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Using Dreams for the Future

Dreams for the Future

Dreams are one way that you can see into the future. Being able to see into the future and to know things like sicknesses, illnesses, disasters, or other things can help you to know what might happen. Are you someone that dreams of future events?

Precognitive Dreams

Premonition is defined as, “a presentiment of the future; or a warning in advance.” These dreams can come with strong emotions and the brain can have images and ideas that pop into the dream based on the stage of sleep that you are in.

Everyone has dreamed or dreams. This can have to do with what you did in your day, or it can be a dream to help you know what you really want. Dreams all have interpretations, and some people will interpret your dreams differently. You might dream of your teeth falling out and this can mean changes in life, or it can mean decline. You have to use your intuition to find out what the dream means for you.

What happens when you have a premonition? This can be a dream that tells about a future event that comes in a vision and it can be a sign of things to come. These things can be good, or they can be a disaster. Some people have these kinds of dreams before big disasters such as 9/11, the Titanic sinking and other big events.

Here are some of the known premonition dreams:

  • Titanic sinking in 1912: They cancelled their tickets and were saved from the disaster.
  • 1966: Dream about the landslide in Wales UK happening.
  • 1865: President Lincoln reported dreaming of his assassination.

Dreaming of the Future

The dreams can tell the future, but it depends on the dream. You might dream of something that is going to happen, but it might just be a dream and it might be a premonition. You might have had a dream and then it came to life and happened, and this can come from your subconscious mind.

The dream has to do with something that could happen and not just an unconscious mindful thought. It is hard to tell if this kind of dream will really tell the future and you need to pay attention to what your intuition says.

If you have dreams that you think might be telling the future, the best thing that you can do is to journal your dreams. When you wake up, write every detail that you can. Go back and read your journal if your dream comes true and you will know that this was a precognitive dream.

Why Dream of Your Ex?

Dream of Your Ex

Most people love to sleep because it lets them have time to relax and to have dreams. The problem though is dreams aren’t always the best, but they can tell you when you are stressing about something in your life. This is especially true when you dream of things that you don’t want to dream of.

One minute you might dream of being at your favorite vacation resort and then out of nowhere, walking down the beach is your ex. Why do you have to dream about your ex? This doesn’t always mean that you want to get back together with them.

Dreams are often something that happens when people are hiding their real feelings. Sometimes this can cause unexpected dreams to come. Even if you are in a relationship with someone new and you are happy, you can still dream about your ex. It isn’t a weird dream to have to see yourself with your ex, even being happy.

It’s not uncommon to dream about an ex but it probably doesn’t mean what you might think it means. If you dream of your ex while you are sleep, here can be some of the main reasons that happens:

You Still Have Feelings

This doesn’t mean that you want to be romantic with your ex, this can mean feelings that you never let out or maybe you didn’t get the closure that you needed. You might have ended the relationship, but you never were able to work past the hurt. This can cause those kinds of dreams.

Making Your New Relationship Work

Another reason to dream about your ex is that you might be comparing your new relationship with the old one. You might wonder what is going to happen with your new person and if you are going to be able to keep this relationship working strongly. Chances are that you want to make your new relationship work and you are worried that it might go sour.

Other Problems

Most dreams are full of signs and symbols and this kind of dream most likely means that you need to have some kind of closure or healing. You need to face whatever caused the relationship to end.

You dream about your ex because you think about how the relationship could have gone differently and you wonder if its your fault. This can make you dream about your ex because you might be worried that the same thing will happen in your new relationship.

You Still Love Them

Even though the relationship ended for a real reason, you might not have ever gotten over your feelings for them. Look and see if this is a relationship that is really over or if you think you can get back with your ex.

The Dream is Who You Are

Some believe that a dream about your ex is that you might think that you gave up too much of your life in the past relationship that you have. Instead of quitting at life. You need to work now to regain your sanity and to regain the lost time that you had with yourself and your friends and family.

Fear of Hurt

Getting over someone that you love can be painful. If you are dreaming of your ex, chances are that you might be afraid of getting hurt. You might worry that you are going to get your heart broken again or that you are going to go down that same path of emotional pain.

Changing Your Life

When an ex shows up in your dream, it can mean that you are hiding parts of yourself that you need to embrace and to care about. This kind of dream can mean that you need to reconnect with your inner self and that you need to strengthen your inner relationship.

Seeking Forgiveness

The relationship that you were in might have ended painful. If it did, chances are that you are dreaming of your ex because you need to forgive them or you need to forgive yourself. Think about what happened and what you need to do to move on.

Missing Their Company

You can miss someone because of the change in your life that takes place after they leave. If you dream of your ex, it doesn’t always mean that you miss being with them, it can also mean that you just miss doing things with them and doing the things that you used to do as a couple.

You Aren’t Happy

Dreaming of an ex can mean that you have things that are going on in your life that are bringing you stress and sadness. There can be things that make you unhappy and that are causing you to not live your best life.

The best thing that you can do is to look at your life and to see what you can do to move forward and to find how to bring happiness to yourself.

Heavenly Bodies and the Future

Heavenly Bodies and the Future

Planets in Vedic Astrology that will help you see the future: The Sun, also known as Surya, is a royal planet This king of astrology represents the soul, will-power, father, paternal relations, the king or the high officials. It’s hot and angry, and the color is red, metal is gold and gem is ruby. Sun represents the eastern direction.

The Sun can also be perceived as a sign of high passion. The changes of seasons are also connected to Surya. Suryan can stay in each cycle for a month, and it takes one year to complete the full round of the zodiac.

The Moon or Chandra is also a royal planet and is the queen in astrology. Chandra depicts the mind, emotions, sensitivity, the mother, house and domestic comforts, milk, sea and all things connected with the sea, hotel and food industry, textiles, and apparels. It’s cold and calm, and Its color is white, direction north-east, metal is silver, and gem is a pearl. The moon is the fastest moving of the 9 planets and takes approximately 2-1/2 days to travel a sign. When the sun and the moon are in the same rasi, it is called Amavasya or new moon day or the 1st day of the dark fortnight.

The lunar days or Tithi changes with every 12-degree difference between the sun and the moon. When the sun and the moon are in the exact opposite signs or 180 degrees apart, it is called Poornima or the full moon day or full moon phase or the 1st day of the bright fortnight. He is the Matrukaraka, or planet connected with mother.

The sign in which your Moon is placed in the birth chart is called your Janma Rasi. The star constellation in which your Moon is placed is called your Janma Nakshatra. Moon Astro or Moon chart informs about the current phase of the moon as well as cycles of the moon.

The Planet Mars Facts

Mars or Mangala or Kuja is the commander in astrology. He shows energy, courage, younger brothers & sisters, armed forces, the police forces, commanders, administrators, men in high position, land, engineering, metals, real estate agents, and surgery. Its metal is copper, and gem is coral, color is red and south direction.

Mars takes about 45 days to travel one sign. He is the planet connected with brother. Mercury planet facts:

Mercury planet or Buddha is the prince in astrology. He represents speech, intelligence, maternal uncles, short journeys, the medical profession, trade, computers and the web, astrology, and knowledge of the Shastras, accounts, mathematics, journalism, printing and publishing. Planet Jupiter

Jupiter or Guru or Brihaspati is known as the “Devaguru” or the guru of the Gods. He represents higher knowledge, spirituality, priests, temples, teachers, research & scientists, layers & judges, children, and knowledge of the Sastras and astrology. Its color is yellow, metal gold, gem yellow sapphire, and direction north – east. Jupiter takes about one year to travel a sign. He is the Putra karaka or planet connected with children.

Planet Venus

Venus or Shukra is the “Daityaguru” or the guru of the demons. He represents spouse, sex life, kidneys and sex organ, dance, music, arts, gems and jewelers, wines, bars, gambling places, acting, fashion, cosmetics and beauty products. Its metal is silver, the gem is diamond, a direction is a southeast, and the color is white. Venus mahadasha Saturn antardasha always bad.

Venus takes about a month to travel a sign and completes the round of the zodiac in 12 months. From the astrological point of view, it is always within 48 degrees of the sun. He is the Kalachakra or planet connected with the spouse. Planet Saturn

Saturn or Shani is the servant in astrology. He represents hard work, sorrow, old men, servants and the lower-level workers, people in the iron and steel industry, municipality and drainage work. A well-placed Saturn can bestow excellent power, prestige, name and fame and a badly placed Saturn can devastate you. Its metal is iron, and a color is blue, a gem is blue sapphire and direction is west.

Saturn is the slowest moving of the nine planets and takes approximately 2-1/2 years to transit a sign and completes the round of the zodiac in 30 years. He is the Udyog karaka or planet connected with a profession.


Rahu or Dragons Head or North Node represents, foreigners, foreign countries, international travel, engineering and the technical trades, smoke, old men, grandparents, theft, gambling, drinking, nonconformists, the underworld and the bad elements in the society. Rahu takes approximately 1-1/2 years to travel a sign and hence completes the round of the zodiac in 18 years.

Each of these nine planets produces different results, and at times totally opposite results, while placed in the 12 different rasi. Again, each has some good results and some bad results in each sign. This is an important aspect of astrology which must be remembered. You will learn about these results later. You can also get free astrology birth chart by logon to free Indian astrology. All these nine planets play key role in Indian astrology horoscope.

While placed at various specific distances from the sun, the planets Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn become retrograde or appear to move in the backward direction. Sun and the moon do not have any retrograde motion. The movement of Rahu and Ketu is always opposite to that of the other planets. If you are looking for detailed information, then go for Indian astrology free online sites or astrology books. You will come to know about some common aspects in astrology.

The Seven Main Planets that Rule the Seven Main Days of the Week

  • Sun rules Sunday.
  • Moon rules Monday.
  • Mars rules Tuesday.
  • Mercury rules Wednesday.
  • Jupiter rules Thursday.
  • Venus rules Friday.
  • Saturn rules Saturday.
  • Rahu and Ketu do not rule any day

Dreaming of Being in a Wedding Gown

Wedding Gown

Seeing yourself in a wedding dress in your dream can mean different things. If you are single and you dream this, it can mean that you are going to get married, and your home is going to be happy. This can be a time of peace and a time that you will have love.

If the wedding dress is open and clean, it can mean that your marriage is going to be happy but if it is dirty, it can mean that you will not be married long, and you will get divorced.

Black Wedding Dress

Dreaming of a black wedding dress can mean that you will have problems in your life and if you are the one that is wearing the dress, it can mean you will be happy. If the dress is torn, you will be married to someone that lives a dark and secret life.

Young Bride

Being a young bride in the dream can mean that you will marry and have good fortune. It can mean that you will be lucky and that your finances will increase.

Friend Bride

A friend bride can mean that your friend is going to be successful and will make good money.

Married Woman in Dress

A married woman that dreams of wearing a clean wedding dress can mean that she will get pregnant soon. This can also mean that family problems will end.

Other Things Wedding Dress Dreams Can Mean

Here are some other things that dreaming of a wedding dress can mean:

  • Your relationship is going to be stronger.
  • You will get rid of negativity in your life.
  • Its time to pay attention to your partner.
  • You can reach your wishes.
  • The relationship that you are in is the right path for your life.
  • You need to commit fully to your partner.
  • You don’t feel like you have anyone that you can talk to.
  • Your unconscious mind feels that you need to have change.
  • It’s time to move forward.

Final Thoughts

It’s time to consider your personal life when you dream of wearing or seeing someone wearing a wedding dress. Make sure that you are paying attention to your relationships, your finances and everything around you. Do what it takes to not neglect others and to live a happy life.

Dreaming of Wedding Dresses

Wedding Dresses

People dream of having a perfect wedding and even as children, many times we dream of what we think our wedding will be like. Some will have the dreams that they dreamed to come true. When it comes time to wedding seasons, dreaming of wedding dresses might start to happen more and more. This can come from the feelings that people have of anticipation of the big wedding day.

What does it mean to you if you are dreaming of a wedding dress? These dreams can come even when you aren’t getting married, and they might have different meanings and interpretation.

Saying Yes About the Dress Dreams

Do you plan on getting married and picking out the perfect dress? If you are happy with it, you might have this dream because you are confirming that you are ready to commit to your relationship in the perfect dress.

Marriages are about couples and a wedding dress is one of the things that the bride picks out on her own. This can mean partnership. If you are happy with your dress but other people didn’t like it, you might have a dream because you are not getting the support that you need from others.

Other reasons that you might dream about your wedding dress is because you are not as confident as you want to be. If you dream the dress doesn’t fit, this can be a sign of lacking confidence.

Dress is Ruined Dream

Maybe you are dreaming that you have the dress, and you dream it gets ruined. This can be stressful because you know in your mind that you have to keep the dress perfect until your big day. Or this can also mean that you are protective of something in your life.

If you dream that the dress was given to you, you might care deeply for the person that gave you the dress. You might wonder what is going to happen when your marriage happens and if the person that gave you the heirloom dress will still love you.

Notice how your dress was ruined when you dream. Notice if you are the one wearing the dress or someone else and if you were the one that ruined it or someone else. This can mean that you feel that your wedding is going to be sabotaged by someone else.

Also, a dirty dress can mean that you feel that you have no self-esteem and that you are worried about committing to your partner. You also might feel that people around you are jealous of your wedding and that they don’t really care about you like they say.

Missing Dress Dream

Did you dream that your wedding dress is missing? This kind of dream can mean that you feel that you can’t afford to buy a dress and that you want to be able to buy something more expensive.

The dress can also come in a dream and not be white. Notice the color and what the color of the dress makes you feel. What is the color of the dress saying? A red dress can mean you are bold or that you are passionate about something.

Wearing the Dress Not in the Wedding Dream

Some people dream of wearing their dress in a totally different setting than the wedding. This can mean that you are ready to commit but it isn’t in a relationship but something else.

If you dream of your wedding dress being put on by someone else, it can mean that you feel that you aren’t the one that has got to be in the spotlight, and you are upset about it. This can mean that you need more attention, and you need to have self-love.

It’s Only a Dress

Even though a wedding dress is important, remember, it’s only a dress. Dreaming of a wedding dress can mean that you are stressed about other things or that things in your life are upsetting you.

Notice what happens in the dream and what it makes you feel like. This can change what you think and what you feel about your dream.

Understanding Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming

Everyone dreams at one time or another but not everyone remembers their dreams. On another note, some people consider dreams to be part of your deep subconscious but that would mean that you have no control over your dreams. Other people believe in what is called lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreaming happens when the dreamer is sleeping but they know what their soul is doing. They are able to move, have emotions, to see things and to make decisions as they dream. Have you ever experienced lucid dreaming? Here are some things you should know.

Why Does Lucid Dreams Happen?

Lucid dreams happen in two stages, either REM dreaming or non-REM sleep. REM means “rapid eye movement” non-REM sleeping is a sleeping state, and it is a time when your body has slowed down, the heart rate gets slower, and your eyes are moving slowly. Your brainwaves will become slower as well.

During REM sleep, your brainwaves and your heart rate will get higher. You will begin lucid dreaming at this phase because it is a time when your brain is extremely active.

How to Lucid Dream

Lucid dreaming is something that not everyone wants to experience. This isn’t something that you can always do naturally but as you practice and learn how to make it happen, you can do it more and more on your own. Here are some practices that you can do if you want to do your own lucid dreaming:

Go Into REM Sleep

Even though you might not be able to always get there, getting into REM sleep can help you to increase your chances or lucid dreaming. This is something you can practice making it happen. Here is how:

  • Exercise each day.
  • Go to bed at the same time.
  • Avoid electronics before bed.
  • Don’t drink caffeine or alcohol before bedtime.

Test Your Reality

Some people aren’t always sure if they are in REM sleep or not. You can test this in your waking state. In order to do this while you are sleeping, you can do things in your dream that wouldn’t normally happen in a dream. Here is what to do:

  • Look into a mirror and see if you see something other than yourself.
  • If you have tattoos, look to see if the tattoos are different than the ones really on your body.

Waking Up

Your brain is amazing and complex and even in science people have studied the brain for years and years and still don’t know everything there is to know. Your brain is something that can be trained.

When you want to lucid dream, you can do this by trying the “wake back to bed” method. This means that you wake yourself up when you are five hours into your sleeping. Then, go right back to sleep and this will get your brain right into REM sleeping. You will be conscious at this time and lucid dreaming will likely be easier.

Final Thoughts

Do you get tired of just having regular dreams and you want to try lucid dreaming? Try these steps and see if you are able to get in control of your dreams. Dream, dream, and dream!

Dreaming of Someone Being Pregnant

Dream of Someone Pregnant

People are always dreaming and sometimes the dreams might be scary while some are exciting and peaceful. Dreams also can have no point, whatsoever, but other times they have strong meanings. Dreams are strange and sometimes we remember them clearly while other times we don’t even realize we dreamed.

There are many different dream experts that have looked at the meaning and the reason behind different drams. There are books, podcasts, and articles about dream interpretation. In this article, we are going to talk about dreams about getting pregnant. This can be a dream that is strange and funny, especially if you dream of a man being pregnant or an old person. Why are you having these kinds of dreams? Did this dream mean something symbolically?

One dream analysist talks about how dreaming of someone getting pregnant can mean that the person is creative. They might be starting something new like a new job, a new project or something else that is scary or exciting. Dreaming of someone being pregnant could be that you are thinking of this new venture.

Dreaming of a woman getting pregnant might make you think that the person is pregnant but even though this is a possibility, it is a dream, and it probably means something deeper than that.

When you dream about someone getting pregnant, it could mean that you once cared about this person and now you have strong feelings that have come back into your heart. This can mean that you are wanting to be set free of this emotion and to get past that person.

What Does it Mean to Dream of Someone Pregnant?

Dreams of a pregnant person can depend on what is going on in your life. There are different interpretations and here are some of the most popular ones:

Strong Intuition or Something Creative

Dreaming about pregnancy is about creation. You might dream that someone is pregnant because you are a creative person, and you are starting something new in your life. This can be a project that you have made up or it can be a renovation of some kind. You might even be starting a new job.


Pregnant dreams can mean that you are starting something new like a new project. This can be a new business, or it can be something that you are building. It can also mean that you are starting new in a career.

Perspective of Life

This kind of dream might mean that you have changed your point of view of your life. You might be starting to follow a new religion, or you might be changing your mindset for the better.

Developing Problems

Pregnancy dreams can depend on what is happening in the dream as to what it means. If you are dreaming that you are happy, chances are that you might be facing things in your life that are bringing you joy. If you dream of being sad, it could mean that you have new problems that are coming, and you don’t want to face them.

Dream Interpretation

There are different interpretations when it comes to dreams, and this can be based on your feelings and your thoughts. You might be in the middle of doing something new in your life that is bringing you stress and anxiety or it might be because of some kind of strong feeling that you have for yourself or others.

If you dream and you are sad or scared, this could mean that something new in your life is happening and you can’t stop it. It can mean that you are worried about the upcoming change and that even though you want to stop it, nothing you can do can change what is going on.

Dreaming about a friend getting pregnant can mean that you want your friend to actually get pregnant so that they can be happy. It can be hard to figure out what a dream means if you don’t look at the context and what the dream makes you feel.

Dreams often have hidden earnings behind them, and it is up to you on how you interpret the dream. Try to figure out the information around the dream, what you were feeling, what you are experiencing in your life and what kind of changes you are going through.

Was it a Dream of a Visit?

Dream of a Visit

When you lose someone that you love, it makes you have many questions. You might wonder why they aren’t here anymore or if they want to give you a sign. You might even wonder if they can speak to you. Sometimes, they will come into your dreams and when this happens, you can remember the conversation word for word to the point where you wonder if it was a dream or a visitation.

Waking Up

Maybe you have woken up from a dream and you feel that you could taste and see just what happened in your dream. You might remember what they were wearing and what they even said to you. When you wake up initially from the dream, you might feel tired because you had this dream that was so real to you.

Visit or Dream?

Lucid dreaming is one kind of dream that is very real and feels like you are where you are thinking about or where you end up. Here are some ways you can tell if it was a dream or if it was a visitation:


  • There are no faces, and you don’t recognize anyone.
  • The story is fake.
  • You can’t remember the details.


  • You wake up exhausted.
  • You remember the whole dream like you were there.
  • The dream was detailed and very real.
  • You know that they were visiting you.

All of these things can happen to you when you want to talk to someone that you love that has passed away. Maybe you have had a visitation and you just known that it was a real visit and not just a dream.

There are some ways that you can talk to your loved one and ask them to come and visit you. Chances are that they will visit you while you are sleeping so that you can communicate with them without the added stress of the visit.

Asking a Loved One to Visit

Here are some ways you can ask a loved one to visit you:

  • Be on a regular sleep schedule.
  • Always keep a journal close to you.
  • Meditate a few minutes before going to be.
  • Sleep with a picture or article of the persons.
  • Listen to something you loved to do together.
  • When you wake up, write the details down of the dream.
  • You can also drink a glass of water before you go to sleep.
  • When you wake up after an REM sleep, it will be the best time to remember.

Final Thoughts

Don’t be upset if you don’t get a visit right away. Keep asking them to come and eventually it can happen to you. If you are grieving and healing, it might not be the right time for a visit yet and they know that.

Your loved ones love you and they will be there in your memories. Always care for yourself and make sure you are healthy and strong.

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Making Psychic Dream Pouches

Psychic Dream

A person that has psychic visions is someone that is able to reach into the spiritual world. They often have visions and dreams that give them information that they need.

It can be hard to remember the dreams that you have though because they are easily forgotten when you wake up. Sometimes though you can play your dreams over and over again. Dreams can be a tool of divination that can give you information.

Sometimes the dreams that you have will be the things that you went through that day but sometimes you will have wild and vivid dreams that you don’t know what they mean. A psychic will have dreams that often come when they are relaxed and in their higher conscious thinking.

It can be important to do a meditation ritual before you go to sleep so that you can have your dreams, and this is something you can do all the time. This might help you to have more dreams that you remember.

When you do this, you can make your dreams come stronger. Another thing that you can do is to have a dream pouch. This is what you need (you can choose one or more):

• Jasmine.
• Mint.
• Pine.
• Chamomile.
• Rosemary.
• Rose.
• Cloves.

Why Herbs are Important

Herbs are important because they help you to connect to your higher self. You can put these herbs in a bag that has a drawstring, and it can give you power over your dreams. Here is what to do:

  • Find a comfortable place to sit and put the herbs and the bag in front of you.
  • Deep breathe and relax.
  • Open the pouch and put the herbs in it. Let the energies come alive.
  • Close the pouch and put it close to where you sleep.

You can put new herbs in the pouch as often as you want. Replace them when you feel that they need to be replaced. If they stop smelling, then chances are that its time to replace them.

Talking to a Psychic

You can talk to a psychic if you are having dreams that you don’t understand. They can give you a reading that can help you to understand your dreams. If you don’t have dreams after making a psychic dream pouch, find out why by asking your psychic for help.

Your dreams can help you to have peace and help you to understand your life or even the future. Be relaxed when you go to sleep and make sure that you get a good night’s rest while you dream.