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School Dream Themes

School Dream Themes

Dreaming about school can mean that you have activities in your life that you no longer do, or you have issues from your childhood. This can also mean you have learned lessons in your life.


Dreaming of an auditorium can mean that you need to pay attention to more things.


Seeing a backpack can mean you have responsibilities that are heavy.


When you dream of a cheerleader it can mean you are in competition and that you are needing to give more people praise.


If you dream of old classmates, it can mean you want to understand your relationships.


When you dream you are in class it means you are learning a life lesson.


If you dream of college, it can mean you are going through social changes and you are aware that you need more knowledge in things.


Dreaming of a computer means you are taking in a lot of opportunities and using technology to help you. It can also mean you are out of control.


If you see a desk in your dream, it can mean that you are looking at your problems or that you have a confidence issue.


A dorm in your dream can mean you are educated, and you want to keep learning. It can also mean that you are seeing what your surroundings hold for you.


Dreaming that you are taking an exam means you are afraid of failing.


If you are in a fraternity, it can mean that you need to have more relationships with others and that you need to grow. It can mean you feel that your relationships are not significant.


If you see a grade in your dream, it can mean you are developing in your life and you need to find your worth or it can be the initials of someone.


Going to graduation in your dream can mean you have met your goals and you are successful in what you do.

If you do not have enough college credits to graduate in your dream it can mean that you are not being successful, and you are not reaching your goals.

Dreaming that you forget to graduate can mean that you are not prepared for your next step in life.


If you are studying grammar in your dream, it can mean that you want to communicate your ideas better.


Dreaming of a gymnasium can show that you need to learn things and make it part of your daily life or that you need to work out more and be healthier.

High School

Dreaming about high school can mean that you wish you were still close to the people in your life that were in school with you or that you are planning for your future in the real world.

If you dream you are doing high school again it can mean that you are doubting yourself and not reaching your goals that you have set. It can also mean you are insecure.


Seeing a highlighter in your dream can mean that you are needing spiritual enlightenment or that there is a message in your life that you need to pay attention to.


If you have a homecoming in your dream, it can mean that you miss the past or that you know that you need to fix a relationship that is in your life today. Maybe it can mean that you are happy for people that have shown you support.


If you are homeschooled in your dream, it can mean that you need to learn a lesson about something in your home or in your work life.


Seeing homework in your dream can mean that you are not paying attention to what life is trying to show you and you are worrying over silly things. It can mean you are anxious about how life is treating you and what you have to do next.


Playing hooky in a dream can mean that you want to get rid of responsibilities that you have.


Dreaming of a laptop can mean that you are having a hard time communicating with others or if your laptop is missing it can mean you are relying too much on social media and you need to get off of it for a while.


If you are late in your dream, it can mean that you are going after an opportunity, but no one is supporting you. This can also mean you are conflicted and that you are running out of time to get the things that you want. This can also mean that you need to pursue something even if you feel that you are late.


If you are learning something in your dream it can mean that you are always wanting to learn more and to understand yourself better. If you dream you are in a college or school, it can mean you need to be more successful and not be distracted.


Giving a lecture in your dream can mean that you are becoming boring and that you want to improve your communication skills so that you can have good conversations with others.

If you dream you are listening to a lecture it can mean that you need to understand what is going on before you make a decision on certain issues.


Seeing letters in your dream can mean different things depending on what letters you see. An x for example can mean a crossroad while a T can men an intersection. All of these have to do with your mental and physical being.


If you dream you are in the library, it can mean you want to have new ideas or you want to figure out what kind of life you want to have or what kind of life that you already have. This can also mean that you need to look at different situations before you make any plans, and you need to take time to figure things out.

If you cannot find a book in the library, it can mean that you are not able to understand things about yourself and your thinking is not developed enough for you to make choices.

Locker Room

Dreaming of a locker room can mean that you need to take a break and let your life settled own. It can also mean that you are competing with someone, and you need to figure out what you want.

Lunch Box

If you are carrying a lunch box it can mean that you are preparing yourself for something important that is about to happen, or it can mean that you are seeking spiritual enlightenment.


Dreaming of math can suggest that you need to figure out the situations in your life and be more rational or if you are not able to solve a math problem it can mean that you are confused about something that is in your life and you need to pay more attention to what is going on around you.

Monkey Bars

Playing on monkey bars in your dream can mean you are wanting to go back to your childhood or that you have strength to achieve anything you want to achieve.


Wearing a mortarboard in your dream can mean you are learning new things and there are lessons you need to learn.


If you are reading notes in your dream, it can mean that you have a message that you need to share with others.


Having a notebook in your dream can mean that you need to keep track of what you are doing and not let things be overlooked.


Seeing a pen in your dream can mean you need to express your thoughts and feelings more with others.


If you see a pencil in your dream, it can mean you are dealing with a situation that is only lasting for a little while and that you are able to make it through it without being stuck.


Being popular in your dream means that you want people to look up to you and you are insecure about who you are. You wish that people would acknowledge things you have done that are good.


Seeing a professor in your dream can mean you seek wisdom.


Going to prom in your dream can mean that you are ending something and something new is about to happen in your life.

Report Card

Seeing a report card in your dream can mean that you are questioning what you can do in your life and in your career, it can also mean you are stressed about something.


Seeing a schedule in your dream can mean you are organized, and you want to reach your goals.


Seeing a school in your dream can mean you are stressed about something or stressed about deciding what to do but if you are in a school, it can mean you want to be spiritually awakened or if you are looking for a school it can mean you are smart and you want to learn more.

School Bus

Riding on a school bus in your dream can mean that you want to go on a different journey in your life so that you can grow and learn new things.


Making a score in a game can mean you are successful, or you are failing, depending on if you make the score or not.


A scoreboard in your dream can mean you are trying to compare who you are to others instead of focusing on yourself.


Dreaming that you are in a sorority can mean that you are growing as the person that you are, and your social circle is changing. This can also mean you want to be closer to people and have a strong relationship with other people.


Something being spelled in your dream can mean that you are having problems with something in your life, and you cannot really put your finger on it.


If you are dreaming of being a student, it means you want to be more knowledgeable.


Studying in your dream means you are smart, and you are wealthy.


Seeing a teacher that is from your past can mean you want someone to guide you or that you are learning from your past. This can also mean that you are looking for people to approve of what you are doing or that you feel that you are being put to the test in your life.

If you dream that you are a teacher, it can mean you want to give your knowledge to others and that you want to share it in your real life.

Dreaming of having sex with your teacher can mean you need to learn more about sex.


Taking a test in your dream can mean you are feeling like people are judging you. If you fail the test, it can mean you are insecure but if you pass the text, you are successful and you know you can do whatever life gives you to do.


Dreaming of a tutor can mean you want to share your knowledge with others or that it can mean you want to get attention from girls.

If you have a tutor in your dream, it can mean you need someone to guide you.


If you dream you are a valedictorian, it can mean that you have reached the goals that you have set for yourself and you are very successful.


If you are writing in your dream, it can mean you have made a mistake and you need to make it right or it can mean you are unfairly judging others.


Seeing your yearbook in your dream can mean you have friends that you have lost touch with that you need to see and take time to be closer to in the future.

Numbers Dream Themes

Numbers Dream Themes

Seeing numbers in your dream can encourage you in your life. Numbers can reflect different things in your life, and they can appear directly in front of you or in objects or actions that can repeat or create that number.

Make sure you know that numbers that are odd are considered aggressive numbers and even numbers are considered calm.

Stick with basic numbers to try to figure out what they mean such as 2010 can mean a year but it can also add up to 3 if you add them all together.


The number zero can mean that you are empty inside and you feel that something is missing out of your life. This can also mean that you are complete or mean eternity or freedom. A dream with this number can tell you that you are going in circles in your life and you are getting nowhere. Maybe you are doing things that are not working and you need to change your ways.


One can mean being a leader or it can mean that you are the best. It can mean that you are singular or lonely or that you have a strong tie to the spiritual realm.


The number two can mean being in a partnership such as marriage or it can mean you are weak, or you have twice as much strength. The world is made in opposites such as a female and male, brother and sister, daylight and dark and yin and yang and this can represent the number two.


Three can mean you are complete or that you are energetic. It can mean the trinity, or it can mean past, present and future. This can also mean a feeling or to do something a third time.


The number four can mean that you are limited in what you do but that you work hard. This number stands for the elements of the earth such as fire, water, wind and earth and for material things. This can also mean death in the Asian culture.


Five is a number that means being bold or loving nature. This can mean that you have five senses in your body or feelings, and it can mean that you need to change which way you choose to go in your life.


The number six can mean balance or being perfect. It can also mean being strong in your mind and emotions or perfection.


Seven can mean healing and music. It is a number that is strong in the spiritual sense and can also mean you are unique.


The number eight can mean success and trust. It can also mean eating or digesting something.


Nine is a number that means rebirth or inspiration. You can seek to do something great when you see this number, or it can mean for a long time.


The number ten means strong and it can mean closure.


The number 11 can mean that you are spiritual or that you are able to reach things that you want to do. This number can also have a lot to do with visions and it can represent a parallel line or an individual or partnership. If you look at this number sideways it can be an equal sign, but it can also mean balance.


Dreaming of 12 can mean that you are wanting to be perfect or that you are repeating things.


The number 13 can mean death or a new beginning. This can be obstacles that are in your way or it can mean working hard so that you can be successful. Some believe this is a bad luck number.


Seeing 14 in your dream can mean you are changing with life and how it changes or it can mean you give yourself too much or you give into your desires when it is not right and you need to reach your goals and work harder.


The number 15 can mean that you are in a place where there are problems, but they are going away.


16 in your dream can mean that you are naïve or that you are vulnerable to other people. This number can also mean you are changing, and you are reaching a place you need to be.


The number 17 means the soul.


Dreaming of 18 can mean that you are deceiving others or that you lie a lot. This can also mean you are selfish, and you are about to change and have to take on more responsibilities.


The number 19 can mean you have to get rid of the things that are holding you back and learn to stand up for who you are. This can also mean you are stubborn and when people want to help you, you refuse it.


Seeing 20 in your dream can mean that you need support or that you have isolated yourself from people that you need in your life.


Seeing 20 in your dream can mean you are at a place in your life where you are changing, and you reach adulthood. This an also mean that you need to learn to accept things that happen, and you need to accept responsibilities. This can also be a lucky number in Blackjack.


The number 22 can mean that you are wise, and you need to work towards reaching your goals.


Seeing 23 in your dream can mean you want to please others and your goals are not realistic.


The number 24 can mean that you are happy or that you have love for others. This can also mean you are powerful or that you are too prideful. This is how many hours are in a day.


Dreaming of 25 can mean that you have issues, but everyone does and its time to move on and stop thinking about them.


The number 26 can mean karma and your love of the earth.


The number 27 can mean you are very committed to others and you have unconditional love for people.


Seeing 28 in your dream can mean you like to make money easily or it shares the same meaning as the number 10.


The number 30 can mean that you are not being real with your feelings and emotions.


Seeing 32 in your dream can mean you are numb to what is going on around you and to your own emotions.


Seeing 34 in your dream can mean that you are needing to move past your mistakes and learn to be happy with what you have learned.


Dreaming of 35 can mean that you are not harmonious or in unity with people.


The number 36 can mean that you are sexual.


Dreaming of 39 can mean that you are thoughtful to others and you meditate to do the best things.


Seeing 40 in your dream can mean that you have all the time you need to grow and to prepare for changes.


The number 42 can mean that you are attracted to the opposite of you.


Seeing 44 in your dream can mean that you will be married and have a union with someone.


Dreaming of 50 can mean joy and happiness or that you want to celebrate. It can also mean you are sharing things with others.


Seeing the number 60 can mean time is running out or that you are not going to have something in your life forever.


The number 70 can mean that you are loving life and things are perfect for you.


If you see 76 in your dream it can mean you will see your plans or ideas come to pass. You will work hard, and the hard work will pay off.


Dreaming of 80 can mean that you are successful, and you will reach your goals as long as our keep pushing.


The number ninety-nine can mean you do not understand your personal relationship and you need to work on them.


Dreaming of 100 can mean that you agree with something completely or you are always willing to give your all when you do something.


This number is the devil number and an evil number. Dreaming this number can mean you are doing something wrong.


The number 777 can mean good luck or perfection. This can also be a number that fights evil.


Dreaming of 911 can mean that something is an emergency in your life, and you need to get guidance or ask someone to help you. This can also mean that someone is taking advantage of you or even that you are learning a life answer.

If you dream of calling 911 and no one will answer, it can mean someone is in charge of you and you need to make an urgent call so that you can get someone’s attention.

Relationships Dream Themes

Relationships Dream Themes

Being in a relationship can sometimes make you feel that you have issues that are not solved. This can also go into your dream and your dreams can help to give you guidance.


Dreaming of abandonment means that you need to leave your past behind you because it is holding you back. It can also mean that you are worried about being betrayed by someone that you love. This feeling can come when you have lost someone, or you are in the process of losing someone or you were not protected when you were a child.

If you abandon people in your dream it can mean that you are trying to make a hard decision in your life.


To dream that you are abusing a person can mean that something in your past is going to come back to you and that you might regret it or be sorry for it. If you dream you are being abused it can mean that you feel that you are victim in some situation or if you dream of an animal being abused it can mean that you are not expressing who you are.

When you dream about children being abused it can mean that your inner child is lacking, and you miss your childhood.


Dreaming that you are cheating on your partner means that you have hidden desires or that you have self-betrayal. It can also mean that you are afraid of being abandoned or that you feel people are taking advantage of you.


If you dream you are giving people affection it can mean you are happy in your relationship or it can mean that you need to be more loving to other people in your life.


Dreaming of paying alimony can mean you are paying for things you did wrong.


If you dream you are amorous it can mean you are facing temptations or that you are doing things that will get you in trouble. If you dream others are amorous it can mean you are being persuaded by people and you are about to get rid of your own morality.

If you see amorous animals, it can mean you have animalistic desires.


If you dream of an anniversary it can mean that you appreciate yourself.


Dreaming that you’re getting an annulment can mean that you are in denial.


If you are apologizing with someone in your dream it can mean you need truth and harmony, or you feel guilty about something you did. It can also mean you are mistreated or that you have been betrayed.


your life. It can also mean that you are overlooked in your ideas and you feel that you are not important.


When you dream of being betrayed it can mean that you are non-trusting of someone that you are in a relationship with or that you are insecure.

Blind Date

When you dream of a blind date it can mean that you are wanting to get more information.


When you dream that you break up with your partner it can mean that you need to let things go no matter what is going on or that your relationship is changing.


When you dream about cheating it can mean that you are feeling guilty for something or you have betrayed someone. It can also mean that you compromised your beliefs and that you are spending time doing things that are getting you nowhere.

It can also mean you have strong passion or that you are not committed to things.

If you dream your spouse is cheating it can mean that you are afraid, they are leaving you or you are feeling that you are not meeting their needs.

When you dream a friend is cheating then you might dislike someone and are being dishonest with yourself.


If you dream of a crush it can mean you are stressing over a life situation. If you dream someone is crushing on you it can mean you have an attraction to that person. If you dream you crush has died it can mean you are not strong.


If you dream that you are on a date it can mean that you need to discover who you are, and you need to figure out your hidden talents. It can also mean that you want to find a significant other or make a change in your relationship.

Double Date

A double date in your dream can mean that you have a split personality and you need to find your real self.


To dream of an engagement can, mean that you want to be married or that you have needs in your relationship.


If you dream of your ex it can mean that you are facing feelings that you have had or that you are looking at the positive things in your past. If you dream that you are seeing an ex husband or wife it can mean that you see that you are getting in an unhappy thing in your life and you need to figure out what you are doing.

Seeing your partner’s ex in a dream can mean that you are comparing who you are to their ex or if your ex has died it can mean that your feelings for them are completely dead.


Dreaming of an ex-boyfriend that you had as a child can mean that you miss the romance of the past and you want to have a relationship where you feel wanted.

If you dream they are giving you advice, your mind is telling you about the mistakes you made in your past relationships and you need to find a relationship that makes you feel whole.

If you dream an ex is giving you a stuffed animal it can mean you need to nurture your relationship or if they are sick it can mean you are dealing with a past breakup and you have not moved on.


Dreaming of an ex-friend can mean that you have experienced something that reminded you of them and that you need to learn a lesson as to why the friendship didn’t work.


Dreaming of an ex-girlfriend being pregnant can mean that you are wanting to get back with them or that you expect the relationship is completely over.


Flirting with someone can mean that you are wanting intimacy or that you are being serious in your relationship.

Dreaming that your spouse is flirting with you can mean that you need to be more committed and that you are not feeling committed in the relationship.


A girlfriend can suggest that you want to have a relationship or that you want to settle down.

If you dream you meet your girlfriends parents it can mean that you are nervous about something and it is on your mind such as meeting her parents or that you know you need to be on your best behavior.

If you dream you are watching your girlfriend have sex with someone else, it can mean that you are passive in your sex life and you have personal fantasies about things.


Dreaming of being heartbroken can mean that you will see changes or that you feel that people are not supporting you. This can also mean you are facing something emotional that you are dealing with.


Hugging in your dream can mean that you care for someone and that you are loving. This can also mean that you are thinking of someone that is close to you and you need to heal in your emotions.


If you have a husband in your dream can mean you have strong feelings for your husband, or it can mean that you are ready for a commitment. If your husband has no teeth it can mean you are not being honest, or you do not have truth inside of you.

Dreaming that you are searching for a husband can mean that you are neglected, and you are disconnected in life.


If someone is ignoring you in your dream it can mean that you are not paying attention to things.


If you re independent in your dream it can mean you need to stand up for who you are or that you have many possibilities.


Being indifferent in your dream means that you are trying to hide your concerns, or it can mean that people have intentions against you.


Dreaming of infidelity can mean that you are being abandoned or neglected in your relationship.


If you get kissed in your dream it can mean you are affectionate or that you are loving. This can also mean romance or that you need to have more romance in your relationship.

If you kiss someone it can mean you are not sure how they feel about you, but you want to find out or it can mean that you want to have sex with them.

Dreaming that you are kissing a hand can mean that you are admiring them or you want someone to admire you or if you kiss the foot it can mean that you are humble.

Kissing a cheek can mean that you are full of lust but if you kiss another person’s boyfriend or girlfriend it can mean you are jealous of someone.

Dreaming of kissing our ex can mean you’re seeing good things and you have let go of your past love or kissing a friend can mean that you love and respect them and want to be close to them.

If you kiss a stranger in your dream it can mean you are finding yourself or if you kiss a celebrity it can mean you are interested in people that are famous. Kissing your enemy can mean you are angry, and you are wanting to get revenge.

Dreaming of a bloody kiss can mean you are passionate.


Dreaming of love can mean that you have love and want to stay committed to the person that is in your life or it can also mean that you are not getting enough love in your life and you wish someone would love and care for you.

If you say the words “I love you” in your dream it can mean that you want to give love to someone or that you are able not to accept that someone loves you or it can mean that you are giving yourself to others more than you are making them give to you.

If you are in love with your friend, it can mean that you are developing feelings for them or that you have accepted your own identity and you are ready to face new challenges.

Dreaming that you are making love can mean that you have a sexual need that is not being met or you are hiding what you are feeling, and you need to be more expressive. To dream your love is lost can mean that you are wanting romance and you are wanting your relationship to be stronger.

If you are being told that no one ever has loved you, it can mean you have no self-esteem or you are guilty of something you have done or forbidden love can mean you are reaching for something you want but you have to fight hard for it.

Love Triangle

Dreaming that you are in a love triangle can mean that you are insecure, or you are jealous of someone in your life. This can also mean that you are not giving enough attention to someone in your life and you are spending way too much time with someone else. This can also mean you have an emotional conflict that you need to face.


If you are seeing your lover in your dream it can mean that you are accepting who you are and you feel whole when you are with them or it can also mean that you are not in a relationship that is fulfilling to you.

Dreaming of an old lover can mean that you are hiding issues in your own self that you need to confront about your past relationships.


Being lustful in your dream means you are not fulfilled in your life and you are looking for something to make you happy or it can mean you think too highly of yourself and you need to not be so prideful.

Making Out

If you are making out with someone in your dream it means you need to take care of a relationship that you have or ask someone out.


Dreaming of miscommunication can mean that you are feeling that you are not good enough.

Opposite Sex

If you dream that you are the opposite sex it can mean that you are not sure what you are feeling or who you are.


Dreaming of proposing to someone can mean you are changing things in your life or that you are becoming serious with your relationships. This can also mean you are thinking of proposing to someone.


Seeing relationships in your dream can mean that you wish that you were in a good relationship or it can mean that you are doing something wrong in your relationship and you need to figure out what that is so that you can move forward in it.

Secret Admirer

If you dream you are a secret admirer can mean that you are needing to be more aware of what is going on around you.


Being seduced in your dream can mean you are passionate of others and that you are caring, and you need to let go of some of your power.


If you dream of separating it can mean you are anxious about something or you feel that someone is going to abandon you. This is something you need to look closely at before you get in a bad situation.


Being single in your dream can mean you are depending on others too much and you need to rely more on who you are.


Seeing a wife in your dream can mean you have issues that you have not solved or that you are connected to others.

Pregnancy Dream Themes

Pregnancy Dream

Dreaming of being pregnant can mean you have things in your life that are changing. If you are pregnant in your dream it can mean birth, or it can mean new things that are coming in your life. These kinds of dreams can mean anticipation or stress about being pregnant if you really are.


When you dream you have an abortion it can mean something is stopping you from growing and that you be afraid or pressure in your life. It can also mean that you have had a real abortion and you are healing from it.

If you dream someone else has had an abortion it can mean that your relationship with that person is not growing or if they have an unsafe abortion, it can mean that you want things to always stay the same.


When you see a baby in your dreams it can mean new beginnings and innocence. This can mean that you have things inside of you that are pure, and it leaves you feeling vulnerable and helpless.

Dreaming that you are having a baby means that you are dependent, and you want someone to care for. If you are pregnant it can mean that you are anxious about being pregnant.

When you dream that a baby is crying, it can mean that you need nurtured or dreaming about a starving baby means that you are dependent on others. If you dream that you are a baby it means you want to be cared for and if you dream that the baby is dancing it can mean that you have more things in life for you that are coming.

If you dream that the baby is starving it can mean that you are not able to have your desires or that no one is nurturing, you and you are being immature.

Dreaming that you have a very small baby means that you are fearful and you are vulnerable and you do not want to ask other people to help you because you are afraid of how they will see you.

If the baby in your dreams is dead, it can mean that you are ending something that was in your life and that you are about to start something new. If you dream that you take the dead body, then it means that you are not moving on in your life and you are stuck in a stage.

Dreaming that you are dipping the baby in water means that you are remembering a time when you were not worried about anything and that everything you did was good and calm and now life is hard.

Baby Bottle

A baby bottle in a dream can mean that you are dependent on other people.

Baby Carriage

A baby carriage in a dream can mean that you want to be close to your family or that you wish that you could have a baby or that you have a goal that you never reached.

Baby Clothes

Dreaming of baby clothes means that you want to express who you are better.

Baby Food

If you dream about baby food, it can mean that you need someone to care about you or that you need to eat less food.

Baby Shower

Dreaming of a baby shower can mean that you want to start over in life and have a new chance.


If you dream of a babysitter or babysitting it can mean that you need to care for your inner child.


Dreaming of giving birth means that you want to start a new project, or you need to have a better attitude. When you dream of giving birth it means that you are dependent or that you are relying too much on other people. If you give birth prematurely, it can mean that you did not finish something you wanted to do.

Breast Feeding

When you dream of breast feeding it can mean that you are a nurturing person and that you have motherly love.

Breast Pump

When you dream of a breast pump it can mean that you want to give love to others.

Caesarean Section

A C-section can mean that you need help to get a project running. This can also mean that you are worried about an upcoming c-section that you will have or someone you know.


If you are wearing a diaper in your dream it can mean you are depending on others or if you are changing a diaper it can mean that you need to stop being childish.

A dirty diaper can mean that you are messy and childish in your life.


If you dream of a fetus it can mean that you want a new relationship.


Going to a gynecologist in your dream can mean that you know something you don’t want to know or that you are dreading what the days are about to bring to you. This can also indicate that you have something wrong in your health.


Dreaming of infants means a new project.


Dreaming that you are infertile can mean you are not being creative, and you are not doing something in your life that you really want to do. This can also mean that you are having a hard time having a baby that you want to have.


If you dream that you are laboring it can mean you are going to have to work hard to reach your goals or if you dream about a woman that is going into labor it can mean that you want to start a family. If you get pregnant then the dream can be about your birth and you are trying to prepare your body by breathing right.

If someone you know goes into labor early, it can mean that you need to prepare for changes that might come into your life.


If you are lactating in your dream it can mean that you are wanting to bond with people or that you are excited to be a mother, it can also mean that you have good instincts.


If you see a midwife in your dream it can mean you are about to change positions or start a new thing in your life.


If you have a miscarriage in you dream it can mean that things did not go like you thought that they would or it can be warning you that you should change your idea about taking action in something. It can also mean that you have lost something, or someone has treated you badly.


To dream of sucking on a pacifier can mean you are needing someone to care for your emotions and you are needing to be more responsible in your life.


Placentas in a dream can mean that you are relying too much on other people and you need to reach into yourself and learn to take care of yourself.


Dreaming of being pregnant can mean that there are things in your life that are growing and even though you are not ready to talk about what those things are, you are ready to do them and to move forward in your life. This can also mean you are trying to get pregnant.

Dreaming of having a baby dying inside of you can mean that you have had a project that you put so much effort into and now it is notworking out the way that you had hoped that it would but dreaming someone else is pregnant can mean you are connecting to that person.

If you are pregnant and you have this dream it can mean that you are worried about your pregnancy or that you are excited, and you are waiting to see your baby. You may dream of small creatures or animals or fruit or water in your first trimester and in the second trimester, some women dream about being a mother. The third trimester dreams usually are about changes and elephants, whales or other large animals.

If you are pregnant and ream of the sex of the baby it can mean that you are wondering what sex your baby is going to be. Dreams do not tell if you are having a boy or a girl like some people think.

Pregnancy Test

Dreaming of doing a pregnancy test can mean that you are starting something new in your life such as a job or a new relationship.

Reproductive System

Dreaming about your reproductive system can mean you are in a new project and you are in the first stages of it. This can also mean that you are using your imagination to have new ideas.


A sonogram in your dream can mean that you want to have new relationships or that you are pregnant, and you are wanting to have your child.


Dreaming of a stillborn can mean you have lost something, or you no longer trust someone you were close to.


Getting an ultrasound in your dream can mean you are starting something new in your life or it can mean you are wanting to be pregnant or you are pregnant, and you are dreaming about it.

Umbilical Cord

Seeing an umbilical cord in your dream can mean that you are acting like everyone else and you are refusing to be your own self. This can also mean you are stressed out about your emotions and you have not been able to bond with someone or you are not able to make it financially.

Wet Nurse

A wet nurse in your dream can mean you feel unimportant or that you need to provide for your family.

House Dream Themes

Dream Themes

Dreaming of a house can help you to know what you have going on inside of your own self. Whatever rooms that you have or places in the house you are dreaming about can represent your mind and your personality.

  • Attic

If you dream of an attic, it can mean that you have a past that is in your mind or that you want to be more spiritually connected. It can also mean you are struggling with something or that you are needing to organize your thoughts and feelings.

  • Balcony

When you dream of a balcony it can mean that you want to be seen and noticed.

  • Basement

When you dream of a basement it can mean that you are in a level of life that you are satisfied, and you need to meet your basic needs.

  • Bathroom

Dreaming of a bathroom can mean you need to get rid of your bad feelings and renew yourself or if you are in the bathroom of the opposite sex, it can mean you are overstepping your boundaries.

If you dream you have to pay to use the bathroom it can mean you don’t want to burden people with your emotions.

  • Bedroom

Dreaming of a bedroom can mean that you want to be private.

  • Ceiling

If you dream of a ceiling it can mean you have a different spiritual perspective.

  • Cellar

If you dream of a cellar, then it can represent hidden fears.

  • Chimney

When you dream of a chimney it can mean sexual release or that you have negativity that you are hiding.

  • Closet

Dreaming of a closet can mean you have hidden things in life.

  • Den

A den can represent that you work hard.

  • Doorbell

Doorbells mean that you are open to new things or that you are seeing things that you once overlooked.

  • Doorknob

A doorknob can mean that you are not being intelligent.

  • Doormat

Doormats can mean that you are feeling that people are taking advantage of you.

  • Doorway

If you see a doorway, it can mean that you are shutting yourself out to the world and that you have a secret that you are keeping. This can also mean that you are missing some kind of opportunity.

  • Driveway

Dreaming about a driveway can mean that you want to come to an end to your journey and that you want to rest and feel secure where you live. This can also mean you want to find peace and you want to have a spiritual awakening.

If you see rocks in your driveway, it can mean that you are on a journey that is unstable.

  • Fence

Dreaming of a fence can mean you have an obstacle in your way or if you are climbing a fence, it can mean you are successful.

If you dream of building a fence it can mean you are on a solid foundation or if you fall from the fence, it can mean that you are dealing with a project. A fence in water means you have a barrier over your relationships.

  • Fencing

To dream you are fencing can mean that you are fighting with someone.

  • Floor

A floor in your dream can mean that you need more security and that you have a foundation of people that you can count on. It can also mean that you are surprised about something or that you are being caught off guard.

Seeing a waxed floor can mean that you are suppressing your feelings or if it is slanted it can mean that you are not reaching your goals.

Dreaming of building floors can mean that you do not know how successful you are and that you want to accomplish more in your life. If you dream that the floor is rubber it can mean that you are forgiving or that you are wanting to be around people that accept you when you make mistakes.

Dreaming of things peeling away on the floor can mean that you want to have more freedoms and you are forgiving of others.

  • Floorboards

A floorboard can mean that you are protective or that you are guarding your heart form something that is in your subconscious mind.

  • Garage

If you dream of a garage, it can mean you are being idle, or you need help with your goals. It can also mean that you are stable in your efforts. If you are opening the garage door it can mean you are making a good decision or if a homeless person is living in your garage, it means you are going the wrong direction in life.

  • Garden

Dreaming of a garden can mean you work hard, and it will pay off for you or it can mean you have love and comfort.

If you see a weed infested garden it can mean you are not meeting your spiritual needs.

  • Glass House

Being in a glass house can mean that you are cautious about the things people are telling you or if you dream you are living in a glass house it can mean that you are afraid that someone is ruining your reputation.

Make sure you do not pay attention to everyone else’s faults and forget your own.

  • Hallways

Dreaming of a hallway can mean that you want to explore who you are, or you are going through a transitional part in your life.

  • Home

Dreaming of home can mean that you need to have more values or that you miss something such as your hometown or a home that you lived in before.

If you cannot find your home that you live in it can mean that you have lost faith in life and that you are transitioning in your life.

  • House

Seeing a house in your dream can mean that you are smart or that you have a subconscious that is trying to tell you something. It can also mean that you are looking over your shoulder because someone is scaring you or something in your business is worrying you.

If your house is abandoned it can mean that you are not moving past your problems and that you are facing things that are moving, you forward in life.

Cleaning a room in your house can mean that you are needing to figure out who you are and find yourself or if your house is old and run down then you might have chaos in your life and you need to get rid of your emotional problems.

When your house is not level it can mean that you are hiding your feelings and if you are dreaming of being at a stranger’s house it can mean that you are hiding your memories.

Building a house in your dream means that you need to be more mature or if you are in a new house, it can mean that you are insecure or if you are in a house that someone died in it can mean that you are worried about death or if you are looking for a house that disappeared then you are ungrounded.

Dreaming of water getting in the house means that you are not comfortable with your emotions or that you are breaking down in your emotions and if you dream your house has legs it means you are unsatisfied with your life and you are afraid to express your desires.

To dream the house is flying means that you are searching for something new or that you have goals that you are not able to meet.

  • Kitchen

If you dream you are in the kitchen it can mean you need to be healed or it can mean you need to fix something in your life or change your plans.

  • Living Room

If you are in your living room in a dream it can mean that you are not believing in who you are and you are putting yourself in bounds with things that you should not be invading.

  • Mansion

If you see a mansion in your dream, it can mean that you are growing and that you want to have stronger goals.

  • Passageway

To find a passageway in your dream can mean you need to find something exciting in your life or something exciting is about to happen to you. This can also mean you will have a new relationship or a new job or some kind of new opportunity that you need to take time to explore.

This dream can also mean that you need to find opportunities and use them to help you to move forward in whatever you need to move forward in. This can also mean you need to find new things to discover and be cautious.

  • Patio

Dreaming of a patio means that you are open in your mind, and you are accepting life.

  • Porch

A porch in your dream can mean you are sociable, and you love to see others and to be around them., This can also mean that you are distancing yourself, if the porch is closed in, or that you are changing your spiritual ideas and journey.

  • Roof

Seeing a roof in your dream can mean that you are protective of yourself and if you are on the roof, it can mean you are reaching your successes in life and that nothing is going to hold you back.

Dreaming that the look is leaking can mean that you are annoyed, and things are happening in your life that get on your nerves.

If the roof is falling it can mean that you are living high in life, but something could go wrong to stop that and if the sky lowers and touches the roof it can mean you are setting your goals too low, and you are not reaching the real standards that you have in life.

  • Room

Dreaming of a room can mean that you are in a relationship that is going in different stages, and it is affecting who you are as a person. This is a comfortable situation but if you dream that you find a new room it can mean you are taking on new roles in the relationship and you are afraid of what will come.

Dreaming of building a room can mean that you are confident in what you do, and you are wanting to increase your family but if the room is empty, it can mean that you want to hide yourself away for a while.

If you are in a dark room, it can mean that you are hiding who you are and if the room is dirty, it can mean you are embarrassed of something that you did.

  • Stairs

Seeing stairs in your dream can mean you are trying to reach a higher level in your life, and you want to learn more things but if you are walking down stairs, it can mean you are hiding what you are thinking, and it is causing you not to be able to move forward.

If you are slipping down the stairs it can mean you have no confidence and you are always afraid of messing up but if the steps are spiral, it can mean you are growing in who you are.

  • Toilet

Seeing a toilet in your dream can mean you are able to release your emotions and you feel that life is being useless at the time. It can also mean that you are losing your fear but if the toilet is clogged it can mean you are keeping your emotions to yourself and letting negative feelings overtake you.

  • Walls

Seeing a wall in your dream can mean you are putting up a barrier to protect yourself but if you are hiding behind the wall, it can mean that you are fearful, being thrown in a wall can mean you are needing to explore more in your life and step out.

  • Window

Seeing a window can mean that you are passing up things that are possible to make your life easier. If you dream of looking out of the window it can mean you are seeing things from a different point of view.

  • Yard

If the yard you see in your dream is nice and trimmed, it can mean you are able to keep things that are hard outside of your home life such as separating school and work. If the lawn is messy, it can mean you are out of control in your life and you need to gain order.

Food Dream Themes

Food Dream Themes

Dreaming of food can help you to understand the ideas and thoughts that you have in your days. This can also help you to figure out where your mind is at and what you are feeling.


If you dream of an apple it can mean that you are wise and that you are prosperous. If you dream you are eating an apple it can mean you are having harmony or if you eat a green apple it can mean pleasure and if you dream of a rotten apple it can mean you are not fulfilling your goals.


An apricot in your dream can mean that you will see something misfortunate.


If you dream of asparagus, it can mean you need to be prosperous or that you have actions that will give you an outcome that is not good.


When you dream of bacon it can mean that you need things in your life such as essentials.


Dreaming of bananas means that you have sexual urges or that you want to have more rewards when you do good things.

Birthday Cake

When you see a birthday cake in your dreams it can mean that you are wanting to share things with others.


Dreaming of blueberries means that you are youthful, and you have a happy future.


Dreaming of bologna means that you are insecure in your finances.


Dreaming of your breakfast means that you need new beginnings.


When you dream of bread it can mean that you have good qualities about you.


Tasting butter in your dream can mean that you are happy with things in your life and you love to have pleasure. It can also mean that you want the situation to be easier.

Dreaming that butter is melting can mean that you need to soften your attitude and be kind.


Eating a cabbage in your dream means that you are wasting time on little things in life and you need to have more challenges. It can also mean you made decisions that are not wise.


Dreaming about cake can indicate that you need to lessen your workload. It can show that you are selfish, and you feel that you are not getting what you deserve.

The dream can also mean that you have achieved something and that you are in an easy situation.

If you dream of eating cake it can mean you lost an opportunity or if you buy a cake it can mean that you were recognized for something that you did and you are learning to be comfortable with recognition.


Dreaming of candy can mean that you like special treats and you spend a lot of time on things that are not important.

Candy Apple

A candy apple can represent that you have good things in your life.


A carrot can symbolize that you are fertile and have abundance.


When you dream of cheese it can mean that you want to gain in profit or that you need to smile more.

Cheese Curls

When you dream of cheese curls it can mean that you are leaving clues about your negative behavior.


Dreaming about cheesecake can mean that you are doing great things.


Dreaming of a cherry can mean that you are honest and full of truth.


This can mean love and celebration.

Chocolate Milk

Dreaming of this can mean you feel good.


When you dream of a coconut it can mean you need to be more versatile and keep going.


Eating cookies in your dream can mean that you are letting small problems take over your life.

If you are baking cookies it can mean you are happy, and you want to see your power rise. It can also mean you will reach out to others or that someone is trying to help you reach rewards in your life and be successful. If you are able to get cookies back from someone that took them then it means you will reap a reward but if you cannot, it can mean that someone is trying to take the reward that you worked hard for.

Seeing a chocolate chip cookie can mean you feel guilty for the good things you have but if you are baking cookies it can mean you are intimate and emotionally tied to someone that you care for.

An oatmeal cookie can mean you are feeling like it is okay to indulge sometimes.


When there is corn in your dream it can mean growth and abundance.


Cornbread can reparent family ties and life.


This can mean that you are having sexual energies.


Seeing dessert in your dream can mean you like to celebrate, or you want to be rewarded for things that you do in your life. This can also mean that you are enjoying your life.


If you dream of eggs it can mean that you are fertile or that you are wanting to have a child. Scrambling an egg can mean that you have set a goal and you are on the right course or if you find a nest of eggs it can mean you are about to have financial successes.


Dreaming of figs means you are going to see positive things come your way.

Filbert Nut

Dreaming of Filbert Nut can mean that you want peace and harmony and you want to find real friends.


Seeing a swimming fish means that you want to have something come out that you are keeping secret. It can also mean that you are lucky or that you have spiritual beliefs. If you dream of cooking a fish it can mean that you are expressing your emotions and you are not taking time to say what you are feeling.

Dreaming of fish bones can mean that you have new ideas or if it is a small fish attacking a big fish it can mean that you are seeing someone based on their size or that you feel insignificant.

Dreaming of a huge fish can mean that you are being attacked or you have emotional feelings that you are suppressing or if you dream of a giant fish trying to eat you it can mean that you are out of your comfort zone.


Flour in your dream can mean that you are living a happy life and you work hard.


Eating food in your dream means you need to take care of your emotions and if it is fruit it means you are sensual. Eating meat means you are animalistic and frozen foods can mean you are cold.

If you dream of eating specific foods, it can mean you love other cultures and that you are wanting comfort in the wrong places.

If you are hiding food, it can mean that you are deprived or that you do not trust things or if you see stale food it can mean that you are sluggish and drained.

Eating bad tasting food can mean that you are resentful and if you eat burnt food it can mean that you are intense and exhausted.

Plastic food can mean that you are not supported in your emotions. Eating fried foods can mean that you are angry and that you are suppressing issues.


Dreaming of fruit can mean that you are growing or that you are going to get better finances. It can also mean that you want to reach your goals or that you are ready to have a baby.

Seeing a rotting fruit can mean that you are regretting an opportunity that you missed or if you buy the fruit it can mean you are wasting time on something that will never work out.


Garlic in your dream can mean that you are practical and looking for love.


Gooseberries in your dream can mean that you have a happy outlook on life or that you are enjoying your free time.


If you eat grapefruit in your dream it can mean that you need to be refreshed and you need to change the way you are thinking.

If you see a grapefruit tree it can mean that you re changing your beliefs and the way that you think about things.


Grapes in your dream can mean that you are wealthy and that you are trying to make other people happy but if you are eating grapes it can mean that you will get something good for the work that you did.

Grapes can also mean immorality or that you are sacrificing for others.


Dreaming of gravy can mean that you are not able to enjoy simple things and you are taking advantage of things in your life.


Grease in a dream can mean that you are needing to straighten things out so your life can be smooth and easy.


If you dream of eating ham it can mean that you need to have more energy.


Dreaming of a hamburger can mean that you are lacking emotional order and you are unsatisfied in your life.

Ice Cream

Dreaming of ice cream can mean that you are going to have good luck. It can also mean you need to get your temper in control.

Ice cream melting can mean you are reaching your hopes.


Icing can represent that you are being superficial and that you are only looking at the exterior of things.


Jam in your dream can mean that you are going to have a good surprise.


Jelly in your dream can mean you have been wondering about a situation.


Jellybeans in your dream can symbolize that you are hostile or that you need to be relaxed.


Dreaming of legumes can mean something in life is annoying you.


Drinking lemonade in your dream can mean you need to stop arguing and let things cool down in your relationship.


Lemons can mean that you are in a sour relationship or if you eat a lemon it can mean you need to be healed or save money more.


A lentil in your dream can mean that you want to connect with your roots.


Lettuce in your dream can mean that you want to be simple in life or if you are eating lettuce it can mean you want to be more spiritual and open to new spiritual ideas.


A lime in your dream can mean that you will see delays in your future.


Eating a lollipop in your dream can mean that you love sweet tings and you love to have surprised in your life. This can also mean that you are about to go into relationships that you need to be careful with, so you are not taken advantage of.


Seeing macaroni in your dream can mean you love to be comfortable and happy.


Eating a mango in your dream can mean that you are in a relationship that you need to move forward from.


Eating marmalade in your dream can mean you are needing more excitement in your life.


Eating meals in your dream can mean that you are thinking too much about things going on in your life or you want to be spiritually awakened.


When you dream of raw meat it can mean you feel that you are going through things in life that are hard and you are having a hard time reaching your goals or if you cook the meat it can mean that you are listening more to your heart and seeing what other people are trying to do.

If you smell rotten meat it can mean that you are having health problems or if you eat horsemeat it can mean that you are not sure what to do about a situation that you are in and you facing difficulties.


Making meatballs in your dream can mean that you are starting a new project or if you are eating meatballs it can mean you want life to be comfortable and easy.


If you see a melon in your dream it can mean that you need to relax and take life easily and you might be fertile.


If you see milk or dream about milk it can mean that you are motherly and that you are kind and compassionate. If you are drinking the milk it can represent that you need to be more about nourishing your body but if the milk is spoiled it can mean you need to stop supporting others and work more on yourself.

Spilling milk can mean you have lost your faith and trust or if you are taking a bath in milk it can mean you are full of relationships that are good and you can relax because of that. Choking on milk can mean you are smothering someone in a relationship that you have.


Seeing molasses in your dream can mean that you are kind to others or that something you want is taking a long time to get.


If you dream of muffins it can mean that you work hard, and you will see the work pay off. If you are eating a muffin it can mean you love to have expensive things in your life.


Dreaming about mulberries can mean that you are going to have obstacles come in your life that will set you back for a small amount of time, but you will overcome them.


A mushroom in your dream can mean you are not making good choices, or it can mean that you are a good leader.

If you dream of picking a mushroom it can mean that you are in a dangerous situation or if you see the mushroom growing it can mean things are negative and you have emotions that are controlling you.


If you are eating mustard in your dream it can mean you regret things from your past.


Noodles in your dream means that you are looking for something and your body needs to have nourishment.


Seeing nuts in your dream can mean that you are confused about something or that you are around someone that acts crazy when you are by them or they are driving you bonkers. This can also mean you are feeling crazy yourself in a situation and you need to talk to someone so you can see it from a different point of view. Nuts can also mean you are having sexual needs.

If you are seen eating nuts, it can mean you want to have good things in your life and be happy.


Eating oatmeal in your dream can mean that you are grounded and that you are following your destiny.


Eating oats in your dream can mean you want simple things in your life.


Eating olives in your dream can mean that you are needing healed and that you want to be peaceful or you have problems overcoming conflict.


Eating an omelet in your dream can mean that you want to go in a good direction in your life each day.


Eating an onion in your dream can mean that you need to figure out what is underneath all of your layers and find out who you really are but if the onion makes you cry then it can mean that you are fake.

Orange Juice

Dreaming of drinking orange juice can mean you have good health or that you need to socialize more and stop being so shy.


Dreaming of oranges in your dream means you are healthy and strong.


If you dream of seeing oysters it can mean you want to have sex, or it can mean that you see life as a beautiful thing. It can also mean you are closing off yourself and refusing to experience things life gives you.


Making pasta in your life can mean that you need to get in better shape so that you can have energy. If you see Penne pasta, it can mean you have a narrow mind and you don’t listen to others but if you see elbow shaped pasta it can mean that you are needing to focus more on yourself. Corkscrew pasta can mean you are out of control.


A peach in your dream can mean you love to be happy and that you are happy with small things in life. This can also mean that things are going great in your life or that you are very sensitive.


Seeing pepper in your dream means that you need to be happier in life and stop letting things get you down. You need to learn to find our happiness and stop dealing with some past problems that are holding you back.


A pickle in your dream means that you are dealing with a hard situation and you are hiding things that you need to work on.


A pig in your dream can mean that you are selfish and that you spend too much money or if you think pigs are cute it can mean that you are not accepting things how they really are and you need to figure out your life and your relationships.

Seeing a big pig can mean that you are making changes in your life and you are not letting negative things get you down.


A pineapple in your dream means that you are confident in yourself and that you love to help other people and take care of them.


Eating pizza in a dream can mean that you have different choices and you like good things in your life. It can also mean a circle or going around and around.


Dreaming of a pomegranate can mean you are healthy, and you will live a long life.


If you dream of eating popcorn it can mean you want to grow and move forward in your journey. It can also mean you are truthful, and you want to move forward in your life, and you see your real potential.


Pork in your dream can mean that life is normal, and you have a normal routine. This can also mean you spend too much money when you shop.


A potato in your dream can mean you love the earth or that you are lazy.

Mashed potatoes can mean that you are better and dealing with your financial issues easily.

Potato Chip

Potato chips in your dream can mean you are indulging in things that you should not indulge in.


A pretzel in your dream means that you are happy with your life and you are seeking to be rewarded when you do something or accomplish things.


Seeing prunes in your dream can mean you are growing, and you need to get rid of bad habits in your life because they hold you back.


Planting a radish in your dream can mean you will have abundance. This can also mean that you will be thoughtful to others or that you go out of your way to make people happy.


Raisins in your dream can mean you have negativity against you, and you do not know why.


Dreaming of eating a raspberry can mean you have someone that is precious to you in your life.


Seeing rice in your dream can mean that you are lucky and that you are happy, and you love your home. If you are cooking rice it can mean your life is full of joy.


Drinking rum in your dream can mean you are not taking things seriously and you are living life without thinking of the risks.


Dreaming of rye can mean that you are prosperous, and the future is looking bright.


Using saffron in your dream can mean that you are humble and kind.


Smelling sage in your dream can mean you are wise, and you make good decisions.


Tasting salt in your dream can mean you have found something new in life that you cannot wait to experience. This can also mean you want excitement in your life or that you are dedicated to those around you. This can also mean you are thinking about things in the path that are painful.

Dreaming of salting meat can mean you will live a long time, or you are preserving something or if you are throwing salt over your shoulder it can mean good luck.


If you eat a sandwich in your dream it can mean that you are stressed out and you are wanting to be calmer or you need to have a spiritual awakening.


Eating shrimp in your dream means you feel that you are not important to others.


Smelling spice in your dream means you need to look at things from a different point of view.


If you are eating steak in your dream it can mean that you are needing to trust your gut feeling and learn to go with it.


Eating a strawberry in your dream can mean you are happy and tempted easily.

Sugar Cane

Eating sugar cane can mean you are healthy and rich.


Dreaming so syrup means you are in a situation that is sticky, and you need to get out of it.


Dreaming of tea can mean that you are happy with your life and you are happy in your relationships. This can also mean you are calm, and you are respectful of others.

If you are reading tea leaves then it means you are superficial, and you need to get over yourself and unify with your family and show love.


Tomatoes in your dream can mean you are happy.


If you are eating a trifle it can mean you know that there are different things that make up life and you are needing to be happier so you can achieve more.


Eating turnips in your dream can mean you will overcome problems that you have faced, and you will be more compassionate and kinder to friends in the future.


Eating vegetables in your dream can mean you are seeking spiritual awakening or that you are lacking something in your diet such as a vitamin. It can also mean you are sad if the vegetable is withered.


Drinking vinegar in a dream can mean that you are sour about something or that you are in a relationship that has gone bad. It can also mean you are seeing the good even in bad things.


If you dream of eating wafers it can mean you need to understand who you are better.


Eating a waffle in your dream can mean you have different ideas and you want to share them with others or that you are not able to decide on something that you need to do.


Eating a walnut in your dream can mean you are able to do the things that are laid before you and you have high expectations.


Wheat Seeing wheat in your dream can mean that you are ready to see growth in your life.


Drinking whisky in your dream can mean that you are protective or that you are being selfish towards others.


Drinking wine in your dream can mean you want to celebrate but if the wine is red it can mean you are sensual or that you are indulging in things that are too much for you.


Eating a yam in your dream can mean you are a sensual type person.

Feelings Dream Themes

Feelings Dream Themes

Your feelings can play a huge role in your emotions and in what is going on in your life. Your dreams can help you to know what real feelings you have and not ones that you hide or keep suppressed. Dreaming about your feelings can help you express what you are feeling such as happiness, depression, guilt or even why you feel the need to defend yourself.


When you dream that you abhor someone in your dream, you are hiding feelings of resentment that you have for them, and if someone abhors you in your dream it can mean that you are forcing your ideas on other people.


If you dream that you are afraid it can mean that you are doubting what you are feeling or that you feel that your life is totally out of control. This can also mean you are angry, and you are hiding these feelings because you don’t want other people to know how you are feeling. This can also mean that you are not sure why you are always angry, but you always feel that you are.


Dreaming that you are aggressive means that you have sexual needs.


If you dream you are amorous it can mean you are facing temptations or that you are doing things that will get you in trouble. If you dream others are amorous it can mean you are being persuaded by people and you are about to get rid of your own morality.

If you see amorous animals, it can mean you have animalistic desires.


If you dream you are angry then you are frustrated about something or if you are expressing anger it can mean that you are needing to let your emotions out.


If you feel animosity when you dream it can mean you need to rethink your moral life.


Being annoyed in your dream can mean that you are fighting with someone or dealing with someone in your life that is against you.


Feeling anxiety in your dream can mean you are repressing your thoughts and you are hostile.


When you dream of being betrayed it can mean that you are non-trusting of someone that you are in a relationship with or that you are insecure.


When you dream that you are compassionate then you might be lacking that quality.


If you are confused in your dream it can mean that you are isolated and confused.


Being delighted in your dream means you have a good thing coming to you.


If you feel depressed in your dream you are not able to connect with others or see what is causing your problems.


Dreaming of despair can mean you have hardships that you have to face.


When you dream of devotion it can mean you will not be deceived by things.


Dreaming that you are disappointed can mean that you are repressing things in life that have happened over time.


If you dream of being ignored it can mean that you are feeling that you have no self-worth.


Being in distress in your dream means that you are worried and that you want things to be better in your life.


If you dream you are embarrassed it can mean that you are weak and that you have no self-confidence.


If you are emotionless in your dream sit can mean that you are neglecting who you are.


Dreaming that you are expressing your emotions can mean that you need to let your feelings out safely.


To dream you are envious can mean that you have bad feelings that you are not facing.


If you dream of being afraid it can mean you are not being successful or that you are resisting change.


If you are frustrated in a dream it can mean that you are coping with things in your life and life is not going how you expected it to.


If you feel guilty in your dream it means you are having a hard time dealing with your failures in life and you do not think you are worthy of being successful. It can also mean you have negative feelings about life.


If you are happy in your dream it can mean that you are trying to make up for sadness that you have in your life.


If you are hungry in your dream it can mean that you are not fulfilled in your life. It can also mean that you want to be recognized or that you are wanting to achieve something that you have desired to do for a long time.


Dreaming that you are jealous can mean that you are having strong feelings.


Dreaming that you are happy can mean you have good relationships.


If you are being lazy in your dream it can mean that you are feeling emotional or that you are needing to take a break from the everyday things that you do in life.

If other people are lazy in your dream it can mean that you feel that you are always doing what they are supposed to do, and they are not pulling their weight.


Dreaming of love can mean that you have love and want to stay committed to the person that is in your life or it can also mean that you are not getting enough love in your life and you wish someone would love and care for you.

If you say the words “I love you” in your dream it can mean that you want to give love to someone or that you are able not to accept that someone loves you or it can mean that you are giving yourself to others more than you are making them give to you.

If you are in love with your friend, it can mean that you are developing feelings for them or that you have accepted your own identity and you are ready to face new challenges.

Dreaming that you are making love can mean that you have a sexual need that is not being met or you are hiding what you are feeling, and you need to be more expressive. To dream your love is lost can mean that you are wanting romance and you are wanting your relationship to be stronger.

If you are being told that no one ever has loved you, it can mean you have no self-esteem or you are guilty of something you have done or forbidden love can mean you are reaching for something you want but you have to fight hard for it.


If you have malice towards others in your dream it can mean that you are not feeling good about someone in your life.


To dream that you are melancholy can mean you are disappointed and you feel that you can never win when you try to do things in your life or it can mean that you are not able to connect with others.


If you are merry in your dream it can mean that you are trying to hide your sadness and the stress you feel in your life.


If you dream someone is morose it can mean that you are seeing the world in a good way.



If you get nauseas in our dream it can mean that you are trying to get out of a problem that you are facing.


If you feel numb, it can mean you are being fearful, and you need to take more chances.


If you experience pain in your dream it can mean that you are out of control of your life and that you need to understand your own health.


Dreaming of panicking can mean that you have no control in your life and you feel that a situation you are in has no hope.


Being paranoid in your dream can mean that you do not want to embrace a relationship or friendship that you have because you are suspicious of who they really are and you do not trust them.


If you have peace in your dream it can mean that you do not have inner conflicts and that you need to be calm and you need to deal with things before, they come.


If you are prideful it can mean you need to stand up for who you are more, and you need people to support you.


Dreaming of having rage means you are angry, and you will have angry outbursts and you need to learn to express yourself better.


When you dream you are rejecting something it can mean that you have things going on in your life that you want to get rid of and that things are being forced on you.

If you dream you are being rejected it can mean you feel that you are not worthy and that you feel that people take advantage of you easily. It can also mean that you are not able to say no to people and you need to work on that better.


Feeling sad in your dream can mean that you are disappointed about where your life has gone but if you see someone else is sad it can mean that you are hiding your feelings and not facing them.


If you feel that you are suffocating in your dream it can mean that you have a problem that is holding you back from reaching your goals.


If you are being tempted in your dream it can mean you are wanting to reach your goals and you are deciding what to do next.


Dreaming of being in terror can mean you are fearful about something happening in your life.


Dreaming you are tipsy can mean you are letting things in your life make you out of control and you are not doing what you should be doing.


If you feel warmth in your dream it can mean you are happy with your life.


To dream about someone yearning for you can mean that you will be proposed to for a date or for marriage.

But dreaming of yearning for someone means you will find love and joy.

Colors Dream Themes

Colors Dream Themes

Colors are very personal, and you need to consider how you feel about a color when you dream about it. Colors can remind you of your past, your childhood friend or someone in your life. Colors can even remind you of something that is going on in your life. If you dream about colors, it can represent emotions that you are feeling. Pay attention to the colors you see in your dreams.


Dreaming that something is beige can mean that you have no opinion in something, and you are not biased.


If you dream something is black it can mean, there is danger or there is something that is mysterious that is coming towards you. This can also mean you need to look into your heart so that you can really find out more about who you are or that you do not have anyone that loves or supports you. Black can also mean you are starting new and fresh or that you are awakened to new possibilities.

Seeing something in blackness or darkness can mean joy or if you dream of black and white it can mean you are objective to making decisions and you need to learn to balance the views that you have and the opinions of others that you listen to. This can also mean you lack excitement in your life.


Dreaming of the color blue can mean you are wise, and you are loyal to others. This can mean you want to get away or that you want to know more about your future.

Seeing blue can give you a clear mind or it can mean you want to have a spiritual awakening. The color blue can also mean sadness but if you are wearing blue it can mean you are creative.


Brown in your dream can mean you are comfortable or that you love material things. This can also mean you are connected with the earth, and you want to figure out where you came from.


Burgundy in a dream can mean that you are wealthy and successful and that you are powerful in what you do.


Dreaming of the color fawn can mean you are kindhearted and good to others.


If you see the color fuchsia in your dream it can mean you are welcoming to people and that you are willing to change in your life. This can also mean you are stable in your emotions and your life.


Gold in our dream can mean you want to be rewarded either in your physical body or your spirit. This can also mean you are determined to get things done.


The color gray in your dream can mean you have a problem in your health or that you are feeling depressed or distant from people you love. This can also mean you are an individual and you do your own thing.


The color green in a dream can mean that you are fertile or that you are at peace. This can also mean that you should go ahead with something that you want to do but you were questioning it.

Dreaming of being green can mean you love the earth, and you want to see it better. This can also mean you want to be independent, and you want to be noticed for things that you do, or it can mean you want money, or you are jealous over something someone has or someone in your life.

Seeing dark green can mean that you are deceiving or cheating someone or that it is being done to you or it can mean you are masculine or feminine.

Hot Pink

Seeing hot pink in your dream can mean you are full of lust.


Indigo in a dream can mean you are protective of others, or you are deceiving someone.


Seeing ivory in a dream can mean that you are feeling like you are better than other people and you need to back off. This can also mean you are pure.


Magenta in a dream can mean you are kind and loving and you can make it when times are hard.


The color maroon in a dream can mean you are full of courage, and you are strong.


Dreaming of mauve in your dream can mean you need to think things through and try to be more positive.

Navy Blue

The color navy blue in a dream can mean that you are not a follower, and you are an individual.

Olive Green

Olive green in your dream can mean you are wise and that you are spiritual strong. It can also mean you have peace.


Dreaming of the color orange can mean you are giving, and you love to be sociable. This can also mean you have your senses working well and you feel strong and alive. Orange can also mean you want to travel on a journey.


Seeing the color peach in your dream can mean you are wise and that you love nature. This can also mean things are going good in your life.


Pink in your dream can mean you are kind, and you are loving. This can also mean that you are in love with someone but that you are acting immature and you are only thinking about yourself.


Dreaming of the color purple can mean you are healed and that you are loving and kind or that you believe you are royalty.


Red in a dream can mean you are full of energy or that you have strong passions and courage. This can also mean you are connected to your spiritual being. Red can mean that you feel tired as well so pay attention to your body.

Dreaming of red can also mean you are in some kind of dangerous situation, and you need to think through your next move.


Dreaming of silver can mean you are protected.


The color teal in a dream can mean that you are healing and that you are growing in your spirituality.


Turquoise in a dream can mean karma or it can mean strong masculinity. Feeling bad about the color turquoise can mean that you allow your emotions to control you and you are afraid of things such as changing.


Dreaming of violet can mean you are spiritual, and you are at peace in your life.


White in a dream can mean you are innocent or that you want to start something new. This color can also mean that you will look at people with a fresh start, so you are very forgiving. This can also mean that you want to color things up or that you are grieving over a loss.


The color yellow can mean that you are kind and fun to get along with. It can also mean you are happy and in unity with others. On the other hand, this color can mean that you are hard to get along with, that you are not loyal and that you are sick.

This can also mean you are afraid of things, but you always want to please other, so you do things that cause you not to be able to move forward. If you dream of a yellow room, it can mean you need to pay more attention to what your mind is trying to tell you.

Disaster Dream Themes

Disaster Dream Themes

Being afraid of things is something we all face sometimes. When you have fears that you have not faced, chances are you might have dreams about disasters. These are dreams that can sometimes come when we feel stressed or worried in our lives.

  • Accident

Dreaming of an accident can mean you are guilty about something, and you are punishing yourself or you are not proud of something that you did. It can also mean that you have made a mistake and that you are afraid of it and nervous about people finding out.

When you dream of an accident it can also be a warning not to go somewhere or that you need to slow down so that you do not get into some kind of disaster. If you dream someone you love is in an accident it can mean that your relationship with that person is dead or that you are being reckless with people in your life.

  • Apocalypse

Dreaming of an apocalypse can mean that you are waiting for something dramatic to happen.

  • Arson

Dreaming of an arson can mean that you have anger, and you are being destructive.

  • Danger

Dreaming of danger can mean that you are cautious of something that is about to happen.

  • Destruction

Dreaming about destruction can mean you have chaos in your life.

  • Disaster

Dreaming of disaster means that you have fears and anxiety about changing and you are worried what the future holds.

  • Drowning

If you dream you are drowning it can mean that you are covered in emotions that you have suppressed and that they are scaring, you or causing you to be more cautious than normal. It can also mean that you have a rebirth in your emotions or that you are needing to face a hard relationship.

Dreaming that someone else is drowning in your dream can mean that you are in a situation that you cannot control, and you do not even know who you are at this time. It can also mean that you are not accepting others help and that you are vulnerable or that you are letting fear decide what you are going to do.

  • Earthquake

If you dream of an earthquake, it can mean that things are not stable in your life or that you will be able to overcome challenges that you face.

  • Fire

Dreaming of fire can mean that you are going to see destruction, or it can mean passion., It can also mean your life is going to change and transform and that you are going to bond with someone special in your life.

If you get burned by a fire it can mean that you are letting your anger, get out of control or if the house is on fire, it can mean that you are transforming into something else and you are going to see change.

If you put the fire out it can mean that you are working through hard things in your life and you want to see yourself expressed more or it can mean that you overreact.

If you are invisible in the fire, it can mean that you are being cleaned and restored.

Seeing a bird near the fire can mean that you are overtaken by your passions or if you dream of fire and water together it a mean that you are conflicted in your emotions.

  • Flood

If a flood happens in your dream, it can mean you have desires and that you have emotions that are raging in your life, and you need to stop being stressed all the time. It can also mean you have strong opinions or that you need a new start.

If you see a small flood, it can mean that your worries are being swept away but if your house floods it can mean you are overwhelmed with strong emotions and you are not comfortable with who you are.

  • Hurricane

Hurricanes in your dream can mean that you are about to see changes come and that things can be destructive to your emotions.

If a hurricane sweeps you up it can mean you are emotional, and you have feelings inside that are consuming you. It can also mean that you are pressured to do things that you do not want to do.

  • Oil Spill

Dreaming of an oil spill can mean you want to see things run smoothly and you want to find love in your life. If you see baby oil it can mean that you are wanting to let loose in life and have more happy and fun times. Using massaging oil can mean that you want people to see your sensitive side.

  • Outbreak

If you see an outbreak in your dream it means you are being negative and resentful.

  • Post-Apocalypse

Dreaming of the post-apocalypse can show you that you have had hard times and now you are doing better in your life. This can also mean you need to take better care of yourself and not worry so much about what others say.

  • Sinkhole

Dreaming of a sinkhole can show you that you are emotional in your relationships. This can show that you feel that you are shaky or that life is not stable for you.

  • Tornado

Dreaming of a tornado can mean that you have strong emotions or anger that is about to be released. If you are in a tornado in your dream, it can mean you feel that your feelings are out of control, and you have hard times that are coming that will make you stronger.

If you see several tornadoes in your dream, it can mean you are having mood swings you need to keep up with.

  • Tsunami

A tsunami in your dream can mean you are overwhelmed by things you have done in your life, and you are not happy.

  • Typhoon

Seeing a typhoon in your dream can mean you have changes in your life or that you are experiencing strong emotions. This can also mean that you have strong mental situations that are inside of you, and you need to confront your emotions before it is too late.

  • Whirlwind

A whirlwind in your dream can mean you have chaos in your life, and you are being pulled in different directions and you need to make a decision.

  • Wildfire

Dreaming of a wildfire means that you are wanting to change your life and stop facing hard times. This can also mean your life is out of control or you are angry.

Death Dream Themes

Death Dream Themes

Dreams can help you realize certain behaviors or habits, but they can also deal with things that people experience in their life or how they really feel. Death symbols can mean something that dies or needs to be taken out of your life such as a bad habit or other things.


Dreaming of bereavement means that you are keeping your sadness in, or something is bothering you more than you expected it to. This can be something that you dream about because you are coping with hard things that you are dealing with in your life.


If you dream something is black it can mean, there is danger or there is something that is mysterious that is coming towards you. This can also mean you need to look into your heart so that you can really find out more about who you are or that you do not have anyone that loves or supports you. Black can also mean you are starting new and fresh or that you are awakened to new possibilities.

Seeing something in blackness or darkness can mean joy or if you dream of black and white it can mean you are objective to making decisions and you need to learn to balance the views that you have and the opinions of others that you listen to. This can also mean you lack excitement in your life.


When you dream that you are buried, it means that you are getting rid of bad habits, and you are getting rid of negative things in your life.

If you dream you are being buried alive it can mean that you are emotionally stressed or that you are stressed with life. It can also mean that your ideas are stifled, and you feel that there is no hope for you.


When you dream about a casket it can mean that you are fearful of death. An empty casket can mean bitterness, or it can represent a habit that you are burying. If you see a body in the casket, it can mean you are depressed or in a bad relationship.


If you dream of a coffin, it can mean that you are getting rid of old habits or that you are no longer innocent. It can mean depression or lacking freedom.


Seeing a dead person in your dream can mean you are hanging around the wrong people or that you have loss of material things.

If you dream of someone that has been dead for a long time it can mean you need to end the relationship that you are in or if you talk to your dead parents in your dream, you are doing this so that you can cope with their loss and keep them alive to you.

Take this time to say goodbye to them. If you see a dead sibling, it can mean you miss them, and you are trying to find peace. If you dream of a dead child, it can mean you miss them, and you are trying to keep them alive.


Dreaming of death of a loved one can mean that you want to remember them, and you love them. It can also mean your relationship is lacking. If you dream of your parents who have died it can mean that you need to keep them close to you or if they are alive, it can mean you need to have a better relationship with them.

If you dream of faking your death it can mean you want a new start in life or if you have a near death experience it can mean you are about to relapse. When you dream you die it can mean you need change in your life or if you dream about someone passing away it can mean that you miss someone, and you want to see them or say goodbye to them.

Dreaming that you die can also represent pain and depression or it can mean that you have lost feelings for others. If you smell death in your dream, it can mean that you have been referring to something in your life that has been dead a long time and you need to move on away from it.


If you dream of giving a eulogy it can mean you have thoughts that you need to verbalize or that you are learning to express your feelings.


Seeing an execution in your dream can mean someone is trying to remove you from their life or if you dream of your own execution, it can mean you have guilt.


A funeral can mean that you are hiding your feeling and that you need to understand yourself more or confront a situation that you are having.

Dreaming you are at someone’s funeral can mean that you are getting over the past and that you need to live your life and separate yourself from others. This can also mean that you need to be independent.

Dreaming someone that you don’t know died can mean that you need to let go of something that you have been holding on to.


A grave can mean that you are figuring out what kind of issues that you have, and you are putting them to rest, or it can mean that you are completing things in your life or leaving things behind that are holding you back.

A grave in your dream can also mean you are sad or in a bad situation or you are nervous or that something is hidden in your family that you are not being told.


A graveyard in a dream can mean that you are mourning for a time.

Grim Reaper

The Grim Reaper can symbolize that you are repressed or that you have a dream that you need to reach for.

If you dream your friend is the Grim Reaper, it can mean that you are wanting someone to change or that you do not know them anymore because of the changes they have made.


If you dream you are killing someone it can mean you are angry and will lose your self-control or it can mean you are hiding anger and you don’t realize it. If something you have done has been killed it can symbolize that you are not going the right direction in life or you need to end something in yourself.

Killing can mean that you are getting rid of old habits, or you are feeling disappointed.


To be a killer in your dream means that you are emotionally cut off from someone and you feel that you need to have time to heal.


Dreaming of being at the morgue can mean you have news that is bad that is about to come to you or that you need to put the past behind you and move on so you can be happy.

Mortuary Dreaming of a mortuary can mean that you are not allowing yourself to grow, and you are ignoring your own talents.


Dreaming of mourning can mean that you will not move forward from your past or let it go but it can also mean bad luck.


If you have murdered someone in your dream it can mean that you are ending a bad habit that was bad for you or that you have stopped being addicted to someone. This can also mean you are hiding your aggression towards others, and you have anger to yourself and to people around you.

This kind of dream can happen when people are depressed but if you see a murder, it can mean that you have anger towards someone. If you are murdered though, it can mean that you are in a relationship that has ended, and you feel strong emotions because of it, or it can mean you have talents that you have kept hidden.


Being sympathetic in your dream can mean that people are not being sympathetic to you in your real life or that you are being cold to those around you. This can also mean people do not understand you and you are not able to understand them either.


Crying in your dream can mean you have something in your life that needs healing or that you are compassionate to others. This can also mean you are emotional or that you are in some kind of pain.

If someone else is crying it can mean you need to see how you are acting is affecting others but if you see a teardrop, it can mean that you learned something hard in your life, but it is helping you.


Dreaming of a tomb can mean you have things that you have hidden, and you want to keep them there but if you see your own tomb, it can mean that you have things in your life that you thought were dead and they are coming back.

Dreaming that you are trapped in a tomb can mean you are being haunted by your past and you need to move on, so you are not stuck.


A tombstone in your dream can mean you have major changes coming in your life.


The undead in your dream can mean you are fearful of things inside of yourself and you are refusing to accept the negative behaviors that you have. If something undead is chasing, you it can mean that you have people in your life that you thought were good, but they are against you.

This can also mean you have things that you are not facing or that you are not able to express your feelings or that you feel that people are not for you in your life, and you are not confronting it. This can also mean that things that you thought were behind you are coming back. Dreaming that you are undead can mean you are not able to express who you are or that you have picked back up a bad habit.


Seeing an undertaker in your dream can mean you need to worry about your life, and you need to take time to be in charge of what is going on or it can mean you are starting something new.


Dreaming of making a will can mean you are looking into the future, and you are making plans so that you can enter into a new stage in your life. This can also mean that you make a final decision on something, and you are not going to change your mind. This kind of dream can mean you are dealing with a person who is named Will.

Dreaming of getting a will left for you can mean that you want to learn from your descendants but if you are reading the will, it can mean you are working hard, and things are good for you.