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Women And Their Sexual Fantasies Interpreted

Sexual Fantasies

Sexual fantasies are more commonly associated with men.  Maybe because they express it more than their female counterparts.  Women tend to keep their sexual fantasies, sexual exploits and sexual relationships more to themselves than men do.

So, what do women commonly fantasize about?  Sex among others, for sure.  Let’s take a look at some of them and what those sexual fantasies could mean.

  • Domination.  This fantasy allows a woman to engage in sexual stuff that may seem taboo, without any guilt. A woman who sees herself as submissive can signify a desire for a loss of control; freedom from responsibility is thrilling!
  • Sex with a woman.  Relax, this doesn’t necessarily mean that a woman is questioning her sexuality. It shows that she appreciate the sexiness of the female form (we are gorgeous) — and that she is open-minded about pleasure.
  • A threesome. If she is picturing herself with two men, she wants to be adored and doted on — heck, maybe even fought over. Thinking about herself and her guy with another woman ignites the very sexy idea that other ladies find her guy attractive too.
  • Sex with her guy. This is the most common fantasy for women. It’s usually more exciting than her average roll in the hay — say, a replay of her hot honeymoon. And it simply means that sex with her partner turns her on. What a great thing!
  • Sex with another man (usually a celebrity). This doesn’t mean she’s dissatisfied with her real sex life, just that she’s excited by new experiences — and, of course, gorgeous stars.

Women are hard by to admit they have these sexual fantasies, not even to their partners.  They normally keep these things to themselves or share only to a close few.  They are afraid to be thought of as irresponsible or leaning towards promiscuity, but doctors would say this is normal.  Bottomline, it is nothing to be ashamed of, instead, maybe a woman can stop worrying why she has these fantasies but redirect her focus on spicing up her current sex life which can definitely strengthen her romantic relationship.

Dreams And Their Categories


The founding father of dream interpretations, psychologist Carl Jung, believed that dreams are a view into someone’s subconscious mind.  While the person is sleeping, he thought, their unconscious brain is working to fix problems and overcome waking obstacles. Austrian  Doctor Sigmund Freud  believed that all dreams had sexual implications. Even though Freud was Jung’s mentor, Jung held fast to his own beliefs.  He worked to unlock the mystery of the meaning behind dreams.

The founding father of dream interpretations, psychologist Carl Jung, believed that dreams are a view into someone’s subconscious mind.  While the person is sleeping, he thought, their unconscious brain is working to fix problems and overcome waking obstacles.

Austrian Doctor Sigmund Freud believed that all dreams had sexual implications. Even though Freud was Jung’s mentor, Jung held fast to his own beliefs.  He worked to unlock the mystery of the meaning behind dreams.

He believed that the dreamer played a large part in the interpretation.  Even though there are common symbols in dreams that have universal meanings. Only the individual can truly understand the symbolism and meanings of their own dreams.  Some of these dreamers use the widely available dream dictionaries to interpret symbols.

Category of Dreams

Dreams can be broken up into seven basic categories. This separation can help you interpret the meaning of your dream.

  • Precognitive Dreams: These are dreams that have details that may give you insight into an important event that will happen in the future. This type of dream may give us a prediction of the future based on inherent sixth sense.  It is said that Abraham Lincoln dreamed of his own death. This is an excellent example of a precognitive dream.
  • Warning Dream:  This type of dream will broadcast the future of the dreamer if they stay on the particular course of action.  This dream may be as overt as the dreamer coming to a crossroads and going the wrong way.
  • Factual Dreams:  These are dreams that seem to reiterate what the dreamer knows in their waking life. This dream also underscores or highlights events that have already happened.  This can uncover details about the dreamer through the individual symbols in the dreams.
  • Inspirational Dreams:  This is a dream that can help the dreamer take an action or make a plan that can solve a problem, either personal or professional.  This type of dream can be a motivation for the dreamer to make a change in their lives.
  • Wish Fulfillment:  This is the type of dream where what we want can become a reality.  This dream can be a coping mechanism for our subconscious to help us with what we want in our waking mind.
  • Compensatory Dreams:  These are similar to wish fulfillment.  These happen to fill something that may be lacking in the dreamer’s life.  Dieters may dream of indulging in a smorgasbord of forbidden foods to help make up for what they are missing.

Breaking down the type of dreams is a small part of part of interpreting and analyzing subconscious creations.  It is a good first step.  It is also a good way to make you aware of the pattern of your dreams and see what the correlation to your real life is.

Need help with Dream Interpretations? Check PsychicOz online psychics  now!

Seeing Animals in Your Dreams

Seeing Animals in Your Dreams

Do you know that our dreams deliver special messages to us? When you sleep, you’re collaborating with god, our source, the universe and your higher self. This means that the things you dream of may support you in discovering secrets and give you messages about your present situation and what lies ahead in your future life. Have you ever dreamed about animals?

Have you ever wondered what you animal dreams meant? It’s World Wildlife Day, and in honor of our friends with feathers, scales, and fur, let’s talk about dreams and what animal dreams mean for your life!

  • Dogs

If you dream about a dog, or several dogs, and the dogs are friendly, that’s a sign that there are opportunities for loyal and lasting friendships coming your way. However, if the dog or dogs are mean or frightening, it means that a person you’ve considered loyal is actually loyal to someone else. There will need to be open communication to improve this relationship.

  • Cats

If you dream about a cat, or several cats, and the cats are friendly, this is a sign that you are loved or respected by someone in secret. They are hesitant to make their feelings known, and this may be due to their relationship circumstances or other blocks in their life. If the cats are mean or frightening, it means that a trip you’re planning will not go so well. There will be delays and other challenges, like lost baggage, missed flights or lost tickets. Be patient and understanding during this trip.

  • Birds

If you dream of a bird or several birds, and the birds are beautiful or you hear their song, it means that happy news is coming soon. You’ll receive a message you’ve been waiting to hear, and it will bring joy to your heart. If you dream that a bird comes to you, landing on your hand or shoulder, it means that love is near. You don’t have to do anything but open your heart to receive this love into your life. However, if the bird or birds seem to fly away from you, then it means to find love you need to get out of the house.

  • Rabbits

If you are seeing rabbits in your dreams, it means that your family is expanding. Someone is either getting married or having children. Are you thinking about starting a family or making a big romantic commitment?

  • Elephants

Elephants foretell financial success. Are you thinking about starting a business or wondering if your investments will pay off? Elephants are a good sign! Any obstacles to that success can be removed with a little effort.

  • Mice or Rats

Mice or rats indicate that you need to start saving money. Be conservative with your finances and keep an eye on your accounts. Don’t gamble. However, you can ask for a raise if you want one.

  • Horses

If you dream of a horse or a herd of horses, it means that your popularity is increasing. This is a good time to go out with friends or make new ones. Your charisma is so high that you should also look for love.

  • Snakes

Snake dreams mean you should be watchful. It will be easy for you to uncover secrets and learn the motivations of others. You are about to be privy to information that can help you in the future. Consider looking for a new job because snake dreams could also mean a new job opportunity is on the horizon.

Dream Symbols Are Personal

Your dreams may seem weird sometimes, but they are actually very telling. Don’t ignore the animals symbols you see. I really love diving into dream symbolism, so if you’ve had a dream you’d like to figure out, don’t hesitate to call me. I know what messages are waiting for you.

Sleep well.

What Are Archangels?


There comes a time in our lives where we may feel the need of guidance, healing, or an array of many other things. While reaching out to someone, either relative or friend or a Psychic, our sessions end, and we continue on alone to live our lives.

Sometimes we yearn to feel the guidance, healing, and love from our sessions with readers and healers, even after the session. This is where spirit guides, guardians, angels, and Archangels enter into the solution to this part of the equation.

In this article I am going to touch base on 15 main Archangels. Including their names, what they teach, their characteristics and specialties they are each closely in tune with. There are multiple beliefs and teachings regarding the knowledge of Archangels.

What are Archangels?

Think of Archangels as the Managers of our spirit guides, guardians, and the other angels. It’s important to be mindful of this when calling upon them, requesting to connect for help and assistance from them. As they are for the tougher times, they do not come for simple desires of the ego, but rather they answer the calls that are truly come from the soul and sacred heart.

When needing to connect with one of the Archangels; the focused projection meditation method needs to be done. To do this; you must first empty the mind of other thoughts from the day, situation, or circumstance. Let’s take a simple approach to how to do this since we want to get to the heart of the matter.

Establishing The Connection

Bring yourself to a comfortable sitting position, quietly begin to focus on inhaling through the nose as deep into your lungs as you can comfortably do. You will exhale through the nose. When you exhale, think of every distracting thought, issue or thing that is on your mind. Put the thoughts into the breath and exhale them with some force through the nostrils. Repeat this exactly six times.

Now relax to normal breathing, drawing your mental focus to your heart and the Archangel you wish to connect with. Projecting from your heart, repeat the Archangels name three times and begin to communicate your needs, situation, or circumstance. Ask for their guidance, help, protection and/or blessings. There are various reasons why one may seek an Archangel and each Archangel has specific characteristics and specialties they are closely in tune with.

Below is a brief description of 15 Archangels, the names they are most commonly called and some characteristics they are known to possess.

  • Ariel: Heals, helps wildlife and the environment.
  • Azrael: Heals grief and nurtures the bereaved.
  • Chamuel: Heals anxiety, assists in word and personal peace. Helps find objects, people and situations that have become lost in one way or another.
  • Gabriel: Assists and helps with matters of fertility-conception, pregnancy, and childbirth. Eases anxieties related to creative projects. Especially strong assisting parents and writers.
  • Haniel: Helps with clairvoyance and healing female cycles.
  • Jeremiel: Helps us to forgive, plan for positive changes, assists in healing emotions and see where in our lives these things need to be done.
  • Jophiel: Helps dissolve negativity, ease chaos in our lives; bringing organization to our thoughts, offices, homes, and surroundings.
  • Metatron: Helps heal learning disorders, childhood burdens and is the said Guardian of the Indigo children.
  • Michael: He is said to be the leader of all the Archangels and is to be called on for the hardest times. He sheds away fears, doubts, negativity and is our strongest protector.
  • Raguel: Healer of misunderstandings and brings peace, harmony to every relationship.
  • Raphael: Heals physical illness, disease in humans and animals. Guides healers and those capable of healing therapies.
  • Raziel: Clears spiritual and psychic blocks, assists in dream interpretation and past life recollection.
  • Sandalphon: Helps control aggressive behavior and assists musicians with music used for healing purposes.
  • Uriel: Healer of resentments, forgiveness and assists in the manifestation of new ideas.
  • Zadkiel: Healer of memory and mental dysfunctions.

Now that you know the Archangels, it also serves as a gentle reminder that we are never truly alone. Whether you are connecting with someone in your life for advice, especially with a psychic, you can feel a sense of comfort knowing that you are always able to connect in some way, to something that will comfort, protect, and guide you along your journey in life.

When you feel the need, reach out, call, and connect… you don’t have to suffer alone.  Whether you see it or not, we are not alone in those darkest hours and we don’t have to feel like or believe that we are. As we are kind to others, we must also be kind to ourselves.

What Do Psychic Dreams Mean?

Psychic Dreams

The capability to dream is one of the most significant and basic tasks of our consciousness. On the contrary, it is also one of the least implicit elements of our consciousness, and thoughts, ideas and opinions may differ from psychology to the metaphysical. Some psychologists—Carl Jung the most famous among them—attempted to bridge the gap between science and spirituality by recognizing the spiritual quality of dreaming. Jung believed that dreaming was the demonstration of the subconscious mind and that it used the symbols inherent in human archetypes to convey messages to the dreamer. But is that all there is to it?

Different Types of Dreams

Some schools of thought hold that dreaming is simply the result of random thoughts traversing the mind’s landscape during sleep. And it may be that many of our dreams are simply the mind’s way of processing our daily realities. Others, however, recognize broad patterns that we can categorize as different types of dreams. Some different types of dreams include recurring dreams, nightmares, daydreams, lucid dreams, false awakening dreams, mutual dreams, healing dreams and precognitive or psychic dreams.

Telling the difference between these different types of dreams is sometimes easy, but often very difficult. The tricky thing about precognitive dreams is that you don’t know if it is a prophetic dream until after it comes true. But other types of psychic dreams are easily verifiable.

Different Types of Psychic Dreams

  • Clairvoyant dreams — these are when you dream of something that happens in real life while you are dreaming it. For example, you dream of a plane crash and find out the next day that there was an actual plane crash at the same time (or close enough to the same time) as you had the dream. In these instances, a dreamer is able to tune in psychically and perceive the actual event without the cognitive awareness of it.
  • Clairaudient dreams — are characterized by a voice or particular sound that seems to come out of nowhere and is very distinct, often conveying a message.
  • Telepathic dreams — these are also dreams that convey a message, ideas or feelings between two people who are usually very close. The dream is verifiable when the dreamer shares the content of the dream with the other person involved and they both come to realize they were communicating telepathically through the dream.
  • Mutual dreams — these occur when two or more people share the same dream at the same time or on the same night. These also usually happen between people who are close.
  • Warning dreams – as the name implies, this is when you dream about something bad that will happen in the future. Of course, there’s no way to know it’s a warning dream unless it actually comes to pass.

Tracking Dreams

Keeping track of all these types of dreams can be challenging but is something anyone can learn to do with practice. First you have to be able to remember your dreams if you don’t already (and many people don’t). The single most important element in doing dream work is to keep a journal on a consistent and ongoing basis. Keep a notebook beside your bed and every morning after you wake up you write down everything you can remember about the night’s dreams. If you have a particularly strong dream and wake up in the middle of the night, take the time to write it down then while it’s still fresh.

Writing your dreams down accomplishes two things: first, it trains your mind to remember your dreams better. Second, it gives you a record you can then use to verify the content of psychic dreams in the future. You will learn to see patterns in your dreaming, and in time with a lot of perseverance you can even learn to manipulate your dreams. This is known as lucid dreaming.

Dream about an Unfaithful Partner?

Unfaithful Partner

If you have woken up angry at your partner because you had a dream that they were unfaithful, you’re not alone.  Many people have had this experience. There they are, blissfully slumbering, enjoying a few hours in dreamland, when suddenly, there it is; the vision of the love of your life in the arms of someone else.  It’s horrifying, not uncommon, and more often than not, completely untrue.

Emotional Affair

Even when a dream like that turns out to be true, you might not actually be psychic. More than likely, it means that you have picked up on some subtle clues and hints noting the changes in your partners behavior. Signs include things such as: any sudden change in their appearance, a new wardrobe or cologne.  These signs may have been collected by your subconscious and then manifested into a dream. This type of dream is usually caused by stress or anxiety.

Partner with Another

If you dreamed that you caught your love in the arms of another, it means that you are worried about something you find lacking in your own life, something that is making you doubt your own self-worth.  If you dream that you are the unfaithful one, it means that you are feeling pangs of guilt caused by other things.  Most of the time, these dreams aren’t even related to your relationship.

Feeling Uncomfortable in Life

If there is anything in your waking life that you feel uncomfortable about; not working as hard as you should (no one’s looking anyway) or you looked the other way when someone needed you, or you ignored a phone call from a family member, this guilt can lurk in your subconscious and come out as a dream of something you would never do.

A Place of Fear

The dreams of your love in the arms of another come from a place of fear.  The fear could be coming from anything. Problems at work, a forgotten bill or parking ticket or any kind of fear can pop up as the fear of being cheated on.

Fear of Abandonment

It is also possible that your dream of infidelity comes from a fear of abandonment. When you are a child, you are almost powerless when it comes to the details of your life. If you lose a parent through divorce or death, you can feel as if you were left behind.   If you moved around a lot when you were young, you may feel displaced and insecure about your friendships.

Trust and Fear in Your Relationship

Thus, these insecurities can appear again as a dream of being the victim of a faithless spouse.  And even though your dream is not rooted in the reality of your relationship, it is healthy to think about what could be causing your dream. Work on the problems like trust and fear.  If these problems, go unresolved it can unravel events strongest of relationships.

No matter who is the villain in the nightly drama of your dreams, it is valuable to revisit the specifics of your dreams. Very often the cast of characters in your dream symbolize the people in your waking life.   Making these connections can help guide you through your feelings of anxiety and insecurity.

Common Dreams and Their Meaning

Dreaming of Falling or Drowning

During the dream cycle our brains communicate with us using symbols and intuition.   When we decide we want to interpret these symbols we can solve our problems and see in to our futures.

On average, we dream anywhere from three to five times a night. Some can have as many as seven dreams.   During these dreams we have a chance to look at our problems objectively. Dreams also serve a “prospective function” This means that our brains use the dream cycle to give us a warning of future possibilities or turmoil.

 There are several common dreams. Here are a few:

Dreaming of Falling or Drowning

This is one of the most common dreams.  A dream of this kind means we feel that we have lost control over our lives. The dream of falling indicates insecurity, instability, or loss of self-confidence.   This dream also means that you are afraid of following your impulses because they may mislead you. If you are bothered by dreams of falling or drowning. look into your life and see what is challenging you.

Dreams of Being Naked

It is quite common to dream of being naked or partially clothed, particularly if your dreams finds you in a public place or situation.    This dream indicates your feelings of vulnerability and fear of exposure.

This kind of dream can also mean that you feel that you are a different person at work than you are at home or the other way around. This dream means that you are afraid of being unmasked. To rid yourself of this anxiety, set aside any preconceived notions and be yourself

Dreams of Losing or Missing Teeth

This very common dream can take different forms. You can dream of teeth rotting or falling out, losing teeth one at a time or even losing several at once.   These dreams commonly happen during times of great transitions, such as life changing events like marriage, death or menopause.

We see teeth as an indicator of health and beauty; thus, you can be dreaming of tooth loss because you are afraid of losing face in a situation in which you have no control.  Some cultures believe that dreaming of losing teeth means that you have eaten or said something you should have.

Dreams of Chasing or Being Chased

These dreams arise from anxiety and stress.   The chase is a symbol of facing problems in your waking life.  If you have a habit of turning away from things that need your attention, you may dream this. If you are avoiding a problem, you may have this dream.

If you are the one doing the chasing, you are trying your best to achieve something. Either way, take a look at your waking life and define what you are wanting.

Dreams of Death

Death is something that comes to all of us, yet we all are terrified of it.   We shouldn’t be scared of these dreams because like all dreams, these are just symbols.   Dreaming of death may mean you are moving into a new stage of your life. These dreams are about change.  For our change to happen, we need to look at our lives; these dreams may mean that you need to let go of past behavior and start something new.

If you dream of someone you have lost, your subconscious may be reminding you of something you admire or miss about them. It could also be that your loved one is taking the opportunity to say hello.

Dreams of Driving

If you dream that you are behind the wheel and your vehicle is out of control, it means you are afraid that you are not in charge of your own life. It may also mean that you need to move your life into another direction. It could also indicate that you are trying too hard and need to let go.

When you dream of delays or being lost, you should look at your current state of affairs. Something may need to be changed.  Crashing is a clear sign that you should slow down before you get hurt.

If you are not driving the car, it means you are passively following. If the car is out of control and you are a passenger, it means that you are not entirely comfortable with the direction your choices are taking you.

Final Thoughts

It has been said that dreams are a way for the universe to communicate with us in a way that we can understand and interpret, when and however we are ready for it. Remember, dreams can have different meanings for different people so use your intuition to find out what your dreams mean.

Remembering Your Dreams

Remembering Your Dreams

It is only natural to be interested in gleaning the knowledge given to us by our dreams.  We want to know what is lurking beneath the surface of our subconscious.  However, it can be difficult to understand exactly what a dream may be telling us, especially if we can’t remember them. Fortunately, it is fairly easy to master the recollection and interpretation of dreams.

Be Well Rested

This is very important. If you go to be tense and exhausted, it will be difficult for you to remember what you dream. Everyone averages 80-100 minutes of REM sleep during an average nights rest.  We dream most vividly during this REM cycle.  You will dream at other points throughout the night and if you have to get up before you have had enough REM time, you may not have vivid or memorable dreams.

Give Yourself Instructions

Tell yourself that you want to remember what you dream.  Be sure you say out loud and assure yourself that you will do it.  This sets the intention in your subconscious.  If you and your psyche are in agreement, chances are really good for a dream to remember. And, of course, the matter of record.

A tried-and-true method for remembering dress is to keep a journal or note pad next to your bed.  Write down what you remember every time you wake up throughout the night. It may be easier for you to use a voice recorder until you are in the habit of keeping record.  If you remember enough of the dream, retell it to yourself as if it is a story, then write down details. Fill in details as they come to you. Don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense. This journal is for your records only.


It is said that to put forth the best effort in remembering your dreams, you should not wake up during the REM cycle. This is due to the fact that the dream may have not had a chance to fully form. But how can you avoid this?  Some say that you can set an alarm to wake you up at a time when you are most likely to have just come out of your REM cycle. This only works if you have regular sleep hours and can fall asleep without medication or other tools of the insomniac.

As always, this is something you will have decide for yourself. If you find that nothing else works for you, you can try waking up during or shortly after the REM cycle. Whatever works best for you.

Go Back to Your Journal

Keep your notes handy, just in case you get a reminder during the day.  Acting students know that sense memory can help them recall specific emotions and events. This could be the case with you. Maybe you hear some music that makes you think of something in your dream. Be ready to write it down.

Something to Talk About

Sometimes talking about it helps.  If your dream seemed particularly vivid, discuss it with a friend. If they know you well, they may be able to offer some insight and possibly even jar your memory. A friend once had a dream about a man she saw over and over. When she recalled it for me, I asked her if the man in the dream a person was, we both knew in the past.  This triggered her to remember other elements in the dream that had nothing to do with the man.

Once you start the habit of recording and recalling your dreams you will be able to access their fleeting knowledge quickly and accurately.

The Mystery of Dreams

Dreams are defined as a state wherein we are seeing images that are imaginary, these are our thoughts that one sees while we are asleep. However, one can’t stop from wondering where does dreams came from and what are they made from? Dreams are seemingly the most ephemeral of mysteries, but in fact they are no more mysterious than our spirit and soul, our thoughts and imagination. We cannot touch them, yet they can and do touch us deeply.

Dreams and REM Sleep

Linked to the psychology of man, dream interpretation related to the inner thoughts, deepest secrets and most passionate fantasies of human. They for part of the unconscious block. During the R.E.M stage or the rapid eye movement, dreams take place. It is the activity of the brain that sends signal to the rapid movement of the eye.

Some dreams occur not during the stage of R.E.M but these dreams are less memorable and less clear. Theta consciousness is what could best be described as a deep lucid meditation state of super awareness, and delta consciousness could best be described as out of body consciousness (the states of consciousness are Alpha – light meditation/daydreaming; Beta – normal conscious wakeful awareness.

Carl Jung and Mind Information

It is the misconception of some that dreams predict the future. It does not. A renowned individual, Carl Jung said that dreams compensate the waking in mind with information that is unconscious and hidden. The theory posits that dreams tend to balance the dreamer’s life by giving signs and information.

The purpose of dreams is to bring forth the repressed or hidden desire and information it to reality. The unconscious dream in same manner compensates the conscious mind by metaphors. These are the language of dreams in symbols. Although through dreams, we gain insights, it does not predict the future.

Dreams and Meanings

Dreams exist not just to convey one meaning, it can be meant for more than one meaning. This has something to do with the collection of unconscious and conscious thoughts of the dreamer. Dreams inform the dreamer of the condition. One common condition is the healing process. Thus, it sets balance to the dreamer’s life.

So, when we understand the emotion that is driving the dream, the charge that it has over us is neutralized, and we are naturally healed, which is the intent and purpose of our souls journey through this life.

Dreams and Sigmund Freud

According to Sigmund Freud when he studied dreams, he named an area of our brains called the subconscious where the mind stores all of our memories and desires. He believes that dreams are the visuals of the subconscious. According to Fraud, every symbol in dreams originated from a thought or desire that buried in the subconscious mind.

Dreams and Science

At present, scientists continue to argue the issue of the meaning behind dreams. Some people find that their dreams are meaningful to them, some don’t. Sometimes we understand them and sometimes we don’t. They can be exciting yet fearful. They allow people to go different places and to see amazing things that never have been seen in real life.

The Importance of Your Dreams

Part of the experience of being human is our dreams.  Our dreams are a window into our souls. Dreams can also be a source of inspiration or a message from our subconscious.

Artists constantly have energy moving around them and in them. For example, an artist friend of mine painted a picture of a woman he had never met. He began to journal his dreams and began working on lucid dreaming.  As a result of this, the woman came to him in his dreams.  Several years later he met a woman who could have been the visitor to his dreams. They quickly became friends and later married.

When they first met, she felt as if she knew him but could not remember where or when. They had several shared interests.  She felt from their very first conversation in the cafe that she knew this man though she could not quite place when and where, even though when she was younger, she had dreams of a man painting her picture. In those dreams she later married the artist. Is it possible that their dream meetings may have been the spark that led to this real-life meeting?

The correlation between art, music, language and symbolism can help hone intuition and psychic abilities. There is the case of a mathematician solving perplexing equations while he slept. This mathematician may have gained the ability to focus his dreams through years of Zen Buddhism.

If you can ever say that you have woken up suddenly from a dream to find yourself gasping for breath, it may be that your soul moved outside of your physical body to another place.  The gasping could be caused by your soul rejoining your body. If you choose to practice lucid dreaming or seek to connect with another plane of existence, it is wise to act in a way that is for the greater good for all concerned.

Clarity of focus can be gained by just focusing on a fixed point for several minutes while slowly breathing in and out.  This type of breathing should be conscious while one is fully engaged and focusing on their own breath slowly and imagining a silver cord connecting you to the earth. When ready, imagine that you feel a golden bubble of protection that only allows that which you give permission to enter into this safe space. This should be practiced until you can gain control over this whole process.

Another way to connect with your dreams is by keeping a journal or log of the dreams. Connect with another person and share your process.  This will help enhance your spiritual journey.  Be open to hearing the heartbeat of the divine. Our dreams can be a healing journey for our world and everyone in it Open your mind to acknowledge that every event happens for a purpose.  A joyful future awaits for those who are read to be awakened.

In the spirit of love and courage, listen to your spirit.  Live a life of forgiveness and gratitude and abundance.  Be mindful of your present and stay open to your future.