you desire.
  • Train yourself to control your lucid dreams.

Final Thoughts

There are things that you can do to manifest things in your life. By using lucid dreaming, you can set your goals, form new habits, and allow your mind to create a place where you can not only dream but you can also control your dreams to get what you want.

Why Vivid Dreams Are Important

Vivid Dreams

Dreams that are intense are often called vivid dreams. There is a lot that goes on when you have vivid dreams.

What is a Vivid Dream?

Psychologists often classify a vivid dream as a dream that is very intense and seems to be real. These dreams often cause people to have an emotional feeling attached to the dream.

A vivid dream will be one that has a lot of colors and details. It will often cause there to be strong emotions that seem real. Sometimes vivid dreams are good dreams, but other times vivid dreams can be nightmares. People that lucid dream will also experience vivid dreaming.

How Do Vivid Dreams Happen?

No one is quite sure what causes vivid dreams. Some people will just have these kinds of dreams and it can be someone that has always had strong dreams even from childhood. These people will often have even more vivid dreams as adults.

Here are some reasons that you might have vivid dreams:

  • Intensity of Life

People that are dealing with a lot in their life will often have dreams that are more vivid than others. This can be something that is emotional, and the dream can be based on that.

  • Substances

There are different medications and other substances that can affect the sleep and dreaming. Alcohol is one substance that causes there to be a suppression of the REM cycle where dreams normally happen.

When you don’t use a substance for a while, you might see that your dreams come back even more powerful than before. This will eventually level out and leave you having normal dreams.

This can happen to people that take certain medications, as well, because as the person adjusts to the medication and their body, the dreams might get less or even more intense.

  • You Are Sensitive

People that are sensitive often have more vivid dreams. Those that sleep light also might have dream that are more intense. Those that have creative gifts and are emotional will likely be able to recall their dreams better, making some of the dreams more intense.

The closer you are to your subconscious mind, the more you will be able to remember your dreams and you will see that they play a huge role in your life.

Remembering Dreams

Remembering your dream doesn’t happen to everyone and sometimes people dream, and they don’t remember them. Remembering a dream can be more like a memory but when you think of vivid dreams, the strength of the dream is more powerful. Some people will have multiple dreams a night and they might not remember all of them or any of them.

The dreams that people have can be vivid and if the dreamer remembers them, why was the dream so important that it caused you to remember it? Remembering your dream is a good way to recall things.

Are Vivid Dreams Good or Bad?

Some vivid dreams are good and other dreams are bad. Nightmares, as mentioned above, can be very vivid and they can be scary. These kinds of dreams can cause people to be more emotional. People that lucid dream will also be able to use their dreaming skills to remember their dreams.

Whenever you have a nightmare or a bad dream, you might get upset and this is a dream that you will likely remember, and it will be vivid. If you have nightmares or dreams that upset you, pay attention to them and find out why you keep having these dreams. Find out what you are trying to tell your conscious mind.

Intense dreams can be a dream that your mind is trying to tell your body such as a relationship struggle you are going through or a goal that you haven’t been able to reach. Pay attention to things going on in your life when you think about your dreams.

How to Stop Dreams

Having intense dreams all the time can be tiring and you might wonder how to calm this down. You need to notice if you have changed your diet or if you are on any substances that might affect your sleep. If you have dreams that keep upsetting you over and over again, talk to someone that is a professional. Here are some other things to try:

Set a Sleep Routine

You need to make sure that you calm down before you go to bed. Try to set a time each night to go to bed and do this as a schedule. Track the amount of sleep that you get.

Also, notice if you are eating too late or how hot or cold the room is. All of these things can influence how you dream. People that have a big meal before they go to sleep might find that they have strange dreams.

You an also use sleep support medication or talk to your doctor if your sleep is lacking and see if they can help you.

Vivid Nightmares

If you keep having vivid nightmares, try to think of the dream before you go to bed and let it end in your mind in a certain way. This is a way that your dream will probably not show back up.

Understand the Meaning

If you keep having the same dream over and over, chances are that you might need to know something. Try to figure out what the dream means. The emotions that you have can affect your dream and if you are going through things in your life that are causing you to be emotional or stressed, this might be the reason for the powerful dreams.

Notice the dream and see if it makes sense to the situations that you are dealing with. You might not be able to change what you are going through in your life, but you can figure out how to come to terms with your emotions.


Journal your dreams and be as detailed as you can when you write them down. Find out what your dreams mean and what they are trying to tell you.

Try Lucid Dreaming

If you are someone that is interested in lucid dreaming, try to practice being more aware while you are sleeping. Doing this can open up your mind and allow you to be able to be more aware of your dream state and even control your dreams. Dreaming might make you think you are awake but if strange things happen, you will know you are dreaming.

Final Thoughts

Vivid dreams more than likely have a message that they are trying to give you. Figure out if the message is something good or bad. Take time to understand yourself and what your dreams mean to you. This can help you to connect with who you are and to live your best life.

What Does a Crocodile Dream Mean?

What Does a Crocodile Dream Mean?

Dreams can be interpreted in many different ways, and they can show you things about your life. Some dreams can be negative, and some can be positive. Having a crocodile chasing your in your dreams can have a meaning but you need to know what you are feeling when you dream of this.

Dreams and the Mind

It is important that your dreams are interpreted the right way and that is why you need to pay attention to your dreams. Even if your dreams are scary, it can mean something way different than you thought it would mean. Someone that is depressed might have dreams that have different meanings than someone that isn’t.

What Do Your Dreams Mean?

You can look at your dreams and see what they mean in your life. You need to ask yourself why you think that you had that dream. Keep your mind and heart open when you get your dreams interpreted because you might find out things that you don’t want to hear.

Some people will dream and not even remember their dream. If you aren’t sure how to get your dreams interpreted, you can find someone that can help you with this such as a psychic online.

Dreaming About Crocodiles

Dreaming about a crocodile is a normal dream. Some people dream of them because they see one and some have this dream, and it brings them peace and calmness or excitement about seeing this animal.

If you dream of a crocodile chasing you though this can mean different things in your life and in your relationships. You aren’t able to interpret your past or future, but you can look at what is going on in your life and see if you are at peace in your mind.

You can make your life something positive by figuring out what your dream means to you. If you have a fear of something terrible, dreaming about a crocodile chasing you might mean that you are trying to figure out what you are afraid of.

There are other things that a crocodile chasing you dream can mean such as:

  • Being in a bad relationship.
  • Feeling out of control.
  • Feeling that you need to find your purpose.

It is important to make sure that you look at your life and the overall theme of the dream before you determine what your dream means.

Final Thoughts

You can find out what a crocodile chasing you in your dreams means for you by getting your dream interpreted. Dreams can mean different things for different people and once you figure out the meaning of the dream you can figure out what steps to take to better your life.

Dreaming About Birds

Dreaming About Birds

Dreams can be good or sometimes they can be dreams that scare you, or nightmares. These dreams can make you feel a certain way. What happens when you have a dream about a bird? Does the dream set your mood to be something good or something gloomy and dark? Are your dreams of birds singing and bringing love and balance or are you having dreams of being attacked by birds?

Dreaming of birds can be about your goals and what inspires you. If you dream of birds flying free and singing, chances are this is a good dream for your life. Or, if you have dreams about birds being hatched out of their eggs, this can mean that you are seeking independence in your life.

If you have dreams that you are being attacked and that you need to get away from the birds, this can mean that you are experiencing some kind of conflict with your spiritual self and what you believe. Dreaming of a dead bird can mean you are worried about something, or you are disappointed with things.

What Kind of Bird Do You See?

The breed of the bird that you dream about can change the outcome of your dream. There are some birds that have different meanings, and this can change the way that your dream is interpreted. Here are some of the bird breeds that have meanings:

  • Eagles: Pride, freedom, courage, wisdom. This can also mean that you are connecting to your spiritual side.
  • Dove: Peace, innocence, harmony, and love. This can mean that you have strong friendships, and you are reaching your higher self.

These dreams will change of course depending on what the bird is doing. If the bird is flying free, then this is going to be a positive dream but if the bird is caged then it can mean you feel trapped or that you are being controlled by other people.

Other Dream Meanings

Here are some of the bird dream meanings that you might have:

  • Getting wings clipped: This can mean that you have a secret that you need to share or that someone is trying to control you or stop you from flying.
  • Feeding birds: This dream can mean that you are encouraged and that you are trying to fly free and not be held back from someone.
  • Flying free: This kind of dream can mean that you are spiritually free and that you seek out good things and power in your life.
  • A caged bird: This can mean that you are feeling trapped and that you aren’t able to reach your higher self.

Final Thoughts

Dreaming about birds can be a good dream or it can be a nightmare. These types of dreams can tell a lot about who you are and what you are experiencing in your life. Find out what your dream means by listening to your intuition or by finding a psychic that can help to interpret your dreams.

Dreams and Predicting the Future

Precognitive Dreams

Did you ever wake up from a dream that really stuck out to you only to find out that the dream came true? This is something that can happen, and it has a lot to do with your brain, but does it also have to do with Deja vu or other mysterious powers?

Precognitive Dreams

Precognitive dreams are dreams that show things into the future. There isn’t scientific proof that says that precognitive dreams are true but there are a lot of people that have had these kinds of dreams.

Some people have dreams that they feel that they have been to that place before. There are some kinds of dreams that are called Deja Reve or feeling dreams that you think have happened in real life. These are dreams that can show different feelings and emotions.

You might have had a dream that was almost like a nightmare and then you later found the dream to be upsetting. As your week goes on, you find that you are in situations that give you the same feelings that the dream did.

What is a Precognitive Dream?

There are different people that have had precognitive dreams. Even Abraham Lincoln dreamed of his own assassination just a little while before it actually happened. A landslide that happened in Whales had multiple people come forward with dreams that it was going to happen before it did.

Carl Jung, a psychiatrist, is one that claims to have dreamed of his mothers death before she died.

How Do Dreams Predict the Future?

One neuroscience author, Sidarta Ribeiro believes that there is some science behind the idea of precognitive dreaming. He believes that this can come by the way that you think. The dreams that you have can predict what is going to happen based on how sophisticated that your brain is. This helps you to know what is going to happen in the future based on what happened in your past.

Your dreams will use different past scenarios that come to your mind to tell what could happen in the future. Dreams happen because of sleep patterns and because of memories that you have. When you dream and you think of the future in your dream, you might come up with ideas as to what could happen.

The process that your brain plays in the dream level will take symbols and things that happened in your life and will bring meaning to your experiences and your dreams.

Dreaming and Deja Reve

Deja Reve is a French phrase that says, “already dreamed.” This means that someone will have sensations that they have already had this same dream before.

Dream expert, Leslie Ellis, believes that dreaming can happen anyway because there are no rules when it comes to dreaming. This means that you can dream of the past, present, and maybe even the future. Future dreams are also called precognitive dreams.

Ellis believes that she has seen different kinds of dreams throughout different cultures and throughout history and that these have often been based on spiritual situations. This is also how precognitive dreams can come along.

Sleeping Better

If you want to understand how powerful your dreams are, you can do this by having your own dreams. Make sure that you get good sleep, that you exercise each day, eat healthily, limit the stress that you have and put your electronics away. All of this can help you to sleep better. Don’t drink alcohol or caffeine before you go to bed.

Final Thoughts

When you have a dream that seems to tell the future, write it down. Know that the brain is an amazing thing and that your brain might actually be able to use dreams to predict the future.

Using Crystals to Lucid Dream

Crystals for Lucid Dreaming

Have you ever dreamed and then woke up and you were surprised that you were actually dreaming? This could have been a lucid dream. Lucid dreams are a powerful kind of dream that happens when you are in REM sleep. This is a deep dream state and when a lucid dreamer enters this place, they can control the dreams that they have.

Lucid dreaming will help you to develop your psychic gifts and help you to be stronger in your intuition in life.

Lucid Dreaming Dangers

Most people more than half have had lucid dreams at least once in their life. One psychologist, Stephen LaBerge developed devices that would help people to know if they were lucid dreaming. His research helped people to understand lucid dreaming more and how they control their dreams.

Many are curious if lucid dreaming can be dangerous, but most people think that the biggest danger is that it would cause someone to not get a good amount of sleep or lead to mental illness.  This can be helpful though for people that have nightmares and now they can control their dreams to be peaceful.

Lucid dreaming is great if you want to make your third eye open and stronger and you want to develop your gifts in each walk of your life.

Crystals for Lucid Dreaming

There are some crystals that can be used when you want to lucid dream. These crystals can make the dreams happen and if you keep them under your pillow while you sleep, you can have these kinds of dreams. Here are some of the best stones:

  • Amethyst

This is a purple stone that has strong abilities to keep the mind calm. It can also get rid of negative thinking and activate the third eye which can help you to lucid dream.

  • Azurite

This is a stone that works if you astral travel. This can make your intuition stronger and increase your lucid dreams.

  • Crystal Quartz

This is a stone that can calm your mind and get rid of negative energies.

  • Herkimer Diamond

This stone is one that is a quartz, and it can help you if you have a hard time being spiritual. You can use this to open up your mind and to astral travel or lucid dream.

  • Lapiz Lazuli

This stone is great if you want to communicate better, or you want to open yourself up to dreams.

  • Lodolite

The Lodolite is a stone that can help you lucid dream and you should keep it close to your bed when you sleep.

  • Moldavite

The Moldavite is a powerful stone that can help you to control your dreams. This stone is made of some of the oldest minerals on earth and may be from outer space.

  • Rainbow Moonstone

This is a white labradorite stone and it can help you sleep better and make your dreams stronger. Use this stone to protect yourself from negative energy or past life memories.

Binaural Beats for Dreaming

Another thing that you can do to have lucid dreams is using binaural beats. This is a type of music frequency that you can play in the background while you’re sleeping. You can use this, and it can help to make you lucid dream. There are different ranges that you can use for this, and you can also purchase different tracks online to help you know which ones to use.

Build your lucid dreaming with this kind of music and see that you can control your dreams and you can play out your lucid dreams.

What Do Flying Dreams Mean?

Flying Dream

People have dreams and some people dream of flying. This could mean that you wish that you could escape certain people or certain things. Flying can mean that you want to have freedom. Dreaming of flying can be a desire for those that are looking to get away from hard things in their life.

Flying dreams can have different meanings and it depends on the context of the dream to figure out what the dream actually means.

Common Meanings

One way that you can know your dreams more is to keep a dream journal. This is something you keep close to your bed and if you wake up after a dream, write the dream down in as much detail that you can.

Spiritual Meaning of a Flying Dream

Dreams can be both positive and negative and a flying dream is the same. Flying does represent freedom in most dreams and when you are flying, it shows that you are free to go anywhere that you want. This also means that you can be or do anything.

In a negative context though, flying could mean that you feel like you need to get out of a certain place because you feel stressed and aggravated about life.

Interpretations of Flying Dreams

Here are some interpretations of flying dreams:

  • Lucid Flying Dreams

A flying dream might be a lucid dream. This means that you would be able to control your actions in the dream and take over how the dream goes. This also means that you are aware that you are dreaming.

When you are flying in a lucid dream, you might shape the dream in a way that you want it to go. This can mean that you are like a super human and you fly wherever and whenever you want. This can let you go anywhere that you want.

  • Flying Higher

Flying higher in a dream might mean that you want to have freedom from something that is blocking you. There might be hard things going on in your life such as relationship problems, financial problems, or other negative things.

As you fly higher, you risk falling, and this can mean that you are letting your pride be in control of your life and you are boosting about things that you have.

  • Falling

As you dream of flying, you might be dreaming this because you are not growing like you want. Some things might be blocking or challenging you from progressing in life and you might feel like a failure. This dream can tell you that it is time to focus on how to deal with things that are hard.

As you write these dreams in your journal, you can see if you can understand more of what they mean. If you are flying high in a dream and you start falling, it can mean that you are being blocked from success.

  • Flying with Wings

If you dream of flying like a bird, it can mean that you are being positive, and you are starting something new. This can mean that you are a free spirit, and you have things coming your way that are good. These things can make you happy and can empower you.

  • Flying in a Plane

Another common dream is flying in an airplane. If you dream of this, it can mean that you want to take a journey in your life. It can mean that you are independent and that you want to be free. You can control where you go, and this means you are confident in your life, and you can reach your success easily.

Final Thoughts

Dreaming about flying can be all about what is in your inner mind. You might have good or bad things going on in your life and this can affect the dreams that you have. As you interpret your dreams or get them interpreted, know that this has to do with intuition and your own feelings and insights.

If you aren’t sure if you are able to interpret your dream, talk to someone that does this for a living and see what they tell you that the dream means.

Dreaming of a Deceased Loved One

Deceased Loved

When you dream of a loved one that has passed to the other side, this can be a visitation from them. You might wonder if it’s just a dream or if it has a deeper meaning. Sometimes a loved one will come to you so that you can know that they are okay. The great news is that the connection is real.

Dream or Visitation Dream

A regular dream is one that will end with something weird or something that doesn’t make sense. You might dream that you float down the river on a car or that you are flying through the air with a sling shot.

This is a regular dream, and it doesn’t make sense because it isn’t meant to. It is just nonsense, and it is a simple thing to give you pleasure and peace while you are sleeping.

Visitation Dream

A visitation dream is different. This is when your loved one comes to you to tell you something or to deliver a message to you. It is easiest for a loved one that has died to communicate to you with a dream because this is a time that you are resting and listening.

When you are reached by a loved one in your dream, you will know that this is your loved one. You will see that they are there and that they are who they say that they are.

Messages from Loved Ones

There aren’t rules when it comes to a loved one visiting you. You can dream that they are eating with you, hugging you or watching television with you. This can be to show you love and care but there aren’t rules to this.

Dream Connection

Here are some ways that you can know that your loved one has communicated with you:

  • You feel like they are by you. If you wake up and feel like your loved one is with you, this is a visitation dream.
  • They show you another sign later. You might get another sign such as their favorite song on the radio or seeing a bird that they loved. Always have an open mind to these signs. Even a pet can give you a connection and can pick up when a spirit is close to you.

Love is Always There

Love is always there for you, and it never goes away. Dreams are the easiest ways for your loved one to connect with you. Once you start to trust that it was really your loved one, you can look for signs that your dead loved one is sending you.

As soon as you start to be open to these signs, you will let them know that you are open to them coming to you.