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Common Dreams about Crushes

Common Dreams about Crushes

Maybe you have dreams that reoccur and maybe you find out that they are fantasy dreams of your crush or maybe you have dreams when you are older and you find in your dream that you are happy with who you are with. What do these dreams mean?

Dreaming of your crush can often mean that you want to be with them or that you feel that they are the perfect person. You might even dream things so that you can fight disappointment.

There are different kinds of crush dreams and some of them are cute, while other ones are about trying to get with them. At the same time, many of your crush dreams can be based on your disappointment or your low self-esteem.

Current Crush

Dreaming about your true-life crush can mean that you are wanting to be with that person. You think about them all the time and therefore, you are dreaming about them too.

Dreaming about your crush can mean that you are wanting to be with someone that you feel is too good for you. Maybe in your dream you are feeling ugly and unworthy while in other ones maybe you feel that you are jealous of their peers.

Spending too much time looking at something you want and not enough getting what you want can cause you to miss out. Do what you want and get who you want.


If you have a dream of your crush dying, it can mean that your feelings for this person are getting less and less. The dream might be warning you to move on in your life, so you won’t be disappointed.

Old Crush

Dreaming of an old crush can mean that you are about to have something good happen to you such as a new job opportunity or something that makes you feel happy or lucky. But, if the dream is a negative dream such as hating them, it can mean you are afraid of going after your goal.

Maybe when you dream about your old crush, it can mean that they share similar personality qualities that you see in your partner now.

Dreaming Someone Has a Crush on You

When you dream someone has a crush on you, it can mean that you are feeling good about who you are, and you want some more excitement in your life.

If you dream someone likes you and you do not have the same feelings for them, it can mean you see an opportunity with someone, but you do not feel good about them.

Dreaming About Them Often

Dreaming about your crush all the time can mean that you are thinking about them all day long and that you want to share your real feelings with them. Your subconscious mind might just be telling you to share your feelings with this person.


This dream is one of the worst dreams that you can have. This can mean that you are insecure about who you are and that you feel like you are unworthy.

They Like You Back

The dream of having your crush liking you back is a dream that you desire to have. This can mean that you are confident in your life and that you feel that you deserve someone to love you.

This dream can also mean that you should tell that person how you feel about them.

Celebrity Crush

Dreaming about a celebrity crush that you have can mean that you wish that you could meet someone that is like the person in the movie or the show. This means that you want to set goals to have a better life and to meet someone with great qualities.

Liking a Stranger

Having feelings for a stranger in your dream can mean that you have unexpected things about to happen to you.

Dream of A Different Gender Than You Normally Like

If you are a girl and you have a crush on a girl, it can mean that you want to have a union with your own self. This can mean a symbolic thing and that you want to accept yourself.

This can show that you have compassion and it can show that you are not comfortable with homosexuality and that you have fears and anxieties when it comes to sex.

Having a dream that you are crushing on the same sex does not mean that you are gay.

Someone You Don’t Like

Dreaming that you have a crush on someone that you do not like in real life can mean that you are wanting something that you cannot get. This means that you feel that you are not good enough and so you want to get rid of the things in your life that you do not like.

This can also mean that you want to get revenge on someone or that you are embarrassed about your life.

Characteristics of Dreams


Dreams are amazing and they have been researched for thousands of years. Dreams are a huge study and according to some research, there are five different characteristics of dreams. Sometimes, people believe that dream happens because the brain is trying to make sense of its activity when it sleeps.


One characteristic of dreams is that they can be strong and full of emotions. Sometimes the dreams can be hurtful and other times they can be full of love. Maybe you will be chased in your dream or attacked and maybe you are shy because you are doing something wild such as running around without clothing on.

Emotions can be very strong in your dream and sometimes when this happens, it can cause the dreamer to wake up out of a deep sleep.

Some of the biggest emotions that are seen in a dream are surprise, stress, and fear.


Another characteristic of dreaming is that the dreams are often not consistent with things in life. Sometimes the dream is wild and makes zero sense to the dreamer. There are no real laws of nature when you dream, and things can happen that are shocking.

Some of the illogical ideas of dream are that people can fly, go from place to place or teleport, get shot and die but come back to life, talk to objects or animals and change from one dream place to another.


No matter how strange a dream is, people accept these dreams and just take them for what they are. These dreams can give different emotions and make you see things from a different point of view.

When you dream, even when things are strange and illogical, the dream is not really seen as weird or different, it is just seen as a dream. Sometimes this is hard to explain.


One dream experience that many people talk about is the feelings that they feel when they dream. Not only can people feel strange sensations such as not being able to move or falling, but they are also often unable to control their body and so if something is coming after them, they cannot run.

Hard to Remember

Some dreams are hard to remember. When people wake up and want to remember their dreams, it is important that they write their dreams down in a journal or on paper. Most people, and even up to 95% of the dream that you are dreaming will not even be remembered. Some people never even realize that they have dreamed anything while sleeping.

Understanding Dreams

People might understand and be aware of the characteristics of dreams because we all have experienced different kinds of dream in our lives.

The interesting thing about dreams is that they are normal and even when they are wild or illogical, this is something that is probably familiar to you and can be explained by things you have been through in your waking life.

Why Empaths Fall in Love

Empaths Fall in Love

Have you ever fallen in love with potential and you know that you can have your heart broken and can have a hard time moving forward?

Here are some things that can help you to know that you are worthy and help to heal you:

  • Shame

Never feel shame for being in a relationship because you were waiting for there to be change. There is nothing to be ashamed about because when you see good in another person, this is something you want to celebrate. You might should have walked away earlier but when you saw hope and love, you just chose to stay. You never have to be ashamed of fighting for someone.

  • Unhealthy

When you are empathetic to people and you give yourself to others, you will attract many people to yourselves. This makes you feel magnetic because you are always wanting to fix people. You have hope and you know that you can take hope with you but sometimes this can be a red flag. This can make you have unrealistic expectations in your relationship.

If you are looking at your relationship and find out that it is very difficult, you have to know what is real and what is not a real reality.

  • Who You Are?

When you are an empath, you are fast to ignore certain behaviors because you know that no one is perfect. You have to learn to hold people accountable and if you do not, there will be red flags in your relationship. You will see these red flags in different ways and the way you deal with people. People cannot hide who they are, and you will know this if you pay attention.

  • Fixing People

Many empaths feel that they can love someone so much that it fixes others. They will try to transfer their feelings to them and be responsible for them, helping them to grow.

Some people do not want to grow and be better and so they will take up your time. They have to learn to transform who they are in the inside before they can work on the outside. Working towards their potential is hard.

Empaths sometimes fall for people who they think will change and this can become a toxic relationship.

  • Letting Go

It is hard to let go of hope when you have so much of it. You will see that there are times that you have put others on a pedestal, and you are trying to balance their personality with the feelings that they will change.

You feel determined to love them more and to try to change them. You do not want to let go of your security and if you are always laying your love down, it can be hard for you to move forward and be happy.

Change is something that is hard, and it is hard to see when someone does not change. Giving up is not something an empath is used to but when you give them all the help they need and they do not change, you need to realize they are not about that.

  • Clear Thinking

If you have the idea of letting go, give yourself time to see things in reality. Ask yourself if you should stop putting some much effort into that person and if you did, what would happen.

You might find that the answer is that you are fighting for someone and they do not really care enough about you to change or to better themselves. You have to see that some people are not worth the time that you are giving them, and you deserve more in life and love.

  • Attachment

You can see a good person but that does not mean that they are going the be the person for you. Being attached to a relationship can be toxic for you and you need to stop allowing them to be dependent on you.

You have to stop giving your energy to someone that is not giving the same back to you. See things in reality and see that they are never going to give you what you need. Attachment and love are not the same thing.

  • Person for Life

The person that you meet is going to be with you for a long time and so you need to know if you want that person if they never change. If there was no potential to change are you going to be happy and want to stay?

If you really reflect on the answer, chances are the answer would be no because it brings disappointment in your life. You cannot imagine always being exhausted in your heart and you deserve more.

  • Goodness

When you have space in your heart for people that are not filling this space, block them. You spend too much of your time begging someone for attention then you need to step away. Stop nurturing them and do not miss out on what the world has for you because you are distracted with someone that is undeserving.

Open your heart and see that you have a lot of potential elsewhere.

  • Worthy

If someone is not giving you what you need, you deserve better. No one should make you feel insecure and you should not always be giving your heart to someone that is not going to change and be with you the way you need them to be. You deserve to be happy and to have someone to be what you see in them.

You deserve to know that someone you are with is honest and caring and that they love you the way that you love them. Even if you don’t believe in them, they are out there, and you are worthy to find real love.

Decoding Dreams about Your Ex

Decoding Dreams about Your Ex

Some people can remember their dreams from every night, yet others can remember when they first awake and have to write them down if they are to be remembered. Regardless of how you happen to remember your dreams, some are a bit shocking. Whether you dream that all your teeth fall out or show up naked at work, it can be a bit disconcerting. The great news is, the weird dreams are completely normal, as are dreams about the dreaded ex.

When we dream it is the brain, the psyche, processing information on multiple levels. Sometimes it is simply filling in the blanks, so to speak, but other times it is working through things on a symbolic level for which the other person is just a representative of an issue, not the actual person. This means that dreaming about your ex does not necessarily mean you are craving time with them.

However, it can mean that there is an underlying issue, sometimes with them sometimes with someone else, that does need addressed. If you need or are trying to decode a dream in which your ex was a feature, there are several common ones and the meaning shared below.

  • Sex with an Ex

A sex dream about your ex, especially if you are with someone new, is awkward and probably had you waking up in a cold sweat totally discombobulated. There are some easy explanations for this, like you just blocked them on social media, or it could be that there are unresolved issues that you need to address but had previously been ignored.

  • Fighting with an Ex

Considering the person in your dream is an ex, it is likely you did not leave things on great terms. There was likely at least one, but probably many, fights so fighting in a dream can be a subconscious way to resolve those fights that never really were. You are likely still angry over something that was left unresolved.

  • The Cheating Ex

Some exes are exes because of cheating, but when you see it in a dream it is almost harder to accept. This type of dream is the psyche’s way of processing betrayal, even if it was not cheating. You still feel betrayed, and this is coming out in the dream.

  • Getting Back Together

This dream is not a sign you should run back and beg for another chance, it is just a sign you do miss them a bit. It may not even be them you miss, but their family or even a pet. It could also mean that you are trying to reconnect with some part of yourself that is important.

  • You Miss Them

Whether you actually miss them awake or just in your dreams, this is a way to process something that has come to an end. You may be experiencing a slight loss of identity that was tied to the relationship.

  • They Miss You

If your dream has your ex really missing you, it can mean that you desire to be missed and wanted. You likely have affirmation as a love language, but do not focus on the actual person, you can seek to have that need fulfilled elsewhere.

  • Meeting Your Ex’s New S.O.

If your ex has found someone new it can be a hit to you in real life because you are being replaced. If they have not found someone, yet you dream they have and it is someone you knew when together, then this is a way to show your anxiety of what could have happened or will at one time. Your dream is preparing you for what may inevitably happen.

  • Ex Dies

The death of an ex in the dream does not necessarily mean you want them to die in real life, even if you said it in anger that one time. It actually indicates that you are ready to let your ex go and move on. If this seems wrong because you are still stalking them on Snapchat, it can mean that your sense of vulnerability to love and a new relationship has died inside of you.

  • Ex is Excessively Ill

If you are dreaming about your ex being extremely sick, possibly even on their deathbed, then you likely need more time to heal. There was likely a part of the relationship that needed nurtured and healed. Instead of overindulging in dating apps, delete them and take time to heal yourself before jumping back in with someone new.

This is all to say that your dreams are dreams, not exact reality, but related. Each dream is unique to both the situation and dreamer, but the above offers some reference to common dreams. Make sure each dream that almost shocks you awake, is taken as something to analyze, not assume it is reality. If you ex is really an ex, then it was just a weird dream.

What Are Psychic Dreams?

Psychic Dreams

Everybody has dreams and even if you have dreams, the question is if you can remember them or not.  Remember, the subconscious mind is where your dreams take place and with REM or Rapid Eye Movement, you will be in a phase of sleep where dreaming is the deepest level.

Studies show that your brain is very active when you are asleep, even more than when you are awake.  If you struggle with stress and worry, your thoughts will continue on these things even when you sleep.

Just because your brain is active while you are sleeping, it doesn’t mean that your dreams are all psychic dreams.  Sometimes your dreams are just part of your unconscious mind of places you have been or people that you have seen when you were awake.

But, if you have ever woken up and had a dream that was confusing or you felt that there was more to it, chances are that this was a psychic premonition or a psychic dream.

This dream would mean a lot more than just a regular dream of something that happened in your day.  Psychic dreams are dreams that give you information from your spirit guides or from the universe.  These dreams use other senses than your natural five senses.

These dreams allow you to get information and to connect deeper to the universe and the spirit world.  Psychic dreams are different, and they revolve around things that are external to you such as a person or a place.

A psychic dream is not new and many of them have been documented in all different places and cultures.  You can tell if your dream is a psychic dream or if it is just a normal dream.  There are different types of psychic dreams that you can learn about here.

Future Dreams

A dream about the future is called a precognitive dream.  This means you will know something before it happens.  This happens a lot on television and many people watch movies and believe that they can have dreams that tell about natural disasters or tragedies before they happen.  This can be a scary thing but most of the time a precognitive dream is not something that will be negative and will be positive about the future.

If you have ever seen the future in your dream such as solving a crime or seeing a natural disaster right before your eyes, then this does not mean that you are not dreaming of events that will happen in the future.  Sometimes, precognitive dreams happen, and you can be in a different place or a place you have never been before.  This can be a place you have never seen or experienced.

This dream might be like that and then the rest of the dream be normal.  Some dreams have big story lines, and some dreams are based on a certain location.  Some dreams are just about life events that will happen.

If you have ever dreamed about a friend or a member of your family that you have not seen in a while, this can be a precognitive dream.  Maybe they will call you the next day or you will run into them at the store.

This type of precognitive dream can show how connected your souls are.  Precognitive dreams can even be regular dreams.

You should keep a dream journal if you want to keep up with your dreams.  Writing down what you dream will help you to remember them and to see them clearly to see if they are precognitive or regular dreams.  You can check back as much as you want to see if your dreams have a deeper meaning.

By writing down your dreams, you can learn symbols and different patterns.  You can learn to understand the language of your dream and if the dreams repeat themselves, you will pay more attention to it because you have it written down.

Maybe your dreams are trying to get you to focus on something in the future like a career path or a relationship.

Telepathic Dreaming

When people dream telepathically, it means they are sharing information and talking to someone in their dream.  This can be a subconscious character in your dream, or you can be having a conversation with someone that is actually communicating with you.

You might have time to communicate with your angels or your spirit guides or a pet or a person in your family that has died.

Dreams can be impacting and when you have a telepathic dream with a visitation, it can help you to talk to your loved ones that have died.

Telepathic dreams can also be between two people that are alive.  These dreams happen when someone is reaching out and calling out to you or you are calling out to them without knowing it.

This is a place where the two souls are connected, and they are able to communicate with each other through dreams.

The person will call upon the other person and then the energies will be focused together.  This can only be done by certain people that are attuned to their conscious mind.  Sometimes, a person that is unconsciously dreaming might be able to connect to someone else in their dream without realizing it.

Telepathic dreams can be verified if you ask the other person in your dreams if they talked to you.

Clairvoyant Dreaming

Another type of psychic dream is the clairvoyant dream.  These dreams are very real, and they can be full of symbols and signs.

A dream that is clairvoyant can give guidance to the dreamer and can show things that will happen in the future.  If you have a vivid dream, it can happen even when you are awake.

The clairvoyant dreaming can be passive and is a natural way to use your psychic abilities.  If you think you are clairvoyant and you are having dreams, you will need to start a journal and write down your dreams so you can decipher what they are trying to tell you.

Your angels and spirit guides will give you dreams that have symbols and when you can learn what they mean, you can understand what your dream means and then you will be happier in life.

Some people have dreams about their past and this is part of the clairvoyant gift.  You can experience things that have happened to you in your past through dreams.

Psychic dreams can pinpoint things in your life and can be more than symbols but can also include themes and insight to what you are doing and where you are going in life.

Always pay attention to your dreams and be sure to write down each dream that you have.  If you have questions, talk to a psychic to help guide you.

Places Dream Themes

Places Dream Themes

Places in your dream can be significant because it can help you to see things that you have not seen before. These types of dreams can help you to work on hidden things inside of yourself that you might not be able to face otherwise.


If you see an airport in your dream it can mean birth or death. If the airport is busy it can mean you need more freedom and hope. It can also mean that your goals are put on hold for a while.


Dreaming you are in an alley means you have limited options on what you are doing, and you need to open your mind more and stop thinking that you only have one choice. It can also mean that you feel that you are missing out on opportunities.

Amusement Park

If you dream you are at an amusement park it means you need to relax and enjoy life and if you are at an abandoned amusement park it can mean you need to be more open to fun. Dreaming you are on a ride can mean that something is going as not expected or if it is closed it can mean you are denying yourself fun.


If you dream about an apartment it can mean you need better finances or that you are going in the right direction.


Dreaming that you are in an asylum can mean that you feel mental strain and that you want to help others or be noticed for being kind.


When you dream of a beach it can mean you are both rational and irrational and your mind is unsteady.


When you dream of a building it can mean that you are unhappy with your body. If you are seeing a high building it can mean you have a lot of understanding or if you see a low building it can mean you are confused about your sexuality.

When you see a building that is damaged it can mean you are in a bad relationship or if the building is breaking it can mean you are not able to reach your goals.

If you dream you are climbing a building it can mean that you are getting carried away in life.


Dreaming about a cafeteria can mean that things are eating on the inside of you.


Dreaming of a carnival means that you are in deception and you see freakish things.

A carnival ride can mean you like thrills and entertainment.


If you dream about a casino it can mean that you are a risk take.


If you dream about a castle it can mean you want to be recognized or are getting a reward.

If you dream you live in a castle it can mean you want to be protected and secure or if you have a castle door it can mean you missed an opportunity in life.


Dreaming of a cemetery can mean that you are anxious about something or you are having rebirth. You are ending habits. It can also mean sadness or that you are coming clean about your past life.


Dreaming of going to church can mean loving sacred things.


If you dream you live in the city, it can mean that you love to socialize and that you do not want to be alone.

City Hall

Dreaming of city call can mean you need support and power.


When you dream you are in class it means you are learning a life lesson.


When you dream that you are on a cliff it means you understand things better or that you are going through a hard time in your life.

Concentration Camp

If you dream of this it means you are afraid of things that are different.


Being in a corner means you are frustrated.


Walking on a corridor in your dream can mean transitioning.


If you dream of court it can mean you are struggling to stand up against people that say stuff against you.


Dreaming of this can mean that you are being judged.


This can represent that you have a decision to make.


This can mean that you are careful about what you do.


Dreaming of a desert means that you have loss or that someone is attacking your reputation.


If you see a desk in your dream it can mean that you are looking at your problems or that you have a confidence issue.


Dreaming of a dock can mean that you are being successful, and you are making it through hard times. It can also mean you have emotional problems.


If you dream that you are in a dungeon it can mean that you can make it through obstacles and even if you struggle you will become smarter each day.


If you dream of being in Europe it can mean that you need to express your feelings, or you are very creative.


When you dream of a farm it can mean you need to develop who you are and grow.


A festival in your dream can mean you want to celebrate and be happy or you are trying to escape something.


Seeing a field in your dream can mean you have happiness and freedom and if it is freshly plowed it can mean fortune and honor.

Fish Market

Going to a fish market can mean that you are happy or that you are hiding your unhappiness.


A forest in your dream can mean that you are going through changes or that you want to escape to a simpler life.

It can also mean that you are searching for something and that you do not want to deal with hardships. It can mean you are angry, and your anger is not being controlled well.


Dreaming of a garden can mean you work hard, and it will pay off for you or it can mean you have love and comfort.

If you see a weed infested garden it can mean you are not meeting your spiritual needs.


If you are in a gutter in your dream it means you are unhappy or if you find good things in the gutter it can mean that you are going to find things you least expected to find.


Dreaming of being in a gymnasium can mean you need to take what you have learned and put it into your life and do what you know.


Harboring things in your dream can mean that you have a relationship that is out of control and you have been neglecting people.


If you see heaven in your dream, then it can mean that you are looking for happiness or that you are wanting to increase your faith.


Hell can represent that you are suffering from something and that you are guilty of something. This can also mean that you are punishing yourself for something you have done.


A hospital in your dream can mean that you need to make sure you are healthy in your mind and your body and you need to stop letting others control your being.


A hotel can represent that you need to change your state of mind and do something that can get out of your old habits.


If you dream of an island it can mean that you are comfortable or that you need to have a vacation. If you dream of being stranded, it can mean that you need to confront an issue.


To dream you are in jail can mean you are restrained, or you are needing to feel free. It can also mean you are doing something wrong.


Dreaming of a jumble can mean that you see yourself and you are in unpredictable places in your life. If you are trapped in the jumble it can mean you have negative feelings.


Going to a lighthouse in your dream can mean you want to be guided and you are going through something hard at the moment.


Going to the mall in your dream can mean that you are needing to make choices in your life that will make you who you are and will give you a strong sense of identity.


If you see a mansion in your dream it can mean that you are growing and that you want to have stronger goals.


Being at a market in your dream can mean that you are not expressing your emotions or that you are depressed or sad about something.


If you see a marsh in your dream it can mean you have emotions that are strong and not very stable but if you see the marsh drained it can mean you are tired of what you are feeling.


Dreaming of a mausoleum can mean that life is peaceful for you.


Dreaming of walking in a meadow can mean that you need to have more security and appreciate your life.


Dreaming of a mine can mean you want to get to the bottom of an issue.


Dreaming of a mountain can mean that you are able to reach your goals and be a the top or it can mean you want to be more spiritual.

If you are climbing the mountain, it can mean you are very determined but if you fall of ff the mountain it can mean you are no longer being successful and you are not ready for change.

Going around a mountain can mean that you are not taking a head on approach to something that is important in your life.

Movie Theater

Seeing a movie in your dream can mean that you are letting life pass you by without doing what you really want to do.

If you are in the movie itself, it can mean that you are about to reveal something from your past that has held you back but now it is helping you move forward.

A blank movie can mean you are trying to get away from someone that you feel is a bad influence or if you are part of a movie scene it can mean that you are feeling connected to that movie and you want to recreate it in your real life.


If you dream of going to a museum, it can mean that you are willing to take a risk and you will gain from the things that you have done in your life.


Seeing an oasis means you need to take time off of work and relax for a little bit or it can mean that you are afraid of something.


Seeing an observatory can mean that you are wanting to have more goals and higher spirituality.


Watching the opera in your dream means that you are searching for better things in your life or that you are being overly dramatic.


Being at an orchard in your dream means you want to be more successful in your life.


Dreaming of being in a palace can mean that you are wealthy and that you have success in front of you if you reach for it.

If you are at the park in your dream it can mean that you need to meditate and figure out your spiritual being. It can also mean that you have conflict with someone or if you are lost at the park it can mean that you feel that you do not fit into society.

Dreaming that you are parking a car can mean that you are reaching your goals and you are happy in your life or if you parked in a non-parking zone it can mean you do not belong where you are trying to be.

Parking Meter

Seeing a parking meter in your dream can mean that you are being carefree but that this will end, and you will have to work hard.

Parking Structure

If you dream that you see a parking structure it can mean that your life is going around and around, and you are never getting anywhere. It can also mean that you are getting lost in your goals and being distracted so that you are not able to meet them.

Parking Lot

A parking lot in your dream can mean that you need to take time to relax and to have time to have fun. This can also mean you need to figure out what you want in your life and even if you are still on your journey, you need to figure out where you belong.


If you dream of going to a party, it can mean that you need to enjoy who you are, and you need to take time to love life. If you are at a party that was not fun, it can mean that you do not know what kind of skills that you have but if you are at your own party it can mean that you are afraid of what life is doing and where it is taking you.

When you plan a party in your dream it can mean that you are needing to let things go and you are stressed out about life or if you are dreaming that there is only one sex at a party it can mean that you are afraid that you do not fit in and you are trying to stand out and be someone better.

Post Office

Going to the post office in your dream can mean that you are in need of wisdom. This can also mean you need to learn to communicate with others or that you need to share your beliefs with people you meet.


If you go to prison in your dream it can mean you are not being creative, and you are limiting yourself and not speaking freely.


If you see a quagmire it can mean that you are not able to reach your goals.


To see a reservoir in your dream it can mean you have hidden your emotions and it is time to let them come out. This can also mean you are full of emotions and energies.


A restaurant in your dream can mean you feel that life has overwhelmed you or that you are needing someone to support you and show you care.


Seeing a school in your dream can mean you are stressed about something or stressed about deciding what to do but if you are in a school it can mean you want to be spiritually awakened or if you are looking for a school it can mean you are smart and you want to learn more.


If you are walking on a sidewalk it can mean you are ready to face your problems and solve them.


Seeing a store in your dream can mean you are wanting to share your ideas with others but if there are no customers, it can mean that you are alone in what you are thinking and you need to find a new idea.


Dreaming of being on the subway can mean you are reaching your goals and you are figuring out what talents you have that are just showing up.


Living in a swamp in your dream can mean you feel burdened and overly emotional.


Dreaming of being in a theater can mean that you are relating to the people in the movie and you want to change the way that you are. If you are laughing in the theater it can mean you are happy, and you are reaching your goals.

Dreaming that the theater is on fire means that you are taking on projects that may or may not work out well for you.


Seeing a tunnel in your dream can mean you are secure and if you’re going through a tunnel it can mean you are more aware of what is going on and you are not closed off to the issues that you have in your life.

If you see light at the tunnel’s end it can mean you are about to be successful after working hard.


If you are living underground in your dream it can mean you are wanting to explore more about yourself and know things from your past that you have not seen yet or it can mean you are stressed out about a situation happening in your life.


Dreaming of a valley can mean you are full of good things in your life or it can mean you are afraid of death. This kind of death can be change in your life or something that limits you.


Seeing a vineyard can mean you are experienced in life and you know that working hard will have its rewards.

Wine Cellar

A wine cellar in your dream can mean you are being positive, and your past has helped you to be that way.


Seeing wood in your dream can mean you have no emotions and you are not thinking things through or it can mean you are creative.


If you see a workshop it can mean you need to develop the skills, you have so you can do better.


Dreaming about being in the zoo means you feel that you have no freedom and you feel that you have talents that people ignore. This can also mean you feel trapped.

The zoo in your dream can also mean you are confused, and you need to solve your problems to move forward.

Wedding Dream Themes

Wedding Dream Themes

Dreaming about a wedding can mean there will be new beginnings in your life, or it can mean you have sorrow or fear about things in your life. This can also mean that you are about to have a wedding.


If you dream you are amorous it can mean you are facing temptations or that you are doing things that will get you in trouble. If you dream others are amorous it can mean you are being persuaded by people and you are about to get rid of your own morality.

If you see amorous animals, it can mean you have animalistic desires.


If you dream of an anniversary, it can mean that you appreciate yourself.


Dreaming that you’re getting an annulment can mean that you are in denial.

Arranged Marriage

If you dream of being in an arranged marriage it can mean you have to do things, you don’t want to do or that you are moving towards a new stage in your life. This can also mean that you feel that you have no voice.


When you dream of a bachelor you are looking for love and freedom.


If you dream of a bride, it can mean you want to form a union, or it can mean that you are not ready to commit to something.

If you dream that you are shot at your wedding it can mean that something is going to end or if you are single and dream that you are a bride, it can mean that you are feeling feminine and you are pure.


Dreaming that you see a bridegroom and you are a female means you want to be married.


When you dream of a bridesmaid it can mean you are about to get romantic with someone.


When you dream that you elope it can mean you are ready for something coming in your life.


To dream of an engagement can, mean that you want to be married or that you have needs in your relationship.

Engagement Ring

If you have an engagement ring in your dream it can mean you want to commit to someone.


Being at a formal can mean that you need to behave better or that you are being pretentious.


If you dream of a garter, it can mean you will have more sexual adventures.


Dreaming of a honeymoon can mean that you are afraid of your sex life, or you are afraid about a relationship and where it is going. You need to move forward.


If you have a husband in your dream can mean you have strong feelings for your husband, or it can mean that you are ready for a commitment. If your husband has no teeth, it can mean you are not being honest, or you do not have truth inside of you.

Dreaming that you are searching for a husband can mean that you are neglected, and you are disconnected in life.


Dreaming of your in-law can mean that you are seeing things form a different view or that you need to be careful and follow the rules.

Kiss If you get kissed in your dream it can mean you are affectionate or that you are loving. This can also mean romance or that you need to have more romance in your relationship.

If you kiss someone it can mean you are not sure how they feel about you, but you want to find out or it can mean that you want to have sex with them.

Dreaming that you are kissing a hand can mean that you are admiring them, or you want someone to admire you or if you kiss the foot, it can mean that you are humble.

Kissing a cheek can mean that you are full of lust but if you kiss another person’s boyfriend or girlfriend it can mean you are jealous of someone.

Dreaming of kissing our ex can mean you’re seeing good things and you have let go of your past love or kissing a friend can mean that you love and respect them and want to be close to them.

If you kiss a stranger in your dream, it can mean you are finding yourself or if you kiss a celebrity, it can mean you are interested in people that are famous. Kissing your enemy can mean you are angry, and you are wanting to get revenge. Dreaming of a bloody kiss can mean you are passionate.


Dreaming of love can mean that you have love and want to stay committed to the person that is in your life or it can also mean that you are not getting enough love in your life, and you wish someone would love and care for you.

If you say the words “I love, you” in your dream it can mean that you want to give love to someone or that you are able not to accept that someone loves you or it can mean that you are giving yourself to others more than you are making them give to you.

If you are in love with your friend, it can mean that you are developing feelings for them or that you have accepted your own identity and you are ready to face new challenges.

Dreaming that you are making love can mean that you have a sexual need that is not being met or you are hiding what you are feeling, and you need to be more expressive. To dream your love is lost can mean that you are wanting romance and you are wanting your relationship to be stronger.

If you are being told that no one ever has loved you, it can mean you have no self-esteem or you are guilty of something you have done, or forbidden love can mean you are reaching for something you want but you have to fight hard for it.


If you dream of being married it means you are wanting to make a commitment to someone, but it can also mean that you are wanting to have a union with someone.

If you dream you propose it can mean that you are in a situation that can get worse or if you dream of marrying your ex it can mean that you are accepting that you made mistakes in your past and that you are learning from them.

Dreaming of being in an arranged marriage can mean that you are being forced to do something in your life that you don’t want to do or if you are marrying someone to save them it can mean you are making sacrifices in your life for others.


If you dream of being proposed to it can mean you are reaching a place in your life that is unknown to you and you are becoming serious in your relationships. This can also mean you are thinking about marriage or thinking about proposing to someone.


If you remarry someone in your dream it can mean that you are needing to heal or that you need to give someone a second chance.


Wearing a tuxedo in your dream can mean you are graceful, and you are wanting to have nice things in your life. This can also mean you want to do better in who you are and reach your goals.


Wearing a veil in your dream can mean that you are wishing to hide something and that you are looking at your masculinity and femininity and you are not sure who you are. This can also mean you are innocent.


Having a wedding in your dream can mean you are about to begin something new or that you are feeling sad about something. This can be negative and can mean you are fearful, or it can mean you are afraid that you will have a disaster if you do what you desire to do.

Wedding Cake

Eating wedding cake in your dream can mean you want to have the finer things in life or that you are ready to make a commitment.

Wedding Dress

Wearing a wedding dress in your dream can mean that you want to pursue a relationship, or it can mean that you are feeling unworthy. If you are looking for a dress it can mean you are trying to figure out where you fit in at life.

Wedding Rehearsal

Going to a wedding rehearsal can mean you are preparing your mind about a commitment that is about to be made. It can also symbolize that you are having a strong relationship.

Wedding Ring

A wedding ring in your dream can mean you are in love or that you are in a relationship that you need to take to a new level. If you lose the ring it can mean you have problems in your relationships.


Seeing a wife in your dream can mean you have issues that you have not solved or that you are connected to others.

Vanity Dream Themes

Vanity Dream Themes

When you dream about your looks it can mean that you worry about how you see yourself or how others see you. This can mean you have self-esteem issues, or you are insecure.


If you have an abscess in your dream it can mean that you need to get things out in the open.

Acrylic Nails

When you dream you are wearing fake nails it can mean that you want to reach out to others, but you are not doing it because you care about them but because you will get something out of it.


If you dream that you are a different age it can mean you are worried about getting older or you have failures to face.

If you dream you are older than you might want more wisdom and be more sensible, but if you dream you are younger it can mean that you need to live a little. Dreaming that you are child can mean that you wish you were in the past.


Dreaming of an appearance can mean you are having self-esteem issues.


Dreaming that you are bald can mean that you have no self-esteem.


A beard in your dream can mean old age and wisdom.


Dreaming that you are beautiful means that you want people to admire you.


When you dream of getting Botox it means you worry about your emotions, and you want to hide them.

Breast Implants

When you dream of breast implants it means you have problems with your body.

Cold Sore

Dreaming of cold sores can mean that you have said hurtful things.


If you dream of a completion, it is reparenting how others see you.


Dreaming that you have dandruff can mean you are not having the energy you need, and you feel stressed and neglected. You need to rethink how you are doing things in your life and do more for yourself.


If you are wearing dentures in your dream it can mean you are not who you say you are, or you are with someone who is lying about who they are.


Dreaming that you are disfigured can mean that you are in a bad relationship or that you are scarred from your past life.


If you dream you are exfoliating can mean you are letting your shields down and figuring out who you really are.

Eye Mask

Dreaming of an eye mask can mean that you are ignorant to the things around you.

Eye Patch

If you dream of wearing an eye patch it can mean you see things only from your view.

Eye Shadow

Wearing eye shadow in your dream means you are being mysterious.


Dreaming of eyeliner can mean that you are needing to focus on something.


Dreaming of your own face can mean that the world does not want to see who you really are or if you dream your face is flawed it can mean that your emotions are about to explode or that you are about to suffer a personality or reputation attack.

Dreaming you have someone else’s’ face can mean that you are around someone that is not worthy or is being two faced to you.

If you dream of a blurry face, it can mean you do not know who you really are.


If you dream you get a facelift it can mean you want to be someone else or have a new identity.


Dreaming you get a facial can mean that you are guilty about something or that you are putting on a fake face around people.


Dreaming of a haircut can mean that you are losing power or being criticized.


Dreaming that you are a hairdresser can mean you want to share your opinions with others or if you are at the hairdresser, it can mean you need to change how you see things.


A hairnet can mean that you need to control your feelings.


Dreaming of wearing a hairpiece can mean that you are being deceptive or if you lose your hairpiece, it can mean you are losing your peace of mind.


Hairspray in your dream means that you are concerned how you look.


Dreaming of highlights in your hair can mean that you are wanting to see things from a different view.


Dreaming of liposuction can mean that you are out of shape and that you are taking strong measures to get rid of things in your past that are causing you to be stressed.


If you dream of wearing lipstick it can mean that you are not saying things that are true.


Wearing makeup in your dream means you are trying to cover up and hide things about yourself or it can mean that you are trying to look your best for something so that you can have better confidence. This can also mean that you are being unforgiving but if you wear too much makeup it means you care too much about what the outside looks like.


If you get a manicure in your dream, it can mean that you are wanting to be pretty and that you are expressing beauty in what you do to yourself.


Putting on mascara in a dream can mean that you need to open up your eyes to your relationship or it can also mean that people are starting rumors about you.


A mirror in your dream can mean that you want to know how others see you and you are wanting to decide if you need to change things about you.

If you look in a mirror and you do not see your reflection it can mean that you are not able to figure out your identity and people do not know who you are.

If you are looking at a mirror that goes two ways, it can mean you are facing things in your life that you have chosen not to face before now or if you see images in the mirror, it can mean you are ready to confront life head on.

Being watched in a mirror can mean you feel that people are criticizing things you do and if the mirror is about a good person or friend that you know it can mean that you want to know the truth.

Breaking a mirror in your dream can mean that you have a bad self-image of yourself or if the mirror is fogged it can mean that you are confused about the goals you have in your life.


If you get a pedicure in your dream, it can mean you are moving in life confidently and you are going the right direction. It will also mean that someone is going to notice the hard work that you have done and recognize you.


Pimples in your dream can mean you have a low self-esteem issue, and you feel that you are out of place in all of your relationships but if you are popping a pimple, it can mean you are letting your emotions control you.

Plastic Surgery

Getting plastic surgery in your dream can mean you need to improve who you are and have a better image of yourself.


Dreaming of powered can mean you are trying to cover up a mistake that you have made in your life, or you are trying to hide something.


Dreaming of being pretty means that you are concerned about how people see you.


If you wear rouge in your dream it can mean you are trying to trick others as to who you are but if you see others wearing it, it can mean you are being manipulated by these people.


Seeing a scar in your dream can mean you are letting the past influence your life too much and you need to reach to the future and let things work themselves out.


If you dream of skin, it can mean that you need to set up boundaries so that you are not around people that cause you to feel bad for who you are.

Split Ends

Split ends in your dream can mean that you are having a problem and you need to cut it out of your life.

Stretch Marks

If you dream of stretch marks it can mean you are not taking care of yourself.

Tan Lines

Tan lines can mean that you are positive and negative at the same time, and you need to focus more on positive things.


Dreaming about teeth can mean that you are doing things that you shouldn’t do and if they are rotten, it can mean something bad is coming back to your life. If you dream your teeth are clean it can mean you are reaching your achievements.

Dreaming of brushing your teeth can mean you are confident or aggressive and you look out for your own interests.

If you dream of losing your teeth it can mean that you are embarrassed by something or that you have people looking at your faults.


Seeing tweezers in your dream can mean you need to look at things more closely and you need to be more accurate in what you do.


A unibrow in your dream can mean you do not like the way that you look, and you feel that you are hiding these emotions from the world.

Sex Dream Themes

Sex Dream Themes

Dreaming about sex can mean you have different characteristics or qualities that might cause you to act different in your dreams than in real life. Sex in your dreams can also mean you want to have sex in real life.


Dreaming about abstinence means that you are being too confident, and you need to take things slower in your life.


Dreaming that you are cheating on your partner means that you have hidden desires or that you have self-betrayal. It can also mean that you are afraid of being abandoned or that you feel people are taking advantage of you.


Dreaming that you have AIDS can mean you are being attacked as a person or that you are weak. If you dream your partner has AIDS, it can mean that you are in an unhealthy relationship or that you are sympathetic to others.

Anal Sex

Dreaming of anal sex can mean you want to be submissive


Dreaming that you are not bisexual means that you have sexual repression.


When you dream that you are in bondage it means that you are repressing your emotions.


Dreaming of breasts can mean that you need to be cared for or that you are dependent. This can also mean that you have sexual desires, or you need privacy.

If you dream a breast is missing it can mean that you are not desirable and that you are giving more than you are getting in your relationship.


Dreaming of a brothel means you are not satisfied in your life or in your sexual relationship.


Dreaming of castration can mean that you have lost your sexual performance or creativity.


This can represent that you are afraid of being intimate.

Chastity Belt

If you dream you are wearing a chastity belt, then you have feelings about sex, or you are overprotective.


Dreaming of this can mean you are one sided in your views.


Dreaming of contraceptive means that you are not sure about your creativity and you are holding yourself back.


If you dream you are cross dressing it can mean your female or male side is coming out.


Being a dominatrix in your dream means you want to be in control of everything.


Dreaming that you are ejaculating can mean that you need to release something or that you cannot contain yourself and have lost control of your life.


Dreaming you have an erection can mean you have energy and power and you want to take action.


Dreaming of erotica can mean you have a sexual appetite.


Dreaming of fetishes can mean that you are immature.


Dreaming of foreplay can mean you have desires you are not meeting.



If you have herpes in your dream it can mean you are worried about your sexual desires.


If you aren’t a homosexual but you dream of one it can mean that you do not understand yourself or accept who you are. It can mean you be afraid about what your life holds or that you fear the opposite sex.

Dreaming that a guy is a homosexual that you like can mean that you are trying to get rid of your feelings that you have for him and change your thinking.

Being in a homosexual relationship in your dream can mean you are looking for goals or you want to be with a certain person or you are looking for something in your relationship that you will never get.

If you are a homosexual and you dream of this it can be a self-reflection.


Being impotent in your dream can mean you are afraid you will not measure up to your partner.


If you dream of incest it can be repressed memories or it can mean you have erotic desires between men and women.


Dreaming of infidelity can mean that you are being abandoned or neglected in your relationship.


If you get kissed in your dream it can mean you are affectionate or that you are loving. This can also mean romance or that you need to have more romance in your relationship.

If you kiss someone it can mean you are not sure how they feel about you, but you want to find out or it can mean that you want to have sex with them.

Dreaming that you are kissing a hand can mean that you are admiring them or you want someone to admire you or if you kiss the foot it can mean that you are humble.

Kissing a cheek can mean that you are full of lust but if you kiss another person’s boyfriend or girlfriend it can mean you are jealous of someone.

Dreaming of kissing our ex can mean you’re seeing good things and you have let go of your past love or kissing a friend can mean that you love and respect them and want to be close to them.

If you kiss a stranger in your dream it can mean you are finding yourself or if you kiss a celebrity it can mean you are interested in people that are famous. Kissing your enemy can mean you are angry, and you are wanting to get revenge.

Dreaming of a bloody kiss can mean you are passionate.


Dreaming of love can mean that you have love and want to stay committed to the person that is in your life or it can also mean that you are not getting enough love in your life and you wish someone would love and care for you.

If you say the words “I love you” in your dream it can mean that you want to give love to someone or that you are able not to accept that someone loves you or it can mean that you are giving yourself to others more than you are making them give to you.

If you are in love with your friend, it can mean that you are developing feelings for them or that you have accepted your own identity and you are ready to face new challenges.

Dreaming that you are making love can mean that you have a sexual need that is not being met or you are hiding what you are feeling, and you need to be more expressive. To dream your love is lost can mean that you are wanting romance and you are wanting your relationship to be stronger.

If you are being told that no one ever has loved you, it can mean you have no self-esteem or you are guilty of something you have done or forbidden love can mean you are reaching for something you want but you have to fight hard for it.


Dreaming about machoism can mean that you have feelings that reach a higher level than other people or that you are making sacrifices or suffering for things you have done wrong in the past.


If you dream that you are masturbating it can mean that you have sexual desires you are not taking care of or that you need to notice your emotional needs and put effort into your relationships.

If others are masturbating in your dream it can mean you are anxious or stressed and you need to figure out how to be satisfied in your friendship and relationships.


If you are naked in your dream it can mean you are not being judged by others rightly or if you find out that you are naked it can mean you are trying to cover something up that you have kept a secret.

Seeing someone naked can mean that you are seeking the truth about someone or that you are doing something that you know is not right and your intentions are wrong.

Dreaming that everyone except you is naked can mean that you are afraid of something or it can mean you are criticizing others for no reason.

Oral Sex

Dreaming of giving or getting oral sex can mean you are wanting to have more happiness and pleasure in your life. This can also mean you need to be more creative and you need to communicate with your partner more.


If you dream you are having an orgasm it can mean that you are feeling uncompleted in your life and that you need to get rid of sexual tension or it can mean that you are not satisfied with things.


If you dream of an orgy it can mean that you are passionate, and you want to experiment with things.


Seeing a penis in your dream can mean you need to have sexual energy and that you are well rounded in things.

If your penis breaks it can mean you have no power and if you see someone with a very large penis it can mean you have strong sex desires.


If you dream of seeing a pervert, it can mean you are needing to be distanced from someone before they hurt you.


Dreaming of being pregnant can mean that there are things in your life that are growing and even though you are not ready to talk about what those things are, you are ready to do them and to move forward in your life. This can also mean you are trying to get pregnant.

Dreaming of having a baby dying inside of you can mean that you have had a project that you put so much effort into and now it is notworking out the way that you had hoped that it would but dreaming someone else is pregnant can mean you are connecting to that person.

If you are pregnant and you have this dream it can mean that you are worried about your pregnancy or that you are excited, and you are waiting to see your baby. You may dream of small creatures or animals or fruit or water in your first trimester and in the second trimester, some women dream about being a mother. The third trimester dreams usually are about changes and elephants, whales or other large animals.

If you are pregnant and ream of the sex of the baby it can mean that you are wondering what sex your baby is going to be. Dreams do not tell if you are having a boy or a girl like some people think.

Pregnancy Test

Dreaming of doing a pregnancy test can mean that you are starting something new in your life such as a job or a new relationship.

Dreaming of doing a pregnancy test can mean that you are starting something new in your life such as a job or a new relationship.


Dreaming of a prostitute can mean you want to be free in your sexuality or you want to be able to explore things without people putting you down. Seeing a prostitute can mean that you are wanting a simple relationship.

Pubic Hair

Seeing pubic hair in your dream can mean you are sexual, and you have strong feelings.


If you are raped in your dream it can mean that you are vengeful towards the opposite sex and you feel that they have taken advantage of you or you are jealous of how they are treated. This can cause you to have low self-esteem and to not be able to be happy.

If you are seeing rape happening it can mean that you are feeling helpless and that something has made you feel embarrassed in your life but if you are raping someone it can mean that you want to be in control of other people and you feel entitled to be the control.

Dreaming a young lady is raped can mean that you are afraid of something but you need to be more independent so you can be protected.


Dreaming of sadism can mean you are angry, and you are hiding it and it has come from when you were a child.


If you dream of sex it can mean that you are not feeling that you are complete in your emotions or it can mean that you want to make love with someone. This can also mean that you are passionate or that you feel that the act of sex is wrong and you are not going to have sex or your body is telling you that you want to have sex. It can also mean that you want to have a relationship come back to life that you are in or that you are not happy with the physical part of your relationship and you need to take a break from it for a while.

If you have sex with a stranger, it can mean that you want to experiment in your life, and you want to detach your feelings. If you dream of having sex with a friend it can mean that you are too close to someone that you are friends with but if you are a heterosexual and having homosexual relationships it can mean that you are feeling a desire or that you are wanting to be successful or recognized in what you do.

Sex Toy

Dreaming of a sex toy can mean that you are void of something in your life and you feel that you are lacking at something that you want.


Dreaming of sexuality means you have secrets in your life that you need to face. It can also mean you have issues with marriage and death, and you are concerned about these things.


Seeing sperm in your dream means you are masculine, and you are fertile and want to see your life grow.


Dreaming of being a transsexual means you are anxious about who you are as a person and you are dealing with issues. You can use this dream to base it on an upcoming things that are stressful such as a surgery or something else that is scary.

If you see a transsexual it can mean you are looking at yourself as damaged and don’t see who you really are.


Dreaming of testicles can mean that you are full of power and sexual drive. It can also mean you are worried about how good you are at sex.


If you have a threesome in your dream it can mean you are missing something in your sex life that you want to find. Figure out if you are dreaming about a female or a male because a female can mean you are missing emotions and a male can mean you are missing the physical part of sex.


Dreaming that you are undressing can mean that you are comfortable with who you are and you are not going to let others decide your worth or if you see someone else in their underwear it can mean you need to be more aware of how people around you feel and learn to understand them more.

If someone is undressing you it can mean that you trust the person that you are dreaming of or that you are very vulnerable and willing to give up power to them.


A vagina in your dream can mean that you are feminine or that you want to have someone that loves you and makes you feel important in your life.


If you have a vasectomy in your dream it can mean you are unsatisfied with your relationship and you want to change your image.

Venereal Diseases

Dreaming of having a venereal disease can mean that you are facing emotional problems and you feel that you are vulnerable to those around you.


If you dream you are a virgin it can mean you are pure in your thoughts and you are trying to be kind and loving to others. If you are not a virgin and you dream you are, it can mean you are sad about things that you have done in your past and you need to forget about it and look forward.

If someone else is a virgin in your dream it can mean they are full of integrity or if you are losing your virginity it can mean you want to be with someone and you want to be close to them.


Seeing a vulva in your dream means you are very creative and smart.

Wife Swapping

If you are exchanging wives in your dream it can mean that you want to be more sexual and you want to figure out more about what your wife desires.

School Dream Themes

School Dream Themes

Dreaming about school can mean that you have activities in your life that you no longer do, or you have issues from your childhood. This can also mean you have learned lessons in your life.


Dreaming of an auditorium can mean that you need to pay attention to more things.


Seeing a backpack can mean you have responsibilities that are heavy.


When you dream of a cheerleader it can mean you are in competition and that you are needing to give more people praise.


If you dream of old classmates, it can mean you want to understand your relationships.


When you dream you are in class it means you are learning a life lesson.


If you dream of college, it can mean you are going through social changes and you are aware that you need more knowledge in things.


Dreaming of a computer means you are taking in a lot of opportunities and using technology to help you. It can also mean you are out of control.


If you see a desk in your dream, it can mean that you are looking at your problems or that you have a confidence issue.


A dorm in your dream can mean you are educated, and you want to keep learning. It can also mean that you are seeing what your surroundings hold for you.


Dreaming that you are taking an exam means you are afraid of failing.


If you are in a fraternity, it can mean that you need to have more relationships with others and that you need to grow. It can mean you feel that your relationships are not significant.


If you see a grade in your dream, it can mean you are developing in your life and you need to find your worth or it can be the initials of someone.


Going to graduation in your dream can mean you have met your goals and you are successful in what you do.

If you do not have enough college credits to graduate in your dream it can mean that you are not being successful, and you are not reaching your goals.

Dreaming that you forget to graduate can mean that you are not prepared for your next step in life.


If you are studying grammar in your dream, it can mean that you want to communicate your ideas better.


Dreaming of a gymnasium can show that you need to learn things and make it part of your daily life or that you need to work out more and be healthier.

High School

Dreaming about high school can mean that you wish you were still close to the people in your life that were in school with you or that you are planning for your future in the real world.

If you dream you are doing high school again it can mean that you are doubting yourself and not reaching your goals that you have set. It can also mean you are insecure.


Seeing a highlighter in your dream can mean that you are needing spiritual enlightenment or that there is a message in your life that you need to pay attention to.


If you have a homecoming in your dream, it can mean that you miss the past or that you know that you need to fix a relationship that is in your life today. Maybe it can mean that you are happy for people that have shown you support.


If you are homeschooled in your dream, it can mean that you need to learn a lesson about something in your home or in your work life.


Seeing homework in your dream can mean that you are not paying attention to what life is trying to show you and you are worrying over silly things. It can mean you are anxious about how life is treating you and what you have to do next.


Playing hooky in a dream can mean that you want to get rid of responsibilities that you have.


Dreaming of a laptop can mean that you are having a hard time communicating with others or if your laptop is missing it can mean you are relying too much on social media and you need to get off of it for a while.


If you are late in your dream, it can mean that you are going after an opportunity, but no one is supporting you. This can also mean you are conflicted and that you are running out of time to get the things that you want. This can also mean that you need to pursue something even if you feel that you are late.


If you are learning something in your dream it can mean that you are always wanting to learn more and to understand yourself better. If you dream you are in a college or school, it can mean you need to be more successful and not be distracted.


Giving a lecture in your dream can mean that you are becoming boring and that you want to improve your communication skills so that you can have good conversations with others.

If you dream you are listening to a lecture it can mean that you need to understand what is going on before you make a decision on certain issues.


Seeing letters in your dream can mean different things depending on what letters you see. An x for example can mean a crossroad while a T can men an intersection. All of these have to do with your mental and physical being.


If you dream you are in the library, it can mean you want to have new ideas or you want to figure out what kind of life you want to have or what kind of life that you already have. This can also mean that you need to look at different situations before you make any plans, and you need to take time to figure things out.

If you cannot find a book in the library, it can mean that you are not able to understand things about yourself and your thinking is not developed enough for you to make choices.

Locker Room

Dreaming of a locker room can mean that you need to take a break and let your life settled own. It can also mean that you are competing with someone, and you need to figure out what you want.

Lunch Box

If you are carrying a lunch box it can mean that you are preparing yourself for something important that is about to happen, or it can mean that you are seeking spiritual enlightenment.


Dreaming of math can suggest that you need to figure out the situations in your life and be more rational or if you are not able to solve a math problem it can mean that you are confused about something that is in your life and you need to pay more attention to what is going on around you.

Monkey Bars

Playing on monkey bars in your dream can mean you are wanting to go back to your childhood or that you have strength to achieve anything you want to achieve.


Wearing a mortarboard in your dream can mean you are learning new things and there are lessons you need to learn.


If you are reading notes in your dream, it can mean that you have a message that you need to share with others.


Having a notebook in your dream can mean that you need to keep track of what you are doing and not let things be overlooked.


Seeing a pen in your dream can mean you need to express your thoughts and feelings more with others.


If you see a pencil in your dream, it can mean you are dealing with a situation that is only lasting for a little while and that you are able to make it through it without being stuck.


Being popular in your dream means that you want people to look up to you and you are insecure about who you are. You wish that people would acknowledge things you have done that are good.


Seeing a professor in your dream can mean you seek wisdom.


Going to prom in your dream can mean that you are ending something and something new is about to happen in your life.

Report Card

Seeing a report card in your dream can mean that you are questioning what you can do in your life and in your career, it can also mean you are stressed about something.


Seeing a schedule in your dream can mean you are organized, and you want to reach your goals.


Seeing a school in your dream can mean you are stressed about something or stressed about deciding what to do but if you are in a school, it can mean you want to be spiritually awakened or if you are looking for a school it can mean you are smart and you want to learn more.

School Bus

Riding on a school bus in your dream can mean that you want to go on a different journey in your life so that you can grow and learn new things.


Making a score in a game can mean you are successful, or you are failing, depending on if you make the score or not.


A scoreboard in your dream can mean you are trying to compare who you are to others instead of focusing on yourself.


Dreaming that you are in a sorority can mean that you are growing as the person that you are, and your social circle is changing. This can also mean you want to be closer to people and have a strong relationship with other people.


Something being spelled in your dream can mean that you are having problems with something in your life, and you cannot really put your finger on it.


If you are dreaming of being a student, it means you want to be more knowledgeable.


Studying in your dream means you are smart, and you are wealthy.


Seeing a teacher that is from your past can mean you want someone to guide you or that you are learning from your past. This can also mean that you are looking for people to approve of what you are doing or that you feel that you are being put to the test in your life.

If you dream that you are a teacher, it can mean you want to give your knowledge to others and that you want to share it in your real life.

Dreaming of having sex with your teacher can mean you need to learn more about sex.


Taking a test in your dream can mean you are feeling like people are judging you. If you fail the test, it can mean you are insecure but if you pass the text, you are successful and you know you can do whatever life gives you to do.


Dreaming of a tutor can mean you want to share your knowledge with others or that it can mean you want to get attention from girls.

If you have a tutor in your dream, it can mean you need someone to guide you.


If you dream you are a valedictorian, it can mean that you have reached the goals that you have set for yourself and you are very successful.


If you are writing in your dream, it can mean you have made a mistake and you need to make it right or it can mean you are unfairly judging others.


Seeing your yearbook in your dream can mean you have friends that you have lost touch with that you need to see and take time to be closer to in the future.