What Do Colors Mean in Dreams?

Colors Mean in Dreams

According to Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars, dreams are the way God approaches and communicates messages to people, however, we need to understand dreams’ symbolizations in order to understand these messages.

Dreams are a reflection of the dreamer’s mental, emotional, and physical state. Dreamers are influenced by the world around them. Colors in dream express the dreamer’s beliefs and cultural influences.

Most people think that their dreams are colorless because they can’t recall them, and only 25% of dreamers can recall colors in their dreams, and the reason is that the dreamer can only remember the emotional and stimulating parts of the dream and forget the rest.

In this article we are going to explore what colors symbolize in people’s dreams.

  • Red represents energy, anger, power, aggression, power or sexual feelings. It is also color of death, danger, violence, shame and rejection. So, red may symbolize low energy as well as high energy.
  • Orange express vitality, optimism, warmth, friendship, courtesy, generosity, hope, sociability and outgoing nature. Orange is also associated with sexual desire, pleasure, procreation, and fertility.
  • Yellow color in dreams indicates a negative or positive meaning. Bright yellow may symbolize awareness, happiness, energy, intellect, harmony, and a positive mood. Yellow can also be seen as unpleasant color. It may symbolize deceit, betrayal, indecisiveness, and sickness.
  • Green is associated with earth and mother nature. It indicates heath, growth, fertility, vitality, security, stable life style, steady routine and rest.
  • Blue is associated with pure blue sky or ocean, it is interpreted as need for peace, quietness, intuition, purity, spirituality, and truth.
  • Violet is that shade of purple which symbolize kindness, compassion, loving, and healing. It also means many different things in dreams such as charm and intimacy.
  • Brown is associated with ground and earth. Brown in dreams is usually represented as seeking roots and true self, or may be concern about home, family, or children. Dirty brown shade may represent depression, and lack of clarity.
  • Grey indicates fear, depression, aging, death, social isolation, and confusion. Dreaming of gray may also represent loss of direction and blurriness.
  • Black has different meanings. Black may symbolize danger, emptiness, evil, hatred, depression, lack of energy, and hatred. Black also may indicate mystery and unconscious.
  • White color in dreams can be interpreted as a new beginning and awareness. I may also represent purity, innocence, cleanliness, happiness, clarity, and peace.
  • Pink is associated with femininity and pinky dreams indicate falling in love, romance, softness and kindness.

According to Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars, dreams are the way God approaches and communicates messages to people, however, we need to understand dreams’ symbolizations in order to understand these messages.